Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/107

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BAC Sir Nicholas is. 2udly, Anne, dan. of Sir Anthony Cooke, of Gidea Hall, co. Eeeox, and had two other eons, viz., Anthony, oman of very distinguished parte;and esteemed Sir Nicholas if. in 1624, and was a. by his eldest son, for his pohtical knowledge, d. e. p., slow. FRANcIs, I. at York Rouse, Strand, 22 January, and co-heir of Edward, Lord Wotton of Macby, but dying 1560; educated at the University of Cambridge, a. p. 18 April, 1840, was a. by his brother, where he made astonishing progress iii all taught III. Sin ROBERT. This gentleman in. Anne, dan. of Sir there; and when only fifteen, wrote against the Aristotelian philosephy. He went to the bar, and wae appointed king’s counsel, and soon after the accession whom, 0fJAME5I. hononredwithknightheod. In ifiS, he was constituted attorney-general, and sworn of the privy council. In 1617, Sir Francis was made LORD KEEPER op THE GREAT SEAL, and the next year he was entitled LORD Heon ChANCELLOR OF ENOLAND. Within a few months afterwards ‘be was elevated to the peerage, 11 Jniy, 1618, in the digsity sf Baron Verulaia; and he was created, 27 Jan. 1627, Veecousv ST. ALBAR5. Rio lordship was subseqnently convicted, upon his own confession, of corruption, in the exercise of his judicial functions, and sentenced to pay a fine of £40,000, to be ii. Buvvs, Cl, Catherins, dan. and oo.beir of Sir John imprisoned during the king’s pleasure, and to be ei-er afterwards incapacitated frons holding office under the crown. Having, in pursuance sf thisjudgment, suffered a ni. Peyton, sm. Elicabeth, dau. of Charles Suckling, Eeq, briefincarceration, and the finebcisgeveutnallyremitted, hs withdrew into retirement, and devoted the remainder Sir Robert if. lu 1665, and svas a. by his grandson, of his life to the continnation of those “Essays” and IV Siet EDMuND, who is. Elizabeth, dan. and co-heir of other splendid literary works, which have handed down Sir Robert Crane, Dart, of Chiltou, Suffolk, and had six his universal genius to posterity. He Ia. Alice, dan. and sons and ten daus., all of whom if. before hhuself hut his co-heir of Benedict Barnham, Esq., an alderman of London, bnt d. 0 April, 1626, without issue, whenhishoneurs following dane., became EXTINCT. The Lord Keeper Bacon if. 20 Feb. 1579, and was s, by his Elizabeth, in, to William Ettrick, Eoq. of the Shddlo eldest son, I. SIR NICHOLAS BACON, Knt., who, at the denilse of his Sueanuah, is. to Charles Slorris, Esq. of Lsddiogtau, father, held several manors and advoweons in the cos. of Philippe, si Sir Edmund Bacon, Bart, of Gilliugham. Norfolk and Suffolk, from the crown. He was knighted by He if, in 7655, whou the baronetcy passed to his cousin, ELIzABETH, tn 1578, and was the first person advanced to V Sin ROBERT. This gentlensau sold the estate of Red- the dignity of Baronet, 22 May, 1611, upon the hsetitutisn grave to Lord Chief Justice Holt., and removed to Gacboldisham; of thst order. Sir Nicholas had, hy his wife, Anne, dan. and heiress of Edmund Butts, Esq., to whom (who if. VI. SIR EDMUND, SIP, for Norfolk, whom, in 1712, Slary, in 1616) he was married fifty-two years, twelve children; dan. of Sir Robert Kemp, Dart. (and sole heir of her mother, of whom were (with three dans., ANNE, wife of Sir Robert Letitia, dan. of Robert Kiug, Esq. of Great Thurlow), by Drnry, Kut.; Dooiovnv, the wife, 1st of Sir Bassingbonrn whom )who if. in 1727) he had four dana., Gawdy, Knt., and 2ndly, of Philip Colby, Esq.; and JE5I IRA, who is. 1st, Sir William Waldsgrave, Knt., and 2ndly, Letitia, is. to Sir Acmiue Wodehouse, Ban., and ii. in 175 Henry Killigrow, Esq.), I. EDMUND, his successor. is. ROBERT, successor to his brother. III. Bnns, of Mildcnlsall, in Suffolk, who was created a Sir Edmund leaving thus no male issue at his decease, iu Baronet, 20 July, 1627, Ia. Borotbea, dan. of Sir ii enry Juise, 1755, the title passed to his kiis oman (refer to Sir Warner, of Slildenhall, and svidow of Robert Jermyn, Butts Bacon. lcd son of the let baronet), Esq., audwas s. in 1661, by his only surviving sun, SIR HENRY BACON. This gentleman removed to tierringfieet, VII. Sin RIcHARD, 9th baronet of Mildenball, who thus in Suffolk, where his father had built a seat. united the bonours of both branches of the family. This lie si Barbara, dan. of Wihiam Gooch, Eaq. of Netting- ham, in that county, and was s. by his onlyson, gentleman is. twice; but dyiug without surviving issue in SIR HENRY, who in. Sarah, dan. of Sir John Caetletou, the half-blood, Castell Bacon, Esq.) his nephew, Bart., and was 5. in 1616, by his son, SIR EDMUND, who on lit, Philippa, dan. of Sir Edmund VIiI. and IX. Sia EDMUND, 8. in 1749; is. 29 Jan. 1778, Bacon, of Redgrave, and had three sons, EnMUND, Anne, eldest dan. of Sir William Beaucbamp Proctor, Dart., HENRY, and RiCHARD, 6th. 7th, and 8th baronets. He and by ber (who if. 26 Aug. 1813) had issue, in. 2ndly, Mary, dan. of John Casteli, Esq. of Ravening- ham, by whom he had, with a dan., Mary, wife of Philip Bedingfield, Eoq., a son, CA5TELL, t. in 1715, whom. Elizabeth, dan. of Richard dau. of the late Alexander Bowker, Esq. sf Lynn, and if. J3ashwood, Esq. of Cley, Nm-folk, and had two sons, EDMUND, who s. as 0th baronet. Dashwsod, t. in 1752; si. Anne-Barbara, dan. of Ogilvie, of St. Chaistopher’s, and d. in 1812, leaving issue. Sir Edmund if. 10 July, 1721, and was s. by his eldest son, SiR EDMUND, NP., who si. Susan, dan. of Sir Isaac Rebow, Knt. of Colchester, and had, wills a dan., Susan, wife of Francis Scbutz, Eeq., an. only son, his 2 Anno-Elisabetb, m, 9 May, 1837, to Henry Barker, Esq. successor in 1718, SIR EDMUND, who if. nasa. 1750, and was s. by his nude. III, Henry, of Tboneok IIaII, co. Lincoln, 6. 39 Oct. 1788, SIn HENRY, who likewise if. sims. in 1753, and was e. by after his patronymic, by royal licence, in 1826; and if. his brother, SIR RICHARO, of whom presently, as inheritor of the vms. 10 Slay, 1862. )SecBURRE’sdseifeifGeielrp,) Redgrave baronetcy. Iv. NICHOLAS, m. let, Anne, dau. of Sir James Weston, Esq. of Galtrim, co. Meath, and if. his widow, 2 Sept. one of the barons of the Exchequer, and had an only as. Maria. is. to Edward Itodge, Esq., major, 7th hnssars dan., Anne, who si. Sir John lions, Dart. Mr. Nicholas Bacon is. Sndly, Margaret, dan. of Enstace B’Arcy, Eeq., and had a son, (who feil at Genappe, 16 June, 1815), and if. 27 Jan, 13134. NICHOLAS, of Gilhngham, crested a Baronet, 7 Feb. 16113, IX. and X. Sea EOSIUND, who was 6. 16 July, 1779, and said dyingma666, lefttws eons, EDwARD5nd RICHARD, ii. 28 Aug. 1801, his cousin, Mary-Anne-Elizabeth, dan. of successive baronets; at the decease of the latier, s.p., in 1685, this title became extinct. Daibwosd Dawn, Eeq. of Ottery St. Msry, cc. Devon, by v. Nathaniel (Sir), of Culford, K.B., is. Jane, dan. of Hercules Edmund, 8.31 Jan. 1801; ua.22 Aug. 1832, Louisa, dau. and Ilesutys, Eeq., and widow of Sir William Cornwallis, co-heir of the late William Dichardses, Lip, of Rich 11111, Knt., and bad (with tsvo dane., Anne, is. let, to Sir Thomas Meantys, and 2ndly, to Sir Haa’bottle Grim- parliaumeeat, amid if. 14 April, 1812. 57 ]3AC stou, ancestor of the Earl of Verulam; and Jane, who if. uam.)a son, Nicholas, who if. without male issue. 11. SIR EDMUND, who is. the Hon. Philippa Wotten, dan. John Peyton, Bart., and had nine Sons and three daus., of ItOBEET, is. Catherine, dan. of Grave Violet, Eeq. of Pynkuey House, co. Norfolk, and if. in the lifetime of his fstber, 11 Aug. 1632, leaving, 1 EDMUND, heir to his grandfather. 1 Jeminca, is. lst,to Thousas Gardiner, Esq., and Sudly, to Sic Jobn Brattell, Knt. 2 Philippa, is. to Sir George Reeve, Bart. 3 Fmucee, os. to Paid Bockenham, Eeq. 4 done, is. to Edmund Yaxloe, Eaq. Tracy, Kut., and had a son, ItOBERT, who inherited as 5th baronet. Frances, is. to Walter Norborue, Esq. of CaIne, Wilts. Temple. Leicestershire. he if. 51 Jao. 1704, and was a. by his elder sole, Mary. Sarah, os. to Pryse Campbell, Esq., Jun., and if. in 1707. Elizabeth, if. 5mm. 1775, the henoucs devolved upon (the seu of bis brother of s, EDMUNB, 9th and 16th baronet. II. Nicholas, b. 6 June, 1786; as. 14 Oct. 1813, Jane, 2nd 8 Feb. 1885, having had, 1 HENRy-heRMAN, preient ban. 2 Francis, of The Hall, Mueb Hadbana, Ware, Sfsrts, in holy orders, 8. 17 Feb. 1824; ia. lOJune, 1855, Caroline- Cecilia, 3rd dan. of P-C. Cacslet, Esq. of Kemp Town, Brighten, and has issue, Reginald CaEalet, 8. 5 Jan. 1661, and Henry, 6.28 Nov. 1865. I Jane, in. 9 May, 1833, to William Hutton, Esq. of Gate Burton, in Lincolnsbtco. of Bakswell, do. Derby. assumed the surname of HICKMAN, in addition to and I. Anne-Frances, is. in 1803, to Edward-Thomas Ituesey, 1866. Sic Edmund if. Sept. 1820, and was s. by his oldest ssu, whom (who if, 24 Oct. 1820) lie hsd issue, cc. Armagla, for several yeam representative of that cc. in