Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/207

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BUR Adam de Houand, by Hand, dan of Gilbert do Notton. By of Wroxall, with other estates in the cc. Warwick. He so. this marriage with the hoireos of the three houses of BaBel, Elicabetb, dan. of Thonsao Munden, Esq., which lady so. Booby, and Holland, ho acquired tho iordships of Benby 2ndly, Sir Robert Lytten. The great-grandeon of this and High Holland, so. York. His deooendant, FssAs,css BURnETT, Esq., as. Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Fordinando I. JOHN BUROOYNE, Req., 3SF. for the eo. Warwick, Leigh, Hat, of Hiddloton (subsequently a seat of possessed Sutton and Psstton, and Wroxali and Honiley, the Brandlings of Gosforth), and was e. by isis only son, 1. FRANCIS BURnETT, Eoq. who was created a Jiarosoot, dan. of William Kempe, Req. of Spain’s Hall, Essex, by 25 Joly, 106i. Sir Franoio so. Franoos, dan. of—Stophienson, whom (with four dano.) ho had three sons, vie., of Lineolnshlre ; and dying in 1719, was o. by lao only sois. II. SIR FRANCIS, 8. 2 Aug. ISH. This gesitlesnan sit. John iii. Penelope, sister of Sir T. Darcy, of Essex, lInt., Elloaboth, widow of Wffliam Darnbam, Esq., and’i Robert, in. Catherine lioydou. co-heir of Charles Wyndham, Req. of Stokooby, co. Norfolk, The let barenot was buried at Sutton, It Oct. lti7, and was sixth in lineal desoont from Sir Thomas Wyndlsasn, led son of Sir Thomas Wyssdhans, of Foibiigge, and by liar l,ad a. by his oldest son. fomteen children, of whosn the twelve younger died iosnoless. II. SIR Rooen. This genCeman es let, Anne, dan. and He B. in 1748, assd was s. by his older osurviviag son, heir of Cbaries Snelling, Esq. and had, III. THE Hey. SIR HUGH ; at whose decease, sonot, in JOHN, his sucecsoos. 1700, the title devolved supon his brother, IV. SIR CHARLES, t. in 1728, who us,. twice, and had by Anus, vs. to John ieaymond, Esq. his 2nd wife, Sarah, dan. of Joseph Haioey, Req. of Boston, Mary, so. to William Guyou, Rsq. iii Now England, s. C5IARLE5WYNDIIAR, 5th baroost. el. George-Savillo, 8. 18 £tag. 1774; us major in ilso arm)’; three dane. lie it. 10 Scpt. 1077, assd woo e. by his only iii. Sophia, dais, of Col. Wilkins, and wills her, ,ussd isis son, oniy ohiiit, mis killed in lbs hsnrieasse ci St. Locia, III. Sin JOHN, who iii. Constance, dan. of Itichasd Lucy, 21 Oct. 1817, by the falling down of the ban’arhs. III. Joreoso, 8. 27 Sept. 1778; o eapt. in she arnuv; a. Elicaboils Esq. of Clsarlecotc, co. Warwick, and had, Bnlleyo, and left, at his decease, 000 5055 and sac dso. 1 CNAEI.Es-WEsoTwssTn, late baronet. 1 Ellen. i. Sarah, rl. 4 April, 1030. is. Elizabeth, so. 14 Jass. 1802, to William-hugh Bos’goss, Esq. of London; and it. 22 Fob. 1519. Sir Charles 5. 19 July, 1103, and was o. by isis oldest son, V. SIR CHARLEe-WYNOHAM, a hiont. -oolonol in tlso army, 8. 19 July, 1771 ; it. stein, at Colosnbo, hi tlse island of Ceylon, in Dee. 1839, and was a. by his nephew, VI. SIR CRARLES-WONTwORTH, an officer in the East India Thomas, an. Miss Warress. Company’s military sorvice, 8. 28 Dec. 1801, who ci. 31 Dcc. Lucy (a son), ass. Miss Elieabeth Howell. 1834, his consin, Harriet, dan. of William-Hugh Bnrgese, Sir Johssa it. 9 April, 1709, and woos. by his eldest son, Esq., and by her (who ci. 21 July, 1851,) bad issue, a. CIIARLE5-WONI-WORTH, present baronet. as. William-Jerome, 8. 10 Dee. 1841. s. harriet-Fuse, as. 8 Nov. 1800, to the Rev. Tisoeehore Franois, Christopher Wren, Esq.. son of Sir Christopher Wren, Rut.) of letford, RiseRs. Is. Fuss-Mazy, as. 25 Oct. 1002, is Itajor T.-F. Garrard, Pigott. He B. in 1710, and was a. by his elder son, late of the Madras army. Sir Charloa d. in 1848. C,eohso—25 July, tOil. Aress—Paly of six, arg. snd sa.; on a bend, go., three marthits, 1709, lady Emnees Ilontagus, eldoet dan. of George, Earl arg. Creel—On a iswor, arg., a snartlel, rising, or. Seal—Aseomb, co York. BURFORD, EKRL, coo ST. ALBANS, PricE. BURGHERSII, Lonu, see WEOTMOI1ELAND, Etttc. BURGHLEY, LORD, 001 EXETER, MARQUESS. BCRGOTNE, SIR JOUN-MONTAGU, co. Antrim, and had isssse. his 3rd ion, 000rgc-Fredrriet, Hart. of Sutton Park, co. Bedford; high sheriff for that Co. in 1868; lieut.-col. lato gron.-gnardo, b. 23 Oct. 1832; o. Isis father, as 10th George-Aogustus, capt. 2Otb drogeono; ci. nsssss. in 1514, hart., 17 March, 1858; Di. 10 Nov. Frances, as. to Robert, Snd Lord Ongley. 1856, Amy, only dan. of the late Sir John t. in 1702, and was c. by bis oldest son, Capt. El. Nelson Smith, RE. JLIiici’tc. ROBERT BUROOYNE, Esq., younger son of John Durgsvne, 5ged 82) bad iseoo, or Sutton, was one of the auditors of the Exchequer in JoHsc-lloNrAnn, Otis baronet. the roign of HENRY Viii., ssnd one of tbo commissioners ]doNTAOu-Gc000e, vs. 13 Dec. 1111, Losssoa-Theodesia appointed to take the surrenders of the monasteries; and had, in 1541, gs%nto of the rectory, tithcs, and all the land WihIiam—Mootagsu, it. S Feb. 1075. 157 BUR gentleman, and was created a Baronet 11 July, 1041. Sir Johu so. Jane, ROOER, his successor. and loft issue, whose descensiant holds lands in Petten. Jano, so. to Johss Symondo, Req., barrister at-law. Judith, il uSSR. Ho vs. lndly, As,ne, dan. of John Rebiuvon, Rsq., and had ttoonn, hio svsceeosor. John, is,. Aussa-iilaria, dan. of Charles Bssrneston, Faq. of Hackney, Middlesex, assd had iosuc, The Right Hon. Gen. JOHN DUROOYNE, liP. fur Prestos. This gallant offiror commas,ded the British army in Amesica, in t777, and was commander-in-chief in ireland isa 1782, and sworn of the privy council there. He iii. Lady Charlotte Stanley, dau. of Edward, tttb Earl of Derby. Gon. Dnrgoyne was also a dramatist of note, and was author of Tfse Lord of Ike .lilossor, The Heirecs, The Maid of iSo Gets, Ac. lied. iii 1792. Elizabeth, iii. to Griffith Davis, 31_B. IV. Sun Eooen. This gentleman sit. Constance, dais. ci Sir Thomas Middleton, lInt., by whom (who re-mos-rtcd be bad two eons and a don., Constauhs, in. to Capt. John V. Sm JOHN, at whose deceaoe, ssussss., soon after his father, in 1710, the title dereivod oss his brother, VI. Sin Rooeos, SIP. for the eo. Bedford, who iii. in of HaBfaX, by whom (uvho it. 24 July, 1700) be bad, with several dons., s. JOHN, bis successor. is. Hontsgu, vs. Elioabeths, dan. and heir of Bhiab Harvey, Esq. of Ctaybssry Hall, Rsoex, H.P. for liunwieb; and it, 0 March, 1030, bautug had two duos. I Faaces-Etsctenass, s,. 11 Jan. 1817, Sic Guy Campbell, Dart., CD. and it. at Florence, 7 May, ISiS. 2 ELIOABETH, as. 15 Aug. 1819, to Christopher Jolackott, Eoq. of Wylam, co. Northumberland: and ci. 29 March, 3013. Sir Roger B. in 1780, and n-as e. by his etder son, VII. Sm JoHN, a hieut.-gen. in tbe army, and eel, of tlso 19th light dragoone; who iii. Charlotte, eldest dais. e’f Gen. Johisstosse, ef Overston, cc. Northampton, and by her (who sit. 2ssdly, Lient. -Gen. Rp’e-Power Trench) bad issue, IIONTAOU-BOOER, bto nusceessor. Froderick-Wilhans, capt. It.N., sit 1 Oct. 1514, Harriet, youngest dan. of tlobcrt Wallace, Esq. of Meeehmonnt, ii. 10 Nov. 1000, en his passage frossa Anotrahia. Caps. ttssrgoyne’s eldest dais., Charlustte- Frances, sss. 24 Fob. 1814, the Rev. Michael-heron Sinxwell, 3rd son of Sir Jshn-Ileron Maxa-ell, Dart., and has issue; and Isis 3rd dan., Frassees-Ongley, so. 21 Asug. 1851, Ctas.-Jamos Lamb, Esq. of Rytsn, Dssrhasn. Captain Bisrgoyuc sO. 3 June, 1040. VIII. Sin MONTAOU-ROGEO, a nsajrr-gcn. tn the army, si. 1 Nov. 1794, Catherine, only dan. of John Marten, Bsq. 0f Owlerton, co. York, and by her (who ii. 1 May, ISIS, Frances, only daus. of this late Edsvard Vernon, Req. of Ooelestsu,, Cheshire. i6o BUP5GOYNE. Ih I