Page:A French Volunteer of the War of Independence.djvu/324

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AN AIDE-DE-CAMP OF NAPOLEON. Memoiis of General Count de StoUR, of the French Academy, z8oo-z8za. Revised by hit Grandson, COUHT Louis de S£ouR. zamo. Cloth, $3.oa We say without hesitation that 'An Aidenle-Camp of Napoleon ' is die book of memoirs above all others that should be read by those who are anxious to see Napoleon through the eyes of one of Ae many keen judges of character by whom he was surrounded."— <^tfiiM^ LiUrary WoAd, ^' The Count's personal story of adventure is so duriUing, and his oppor- tunities of watching Napoleon were so constant and so ably utiHised^ that his work deserves honorable mention among worics which show us history in the making, and the realities as well as m romance dLym'^—LandcH Daily TtUgrapK '* We thank the publishers for diis translation of a most absorbing book. The story Austerlits is one rnvolving so much genius ^t it must be read as a whole— all the good things with which the book abounds."— Z^^im^S^m Daily ChrcnicU. " The historical interest is undoubtedly great De S6^^s account of Napoleon's plans for the invasion of England u very interesting."— jL^wilMv Timt*.

    • No recent work of which the present &shion for Napoleonic literature

has witnessed either in the shape of translations from the French or of original monographs on his famous battles, is likely to interest a larger class of uitelligent readers than 'An Aide-de-Camp of Napoleon.' "—i/<nv VorJk AiaU and Excess. " 'An Aide-de-Camp of Napoleon * is the title of one of the most inter- esting of the many works which have been published concerning the career of the great warrior."— AVw York Press, " The memoirs of Count de S^^r are distinguished by all the light graces that can polish a recital and impart delicacy to a narradve without depriving it of its strength It is a pleasure to peruse this well-written memo- rial of one who was a general of division, peer of France, and Academician, and who lived for the greater part of a century a brilliant figure in war, politics, and Xettm." —Philadelphia Public Ledger, " It is not only full of personal reminiscence, but of personal adventure, and, as the style is easy and admirable, neither conceited nor tedious, it is needless to say that the result is exceedingly interesting.^'— ^Mi^ Com' mercial BulleUn, " The book is a delightful one, not only for its clear, flowing style and historical interest, but for the entire absence of anything approadiing bom- bast or straining for effect . . . This is one of the most interesting publica- tions that the Napoleonic revival has given ms,**— Cleveland World. " Next to the memoirs of the private secretary, the Baron de M^neval, issued by the Appletons a year ago, this volume of S6gur's is of greatest in- terest" — Rochester Herald. New York : D. APPLETON & CO., 73 Fifth Avenue.