Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/168

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BOROUGH, Sin EDwAnD-TiIcceAnP, ,leseend:cnt of J, his Be Burgh, called also at Bsesogh, living Dart., ]).C.L., 5. 21) Juno, I 300; a of hahn lie I hugh, grcnitsois of Sir Itisbert Be Bnrgls, 2,cd niagiotnit e an ‘1 dep. Dent, fir I liii’— s,,s if hubert, R.crl of Kent. henry Borrewes a. lot Jane, un, late major hi the 1 inval I )uh’liii ‘lan. if the Ilight tIoL. Sir Arthur Savage, of Rhoisan, es. City Militia; e. his father as 2nd Kil,l,cre, 11. P. ; and Indly, 1555, Catherine Enstaee, of 1 ‘aronet, 22 Jan. 1537; iii. 12 May, Cillt’’wn. lie was s. by has son, 1531, Lady Elizal,oth St. Lawrence, I. Enao’ci a B,.enasrs.a, Erg. of Gilltown, H. P. TIns gentienian, youngest dan. ‘f William, 2nd Earl if Howth and i,y her (srho was sncobls to rosiet the Irish by lhe rose, eeoc Sal es and A 12 April, 1863) has had, s. Richard, 3. 23 May, 1830; ,i. at Sol’aot’’pol, 13 Nov. houses if tirongosicellan, ttilltowc,, and Carl’ally, £53011 ; ha I 555 n. William, ii. tO March, 1341, aeet’kntnlly drowned, ‘oils ; and in ci,nsi,loration of his giod anti faithful S April, 1356. i. Margaret .,siaa.Olaria, a. 8 Juno, 1853, to Sir George 7 July, 16.15, and icy patent, 14 F’eb. I f4f, erecoted him Caispi ‘alL flirt. ,,. Eliz’cisutlc. In. Fr:nieeo-Angnota. iv. Catherine, ,i. 1358. v, Rioc,snn Bnnnuon, Bog. of Qoeri,,, co. Clara, was son of icy lice o,crviecir of whets ho wccs s., vie., Tawn—lJajor Bores gis, of the city of I )ni,lhi, an-i grandson el Ii. SIR Wacncn, who so. lot, 36 Feb. 1056 (the ceremony Elias Boirea,,, or it, ,,,l,eran, lID. (hbrarican of St. Patrick’s being porfei-ined with great pemp before the Right lion. Lihniry, Dnbltn), whi c lefl France (the neiehb sin’bood of llid1o svay hat field, h,’rch mayer of Dnhd.iau), Laity Eleanor Ilsehelle) at the eevoeati’ ‘n of the e,liet of Nantes. a,id set S’itegercil’l, InI of barge, I ‘bib Earl of Kildars ; and lied ha lrelai,ri. tie ‘a. Deathy, lan, an,l heiress of Ranicail ln,lly, if argo-of, 5th dan. of Iho Right lIon. Sir Adam Loftao, J,e,eo, Esq. of Qneri,,, widow of Mr. Freeman, of the city 11101) he hal, with a dcc,., who iii.— Mervin, Esq., an only of Cork, by whom he had bone, Randall, ‘5. isis. Wilhliam-Blakeney, haul-cal. in lbe 2051, rrgl. Se. Janr. dan. Ill, Sin Kmru’amoco. This gentleman cci. Elizabeth, da,,. of of Areh,leaec,n Boyd ansi ci. in I ale, leasing issue, I Ehas Sir Itielcard lsx’,n, and sioler of iloicert Dixon, Esq. of Cotverolicwn, 2 ilasoala; aad 3 Dora, ci. in 1318, to Wilhan, Wylirow, Esq., of the I tilt lancers. E,cnaan. Jose, is. to Captain Crawfard. The yisnngeot 00cc, I. R1CiOAOD Rnouon, Esq., 0. 18 April, 37.50, was created IV. Sin WaLxra-Ocxon, SIP. fsr the bsroicgh of Athy, a itarcasot 21 Nov. isiS ; he os, Si .50g. 1755, Anna-Merit, who inicoriled the estates of his mstorssal omele, Rolsert eldest dan. of Gerard, Jot Vioeonnt Lake, and by her (as ho Dixon, alre.idy ioenti,’necl, S llarels, 1723. lie si. 18 March, ci. 1$ June, 1301) hail issue, Enween-Rirnatin, his saeeessor. tleranl-Charlrs, 0. 11 July, loS?, captain in the iSlh regf.; eldaol at Si,- Waiter’s decease, 8 lImo, 1741, s. to the title ii.. Osoi. in 1030. A,oah,cl-Elieaheih, is. lot, in 1322, Is Thomas-William, 4th V. Sin Kcc.nano-Drxoa. This gentleman woo sheriff of Earl sf Pomfcel and Snilly, Slay, 1514, to the 11cr. William Eildcue iii 1751, fs’r which eo. he had been some years before Thorpe, 55.1)., who ,f. I SIB. Georgina - Theedosie, i. 14 Slareh, 15.11, to John - Wilson (171.5) rct,irneel to parliament. He iii. lot, ici Feb. 1750, t’.arlssv, Esq. ‘oh’’ ci. is 1037, Aogssla, is. 7 May, 10.52, to Ibe Rev. Jobe-Heory Plod3 er, of Grange, Qnoen’s c’s, by whom (who if. 1760) he had three A3 slsn, in the cc. thstlacd. Sb Richard 4. 21 Jan. 1837. Cr,of los—IS Nov. 1313. Ar,, s—Or, i’i base a dolphin, naiant, icc warm of the sac, all iii. llildaee, ia Italy orders, it. i’iiot. ppr.; an a chief, an., three ,sollels, erg. I ‘rest—Three halls, ci plume ‘f fist, ostrich feathers, arg. ilFat’s —Sotecc-,esi. &ol—Gleenareoa, tlewlh. B 0 Ps It 0 W I] S. TionnOwr.s,SsnEn ‘.soips.Dixoy, iii. llcd.ceel, of Gilhlssrn, co. Kihilare, so. Chaclette, don. of of Gill ton-n, cc. Kildare, a maj ‘r S. Slsd,len. Esq. of hilton, es. Slonsglsoo, and it. 15 Jane, in the army, 5. 19 April, 1831 s. his father as 9th haronet, 27 Slay, lSCti ; ot. 14 Aug. 1851, 1k Fre’doriea.Eston oldoat dat,. if Brigailier.(ion. Hntehinoon, and ssioee of the late Lady L’athnr,ot, and has lassie a son, lCtLuAnsi, I. 21 Sept. 1852, and two dane., Clara and h”lora. * ILiITcztgc. This Honee derives (as pmved by the patent from Sir cv. Bicharci, ii. yoeiag. Wiiliam Roberto, Ulster King of Arn,o, granting an oiigncecLtation c.Ecnily, ou. to the 11ev. T. ltingsbnry, archdeacon of Rilhaha. t,i lice arms of Sir Erasmeis, the 1st baro,cetj freno “a * Their clan. cci. itobert Stratford, Esq. of nalhnglass, co noble and very ancient fancily.” St is, in fact, a scion of U, celulsie, and ti-as grandmother of lIlehard. 1st Earl of AIdborough. 118 B 0 R the ancient h,inse of Be flinch, tsr eantnc’ies so eminent BOIUNGTON, VISCOUNT, 8ff M0RLLT, EAIiL. ,,ndcr the ncnces of Bin’gh, Bcan-ke, Burke, and Bsrongb. Brace lienn,,svcs, lisq., who settled in Ireland femp. Flo’z sol Tn, as cs si ci of Eraecnns Aborongh, of Calais (If”c’isy’e h’i,ilelioic ‘elbsoa, 1564), by lichen los wife, do,,. c’f t’h.rles Farnngtan, of Fan-ingtsn, in Dcvii,,, and a direct at 7,orth Charfs’rd, lianto, an. 1707, supposed to be 3rd son wh’s was sheriff of the eo. of Kildare, at the breaking ant ‘if the rthehli,,n in 1041, deposed npon oath, that he lla,st he had lest iii goods, earn, and collie, at his several dcl,lo, £11,534 Se., beoi,leo a yearly income of £1300, or thereat)’ serrice.s, 1., by privy seal, dated at Ragland, a BsaoecrT no loeo.ssn. Sir Eraomns is. Sarah, dan. of W,clter Wsl,Iau, Slog., 31.1’. of SVi,sdstock, and a granddan. maternally, of the Ilight 13ev. Jsiha Ryder, Bishop of Ella- lice, by whon, he had, with, a dan., who oc. Oliver Walsh,0 Esq. if ii.dly Ililsavan, in the Qiceen’s County, two sons lit’., ‘f B:,lhfccnchcam. B3’ the former (who ci. 2 Aug. sin, Icto snceros,sr, ii, leSS, ccs. Kilihcre, acid if lbs lady of Lord Chancellor Ei,ot,seo, icy whom who cf. 11 March, 1745) he had two sons and thri’e ilano. Sir Kildare, who represented the co. Eli- stare in pcurlhoici’nt for nine yearo, if. to 1780, snd cvas s. by his elder e’sc, 1710, Shary, den. cnsd co heh of Capt. Edward I’ottinger, by wh,c,m ice had three sss,s the toil and 3rd it tin’s., andtho acid 1 ‘scarce, Eileabeth, only dan. and heireos of John Short, Fog. of sos ,crc,h dice dat,., viz. c. Eeasacc-s, his snece’sor. mc. Wailer, 5. ‘soc. c. llary, ,i. ycincig. Sir Eil’lare ‘‘. folly, its 1705, Jane, daos. of Jsseph Ihigginsail, fl’-,1. i’f Sloiint Olilualey, ea. Ktldare, by whom he hccd fic,ie 51’s ccncl slice dan., s’iz. c. Si ihhions. ccc. Angelina, only dos. of Sir Miehael-Cnsae Smith, flart., and ii. c.j,. mc. Jco,’Icl,, in holy oedero, is. Anne, sisier of the 1st Lord Aohhc,s’n, and left a clao., 1iar, so. in 1341, to llsrtctongc lhicl,inson, Esei. 1550, Isa, ing trash isocce, I tiohcrt-lligginooe, cold. 13th light dragoons, major Eudare rifles, 0. 25 Sept. ISSOt o. U Jinie, 1053, Ihe lion. Lo’nisa-Kalhierioo Ibrowne, lid doe. sf Lord Efl,natne. 2 bale, ‘5. in 1537. 3 Jsso-lioreielle; ci. 4 Nov. ISU, lions Hondrieke, Faq., of EordiPotown, es. Clcirr. 4 Easily, cci. in 1540, to IV. Roche, Esq. of Rotievant Castle, es. Cork. 5 Elizabeth, si. in 1°44, to 1’.-Cramer Roberto, Esq. of Tlsicrnic,a, ea. 1111,11cc. 0 Oertrode, ,s. ia 1513, to Richard floacke, Esq., eepbe,r of the late Earl of Slays. B 0 15 - BOROUGH.