Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/175

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BRA Griffith Henry; Selina-Charlotte; Constance-Mary; Alice; ORLANDO, of Rsdley, co. Chester, who was created a Rarocet and Eliza. Charles, 5.16 Jan, 1825; so. 13 Starch, 1856, Mary, eldest dan. of F. Wilkinson, Esq. of Bessingby-IIall, and has harrySomerville, Fra,,eie (Sir), ci. ieenclose. 8. 27 Nov. 1856; Francis, 8. 16 Jnno, 1855; Clsarlofte, so. to Sir Thomas Ilyddleton, Rart. Charlss, 8. 16 May, 1862; and Walter, 8. 5 Doe. 1664. George-H.-L. a capt. in the arcoy, late an officer 17th Sir Orlando ci. 21 Jusee, 1674, and wan s. by his eldest son, lancers, with wicirtc regimecct he served in the Crinsean it. Ssss Jonce, who as. Mary, dau. and co-heir of George War, and received two medals and clasps; ho was 8. 16 Cradoek, Esq. of Cavecowell CastleS,’ aud dying SlAng. May, 1828, and m. 25 Jnly, 1849, Elieabeth-Laara, Only dan. 1710, woe s. by his oldest nssrviving eon, of ihe late Thomas-Henry Keeling, Req.; and has a san, III. Sse Jouw. This gentleman so. Ursula, dau. and n,,le George-theery ; the marriage was dissolved Jan. 1666. Charlotte, so. 15 Dee., 1859, William Sherwood, Esq. of fly- heir of Roger Statthows, Req. of Blodwoll, in Salcsp, reprono,stative some Garth, Yorkshire. Elisa, m. 16 Joly, 1832, Charles Swalcy, Esq. of Jamaica, and wife, elder don. a,sd co-heir of Slorris Tascot, Eoq. of hodwell, ci. 26 Dee. 1833. Frances. Caroline, Sn. i Asg. 1642, to the Rev. William-Eaton eon of Siadoc, last Prince of Powys, and dying 23 July, lloneley, MA., vicar of Eta-alt, Co. Ilerisy. leabel, sa. 4 Nov. 1646, to Wornsley-Edward Richardson, Eeq. IV. Sso OutAceun, who so. Anne, don. of Itiehord Newport, of Rieeall Ilall, co. York. Lonisa, os 1st, 19 Oct. 1643, to John Kiekaby, Esq. of Rridhingion which expirod with Thomas, 4th earl, 1762), and hod several Quay, Yorkshire, who ci. 1666; and lndly, 3 Der. children. He ci. 21 July, 1764, nod wao a. by his elclost son, 1861, to Richard-Stern Carroll, Esq, of Yoleton Lodge, Tadeaeter. V. S,a Mmcccv. ‘fhie geutlonsou m. 12 July, 1751, Ehizntceih, Jnhia, ci. 31 Jnhy, 1845. Creotion—25 Stay, 1616. As-ass—Or, a fosse, betsveen tlsreo crescents, gu.; the fesse is. John, of Rabworth Itoh, Notte, 8. 13 Slay, 1763, who asecemed, was formerly elsarged with a hose, passant, or. Crest—A goat, passant, sa., gattdo d’argent, beard, horns, and hook, or. ltrosre—ll tempo passa. Scat—Burton-Agnes, Rrtdh’ngton, eo. York, I3RABAZON, Lotir,, see MEATFI, EAICL. BRACKLEY, VISCOUNT, 9t6 ELLESMERE, EARL. B R A. P F 0 RD. 000 000 00 0 ccl BRADFORD, EARL OF (Sir Orlaisdo-George-Charlca Bridgensan, P.C.), Visooctsst Nowport, co. Salop; Baron Bradford, of Bradford, in the oamo county, arid a Baronet; Lord Chamberlain; b. 21 April, SIr. George Bridgemon co Sndly, in 1609, Charlotte-Louisa, 1819; s. his father as 3rd earl, 2 March, 1865; m. 30 April, 1844, Soliua-Luuioa, youngest dan. of dan. of the late Willinns Poynts, of hitidgiconc thence, Ilorke, Cecil, let Lord Foroster, and has had issue, i. Geonnc-Ceerr.-Ou,.xuuo, Visceunt Eewporl, ftP. for is. Elisaheth, nc to Sir G.-W. Gunning, Re.; and ci. in 1810. North Salop, late an officer in the let life-guards, Sir Henry won elevated to the peerage, 13 Aug. 1794, as B.L-, 8. 3 Feb. 1645. is. Francis-Charles, St. Scots fue.-gde., is. 4 Jnly, 1846. Baron Brc,cc,forcl, of Bro,lfes’ci, cc. Salop. His lordship ci. in Is,. Ocrald.Orlassdo.Manners, officer in rifle brigade, 8. 1530, accd was a. by isle eldest eon, 5 Nov. 1847. cv. Rowland-Alexauder.Somoroet, 8. 12 Feb. 1852 ; ef. Luey.F.lir.oheth. don. of C eorge, 4th Viset. Torrington, nud by 2 July, 1664. i. Mabel-Sehina. cc. Florence-Katherine. Itintav. The R,nuv Rev. JoaN Bas000seAN, Bishop of Clsester (son of Edward Rridgemasc, Eoq., who wae sheriff of Bevo,s in 1578), cm. Elizabeth. dan. of Br. Helyar, canon of Exotor, and archdeacon of Barnotaple, and had five sosco, of whom Heyav, the 3rd son, was bishop of Man in 1671. TIse oldest eon, 1. OaLANnoBRcDGE, a lawyer ofgreat eminence, having been successively lord chief baron of the Exchequer, lord chief justice of the Common Pleas, and Lonn KEEPER OF TUE Guexv SEAL, was created a llaronct 7 June, l6tL Sir Orlando m. let, Jndith, dan. and heir of John Kynaeton, Eeq. of Morton, eo. Salop, aud bad an only eon, Jona, bin 2 Emily.I.oniso-Gerlrnde, ,cc.SJcily, 1819, In Lt.-Col. Fmneie successor. He m. hndly, Dorothy, dan. of Dr. Saunders, provost of Oriel College, Oxford (relict of George Cradeek, Enq. of Caverswell Castle, en. Stafford), and had, 125 BRA 25 Ci,aeree 11., hot the title lceea,no EXTINCT. (See BUEKE’o Anion Boroscetoge.) of John llatthesvs, Eu1, of Court, and Jane his derived from Eiscioss Efehl, Lord of Cysdllaoth, younger 1747, was c. by his eldest eon, 4th Earl of Bradttcrd, n,sd Visconsst Newport (lsououro don. and heir of the Itev. Johcs Sisnpeon, and by her (svlso ci. in 1866) had issue, s. OELANnO. by Act of Porliameus, else sursooe and arms of SsscrsoN; and Sc. 1st, in 1784, lienrietta-hraoces, oniy dan. of Sir Thomae Woreley, hlort., Icy wlssss (who ci. in 1761) ho had an only surviving dan., I Ilenrie;to-Anna—Slonta-Clcarlottc, who intcerfted the estates of her uncle, Sir ttiolsard Woreley, llart. She ccc. in 1806, Charles, Lord Ysrhoroogh, and ci. in 1613. Sir. Scmpeon ccc. lndly, in 1713, Grace, don. of Sancecel Est;eieke, Eec., and by that lady (who ci. in 1839) Icad, I hlenry-Rridgcman-Oinspcon, Req. of Rahworlh lesll, 8., 1796; oc. 1830, Frances-Emily, dan. of henry Raring, Req. 2 John, 8. in 1800. 3 Wifliam, 8. in 1813; in holy orders; ccc. 23 lone, 1837, Froncee-Loura, dnu, of Earl bitewilhiam, acid has Icad, Orlando-Johcs-George, 8. 1838; Willionc, 6. 1543; George- Arthur, 8.1646; Francis-Chock,, Mary; Carolinellory; and Beatrice-Dorothy-Mary. I Cicarlotse. 2 Louisa-Elizabeth, the lien, and Rev. H.-E. Bridge’ cuan. 3 Cnrolhcc, ci. 2 Nov. 1639. 4 lsnlcofla. 5 Georgian a,c;c. 16 Feb. 1841, to Lient.-Ges. Sir WilhiansRyre, K.C.R., eon of the late Vice-Adusirsl Sir GeorgeEyre, K.C.R. 6 Ecccilc’. 3hr. Simpeon ci. 5 Jnne, 1610. see. George, in holy orders; 8. It Aug. 1705; oc. let, in 1792, Lady Lney Boyle, dan. of Rdncund, 7th Karl of Cork, and ci. Oct. 1832, having by her (who ci. icc 1601) hod, I Rd ocund-Henry. a hieul.-col. in the anny, 6. in 1797; cc. IS Jan. 1837, Rhizabcth-Harriet, dan. of the late Col. Henry-Hervey-Asfon, aed ci. n841. 1 Rlizabetlc-lcabello, ccc. in 1822, to else Rev. Kgorlccn-Arden Itagot, of Pipe hayes, eo. Warwick; and ci. in 1824. 2 Anne-Chsrloftc, see, in 1819, to Chearles Shirley, Esq., and ci. 9 Feb. 1858. Ecq., which lady ci. icc 1840 e. Cicorlotfe, ccc. to hlonry-Gressc-olde Lewis, of lialveru Itoh, Esci.; and ct in 1802. Oaromcno, Sud Icnrou, 8. 19 lloreh, 1762; m. 29 ldoy, 7765, her (who ci. 20 Sept. 1544) had, e. Geoenu Aunosvoe.Facnnesese-IIENET, 2nd corl. is. Charles-Orlando, vico-sdecirnl K.N., 8.5 Feb. 1791 ; cn. 2 Dee. 1819, glisa-Carslisce, eldest dan. of Sir hlescry Chsacberlain, Rant., and ci. 13 A1,ril, 1860, having by her Iced issue, 1 Chnrles-Orlaccdo-llenry, 6-in 1021, k.I.C.M.S.; ci. in India, 11 May, 1847. 2 Educnod-Wolryelce-OrlOndo, ic 24 Jan. 1025; vicar of itinnerley, eo. Snlop; so. 291)ce. 1833, Lille-Frnneee, don. of K. ltiehords, Escj. of Coerycewclc, aced by her (wico ci. 2 Sept. 1861) has, Ucsnla-Jndish, hand, nnd Doroehy. 3 Onlando.Fs’ederio-Cavendich, ealct. 2nd drogoan-goardo, 6. 1631; ci. at Aleasndrio, 19 Isee. 1858. I Urecclo—Lescy-Graee, cc. let, 21 Isee.I 047, to Albert, 1st f.ord Londesborough; and Indly, 14 Dee. lofI, to horcl neho Fitegerold (See t.eeccsvue I).). Beekford Ward, R.A., eon of the Dean of Lincoln. - 3 Coroline_Ehienlcclli-Asine-AHes, ccc. S Iloy, 1s54, to Sir Vincent Rowland Corbel, Rant. 4 Chorlotte_Sobieeki.lsnbel, ac. 19 May, I5g3, to Leopold,