Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/169

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WALTER-DIXON, 7th baronet. Arthur, ate officer in the RN.; A in 1810, under age. Eildarr, rapt, in the 41st regt. fact; who, after distingsishing The family of trhy is of groat antiquity, and its ancestors himself in the Peninsula, under the Duke of Wellington; in wore fsrmerly lerda of lrby, or Ireley, its the cc. Lincoln. America, under Sir Edward Pskenhum; and in the Fast Indies, in 1825, in a gallant attack upon cisc of tise iturmoss AaTtenav Innv, Fsq. eel Gso.bortcts, cc. Lttscela, ltvissg forts (as described in the Gazette ansssunring hIs capture), tossy,. HENRY VIII., wesa grassdfathor ef fell a victim to the fatigue he endured, as aide-dc—camp to ANTHONY Deny, Log., 91.5’. for Beoton its the reigns his cousin, Sir Edward Paget, thou commander-ia-chief in ELI roonvu and JAMes 1., an ominoest lawyer, a hencher if, the Fast tndies; and et. at Calcutta, en his return from tho and Autumn reader to, the society esf Lincoln’s-inn, which l3urmoss ompirc. Famous, 0th baronet. Marianne, so. to Hans Hendrick, Leg. of Kordtffstesru, ce. window of Lincelos’s-lnsa chapel. heIr. Irhy was appointed Kildars, and sf. 1062. Harriet. Elizabeth, os. to the Ves’y Rev. James Stannus, of Lisburu, Alien, doss, of Thomas Welbyo, Foe1, of Sieesltcts, and widow dean of Rsss. Sir Erasmus A 19 Sept. 1014, and wos s. by his eldest son, Ssn ANTHONY Sony, Knt., 11fF., and high sheriff of the VII. Ssa WALTER DIXON, who dying uazs. 7 March, ]034, Os. Ltnrohs in the roigca of Ct5ARL5:s I. ; who so. Elinesleeth, wan o. by his only sui’vtvitsg brother, VIII. Tnn Rev. Sso EuAsanrn-Dsxoas, who wash. 21 Sept. dast of Sir Jshn l’cy hen, liesrt. ef Iseiharn, cc. Cambridge, 1799, and us. its Marsh, 0025, Harriet, 4th den. of tise loft and etytng in I Ed, was s. by hia obtest son, Henry Hamilton, Fog. of Bailynsacolt, co. Heatis, assd niece Seas Aarssnwr Sony, lInt., H.P. for, and recorder of, the of the late lasso hamilton, Fog., M.P.n for no. Dssbtin, and boroetgh sf Reetoss, and high slseertff of cc. i.teseeeln in ifsl. bad issue, a Kildars, is. 16 July, 1023; T. in Feb.1927. It. Eaosssus-Dtxeee, present baronet, itt. Walter-Joseph, t. 23 Sept. 1034. t. Honriotta-Slary. us. 5 June, 1045, to Cul. tlenry-Sleado Hamilton, 12th foot, of Tlsr Grove, cs. Sheath. is. Adclatdo-Chnrlotto-Slorinnne, so. to Edward Tipping, Leg. of ilollurgats Park, co. Leuth. ni. Eleanor-Caroline. Sir Erasmno, who was motor of Rallytwau, Quern’s Csntsty, Dart., sf Ostorhangor, ro. Kent; and tt-dly, Margaret, does. rf. 27 May, 10f6, and waso. by his eldest surviving ssn, Seas sf Sir Edweerd ltarkham, Ifest., beet Isy those ladies lead iso EoAsseus-DsxeN Honasuwrs, the 0th and prossut haronet. issue. lie see. 4thly, Catherine, elaes.of Willieetn, Lord Paget Creatiea—14 Feb. 1646. Arms—Or, en a cress, gee. (flee red aced had, with five daets., ate only sees, his eeeocssser, in Job, cress of Do Ilurgh), five mullets, pierced, org.; is thee first ANvssnasv bony, Eccq. This gesetlosoeeLss see. SI esr5-, deen. eenrl quarter, a lion, psssnnt, of the second. Crest—A lion, scjant, heit-css of John Ststssgos’, Esq., of Ashfesd, cc. Kent, and arg., murally crowned, or. Motto—Non vi vtrtute. Seat— was s. by his elder son, Lsuswgh, Psrtsrhngton, Qoeon’s Csunty. BosToN, BARON (Sir Goorge-Ives Irby), of Boston, His lordship et. 30 March, 1775, and was .e. by his cider son, cc. Littcoln, and a baronet, las 14 Sept. 1802; a. his Fornoaeea, 2nd harou, F.A.S. ased D.t’.L., 5. 0 June, father, as 4th baron, 12 March, 1856 ; m. let, -25 Jan. 1749 ; who se. 15 Slay, 1775, Christtassa, only dose. of Paesl 1830, Fanny-Elizabeth, eldest dots. of the late W.-R. Slotbetess, Ksq., of Ce,msham Ileeeseu, Wilts, and by hem (who Hopkins-Northey, Esq. of Oving House, Bucks, ef. 9 Mesy, 1832) had issste, and by her (who el. 14 April, 1860) hen b;ssl, t. FL004atcn-G000ec-Mna-ey, is. 9 March, 3537; as. 17 Oct. 1059, Augusta-Caroline, 2nd daei. of Jshn-St. Visscetst, 3rd Lord Do Sassmaroz, and has, GEORcE-FL000NcE, 6. 6 Sept. 1060; Coeil-Saumsroz, 6. 3 Feb. 1002; GilbertNorillo, 6. 23 Oct. 1Sf 4; as-sd a dan., Alice-Fanny- Catherine. a. Machad-Fanny-Anne, m. 20 May, 3057, to AetguststsArthur Eeq. of Slapporlay Hall. cc. Nottingham, assd by that lady Vansittart, Eng. of Risham Abbey, llcrks. The OhnmpageaOs axe a very aetciceat family, traceable in the French histories too period as rensete as the 11th century. The Comtc do Clsampsgnd, of the Place Vendfims, Parts, in supposed to bo lbs presont reprosentativo sf the race. Bares do Ia lttsttc Fouqud, the celebrated German romancist, grandson of General she Bnrsn fin Ia Ref to Feuqud, the fristid of Frederick the Grsas, derived from the Champsgnds, through the General’s metlser, * The ancestor of this fancily of Itansilton, which seetlled in llademsisclle do Chanspagnd, den. of Monsieur Jssias-De Rebillard Ireland, fenCe. JAMES I., was Jolta hlanislien, brutlsor of the kath Ohampsgul (grsat-graesd&ther of Lady Eerrswesj who left of Clanbraastl. Solutoage at the revocation of the Edict of Nantss. 1110 Ititsragc. did him the hestoser of having his eu-Ins painted on the third one of the Masters in Chancery, feesp. JAMrs I. Ste so. ef Mr. rash, ated mess & at hts dreeeses by his eldest surviving sea, Thin gontlemate eec. 1st, 1”ratseos, class. sO Sir Williasss SPray, Dart. of Glentworth, cc. Litseeln, and had an only dan., Elizabeth, who sec. in 1643, the loon. George Slesttsgue, of lierton, eldost ssn, by his 3rd svifc, of hoary, 1st Losl of Manchester, and c-as nsstlser of George Slonisgue, the celrbratcd EARL sr OtaLtrox, so distttsgsetshed as a statesman ated a peel. (ace Fewer’s Extieecf Pee-age.) Sir .&ntheeny cc,. Sndly, Margaret, does, of Sir Richard Smyth EnwAon lEnT, Esq., SIP. for ilest,se, who was created a Baronet, 13 April, 1704. Sir Eetward se. isesrethy, dan. of the Hess, Ilonry Pagot, and gnsndd,su. sf Lord Paget, and dying in 1710, eras s. by his only eon, Ste WILLIAM, t. S STarch, 1707, who vvas elevated to the peerage as B.eaoee BooTeeo, tt April, 1701. Thin tsebleman filled severest Istgh effircs aScent tlsc cesert, due-beg tleo reigns of Gr.nonn I. and George II. ; and while a commoner, sest in parlteemeset for Lanencestass and Bmltuin, Ito Os. Alhtssta, dan. of Itensy Selwyn, Fog., by Ruth his wife, dam of Assthutsy Comlctesi, Esq., of Gatseslaw, cc’. Ns,sthesneherlased. and had, with a dan. Asegushe, cc. to Lord WaSstaeghar, two oct55, Fnznonioz, his successor. Willians-llesry, le. in 1550; ne. in 1721, Mary, youngoet doe. and ce-heir of Rowland ltlnckman, g5e1, cA Antigna, and loft issue at his docoaso, in 1510, William-Honry-Bewlend, 6. 13 March, 170-1; 4.15 1042. Augusta, cc. to Sir William Langlssne, Dart., who ,i. 1512. t. Goenea, his se000eeor. tt. Frederick-Paul, roar-admired of the Rod, CII., of Boyland Hall, Norfolk; 5. in 1779; eec. 1st, lIce. bob, Eneily-Ivos, youngest don. and co-heir of V’illtseets De-ske, sf Aseserehans, Encke, Eeq., and had by her (who ef. 7 Aeg. laM) a son, Frederick-Willhnm, of Bsylatsd ltnlI, Norfolk, is. in 1206; eec. 7 Starch, 1046, leabclles-ttarrtet, only child of Robert Brace, Eeq. of Chester Sqnaro. Ste lee. Setdly, in 1010, Frances, 2nd dan. of Tehabod Wright, (who ci. Id Jan. 1052) had saves-at children, viz,, I Charles-Paul, RN., is. lOlL accidentally slsot, ISlE 2 7Jontngcs-ltenry-JOhn, is. in 1020. S Leonard-ltnward-Leyd, major 74th regt., 6. 1036; m. 31 Aug. ISSJ, Grraldine Ahcia Mesrv, cezn. of the late Rev. J. Magonie, meeter of Great Horkosley, and hns a son, is. 23 Jane, 1505. BOS BOS Sir Kildore A 22 June, 1700, and was n, by his eldest eon, I it. Aliec-Frodee-iea, as. 25 July, 1061, to Johse-Wtngfield VS. Sea He&sasus-Dtxees, who sa. in 1703, Henrietta do Malcnlm, Rsq., helP, for Stoston. Robillard, yoesngont don, of the Vee’y Rev. Arthur Chase- j Lord Boston no. 2tcdly, 30 Jni3’, 1861, Carolinepagnd,* dean of Clanmaenoise, and great granddan. (mater- ; Amelia, eldest elect, eef Jeehn-St, Vincent, Bed Lord sally) of Asthnr, 2nd Earl of Gratsard ; by whom (who st. Be Sanmecnz, aced has lsetl, M;snd - Caroline, cud in 1007) he had issesc, Dorothy-Gwendalen, rl. an in(ant, 16 July, 1865. B 0 S T 0 N.