Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/173

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BOY JOHN, his heir; and Elizabeth, on. to Johu Trevanion, Req., father, 30 Marth, 1855, nod was creatod Baron H.P. He so. Badly, 1 Aug. 1766, Catherine, dan. of the Braocopeth, Si Aug. 1866. Rev. Jehn Chapone, by whom (who a. in March, 1611) be had a eon, Jamee, and a dau., Sarah, whe beth Wed leone- ieee. He woe e. at hie deeeaoe by his eldest ecu, 11. SLR Jones, 6. in Nov. 1 710 on. 26 Feb. 1764, Margaret, This is a branch of the house of Hamilton. toen CLAUnE 5th dan. of the Right Hon. Thomas Harley, and grandAm. HASI5LTON, son of the find Earl of Arran, Regent of Scotland, of Edward, 3rd Earl of Oxford, by whom (who a. 20 Nov. Ste Fssenssurst l{asrsLvoN, who nt Sidney, doss. and 1110) he loft, issue, JonN, 3rd bareoei. George, 6. 10 March, 1793; a 10 Fob. 1922, Ilary-Elizsbeth, arnsieo of GroTavus AuoLpssns, King of Swedon, and was don, of George Blarkohow, Esq., and hoe two doss,,, liary, aftersvards sssaile govemor of ULster. His son, Gustavus, aod Aogoolo. llsrgaret. He tO. 30 May, ISiS, and wee o. by his eon, III. Sm Jones, 1. 5 June, 17Sf ; so. 23 Sept. 1810, Harriet, battle of tho Boyne, siege of Londondrrry, and storming of 2nd don, of Hugh Boyd, of BaBy Castlo, to. Antrim, Eeq., Athiono, he was rewarded with a gr;snt of fsrfeiterl la,sdo, by whona (who ii. 27 April, 1864) he had issue, J0EN-AUOUOTUO, 4th baronet. Frederiolc, in holy orders, rector of Iloiwell, Beds; ii. 13 he woo advanced to the rank of lioutenant-geuoral, and by Aog. 1020; so. I Aog. 1864, Katisarine-lOtory, only child of Her Majesty’s successor elevated to the poes’age ,sf Irelaud. Henry-William lleaoolork, Esq. See pool, Sc. AL5AN’s, in 1713, as Bssnn Jh,’siilfoss, sf Stackslleii, ond created Vies-ooav Dons or), and by her (o’ho tO. 3 Aug. 1887) has issue, Koth leon-Isabel, 0. 20 Aug. 1883. Ilenrietla, vs. 13 Oct. 1850, to Moj.-Gsn. Brook Taylor, late Henry Brooks, of Brooks’s Borough, co. Fonuauagh, and hsd, Both light infantry. Sir John tO. Jan. 1835, and was a. by his eon, IV. Sin Joeste-Auos’sxrs-Hriou, 8. 00 July, 1810; so. ii. G,sstevns, of Ited Wood, King’s County, 33.1’. for the co. 14 OIay, 1830, Honors-Mary, 3rd doss, of Charles-B. Calmady, Eoq. of Langdon Hall, eo. Devon, and hod issue, Hs.ocev-Buan, present baronet. Catherine-Emily. Sir John-Augustus entered the royal navy in 1832; and in 1840 wao present at the taking of St. Jean d’Acrs, and assisted in planting the Ottoman flag on the ransparto of Csid’a; he became o lieutenant in 1843. Sir John tO. 7 Aug. 1037. Greofisss—2 Juno, 1770. Arias—As., a fesse, ehoquy, or and gu.; in chief, three mullets, and in base, a oreseont, or. Creel—Three ostrich feathers, 55. JIJoIf s—Confide. ,Seal—Drusnmawillen, ee. Assirim. BOYLE, VISCOUNT, 308 SHANNON, EARL. $OYNN, VISCOUNT (Gnstavsss-Ft’oderick Hamilton. Russell), Bat-on Hausiltou, of Stackallon, to. Month, in the peerage of Ireland; Baron Brancopeth, of Braneepeth, in tho Co. Palatine of Durham, in floe peerage of tho United Kingdom; D. L. eo. lSloath; b. 1797; so. 9 Sept. 18-28, Emsosa-Maria, don. of Matthew Roasoll, Esq., M.P. of BrauCopeth Castle, en. Durham; on her eueeooding to that property, uu the death of her brqther, in 1850, ho assumes), by royal licence, the namo of RUSSELL, in addition to that of Hamilton. ilia lordship has had iossso, s. Guovavos-Rusosa, 0. 28 May, 1830; iso. 2 Sept. 3858, Kstbari,so, 3rd dau. of John, Sod Earl of Eldon, and - has had, Gostavus-Cland, 0. 20 Dcc. 1861, a. 9 Feb. 1882; 000vrvno-W5LL,rar, k 3 Jan. 1884; a son, 0. 13 June, 15ff Louisa, a. 23 May, 1801 ; Emma-Maria. a. 30 May, 3581 ; Alice-Katharine ; Hand-Harriet; Constance-Elizabeth; and another dau, i. A dan., 0. and a. Fob. 1834. His lordship s, as 7th vistount, on the decease of his 123 was croared Boson Pofslesj, 1335. His youngest son, heiress of Sir John Vaughan, signalized himself in the was a distinguished militas’y officer in the service of WiL. Liosi Ill., fer whons ho raised six regiments, two of which are well known as the luniokillens. For his services at the appointed brigadier-general of King WILLIAM’s arnsics, and sworn of his Privy Council. Iso the reigss sif Quoon ANNE BOnE. 28 Aug. 1717. Ho so. Elizabeth, dan. of Sir i. Fsvozsmcn, svho left, by Sophia, sialcr of James, Viscsssnt Lhnerich, at his dceeaoo in 1710, a son, Uotxavns, who a. to the honsaet at the deroase of his grandfather. Donegal, ii. in Jan. 1717, Dorsllsea, only fiats, of P,icharcl, Lord Bellow; and a. in 1735, leaving, with oihor daus. who a. sns,o., I Farssaion,) and successively viscsu,slo. 3 Itienaon, 3 1 Caroline, no. in 1744, to Edward Lsvihsnd, Esq. of Kiogotsn, Sarrey, the poet, and by hins (os-its tO. 77 Sept. 5770) lefts osn, t4eorgc t.svibond, Eoq., father sf the prosent Gcsrge-Brodenoll-Micheloon Lovibend, Esq. of hatfieldt’everell, Essex. in. Ilenry, 31.t’. for Benegsl, and collector of the port of Cork, 0. Feb. 10921 0’. Dcl. 1722, Olary, eldest dan. of .Joohoa Dawoos, Eoq. of Csollo Dan-son, en. Kcrry (sir Itosas’s Asssdod Goitr); and ii. at Cork, in 1743, lcavhsg issue, I Goseavns, in holy orders, os. let, Letilis, dan. of Edo-artS Eolton, of Brazed, en. Dooblin, which lady if. . is. lit so. 2noUy, Alicia, dau. ef Cal. Lodowiok Peterson, of on ancient Swedioh family, and tO. 9 July, 1735, having hail issue by her, William, in holy orders, ssho sa. Jane, dan. of C. 3leCans- land, of Fruit 11111, eo. Dorry, n’hith lady is. in 1522. ITo tO. in 1804, leaving issue; I Guslavos-Lodowich, in holy orders, who si. Arsolia, dan. of J. O’ttonoll, Etq., and ci. in 1839, leaving issue, GostseusW’illism, Jolsn—Lodswick-Clouds, and Emily; 2 Csssolly-Thoswss; 3 Henry, so. Charlotte, dots, of Col. Sisaw, and is. 1530, leaving so son, Itsnry-Shaw 1 4 tvilliam-SackviBe,ss.Lettiee, don, of Geos’go thoch, Esq. acid 5 Tlscodesio-Csthericse, sit. 10 Capt. J.-J. O’Donnoghue, lI.E.l.C.8. Ilcory, so. Mitt Campbell, of Loclsgair, aced tO. o. 3s. Maria, sit, to Sir George Dns,00s’, Bart. of Mochram, and ii e.ji. Atone, in. to C. McCausland, Esq. ef Coicraine, who ci. leovieg one son, seho tO. s.p. Alicia, 5. in 1801; in. to Ccl. Conlsoa, of Blonldusopp Castle, cii. Nortlsnmhtrland, and hod istue. 2 Je,slsna, ,ss. 1700, Mary, doss, of Sir Richard Cox, Eart. of Dussccsausvay, 00. Cons, and if. 1784, havicsg hail issue, Henry, who, in 1784, toids the name of Coo on inheriting Dnnmassway, at tho death of his uncle Sir E. Cox, and if. in 3KB. lIe ,s.Letitia-Elinor, daso.ofDavid-tvilson But- chosen, Esq. of Dublin, and had issue, Saelsville, henryWellesley, Marsha-tItan. Cathe,’ine-Aere, acid Arstella. Dorothoa, vi. to Jaoper-E. Lucas, Log. of King Aruodel, co. Cork. Olacy, ;so. 1791, to the lflov. Ssmnol Ileasnish, MA, of Oles,nt bosmish, to. Cork, ond had issue (sot Bunny’s Loisd,d Unites). Catherine, sic, to Capt. Rent Ball. Anns.Evtists, so’.. to Mssjer R. Vewoll. Elisabtth, tO. os’ooso. Arabella, tO, stoat. 3 Sackville, lit. lion., P. C., chief eecressry for Ireland, vs. Arobollo, dan. of Dr. George Berkcly, lord bislsop efCloyne, and tO. in 1510, booing issue, henry, of Bootrcvor, vs. Caroline-Penelope, daos. of the 2nd Sarso Longford, snd tO. in IsbO, 5. p. Saekvillc -Robert, nectar of blallow, sit. Jane, dau. of Edward-Deane Freeman, of Caotlo Cs,’, eo. Cork, and ci. in 1803, loaviog issue, I Sackvillo-llonne, s’. Eleanor Ssnkoy, and list llsree sans, SackvilleEorkoley, lVilliasn, and Henry-Gustavus, and out dos., Eleanor-Mary; 2 Edward-Deane-l”reontsn, sO. e.g.; 3 llenry, col. in lbs as’my, CII., Os. hoabella-DeauO-Frcemnafl, and has loose, 4 Arabolla. Arabolla, dee. Mary-SaokviBe’Ioabella, dcc. Charlotte-Jane, dee. BOY BOYLE, V3SCOUEP AND LORD, sec ConK, BAlm. BOYNE.