Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/176

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only son of Lieutenant-General the Hon. Sir Edward Cast bssssi his Blssssv’hvtllc Park, ro. Kilkessny. Prom the lad son (see ititowanow E.) . - of this geutlesnan. directly dcscessded, 5 Kstlserine—Setina, sss. 18 Aug. 1063, to Artlsnr—Ptnltls I. Sias’sN ltnans-rsssss’r, Esq. of Kilusainham, on. Dstbhn, a Lloyd Esq., elstrst son of the late lees. llonry-J. Lloyd, lssrs-ioter-at-iaw, who svaa createsi a BAS”rtr.T OF 15SELA15O, rector of Selalt) i5, Salop. iii. Orlando—ilenry, caps. in the army. is. 0 31a, 1794; os II July, 1729. Sit- Simon st. his relative, Miss Bradotroet, July, Jul) Setina, dust, of Francis, 1st Earl of lstlnsssrcy; sl,ns. sf — ltnsdstrcet, Esq. of Kilkentsy, lay wlssm ise isad and st. 28 Aug. 1 a27, tearing issue, I Francis—Orlando. 6, Itt Colt. 1 10, tate rapt. tolls lsnssars 3issssstp.srret ; and Emilia, sss. to Captaiss Samuel Zssbeli, of s,s. 311 ,tone. I silt, the (‘esmtess .loss-tstsiae-W tltsclnssna— fhttissssrc’o regt.) ansi tsvo costs, t’y tite cider of whom he b’rauensea, eldest dass. of Alit 150557 —Jssepls-Clessesst, (‘sssstt wsss a. at his decease, 26 April, 1762. tess Tsrrsng—lhisssscci, of ltssvaria, asid has a class., Lucy— 11. Sos SsasssN. ‘ibis gcistlnnsass st. S Oct. 1739, Assno, Scltat—Fs’asssses. 2 Orlande-Jarlc-Clsarles, Is. tss 1523. I Selina, se. 2 April, 1 sb, In I lessry-t’ex tlrielowe, Req. iv. llenra —Edasssset, its hats orders, is. Ia (tel. 1792 s, .21 Asig. W’ilht:srss lIsre, U’s1. sf Ilnqss re T’’ssn, oss. Wetford, and ‘fist I sb, Lssnisa—llteatsetlt, slssss. of I lets. Jetss llrideesssais— devotve,t tstssn hi essly tsrvthvr, ScIsssoss, assst isas ls,s’l, 1 tdenry-ftrlando. 6. 26 Jest. tsbt; s.. 23 Dec. 1510, Caroline, III. Sits Saws us, hsos’ist,sr-nt-lssw, recorder of Dublin, eldest class, of Lie’st,—Col. t’lsssr. 2 Frrsleriek—llrssry—llrlasislo, 6. 19 Ncr. 1026; sss. 17 April, whess ho ss,ie clv s’,stcd I a a j isdicissl sent in the (‘oust of 1054, Enstssa-5 lisa, ‘lass. esf ttsc Isle llessr7 W’ersstelsr, Req., king’s Stench. Itis Iord0hip s. 1771, Eticsi, only dass, and asssi lsas a sets, .lllred, is. Islit. 3 O’slrvrhmAsslmr.ChsrleeOrlassde, ts.5 June, 1929; ci. hvtrose of Jsonsvs Tsslly, lit I)., of Dssbhtss, by ils-tdgst, hi’s 14 Oct. 166. 4 tlrrewolsle-Tsssdley—Orlenslss, Is. 2 .tssly, ls29. 5 (lrassvtise— I iens’v—slclarslss, 6. 9 . tsp. 1530, 6 Aeihssr—M iilssssss—ttrlaisdss, ts. I Pet’. I a;t 1 7 Edward Clsarlcs—f(rtesssle. P. 6 Nec. 15111. I Caroltsse-Lssidsa-(iesrgtassa—Ss qdsts, ,c. 29 Dec. t539, to O’illtans—.tsssellt its sgslsssr , Req. 2 Lossioa-]sat,chta-tsetarta. 3 lle]en-Oerlrude. i. Lnrs’-llttcahrtls-Geergteea, sin IsIS, Ia W -W . Wtsilnsore, Essp of Dssdas.seleis, en. Oalssp ; end 1. 1s40. Tile lordship wue created Vteessssnt Nesvs,srt ansi F,etsi, or decease 1, .ss. Is’s II. 13,ss’ns ; Cssroline, deceased, in. ts the late 14a.snroon, Ott Nov. IsIS. lie st. 1’ Sr1st. 1923, and mis a. by t’otensaisrt,ssst she Lavalctts’ Slaeia-Annaisohla, se, to SI. to Isis eldest en, Gevsnvssl - At’crei’us -Fnrnrssss’o - Ileans, Sssd earl, ‘a iso ’sr) tsvss none, Jossa V.seo’scssac, present basenet; and was ts. dl Oct. 3755, eisd sa. 1st, .1 Starch, isiS, GnorgtssaElies,lscth, Enuss’sn-Ssaissa’, 11. t4 _ss.r. tHis, asol us, Jan, 104t, Emily, only duos, of the lafe Sir Thssns, a tloncrctffe. of dsn. of Os u. ste Osija, of Fsaure, and has tactic, I Edward, Plesirretife, Ce. I’erth, Bert., assd by her (who of. 12 Oct. 1 Anna-Matilda, 2 Geraldine, 3 Sophie. 1442) hssd, OnLassno-il eenr.n-Cssesstne, Isreeent peer. Oessrge—Ttiomasa srlasssle. in isssle orders, reeler of Wigan, as-nsaar esssl,cssved, Itse tsassd graspissg 55 srtisstiar.JJsbla—Vtr— 1.ancaotsire, and Issssssrary rtsaplsstss ta liss Q’seen ; Is. 21 talc ci nets vi, SenI—Castilla, Clonlas’f. to. Dahlia. Assg. 1923 1 a. 25 Jsstse, 18sf, Lnsily-.Stsss’y. dssu. of use late Ilieliard Ilagel, 15.15,, Isielsets of Italls ansI Wells, and Isy lsrr (wtsa ‘t. 13 Dec. 1953) tics, 1 Eraeet-tttetsard-Ortssrda, 11.9 May,] 051. 2 Charles-Geor,se-Orlassde, 6. 13 July, 1512. I It’srrtet—Grergtan.s-lsatsel. Jolsa-ltobcrt-Orlassds, in Issly orslrre, rs eter of Weston-underLyziard, Staffssrdslstre, 6. 15 P55g. 153t si .5 Jane, 1962. Tlssriansse-Caroliise. enty ‘lass. of Arehstcaeen (‘live, and has issue, W’illiaas-Cltve, 11. 31 Pro. 1864, assd Geergina-RintlyTlary. Geargiana-Elinabelh. 1 4 duly, 1643. Lacy-Cardiac. 5. 3 I5ec. D’S-’. fi’osss the effects of being nonclesstally isssrtst at Westass t’a rls. Clsarlotte-Assne, sf 26 Per. 1853, from the Sante melanrisely aectdoist sss her t dee. Mary-helina,sss. 20 Gel. 1832, to the lion. Robert WindsorCltve, H.P., who 1.3 Astg. IRIS. His lordship in. Sndly, 30 Oct. 1649, Itelcss, wislew sf Sir Isavid Mancrieffe, hart., and dan of ssesas Mackay, Req. of Scolaton. Me sS. 12 March, isP.’, and wao a. by tsie oldest sess, OnLscsno - Groisr.r -Csias.Lre, rd and presesst Raise en rnssnrossn. frssstiosa—ilarnrrs, 1000. Bares, 13 Aug. 1794. Earl and V teeassisl, 30 Nor, Is I a. ztrss,s—Sa. less plates, four, llsrrr, B3ATI’,RoOEF., BARoN (C’hnrhea-Cortswnlhio Nesihle), lsvn, ansi one; ott a rlstef, arg., a Itess, asossat, of Ilse tiest. of llrayhs-ooko. co. Nortlsassspton, Iiei’editnry visitor Cee..f—A ‘ls’ssti—lion. rassspant, arg., tsslstissg Isel sees tlse pates a soseath of lassrel. ssr. Sssjspss’tes’a—’I’sscs li-eperds, gisardsistt, of Magdalene’ College, high steward of Wokinglinns, gss., Isetlos3e. 31st—Nec te,siere, ncr tttsstdr. Se’sls—W’estois ft. 29 )tssg. 1823; L his brother 21 Feb. 1561; auu. l’arts (shiffaall). Staff, ‘riols tee ansi Castle liresnsrirh, on. Wares 9 Oct. 1819, tIle Hon. Florenee-Slnude, 3rd dan. esf irIs. Tasess Jdsese—43, Ilelgrave Sqssas’e. BRA US T It E E ‘C, Iilt.cilsTt;IIET, Stit JOIIN-V.tLENTINS. Ssis flnwaen NestLes, of Adlingtess Park, In Kent, 2nd Bssrt. of Steaetsmnjo, Kilsiars, lv 23 Seist. 1815 ; a. as d,sss. ef As,dscw, Lord Windsor, lay wb,sio be 1usd, Rnwaan, 5th )s’arnnet, at the decease of his selse a. late essssstss, as 5th Lord .sttsernsestssy, iss 1267, and fssthsot’, Sir Sssn on, itt 1853 sit. Sin II sass Nrsiees-., of Ilillioglsere, sss. Elizabeth, dao. S Nov. 1536, Dosta Josefss do Vin aisd heir of Sir Jelsi Gredsaso, assrt wsss a. his son, ness, dan. of 1)011 Vieente Xavier Sin ISiwas NO,ViLLE, sf Billtngt’ei’e, a dtsttstguished ole Vinuesa, of Burgea, Siam. .Liitrar. This family settled its irelssissi clssrttsg tise sssssts’stts sn sf itoulagne. Sir Ilcary sst. Assne, dass, ssf Sic Hessry Eitligvew, Cssssaiw rLL, tt lsest J olss, Braslstrec t, 1404., vst staissesl gssstst.s of of Ce,s’iswnil, and styhnsg in 55515, wee a. Isy late eldest aen, 120 BRA tsve d,sssa.) charlotte, sss. in 1714, to Ednsosd, 15th S’istossnt oister of the lligist Itosa. Ste henry Csivvndieh, Hart., by wtss ass be lsssd sits ossly dan., ltlsassor-Csstlsei4sse, who sit. tel). Sir Sisssoss rtyhsp svtthsesst sns,Ie is,sssc, the title nsssl roJsrvsvsst stix its ls.srhsamv ist for that city, isntil 1784, wife, youngest deter, sns,l, in lace iveste, e,,heiresn of Ednsnssd Neticecihle, Los1, of Losspford Castle, no. Gatway, and had four e’ssas, sin., Sir Sssssssscl ci. iss 1793, and was a, lay Isis sois, IV. Ssis Ssasua’, is. 1772 ‘aba ‘so. Jan. 1508, Clare-Margssret, sl.sst. of Jsehn Sloet hy, Esq., of l”lect Street, Dssbttn, ssssd sI, 1st 1SVJ. lvavtssg (55 ith fosse slsssss., viz., Elizabctb, Cssmsnassdssnt si’Assrenassi, of Tarbee, 1-raurn; and AliciaElean Cssotta,s—l4 Juts, 1750. Puss—_keg, a greyhssosd, passent, gss. oss a chief. Ca., slsree eresreate, or. ts’eet—An as-in iss BRANCEPETH, Bar,o, ace BOSNN. VISCOUNT. BRANDON, DUKE, 0(6 IIAIiILTON AND BRANDON, Duitis. BRAYIiROOKE. Cos’nwahlia, 3rd Vinnonut Hawardeu, and hai a dan. Augnata. Ittlicitfir. sin of Ges-sge, herd ,ttsergascnny, wh,, st, in 1492, sit. Eleanor, lersois us the reiens of Eeszxsnsss and JaMes I., eplseinted anshsssenstssr tc Frsancc, its .tsril, 1550 ; and, its thc sssnsnser uI the foII,,svissg yrar, first rsssssnsissi,sner sst the tivety of Si ss lisa as Net-suns, cf iiilhissgbns-e, se-lass ‘si. Llizsatseth, eiaio’s. 411t harenet. Rdsnond. Samuel-lenten. dehn, st in Dcc. 1811.