Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 2.djvu/333

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LIST OP AUTHORITIES 321 Malmesbubt (W.). Willblmi monaohi Malmbsbibibssis^ Gesta Begum Anglorum, Mabchbsb, Vita ddla Beata Margarita di Cortona. Mabtbnb and Duband, Veterum Scriptorum. Mabtin (Simon), Vie dee Sainte (Taprh Lipoman^ Suriue, Btbadeneira et autres attteure. (With French Martyrology appended to the list of general Saints for each day.) Mabtinoy, Annus Ecdeeiasticiu Grmco-Slavicue, etc, Martiloge {The) in englysshe after the use of the churche of Salisbury and as it is redde in Syon with addicyans. By the wretche of Syon Rtchabd Whytfobd. Martyrohgies, Besides the Martyrologium Bomanum and the martyrologies and calendars of different countries and Orders, founded on older ones and brought down to modem times, a great number of smaller martyrologies and meneas and fragments of martyrologies and meneas are to be found in the Acta Sanctorum of the Bollandists, in d'Acb^ry's Spidlegium and in Migne's Patroiogim Cursus Computus, Vol. 138 of Migne contains several of these martyrciogia antiqua^ iDcluding that of Bede, and Florus* Auctaria to Bede and Usuard. The Vetus Bomanum (the oldest martyrology) is in vol. 123. An ancient French Martyrology and an ancient English Litany are in vol. 82. The Martyrologies of Jerome, Wandelbert, Rabanua Maurus^ and Notker Balbulus are among the treasures preserved by Migne. The Mart, of Beichenau and the Ephemerides Qracorum et Moscorum are in the Acta Sanctorum. Martyrologium Bomanum {B,M,) and Appendix. Martyrology of Donegal, See Eellt. Martyrology of Tailagh, See Kelly. Mas Latbib (Thomas, Comte de), Tresor de Chronologic, Massini (Cablo)^ Baccolta di Vite de' Santi, Matthew Pabis, Chronica Majora, ) Memoirs of the Frincesse de Ligne, Menabdus (Nioolaus Hugo), Martyrologium Sanctorum Ordinis Divi Benedicti duohus chservationum liMs Ulustratum* Menology of the Emperor Basil is given by Miqne and by Uohblli. Menzel (W.), Christliche Symbolik, Metcalfe (F.), Fassio et Miracula Beati Olavi, From a 12th-century MS. Introduction and notes by F. M. Meteb, Conversalions-Lexicon, Mbzebat, Histoire de France, MlONE — Dictionnaire des Ahbayes^ one of the many dictionaries contained in the Encydop^die ThSohgique, Fatrologim Cursus Completus, MlBJEUS (Le MiBis)-^ Annales Belgici, De Bebus Bohemicis, Fa»ti Belgici ac Burgundici, etc, Notitia Ecdesiarum Belgii, Ordinis Fremonstratensis Chronicon, Origines Benedictinm, MoLANUS. Ste Veb Meulbx. MoLMBKTi, Storia di Venezia nella Vita privata, Montalembebt, Moines d^ Occident. MoBONi (G.), Dizionario . . . Storico-ecclesiastico, VOL. II. y