Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/142

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DEL AR3IAR Lowny Conny, Esq.,M. P. for the eo. Tyrone, 28 Mordm, 1837, Emily, yossngoet dan. of William sssnsoed the add,t,o,e,l sonsissne and arms of Connv and Otter, DI)., Bishop of Chiohester, and has had, was elevated to the peerage of Ireland, 6 Jan. 1781, as Bc’ isa s. Williasn, is. 7 3Isy, 1020; sf. as Jssi. 3036. Buloso,e of G’oello Chili, Co. Fos-nian:Lgh. iiia lordship was udvLsicod, 6 Dee. 1789, to the dignity of Viscses,t Mel sore, ii. HeNRY, L.L.B., is. 20 May, 3040. and created 3 Nov. 1797, EARL OF Ileenone. Tie so. lot, mse Arthur, is. 3 Slareh, 1042. Il Get. 1772, Lady Margaret lintler, eldest dan. of Somersethamilton, iv. Frederick, is. 20 Nov. 1041. lot Earl of Carriek, by whona (who 0. in Jan. m. Soplaba. is. Carolisso. 1777) he had an oniy child, Siommessoete, lDese <f Curry. II is iii. Slrsry-Ennly. iv. Elless. lordship, ci 2ndly, a 3l<irrh, 1700, 1 larriet, eldest daes. and This nobleman, formerly lIP, for Derby, sobse’ so-heir if John, 2nd Earl of llnckinglmsniohire, then lord— quently for Arnssslol, assd fisaahly fstr Nottingham, lieutenant of Ireland, by whons he had an only dan., l,onisa— hold office as Clsief Cs<miubssioner of Roilsvays from Mary—Amnse, who ci. in 1001, eleorge-J ohn, Otb Earl <if Sandwich, and 5. 10 April, 1062. Lord ifel’eorc’s 2nd mnarnags 1816 to 1848, and as Chancellor of the Duehy of having heema dissolved by act of parliament (Ihe lady Lancaster from Jan. 1853, to June, 1854. He woo so. snhseqnently, William, 6th Slarqness <if 1.otlnan), he so. elevated to the peerage 29 Aug. 1856. Urdly, 11 March, 1794, 3lary-Annc, eldest dan. of Sir John Cald,vell, Dart, of Castle CaIdwell, 00. F’ennanagh, but by her (who survived till 13 Dee. 1811) had iso bane, lie it JeneosAn Ornuwe, Esq. of Derby, aess of Willians Strntt 2 Feh. 1002. ills mis, SoasnnsrT, 2nd earl, is. 11 Jnly, 1774; so. 20 Oct. 1800, of Sassth Nomnsassten, r. 1750, Elizabeth, dan. of William Joliassa, 2msd elan. of Henry-Thonsas, 2nd Earl of Carsick—, Wosiflat, of Derby, assd dying iss 1797, left, with two dane. and by her (who d. 22 Jnly, 1861) had isomse, a. Asaiass, led earl. as. Ilenry-Thosisas, 1’.C., Is[.P. fey cc. Tyrosse, fsos lord of three sosso, WsLs.;Aam, his heir; George-Bonsoss, of Bridge time Adnsirally, lab clee—presideist of tise esnneil on eelnealien; lull House, Belper (father of the late Jenenmasm Ssnoxv, is. 9 3lareh, 1001; os. 18 Marels, 1030, harriet-Anne, Esq. of Bolpcr, see Los;sI,sf Gesifry); assd Joseph, of Derhy, 2ssel das. of Cropley, 61 h For! of Slsaflesisary, and hy her who sis. Isabel, dan. of Archibald Donglas, Esq., and had (nb ‘1. 20 March, 1060) has, I Armar-hlenry, is. 14 March, 1015, sti. 26 Feb. 1067, AliceSlargaret, Strutt’a eldest son, only dan. of Themse Greg, Its;1, of Pallysnenorh WILL5AOm Symsun, Eoq. of St. Iheless’s hhense, Derhy, a lhsuse, eo. Clown, and has a sos,, is. 20 Dee. 1Sf?. 2 Msnlagae-Williasss, Ii. 8 Get. 1810. 1 Gertrode-Jolisna, oil? Ang. 1061, Is Slanlake-P,icl;etfe of Des-by, snsd dying iss 1030, left (svith tlsree dane., Elizabeth, lIaison, Esq. of liorselsesila, Casssbridgeslsiro 2 Alice-Charlelle. Ills lordship wae essotso rotsdos-nsss of the eo. Tyresie, and A rota—Poe pale, ta. and as., two elseveoncis, engrailed betweea senaetime eaptaiss-general assd governor-us-chef of Jansaica, he was also one of the representative peers of Irolassd. lIe Creol—Ism fronl of rave of the sssss, Ispr., a euisst ama erect, sf. 10 April, 1041. Ills elder son, AmmAn, 3rd eas-l, is. 2? Dee. 1001; si. 27 May, 1034, Emily. of paper, ppr. Louisa, yosnsgest dan. of the late William Shepherd, Esel. ?esppoeti re—On eltisor side a leopard, pp., gorged wilh a of Bs-adbours;, Kent, and had, SoMessee-hbmenasn, present earl. AesmAs. captain tiN., is. 30 Slay, 1036; r. S Feb. 1060, Geraldine, Ssab—htisgeton tIall, co. Nottissghasn. Osh don, of lasses-King Iting, Enj., SIP, of Slaunton loin; Hence—SI, Eaton Square. Fork, liercfeedahire. Frederick-Cecil-George, is. 24 Jnne, 1039; ,5. 12 Slay, 1010. henry-William, capt. Celslslream-gssarelo, is. 10 Jnne, 1040. Loutss-Ann, to. 11 Jsse, 1060, to Ihielsard-Ilenry Olagcnis, Esq., Isle brevet-nsajse asH capt. llrdreg;., rieplsew anti heir of Ihe isle it. Olageats, of Warringtoss-s, co. Down, and now ihe represeslative of Ihe Viscounts Slagesis, of Iveagis. 12cc Brsneo’s f,,o,is,I 6’eolrt.) Slary-Essms, 1. 23 July, 10a4. Eloeeaee-Elieabeth. Esnily-Slsegsret, 0. 20 April, 1061. Ills lordship sl. 21 Dee. 1040. BElt tincagc. (Elleaheth, wife of William Evasss, Faq. of Barley IToh, en. Derby; said Slartha, wife of Sansnel Fox, Esq. of Derhy), a ooss, Joseph-Douglas, who ,l. a. 1’ in aSh. SIr. Jedediah P.12. for the eo., so. Barbarss, dan. of Thomssae Evamss, Esq. Anno, asad Frassees) ass only son, the Et. Honenrablo EnwAmsn STRUTT, created isa 3036 Lord Belper. BEanoroan, Sa aEonoa.DE LA P0ER, Bart. of Bagnall, co. Water- ford; b. 1 March, 1811 ; a major in the army; o. his father, as 2nd hart., 2 Oct. 1814; m. 7 March, 1846, Ehizdbeth, 2nd dan. of Davis Lucas, Esq., of Clontibrot, co. Kisnaghan, and Glendalough, eo. Galway, and has had issue, John-Edward-Francis-Do Ia Peer, is. 23 Jnne, 1551 ,l. CriB-I—I, a cods, ppr., for C,snsv; 2, a garland of laurel lie— I 004 Wilhins-Carr-De laflor, 5. 1000; 1. 14 Slay, 1060. Olary, ii. 1047. Olareia-Mary-Assn-lharrtel. If. hictgc. Sir. Jossss Poo Bearsroao, vice-admiral of Ihe While,, t4.C.l1., lt.T.S.; illegtstnsale sen of Geerge, 1st Slarqness of Walesford, and isrollser of Williasis Carr, ‘iseonsat Beresford, seas erealed a Barones, 21 Slay, 1014. lIe i. lii, in 1010, Jlary, dan. of (‘aid. Anlhiony-Jasnes-Pyo Mailoy, u.N., and by her (sebo ii. isa .lssly, 1013) had esso sos, a. Gmssor-De LA Poes, present hart. Sir John si. hndly, 17 Ang. 1015, Ilaerioh-Elisahcth, led dan. of Ihessey Peieae, of liedale, es. York, Faq., asad by her (wise si. in 1825) Isad tssmse, m. llenry-De Ia Poor lleresfsrd-Pierse, Esq. of Bedalo amsd hlntsoss-I;onville, eo. York, is. 27 Sept. 1920; so. 2 Shards, 1040, llenrieeta-Asne-Tlseodesia, ealy dan. of the late lIon. sad 15ev. ‘Eliesaas Sloosoe, and LI. 10551, having had, wihh oshor issue, hlsssv Iloasos ne LA Porn, is. 27 Sept. 1810. IL John-George, Jl.A., is. 20 Sept. 1021, la holy orderl, BELPER, Bxnoic (Edward Strutt, KA.), of Belper, rector of Bedsle, Yorlselsire; c,s. 3 Feb. 1046, tlse lien. Caroline-Asnehia, yooss’gest daes. of Thomas, lou Leed Pfnmnssn, llsrcc cross-erosslets, fliclste, or. vested, bend’ of she, or aiad sa., ended, aeg., his Ilse Isand a roll coIls;-, gemasel, as., tlserefross pendesit ass esoulelseon, also as., klsaeged with a cross-erosslot, ItehOe, or. Jfstho—Peepositi tessax. B ERE SLF’ OR U, S Crerlboso—liaroo, S Jan. 1701. Visoonnt, 6 Dee. 1700. Earl, in Nov. 1397. Arcs—let and 1;h, gss., a saltier, arg.; in cinef, a rose, or, for Cones; bind and led, sn.,aesip, arg., seills a garland ,etaoeee two lanrel branelscs, oil hssoeg ant of the saose, veet., for Loss-sc. tween two braechcs of she Caine. ppr., for Lowsy. ,Srpparlers —‘Ewo cabs, goardaet, pp., dacally gorged had chobned, or. JfiiI5s—Virtns sesnper siridis. ,Scnl—CasIle Ceole, Ennsskilloa, Fes-sasanagh. B E L P E B. 00. Derby, in the peerage of the United Kingdom, P.C.; lord-hoot, of Nottiugbamshire; 5. 1801 ; m. 92