Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/141

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BEILINGHAM. EELLiNOHAH, SIRALAN-EDWARO, George, 3rd Earl of Chslmondoloy, lint had no issue, lie of Castle Belliugham, co, Leuth; represented Heigate in parianseist, and was created a 6. 8 Oct. 1800; 5. his father, as 3rd Baronet 19 April, 1796, with special ren,aindcr to the heirs baronet, 26 Aug. 1827; as. 12 Jan, male of his decoosed father. Sir William ,1. 35 Oct. 1036, 1841, Elizabeth, only Child of (Lady Belliughoia survived till 10 Jan. 2544), ai,d was o. Henry Clarke, Esq. of West Skirheck accordingly by his nephew, House, co. Lincoln, and has ii. Sin ALAN, Is. 2 Feb. 1776; s,e. 1 Nov. 17Sf, Elizabeth, issue, L ALAN-heNRY, 9. 23 Aug. 1246. I;. William-Claypen, 9. 11 Nov. 1247. I. Hester-Frances, rn S Sept. 1964, to Sir T.-P. Butler, O’Seycn, OLD., on eminent physician, 5. 12 Dec. loss; Os. Dart. 1;. Ahice-Sephia, is. 25 July, 1264, te Sir Victor-A. Breeke, Dart. IlL Charlotte-Mary. iv, Frances-Anne-Jane. V. Agnes-Matilda, Itiittsr. This fsmlly derives its surname from the toani of HerIinghsin, ltary-Aooe-Jane, s’s. to Ihe Rev. John Clseales, vicar of in Northumberland, and it deduces its pedigree in a direct line from ALAN DR BRLLINOnAN, living in the time l’csnces-Elieobeth,to. to George-William Sfaddison, ofJactoey, ef the CoNqnenoe. His dcsosndan ALAN BcLrnNnnAM, 1nirehased Levans, near Kendal, iu Charlolio-Sophln, sss. In tlso Rev. John Alincton, rector of HENNY VJT. ‘s reign, and erected a mansion thei-e, which subsequently because the chief residence of his successors. lIe ii. 26 Aug. 1527, and wan A by his eldest OOSL The great-grandson of this Alan, Sm JAMes BcLLINOsIAM, Hut., to. Agises, dan. of Sir f’s-cellos—IS Apt-il, 1755. , - Henry Cm-won, Hut, of Wsrkington, in Cumlierland, and At-soo—Arg., lhcee bugle horns, so., stringed sod gsrnsshcd,or, had, with other issue, Thomas; HENRY, of Heleington, cc. Jfsffs—Amicns amico. The ancient motto over the buck’s Weotmorlaud, created a Baronet in 1630; the title bocame head was “Ainsi II esi.’ extinct in 1610 (515 Buoxe’s ExIled Bsrsncfoge); and Alan. deaf—The Castle, Csolho Dellisghsm, co. Loulh. Sir James d. in 1641, and the male line of the family was eventually carried on by his 3rd son, ALAN BELLINnuAOI, Esq. of tovens, 9. in 1606; who os. Susan, dan. of Ofarmadnlco Constable, Esq. of llasham, co. Yerk, slid had a large family, of whioh tho 2nd son, HeNRY RLLLINOHAN, Esq., went ovor to Ireland during the civil war, and had a grant of the estate now called CAsTLE BettiNonAss, which was confirmed to him in the 18th year of CssARLcs hI. This gentleman represented the co. Louth in Parliament, He Ia. Slice Sibthorpe, and was o, by his only son, TnoNAe BoesaNonAss, Esq. of Caotle Bellingham, who was colonel in the army of WILlIAM, assd aetod as his noajcoty’s guide dm-ing the march of the army frees Dundalk to the Boyno. Colonel Dcllingham o,. in 1671, Abigail Handcock; and dying 15. Sept. 1731, was s. by his only son, HENRY BELLINOEAN, F.sq,, H.P. for Dsmdalk; who so. Mary, dan. and en-heiress of Thomas Moore, Esq., and was s. by his elder son, HENnY BELLINOnAN, Eoq., H P. for the Co. Lo,sth, who sts. Margaret, dan. of Hugh Henry, Esq. of Straffan, in the co. Kildare; but dying (without surviving issue) in 1715, BELMORE, EARL OF (Sonserost - Richard Lowry. was s. by his brother, ALAIS BeLL5NOnAaI, Esq. of Castle Rcllingham, 0. in 1709. Corry), Viscount and Boron Bolmors, of Cootlo This gentleman so. in 171s, Alice, dan. and es-heir of the Cools. cc. Fermauagh,in the peerage of Ireland, MA., Rev. Hans Montgomery, of Grey Abbey, co. Doom, and by a representative peer; P.C, ; late nudor-secretary of her (who if. 1701) had, with four daus. (of whom Elisabeth State for the Hems Department, now governor of an Major William Cairnes, and d. in 1779; and Mary-Anne, New South Vnles; 6. 9 April, 1835; s. his father, iii. the Roy. William Woolsey, of Prior Land, in the co. as 4th earl, 21 Dee. 1845 ; sir. 22 Aug. 1561, AnneEiicoboth-}Ionorio, Lonth), five sons, viz., i. Henry, so. Elieabolh, Iso. of Richard Tenison, Esq. of Gladstone, RN., 1LP. (see GLADSTONE, BARr.) and Thomsstown, cc. Louth; sod his mole use ceased with hao, Theresa; Florence ; Madslino; and Mary, 6. 5 his gesudson, William-Henry Bollingham, in 1622. II. ALAN, of Kilsarao, Is. in 1740 is. 1st, 14 Aog. 1774, Anne, Aug. 1867. darn of John Cairnes, Rsq. of Itillyfaddy, eo. Tyrooe, ssd by her (who s6. in 1709) had issue, I ALAN, successor to his undo as lsd baronet. 2 Henry, b-in 1776; ,1. in 1s21, loavisg three dons. I John, t. in 1761; ,f. in 1026. Ole o,. 1st, Elios Stewart, during tho 17th ccsstury, woo .s. at his dccc soc by his soil, by whom he hod, with four dasso., Iwo sons, William Jona Lownv, Req., who settled at Ahonis, co. Tyrone, and Stewart, Is. in 1001, sod Alan-John, who sI. oos,i. lo 1531. woo e. at his dccessoe by his son, Mr. John Bollingham m. Sndly, Ksthorioe-Clarke, by Rancor Lowov, Eoq. of Ahenin, who so. Anne, dsul. of whom he had one sos, Piercy-Johs, Is. in 1826. 4 Wthiiam-Csirncs, d. coos. in 1035. Sir. Alan Srlliugham Es. lndly, ltary, das,. of Ralph Smith, GAL0RAITH; and James, in holy nrdess, who founded tbe Esq. of Drogheda; sod ,f,1 Nov. 1800. ssi. O’Dryeo, o. Asse, dan. of Edward Tandy, Esq. of sod evosstnal heir, Dublin, and Issd, AIan-O’Drycn, Elizabeth, and Anne. lie GAL05A5TH Lsswov, Eoq. of Ahenlo, SIP, for the cc. d. 6 June, 1790. iv. Thomss, RN., 6. ooss. v. WILLIAM, of whom presently. The youngest son, I. WiLLIAM BELLINOnAM, Eoq., sometime secretary to the Willoughby Cole, 1t Earl of Enniokillen; and five other Right Hose William Pitt, and afterwards a commissioner of children, who if. santo. Of r. Lowry Cony was o. by his son, 91 EEL the Navy, so. in 1751, Hester-Frances, yomsgest dan. of the Hon. and Rev. Robert Cholmondeley, and gronddau. of Sud dan. of the Rev. Edward Walls, of Dnothhy hail, cc. Linooln, and by her (who 1. 22 Jan. 1823) had issue, As.AN-EnwAeso, present baronet. Hesry-Richsrf, of Lincoln’s Inn, barrisler-ot-law, 9.12 Juos, 1604; d. ansi. 23 Nov. 1030. Islstllda, dau. of H. lIolloy of Slillicese Ilsase, en. Kildare, Esq.; sod d. 11 Oct. 1057. Sidney-Robert, of Stonteesl, Is. 2 Aug. 1t06; so. Arahella, dan. of William holmes, Esq. of Qocl,cc. William-Johnston, lale capt.Oilh regt., 9.20 lbsrch, 1615; tis 13 April, 1912, Felicia, only doe, of the Isle Rev. JohnStort ife,vett, P.R., reclor of ilolhorhilhe, and has issue, Sidney-Edo-In and Fehis’is-Arabella. Skendleby, cc. Lincoln. co. Lincoln, Req. Cssdlesby, co Lincoln, 3rd son of the late lbarmsduke Alington, Esq. of Swiohepe, co Lincoln. Cccst—A buck’s head, cooped, oc. EEL 111 ORE. 2nd dan. of the late Captain ItiI1taC. JAMES Lowav, Eoq., emigs-atiog from Scotland to Ireland the Rev. Janice Sinclair, and had three noise, Pohert, ef. s. p.; branch coated at Ponseroy house, Os. Tyssirse, now represented by RosenT-WILLIAN Lowscv, Req. The second son Tyrone, who asossmod the odditiesssal onrnanso assd arnso of Coonv, sw Sarah, mu dais. and es-heir ssf John Cony, Eoq., and had leone, Anal en, his ossecesoor; Asnao, o,. to William- EEL