Page:A French Volunteer of the War of Independence.djvu/326

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JifEMOIRS ILLUSTRATING THE HISTORY OF '^'^ NAPOLEON /, /rom 1802 to 1815. B7 BaiOD Ciaxtde-FRAN901S DE M^NEVAL, Priyate Secretary to Napoleon. Edited by his Grandson, Baron Napoleon Joseph db ' M£neval. With Portraits and Autogr^h Letters. In three volumes. 8vo. Cloth, $6.00.

"The Baron de M6neval knew Napoleon as lew knew him. He was his confidential secretary and intimate mend. . . . Students and lustorians who tnAi to form a trustworthy estimate ci Napoleon can not affiird to neg- lect dus testimony by one of his most intimate associates."— Netos„ " These Memoirs, hy the private secretary of Nnwieon, are a valuable and important contribution to the history of the NsqKdeonic period, and neceisarily they throw new and interesting light on the personauty and real sentiments of the emperor. If Napoleon anywhere took off die mask, it was in the seclusion of his private cabinet The Memoirs have been re- published almost as they were written, by Baron de Mdneval's grandson, widi the addidon of some supplementary 6xxxmetktM**'—Lo$$doH Times, " M6neval has brought the living Napoleon clearly before us in a por- trait, flattering, no doubt but essentially true to nature; and he has shown us umat the emperor really was— at the head cH his armies, in his Council of State, as the ruler of France, as the lord of the continent— above all, in the round of his daily life and in the circle of family and home." — J^mdan Academy. "Neither the editor nor translator of M6ieval's Memoirs has miscalcu- lated hb deep interest— an interest which does not depend on literary style hut on the substance of what is related. Whoever reads this volume will wait irith impadence for the remainder." — New York Trihwu. " The work will take rank with the most important of memoirs relating to the period. Its great value arises largely from its author's transparent veracity. M6neval was one of those men who could not consciously tell anything but the truth. He was constitutionally unfitted for lying. . . . The book b extremely interesting, and it is as important as it is interesting." — New York Times. " Few memoirists have given us a more minute account of Napoleon. ... No lover of Napoleon, no admirer of his wonderftil genius, can fail to read these interesting and important volumes which have been waited for for years. "—New York IVorld. " The book will be hailed with delight by the collectors of Napoleonic literature, as it covers much ground wholly unexplored by the great major- ity of the biographers of Napoleon."— /VwmStw* youmal. "Mdneval made excellent use of the rare opportunity he enjoyed of studying closely and at close range the personali^ of the supreme genius in human lustory." — Philadelphia Press.

    • Of all the memoirs illustrating the history of the first Napoleon — and

their number is almost past counting- there is probably not one which will be found of more value to the judicious historian, or of more interest to the general reader than these." — New York Independent

New York: D. APPLETON & CO., 72 Fifth Avenue.