Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/206

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IIUR Ii. ttTfiIflC. HUGH DX BURnETT, one of the Norman soldiers of the Conquest, was father of Wianiasi RUHDETT, who became Lord of Lenseby, co. Leicestor. and founded the priory at Aneote, near Sockingten, co. Warwick, temp. HENRY II. His lineal descendant, Sin ROBERT BURnETT, Rnt. is. Elizabeth, dan. and heiress of Sir Gerard do Camville, with w’lsons lie obtained the manor of Arrow, in Warwiekstire, where he settled. This gontleman represented the co. of Warwick in parliament in the 11th of Enseaon 11., and in three years afterwards was one of the eosnmissioners for the gaol delivery at Warwick. He subsequently represented Leicestershire, and afterwards the co. Warwick again. lie A hi 1133, and ;vo Paso to his great-great-grandson, Sin Nscnoazs RnnnoTT, Rut., who fell at the battle of Pontise, ill 1440. TIns gentleman was eldef butler oi Nornsandy, and governor of Enreux by lds wife, Joan, cousin and heiress of Henry Brnin, ho obtained the manor of llramcotc, in Waru-iekshire, aisd left a son and heir, TnoaiAo Tin DLTT, Esq. of Arrow. a person of great noto and figure hs the co. Warwick, who fell a victim to lus attacisment to the Duke of Clarence, temp. EDwARD IV. Slaving intemperately wished tise horns ef a white buck, I. Elizabelh, ci. to Francis liondy, Esq. which lie had hoard that tiso king had leilled in his park of Arrow-, in thso belly of the menaroh’e advisor, the opportunity Sir Hobart is;. 2ssdhy, Lady Carolissc Ifarpur, widow of Sir was seized to arraign, oenvict, and execute lumu for henry Hsn’pnr, and dan. of Jobs;, and Duke af Rutland, but high treason ; and fcc uttering these unguarded svordo he by that lady (who ii. 10 Nov. 1769) had no iasnc. Mc S. is; wao beheaded in 1477. After ins death, a great contest 1787, amed n-as a by his gmndson, fer his manor of Arrow and other eststm arose betw’cen Richard B;u’dett, Ins san, by Agnes, dan. of Johss Waldeif, V. Sin FnAaerms, SIP., is. in 1770, who so. 5. Aug. 1793, a former wife, that had been. fronm nearness of kindred, Seplsia, yonssgcst dan. of the late Thomas Contto, Esq., and divorred frons hinm in 1411 ; and John llurdett. Ins son, by by her (who ii. in Jan. 1844) had issne, Margaret, dan. of John Rodney. Timo matter finally ternsinated Rosasx, Isresent barenel. by rest sin of the estates, including Arrow, p;sssing to Solslsia, a. 23 Oct. 1033, 10 the lIon.. lIchen Olway-Cave, the das;. and heiress of Rirhard Bnrdctt ; and cIsc rensninder to the sin and heir of Jour (himself, who had attnnrd Ssssamanals, is. 29 Nov. 1830, Ia Jelsn-Rettessvorlho Teevaisles, the honour of knighthood, dyhsg befers the decisisni, ,Toassna-is’rassres, ii. 4 Aisril, 1002. namely, TnoarAs RCSRrTT, Rsq. of Rramcste, who d. about the tlles’a-Marhs, is;. 27 Aisril, 1830, to the Rev. Jan;es-Droin— list of Hsrnar VIII., and was a. by his eldest sos; (by Mary Assgela. Tisis lash)’ having s;;ceeeslesl to usc grcal property of dan. of Sir Robert Throekmorton, Rut). ROBERT RDODETT, Esq., H.P. for the co. Warwick, w-ho os. Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Thomas Ceckaino, Knt. of Ash. burne, co. Derby, and 4. 1140, The grandson of this nsarriago, Sir Francis, a well knowsa politician, ii. 21 Jan. 1044. T’.uascv linnnnTT, Esq., os, Mary, dan of the Very Rev. Thomas Wilson, D.D. dsan of Durhans ; and dyh;g in 1003, was ,s. by his only eon, I. THOMAS BU5DETT, Req., who was created a Raronet Cs’est—A lion’s head, erased, so., haogncsl, gus, 21 Feb. 1010. Sir Thomas so. Jane, dan.and heiress of William Fra;sneya,. Es’1. ef Foresnarh, ce. Derby, which Hanoi’, Whllshsirr. seat has nines been one of the chief ldarcs of residence of the famlly ; by this lady us had, with other children, Pnsnuscvo, his snrrcssor, ROBERT, a merchant and aldermas of the city of London ; and Catherine, m. to Ssbright Mcpington, Esq. Re was o. by his eldest son, Ii. Sm Pzauacvs, is. 10 Sept. 1008; who as. Elizabeth, da’m. of the lord oldef baron (Sir John) Walter; and dying 30 Dee. 1096, was s. by his oldest non, III. SiR ROBErT, is. 11 Jan. 1643, M.P. for the co. Warwick. This gentleman sw. 1st, Mary, only dan. of Grrvase Pigot, Esq. of Thvnmpten, Notts, and co-heir of Jolna St. Andrew, Raq. of Goteham, in the same shire, by whom he had one dan. Elizabeth, se to Charles Jonene, Esq. He is;. 2ndly, Magdalrn, dan. of Sir Tlsomae Aston, Dart. and had oeveral children ; Sir Robert om. 3rdly, Mary, dan. of Mr. Thomas Erome, of Croxhali, co. Derby, but by that lady had moo snrviving issue. He 4. 13 Jan. 1713-10, and From an anciesst pedhgree, it would appear that thsis was a. by his grassdsass, (the postisumons son of his only tamily is dcsecnded feons Hngo de Burdett, lord of the matured son, Robrst, by Elizabeth, dan. of William, Lord Manor of Lonsa’by, in Leicestersldre, a noble Norman, who Viscount Tracy,) LV. Sin Rnocav, D.C.L., is. 20 May, 1710; who ci. 1st, this distance of time, the conncettssg hub caos;et be dio• in 17.39, Elizabeth, only dais, of Sir Charlrs Sedley, Dart. thssetly traced. The Heralds’ Cethego dednccs its origin (ace RnseaE’s Erlissrl Boreaelagc), b3- wisons (svho 4. 20 Ang. from Almcrhens de Rurdott, who held lands at Skelman. 1747) he bad leone, i. FsArrms, who is;. Eleanor, sian. sod ce-Iseir of William Idonea, dan. and heir of Sir Robert do Rahiel,5 by Margaret, Jones, Essj. oi Rasnsbury Plamonr, Wills; and dyieg in dasm. assd hseir of Sir Robert de Deusby, n-Iso sn. lhargam’et, 1194, leflissne, 1 FRANcIs, bib baronet. 2 Charles-Sedlcy, drowsscd at use falls of Sclsafflsasssess, * TIns Sir Robert do Raliol is supposed to be of lbs sonic in 1791. 1 W’dliam-Jencs, so. Ii Oct. 1011, Sarah, dan. of Tinsdllsy tacitly as this John de ttalhoh who seas a eossspelilor whhh Dreal, Esq., sod hail, FsAueoms, licsmt.—col. in lhsc arnsy, lair l7lh lsnrcrs, is. Tvas, who its her subsequent widowhood wedded Jolsa de 23 lIar. 1813; as. isI, 27 Ccl. loll, Amssolia-Rliza, dan. of Ryren, of Clayton, 156 BUR lbs bile Majar Jas. Sharp, of Kinrarrailne, cc. Perth, sati has had issoc, Asoelia-Aogca, 4. 1910; l”lora Frances; and Clara-Ceoslsorc he as. lndhy, 22 Aug., 1867, llary-lorolhy, yonsgesl doe, of J. Sssilh, Esq. of Chcallsam, lsnsrlsasss, smnd has a dais. tViltiaos-Jsises, b. 13 Jour, 1014; so. 20 Sept. 1092, Careltssc-Julia, and dan. of Cspi. Joseph Neynoe, Ills Royal Vnleras Ratlalioss; and sI. 17 Dec. 1850, leaving issue, Wihlans-Joocs, is. at Osleod, 21 Jaly, 1053 Francis-Ncysser, is. al Spa, 10 Nov. 1011; Caroioe-JsnoJulia; Clara-Susannals; asd Fassny-Sarals-Wihhelmina. Charles-Sedle)’, is. in 1819; liens-eel. late Coidslrcaun guards; us;. 2 Jonr, 1046, hlarrict-Elirahclh, dais, of L. Amuses, g50, of The hyde, co. liens, assd has issue. Robcr;, is. 8 Joe. 1023. Henry-SI. Albans, is. 04 Asia. 1827, an sl7scer in Iho El. Co.’s 2nd Maslrrs linrosean hight Isfaistry, sO. 1950. Sarah, s’s. I Jane, 1011, to J.-G. llarnsslcss, Esq. Psony, iss. 1st, 7 rsrc. 1020, Ic W’illiasn-Jansns-Pelcm’ Hoerail, Esq., wIse ii. Dcc. 1819 ; sod lodly, lo lVllllasn-Grey I’ili, Esq. Snisluha, so. to J. Cuonhealsans, Esq. Emssilv, s,; lo lvilliasss Iliri, hisq. Ansy-Gesrgiana, as. 1012, so lliehaed-Guinness Mill, Esq. of Dutlism. Mr. Jones Rordctt S. is 1040. I Mary-Eleanor, ii. sirs sss. 2 Elirahclh, is;. in 1801, to Sir James Lanhom, Hart. 3 Frassccs, silO April, IsIS. 11.1’., of Castle Olway, ro. Ti1sperary, ,rhse S. in 1044. lies. Olway-Cavr, ‘1.30 Dec. 1019. Ksq. of Cacrhsays, es. Csrsnaall, who sl. 1840. ssso;ssl ltossev. her grsssdfallser, lIe. Comstts, tlsc hanker, assssler the will of Iliac gentlensao’s widow, the D;srhsess of Si. Alison’s, ass;;sved, Isy shgss—sssansal, ilse aslslithom;al sass’ssaane anti ar;s;s of C0UTT5. Cs’nslioss—29 Feb. 1610. A ‘so—Az., tsvo hors, or, eu earls three sssau’tlets, gau. ,sto—Forrsnark (hleptoo(, ra. Dcrhsy; and lhasssshssry B U .RDE T T. BURDETT, SIR CRARLES-WENTWORTH, of Bcmrtlswaito, co. York, 5. 4 Nov. 1835; 1. in father, as 7th Larcact, in 1848. ithhfihgr. came into England witis WILLIAM tha Conqnoror, but at therpe. co. York, temp. Mranv III. His son, Robert, sa. dan. and heir of Sir Robert de Holiaod,t the son of Sir Rm’oco fssr the reewn atSeohlaod. i’lsis Ohs’ lhobcrt do holland, us;. Jean, dan. of Sir Sahdseio