Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/106

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AYL Julia, Jan. of Christopher, Lord Delvin, by whom he heel .Aroez—Arg., a cross, sa., between fonr Coruich ehcnghs, two dana., and his sdccessor, at bis decease, lii Aug. 1634. T’Creol—A Ccrniah ehough, rising cot of a ducal coronet II. Sin ANDREW, who iii. Ellen, dan. of Thomas, Viscount Thurles, and sister of James, 1st Duke of Oonsondo, by all ppr. Metle—Hallelujoh. whom lie bad, with ooe dan., a son and heir, III. Sin GERALD, who El. Jane, dan. and heiress of Philip &al—Dcnadeo Castle, Rileock, eo Eddaro. Fitzgerald, Eaq. of Alloone, co Eildars,and was s. hyhiason, IV. Sma FIrZOERALD. This gentleman, oi. in June, 1681, Helen, 2nd dan. of Luke, 3rd Earl of Fingal, and at his decease (occasioned by the smell-pox), 11 Jnno, 1605, was s. by his eldoot son, V. Sin Jusria, who ci. in 1702, Ellico, dau of Sir Gerald Aylmer, of Dairath, and had two sons. Sir Justiu d. ,mn 1711, and was o. by his eldcr son, VI. Sin GeRALD. This gentleman in. in Oct. 1726, Lucy, dan. of Admiral Sir John Norris, Knt. of llompotoad, Kent, by whom he loft ono son and Iwo dane., Lucy, and Elizabeth. He ii. 6 Jan. 1730 (hIs widow rn in 1757, Robert Fishor, Esq.), and was a. by his son, VII. Sm FirzoenALn, who cc. Elizabeth, dan. and heiress of Fenton Cole, Req. of Silver Hill, co Fermanegli, by whom ho had, with other children, whod. young, FENTON, his heir. John. Arthur, lieut.-general in the army, who ci. in 1007, Anne, has issue, only dan. and heiress of John liarrisen, Req. of Walwcrth s. Iticnxax-Dccxrrr, 0. 14 April, 1055. Castle, Durham (Ste Dunac’s Lan/ni Gtetep), and d. 1031, u. Nicholas-Henry, 0. 22 Oct. 1857. leaving (by her, who 3. 1 March, 1257) an only sen John- um. Edmund, 0. 15 Jan. 5060. Harrison Aylmer, Esq. of Walworth Castle, cc. Durham, av. Thomas-Weller, 0. 36 Sept. 1963. who ii. 7 Feb. 1040, Rcsanna-Lcnisa, dan. of Vies- V. Iiiehard-Coatell, 0. 20 April, 1966. Admiral Sir Josiah Ccghill, Dart., and who, with his wife and eldest son, , rthnr-Fitsgerald-l larrison Aylmer, perished in the railway accident near Abergolo, 20 Aug. av. Anclhcr den., 0. 26 Sept. 1860. 1360. fled. in Feb. 1704, and was s. by his eldest son, VIII. SIR FrxTome. This gentleman, an. 4 June, 1705, Various conjectures have been hazarded as to the origin of Jane.Grace, sister of Jchn, 6th Lord Carbcry, and dan. of the anrname of BACON, but to little purpose. It matters Sir John-Evans Freke, Dart. of Castle Freke, cc. Cork, not, hon-ever; the antiquity of the familyis beyond dispute; and his wife Elizabeth, dan. of Arthur, let Earl of Anon, and there are few hcuece in the kingdom more distinguished by whom be left inane, I. GeRALD-GEORGE, present baronet. ii. Arthur-Percy, ma. 1835, Martha, dan. of Richard Roy’ great Lord Bacon, there were five other cxtmordioary nell, Req. of KClynou, cc. lVcstmeath, and has, I Fenton-John, 0. 24 Dee. 1035; capt. in the army, Sin NicnoLAo MACON, Hut., 0. at Chieelburst, in Rent, in cerved with the 97th rsgt. in the Cri,uea, and 1510, becoming eminent at the bar, succeeded Nich. Heath, received the medal and clasp with the order of Archbishop of York, at the accession of ELizABETH, in the Sledidjee; an. 9 June, 1857, Icabella-Eleanor, Elder custody of the great seal, and avaa swcrn of her majesty’s dan. of the lets George Darling, Esq. of Fowberry privy council. The chief bneineaa of the first session of Tower, Ncrthnmherland, and ,1. (of illness contracted ELiz.aaavia’c reign was the settlement of religion, and the during the war in the Crimea) 5 April, 1062, having had .trlhur-Ferey FiteGeml’1, and George-Darling, deceased; management cf that impcrtaut affair was ecmmittcd almost Fenton-John ; and Helena-Cecilia-Adelaide. wholly to the lord keeper, who pm’aucd therein his wise 2 Jchn-Evono-Freke, 0. 23 Feb. 1990, lient. 8th (King’s) maxim, “Let uc stay a little, that we way have done the regiment; m. 5 June, 1861, at Gi’ar&tar, Fraiaeos - sooner.” Asa etatesmau, he woe remarkoblefcr a clear head Slargasdta, dan s.f James Thomson, Req. ILin,cotic and profound understanding. His great skill layin balancing Consul at Gibraltar, and has a dan. 3 Riehard-Reynell, 0.24 Dee. 1840,an officer North Cork parties, and it is thought that the queen was indebted to rifles. 4 Arthur-Percy-Bernard, 0. 24 March, 1045. 1 Harrict-Elizaheth, ta 17 Feb. 1357, to Eaton-Joseph end of his life he became so remarkable for eorpuleney, that Travers, Req. of the sat Funjanb rifles, who was son Ins royal mistresa used familiarly to observe, ‘‘that the lord of the late Gen. Sir Robert Tremors, ondwho was killed keeper’s soul lodged well.” To binmcelf ins great size was in the advanced enlrenchmcnts at the siege of Delhi very cumbersome, inaoiasncl,, that after walking from Westminster in Aug. 1057; she has a eon, Eatsn-Aylmcr Tins-crc, 0. pcsthumcuc. 1 Jane-Grace. 3 Catherine-Charlotte. 4 Geraldine-Maria, ri. to Tlobert.Conslable Hall, Esq. 5 Elieaheth -Nannette. Nicholas an. Sat, Jane, dau. of Wilhione Fernlcy, Req. of 6 Martha-Joaepha-flleleuo. 7 Anna-Angelina. in. William ‘Jceiah, in holy orders, is. 24 Nos’. 3350, i. NmcnoLAs (Sir), his successor. Elicahetli-Franecs, el’leat dan. of the lice. Ilenry-Lamn_ ii. Nathaniel (Sir), of Stiffkey, cc. Norfolk, ER., who bart Daily, of Dollyarthur, eo. Wicklcw, and lies issue, 1 Jnstin-John, 0. 11 Ang. 1031. 2 Williom-llenry, 0. 25 Aug. 1533. 5 Fitogerald-George, 4 Arthur-Freke. 5 Heury-Lambci-t. I Selina-Percy. 2 Catherine-Charlotte, Ic. John-Frcke, of Green Dank (Dray), co. Dublin, cm. in 1822, Anna, 3rd dan, of R,,bort-Anstin Parrish Es of FhCadelphia, Pennsylvania, and lies curvivii’mg issue Gerald-George, Edward-Parrish, and Anna-irances.Rlisa beth. i. Iilargaret-Suaan, Ri. 20 Dec. 1020, to John Avlmer Es of Canrtowma, cc. Kildore, and by him (who’d. in ‘1057) has, Littel, Req. of Sbrublaod Hall, co. Suffolk, and acquiring 1 Michael Aylmer, 0. 30 Slay, 1051; ci. 3857. to a (lan. of the Macens of Shruhland 12011, of lpswieb, and EarTham, of J. Icen,lrick, Esq. of Kirdiffatown, co. Kildare. I Jane-Grace Aylmer. 2 Fronces Ayliner. 3 Margaret Aylmer. 4 Emily Aylmer. 0 Elizabeth Aylmer. f Cecilia Avlmer, 7 Lade-Hornet Aylmer. - Sir Fenton 3.23 Slay, 1016, 56 BAG f’,-ealien—25 Jan.1921. BACON. BACoN, SIR HEERT-HICEMAN, __________ of Ttcdgrave, and of Mildeuhall, both co. Suffolk; late capt. 3rd dragoon guards; 6. 5 April, 1820; 0. as 10th baronet of Redgrave (PRESIIER BARONET) and 11th baronet of Milclonhall, upon the decease of hia uncle, 30 May, 1864 ; high sheriff of Lincoln’ shire in 1867 ; 111. 17 March, 1853, Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Thomas Beckctt, Part., and I. Louisa. mm. Frances-Elizabeth. Liiiragc. by the production of great end eminent men. Dceidea Friar Bacon, the marvel of his day, Sir Nicholas Maccu, and the personages of the same family. him for that great secret of governing. Tcwarda the latter Hall to the Star Chamber, w-hieh was hut a very little way, be was usually so greatly out of breath, that the lawyers forbore apeakiog at the bam’ until he recovered himaelf, and gave them notice by knocking with his staff. Sir West Creting, cc. Suffolk, by whom be had issue, become eminent as a pointer, and acme of his works arc preeerved at Culford, whore he lived. Re a,. let, Anne, natural don, of Sir Thomas Greeham, Emst., the celebrated founder of the ROYAL ExcnANon; and Sadly, Dorothy, don. of Sir George Hnptcn, Kut. By the former he left three dana. at his decease, his cc-heirs, viz., 1 Anne, an. to Sir Roger Townehend, of Rainbow, en. Norfolk, ancestor of the Lords Tcwnshend, to whom she brought the Stiffkey estate. 2 Elizabeth, in. te Sir Thonaaa Knyvet, of AsbweltbEi-p, cc. Norfolk. 5 Winifred sm. to Sir Rcbt, Gawdy, efClaxton,eo. Norfolk. in. Edward, who mm. Helen, don. and heiress of Thomas tb-st estate, was designated therefrom. lie woe ancestor m. Anne, an. to Sir Henry Wcdchouce, of Waxham, cc. Norfolk. - mm. Jane, an. let, to Sir Francis Wiudham, one oftbejuesticea of the Ccmmcn Fleas; Sndly, to Sir Robert Mansfield. in. Elizabeth, Em. let, to Sir ltchert D’Oyley; Sndly, to Sir henry Nevil; and Srdly, to Sir William Pen-lane, lord chief baron of the Exchequer. mu. A daim.