Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/172

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BOW YER. Bowya, SIR GEORGE, Part. of 1602) he had no issue : he it in April, 1707, attd wan a. by Denhani Court, GO. Bucks, and of his I ,ridher, Radley, Go. Rorks,a barrister-atlaw, estates of the Stsnh,iisoe family of Radley, ann, having and T).C.L., late ILl’. for risen to the ruink of adminai, wuss created a baronet himself, Dundalk b. 8 Oct. 1511; a. his so Sir George Bowyer, of tl:alley, Perks, 16 Aug. 1791, in father 1 July, 1860. The pedigree of the Bowyers is traced by Sir William liemietta, only dasi. and heir ef Sir Pierey Brett, Knt., Dugdaie up to Alfred Rewyer, temp. Jlracy I., and is to tie 21. t’., admiral of the White, by whom (who sI. Nov. 1041) foues,i recorded at full length us the Visitations of Staffordshire.” he isad, Alfred’s descendant, THOMAS Bowvrc, living 2 Rtcnaan 11., ci. Katherine Ce William. b. in 1701: tieot.-col.; 4. in the West Indies. Knypereley, and thus aequhed the estate of Knviiersloa’, Ilenry, rector of Santmiegwett, Perks; 5. in 1796. whence his descendants, whd were create,i Itaronets in Ilearielta, ci. It Dci. lall, to Charles Sairyer, Esq. ef heya 1665, were designated. (See lirntee’s Rxlisef and Persiaci B’uwiiclciis.) FRANCIS Bnwvra, 1tsq. (descended from the Rewa-ers of Sir George ii. 6 Bee. 1799, atad was a. by his eldest eon, knypcrslev), an eminent snerehaut of L’ioitoi, served the VI. atid 11. Sic Gencon, who si-as b. in 1791; amid ci. office of sheriff for that city iu 1.377, and was oeilieequeestly lli Nov. 1905, Anne-hlatotan.nd, dan. of Capt. Sir AndrewStiape chosen alderman. lIe cc. Elieaheth, dau. slid heiress of s. Geocoe. present bas’onel. William Tilleswerth, Faq., also of the city of Losiil,,n, and ss. %VsLLsaar, barrister-at-law, h. in 1912; sa 16 July, 1897, had issue fenr sons and three dans. : he was s. at his decease 14 Juiie, 1381, by his eldest eats, Sic WiLLIAM B’ ‘wvrc, Ent., who purchasod the estate of III. Henry-George, 11.31. inspector of schools, 5. in tSl 3; ci. Denhaus Court. Thio gontleman was one ,,f the tellers of 20 Feb. 1017’. Katherisie-Estucma, only child of the Rev. Gesrgs the Exclse,1sier in the rei.,n of Jaaios 1. 11 e to. Mary, dan. and es-heiress of Thioniao Pierson, Eoq. cif Wostnsinoter, mher of the Court s,f Star Chamber, aud had (with another Sir Grorge ci. at Dresden, h July, 1060. son, ilebert) a ‘sot atM heir, Henry (Sir), Rat., who e. Anee, ilast awl heireis of Nicholas Ceeriiooe—22 June, 1665. 16-bog. 1714. Salter, of London, and ii. ella iaiteio 1613, having had two A u-eu—Or, a bead, rates, rinsed, us. - eons, WILLIAM, saeeesser to isis gratsdfather. ilenry, killed in the civil sears, ligistieg under tits royal neil belied, or. ‘I’ lie faculty, lseus’evee, (as appears in the banner. Sir Willians rO. in lilt (his widow to. Jasnes Ley, Earl of sri-ow, org., the arrsw tillied or. 2. On a ducol coloneL or, !d:irlborough), anil was s. by his grandson, I. W:ursaat ttosvvrr., E.oq., who was created a Baronet sail erect, liable6, go., charged with three bends, and cuffed 23 Jitne, 1000. as Sir William ilowyer, of Detiham Court, or, hoPing lathe rand, tsr., a’ dragon’s head, eraocd. 4. Out llueko. Sir William, who wan of literary taste atid ability, M,itlo—Cuioteniemssent patio u-icheseo. - and assisted Dryden its his trattelation of Virgil, represented Se,uio—Denlmsm Court, Bucks; amid Bafiey, Berke. the cii. Bricks in rho first two parllametits after the Tientoration. lie ci. Margaret, dais, of Sir John Weld, Knt. sf Areiolds, eo. Mi’idleoex (son and heir of Sir ltnnnphrey Weld, lord mayor of London), and dying 2 Get. 1079, left three sens and several dane. : lie was s. by his eldest eon, Ii. Sia Wts.t.sass, alP. for Bucks. Tins gentleman so. Frances, dan. of Charles, Viscount Crasetiourne, 9 and grand- dan. of Willlattt, 2nd Earl of Salisbury, by whom he had, She deseeeded front Ornins Ic Giuden, isbn held, is raot,’, lliddntph, and fifteen ether manors. Ormos was sea of Richard lioresinrins, osto of WILLIAM his Conqueror’s barans. Ksuperstey JOHN-AUGUSTuS Bevn, ‘us, in 1717, Lucy. dan. of Judge is a part of Biddulph, svhieh ensue (by a partition) ts Peters of else island of St. Christopher’s, and left an only son, Atored Bisidoiph, srho artismed the asme of Kavpersley, and I. Jnssc Bovu, Eeq., avhe was created a Baronet 2 June, teas ancestor of Kalherise Keypersley, so. to Thomas Bewyer. Loril Crtsmmhooree’s mother was 1.ady Catherine ltorrard, 1775. Sir John ni. let, Mary, dan. of William Bumusted, — dais. of Tisosnas, Earl of Sstlletk, 1kG., lard isigli treasurer. 122 Boy CECIL, s’ho a. Jallana, dao. of Richard Parker, Eeq. of lledse, Racks, and il.I Dee. tilt, leaving, with three other soon asd two daos., WILLIAM. heir to his grandfallmer. Wiltians, is. Elimabelh, another dan. of Richard Parker, Etq of Hedoe, and had tire sons and a dan. Diana, 0. to Philip Jennings, Esq. of Duddleshon, Saiop. lIe 5. 1% Feb. 1721-2, and was o. by bin grandson, Au’io.s—Qoarterty , I st and Ills, so., two haes, indented. arg., III. Sic Wss.nswat, who ci. Asisie, dao. of the Right Hon. for Rsrse; lou. nrg., on a chevron, turhureesu three Irefoils, Sir J,iha, Stanhsuse, Dart, of Badley, en. Perks, lIP, for slipped, en-i as many luusekC Iseads. eobessed, er : en a suhief, go., a gnat, Instant, of the field, fsir ScranTon or LoreuToa; 3rd, Iterks, titid comptroller of the household to Queen Acne, asi’l by her (who d. 22 Jtay, 1762) had inane, fe(,i5—1leE u list bust of a man. ppr., hair, heard, ams,h iVsLesaas, lsis successor. Cecil, is the tea-service of Ihe E. I. Co., dreisned in India. kssottcd oh the tsp, tied tire ends fiorrieg frossi sillier temple, GeoRGE, soeeessor to his elder brother. Ileery, lteut.-gen. and eel, of the 16th regt., who d. Aog. 1500. Richard, who assasoed, stader Ihe will of Sir Diehard Atkins, $cal.u—lloase Leuch, Woreesterstuire, soil Dowalon Slall, Ludlow, hart, of Clapham, Cs. Snerey, lice sumaioe of Atkins, his graedeen and represealative is the present Hetssty-Anscsltsssvee, Esq. ef Rraysoiek Grove, Peeks. Peisetope, ma. lit, to George-John Cooke, keg., H.P. for the eo. llllihiltesex. and bad several children. Sho mis. ltidly, Lie,ut.0cc. Edward Smith, and sf. 9 Jone, 1620. Sir William ii. 12 Judy, t7ot, and was a. by his eldest son, IV. Sic WiLLiAM, ivho su. 7 Sept t77t, Mrs. Anne Baker, widow- of Capt. linker, it. N., by rohem (who ii. 22 Doe. V. and 6. Sic Greene. Thin gentleman inborited the row-arul of the gallantry he had displayed its the mesoorahle victory achieved by t.erd Howe, en the 1st of Jitsie in that year. his ci. twice liy his 1st wife, Lady Dowmting, relict if Sir Jacob Downing, Part., he had no issue ; by his 2nd, GEORGE. 6th hamad. sod Ledge, Perks. Elba. rJ,,uglas, RN., and liy her (who d. 1044) left isssse, Klten-Sarah, younger dan. of Shirley Wentmer, Esq., barrister—at-law. Sasidlig, and has issue. i. C:,reiline. is. Mary. BOYD, BOYD, Stit HARLEY-HUGH, of Danaon 1111], co. Kent, 8. 2 Nov. 853; a. hit father, 7 Aug. 1857. Esq. of Upten, cu. Warwick, and had, with other issue, B 0 W iv. 9lary-Luey-Octavia. v. Prederiea-St. Jelsmu, so. 30 Jnly, 1551. to Richard Orlehor, Esq., eldest too of itiehard Lsegurt Orlehar, Esq. sf btiuuinick lieuee, Reds. Sb’ William-Edward ii. 1516. Creuffsco—t Ang. 1641, assd 29 Jely, 1791. sa., three ereseenis, or, tlos’os,Ts,n. whiskers, en.; lire head srsrroonded anul erosoel by a ribnnd, arg. RerouTes: a stork’s head, es-ased, elievr0110y of foar, sn and arg., to the hueak, or, a snake, ppr. Jfsllo—flnsee honour ilei denour. Solop. B.OWIIONT, MARQO-cea, Ott RGEBURGUE, DUKE. ILihIragc. f’ei 01 las registered in the Iter:,tds’ Collrge)—A falcon rising ‘isitotiees,) used different es-onto at different times, such as— I (the oldest), .k demos-menu, ppr., shooting with a bate and an Iterotulin tiger, sejeot, org. 3. An arm, enuped at the elbow, nut a.hosecs’, go., a deuuidragoa, rampant, or. -