Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/254

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t. Fos.nroicee n-Vsitoios’, I’s’COTIO I Er lym, It. 11 Fob. 1s47 ; ci. 18 Sept. lstis, Edith Georgians, eldest tu. f II r. ‘hriotopher turd Lady Ctrrrtiioe Turner, of Slob’ -llorhford, co. T,inc,,ln. (Ste 1/rater’s handel Grel.y.) it. Ron.ild-flotrge-lllidrrr, Iiuet. Cr1/stream grrards, 8. to 11Cr 1545. I IT. Alrxaudrr Francis 11 enry, It. 3 Sept. 1833 t. Viet.rrio—Alratuolriera E/iea/refh, ..t. 24 Jae. 1608, to Lient. C’ol Piano/s I.atrrhton, Soots fneilier-1ae-rrds. it. Muriel—Sarah. ne. Evelyn-I .rrahne-Lrrritea. iv. Rsehel-Anne-Georgitla. This is a branch of the house of Argyll, springing from of the 11ev. Whitehall Whitehall-Davies, of LIannerch Sir John Campbell (who rs. iliririella, dan. and heir of Sir Jahn Colder, of Colder), 3rd eon of Arehilerid, and earl. Iota’ Csatpnee.s., Eeq. of Cue,ler Coetle, Nairriehire, SIP. t. Gerreoa-Au.xao,rx, 6. 1811 ; r,r.5 July, 1519, CatherineLersciea, (eras and heir of Sir Alexander Campbell, by Elizabeth, his wile, sister and heir of Sir Gilbert Let-f, Bart. of Staekpsle 204 (tAY Court, Feothrokeshire), a. Mary, eldest dart. and es-heir of La’ W’ilneol, iii Itob’ errlrrs, vicar of Iltrire, ran. Vlttnlry ; S Lewis Pryee, Eeq.; and it. in 1771, having had ieeue. 5 1 see. 1803 ; it,. let, ST , ‘y ‘Ian. of Iirilian, Reeks, Esq. Payer, his heir. 2ndly, Mary, drIest tiers. rrf lire Dry. ,Irrsrirlr Weslitrer— John-llooke. Lord Lyon of Scotland, ri. Euetaeia, eldest drm. and ce-heir of l’rar cia Basset, Eoq. of Heanten Court, and had, Errs/aria, ot. to Ada. Sir George Campbell ; Charlotte, itt. to Sir Thomas Gage, Dart., ‘sod 8. in 1819; Lauisa-Candioe, or. to henry Ilulton, lr’sq. Alexander, It-eel, in the army; rs. Fiancee, only doem. of i. Harriet, rrr. in ls:12, to Willirrm llerrth, Req. ef Betglrton, t’fsili1, Mererlews, Eeq., audwosfather of Gear. Sin HENRY— Faenrineet CAaIroeT.T,, K-C-B- and tECH.; S. 1709; m. 18118, Eorma, dan. of ThonaasWilliame, Esq., and bad issue. Attire, irs Matthew, Loed Fortescue. The oldest son, B. Sin Colt rz-Ilrrnrev C,, r’, 8. 4 H creh, Foyer Ca’ttroees, Eat1. of Cawder Castle, co. Ntdrn, and of 1797. lIe ri. 22 Nev. 1°21, I’ rtlrarine.I’elrelrrlte, vortirger Staekl,ele Cortot, cc. Pembroke, rslrreeentorl cc. Crenierty in nan .anrl cc heir of Williatn Stills, Esq. of Barlsatosi hall, parliasrient, rind seas a ls,rrl ef tire Treasury in 1760. lie at. Sarah, dirt. anti co-heir of Sir Edmund Baeeee, Dart., and bad, sonar, his hoir. itT. A In, trr’oo-5tteyd, lIt -ly errlers, reot,tr ‘f Str-eI in ‘oets-Ir. George (Sir), G.C.B-, admiral of the White, cc. his cousin -fields. lterbrsi,ire, hr. 31 Arrg. 1874 ; vi. 9 Sept. Eostaria, dare, of Johie-Iloake Ctsosphell, Esq.; and d. ISIS, t’arnnlinr-Slary- .lrrmoe-ltbzabeth, driest den. rI the 28 Jan. 1911. a. p. Sarah, a. 1792, ‘Ihorsoas Wedeleenee, Eeq., brrrrieter-at-law. Yen. James Stmri,t, IILA.,arelrtleueon of Ltrontore, airri lots lie was e. by his elder eon, li-el .ln,meo-Sncrtris, It. 21 -holy, 1014; hlnraio,rIrl,tntbr,roe, t. dlltrr. 1 stE ; Wiltoorrt, 8. 11 April, 1002 ; a snie, 8. 22 Jon Cxarreets, Eoq., who wae elevated to the peerago of Great Britain, 21 June, 1790, by the title of herd Certerlor, tv. ilrrsvver-Wentnan, capt. 9th lancers, 8, 22 horde, qf t’nollerrror’lirr, rs. Pest lisle. Ills lrrrdehip had previously ropreeerr ted the tewea of Cardigan in parhameot. He tic, 27 July, 1789. Lady Caroline howard, eldest dau. ef Frederick, 5th Earl of Carlisle, and had issue, Tic 8,15 Nov. 1055, and svas s. by his eldest son, present hart. Jrrnee Fxeereoerec, his sreeressrrr. George-Pe’yoe, re-ar adm.; t. 17211; cr13 Oot. 1021, Clearlette, 2nd dttn. of tb lato lien. Isaac Gascoyne; and 8. 12 A era—Quarterly: let and 4th, ae , frette’, erg. ; arid and 1958. Hie I’ o-dslrip 1. in 1821, mtd evas a. by his elder eon, l’rrelo—bst, a gneyhnnronl. eonrtsnt, Ca., tnt svlneh, en an J rita I-’ r rrrra,er it, 2eod hart ‘me, whtr was t. 5 Nov. 1780 ; rrr - eoeroll, 1orcrceeditcg Irons Iris nrnruib, the sverd Ganorz, for I Sept. bitt, Llizalrsth, ,drrn. rI Tlesrorso, 2nd lllarqeeees of ilalb, aerd iry her (who rI. 10 Feb. 19128) h,rd, r. Jon Fooneotric-V.suon.sw, present earl. ii. Archibal’ I- Cortege, in h ny ri-tiers, reclrrr of Knipt’rn, Lricrsrorsltire; 8. ii Jrtn. 1817; rrr. 29 Sept. 1853, Cbarlittle-Il dent tlrr, aeed drrre. of the Ifoeo. and Very ltev. lboree-rEdwrr:-d Hrrevard, dean srf hichfisid, and has DonaldGer ‘rge, 6. 10 Fob. 1980; Ilrrgh, 1, 7 July, 1803 ; and two darts., llargto’et Mary rtnd Elizrheth-liarriet. eta. iheeory Ifaller, lirnl.-oel - Crrldstream grrards, 6. in 1939 rrr. 29 .1 sine, 1059, Frrreny-liortrgina, driest rlarr. rrf Col, Getrrgrr t’antltbell, and has three dane., Aliee-Slary, EdithCrtrr,lirse, Irl.trio rt—Eloaeter. e. Eenily-t’rrnrlinr, trt. 31 .Ilarclr, 1942, to the Mon. Octovius TInnier -net’r, ill .1’.. a rn t ‘f Chrrrlr’a, let Fevoraltam. Ii. tiorregianta Is-rbrlla, ,,t. 13 Jnrne, 1840, to John Halfeeer, 3-lsq. r nf Ilalbhirio, rrr. Fife. iii. F’liaabt’ib-Luey, a. 25 Juere, 1842, te John Gtway, 3rd Earl f Dr-ertrt. iv. Mary L.rroe.e, t.t. 29 Alrril, 1816, ttt George Francis, 2nd Earl ‘f Ellesarore. His lorrlship who were a P.B.S and TIP., aegnired the Earldrren try loiters 1rtrtoot dated .5 Oct. 1827, aced TI. 7 Nov. 1800. Creolrrtrro—Baron. 21 Jane. 1790. Eat-I anti Viaceesr, SOot. I 93/ _4 .a—flrrsrrlenb- ; I Or, ti harl’o Irrad mtoslaed, so., altirrf, g,r., for Caunca ,‘2 Oyreeey af eighl, or anti so., for Cawnson, EaEI, (Jolmis-Frodeniok V’nrtghamn C’aropInch), CasireeLtI 3 Arg., a lynephed, so., for Leao; 4 Per fees, cc. rnf Costi etnertimi, en. lrottcbrr,ltr, Yioentrsrt anrl grr., a crrres, r,r, frrr Lear. Crest-—A await, ppr. St’pperlero Emlyn, of Enolyn. eo. (2erniertioen, and Baron Case’. —Dexter, a han, grrrrr.leeot, n.; sinister, a hart, plrr. Mottees (err’ the I ‘n-erl)—Ca,srlirlers ranlairit noortens r (e rrdrr the A rota) don, lor,l-liertt. anti eiestoo rrrtulroruns of Cal-inartlbonshire Dr .Se,rt—Slsteitlrole Toner, l’ee,lrrrrleesltise ; Ca’, nor ; It, ii ,h,ene, 1817; 0. his fatlsee’, as 2iir.i earl, Castle, Ntrirnstire ; arid lb,lr/en lireve, Llanrlilo, Carnesrehen— 7 Nnrv, I SdO to, 28 .Trrmme, 1542, San;dr-)Im y, 2nrl elan. shire. Torrrr Hence—3d, South Andiry Sired. Ta CAYLEY, SIR BInarY, Part, of Brolrrlrton. en. York, b. 13 l’tlnrele, 18r17; a. ltie fother, as 7th hart., 15 lIce. 1857; itt. 8 July, 1830, Dtrrotlcy, 2nd dace, of the lute Rev. George Allenoon, of Itliddleton —‘l, Quae-nlsrrss-, en. York, by Iris wife, 5f° Amine-Elizabeth Davies, of Broughtrnte, Co. Flint, and of Llannoreh Pork, Cr). Denhigh, sister and heir and Broughton, atad dau. of Peter Dxvieer Esq. of liroirgitton, rnd Iras issue, eldest dear of Sir William Worsloy, Part. and has, hluoe-Evenaarv-Aaonue, 5. if Sept. 1862, end adan. C A W of Darct,haoo, sr Inch lttrly I. in ;svo itrortlirs nfl er burl, B_h., sitar rn Sire/al, Yrrrtrhirr. v. Erlreard-S.relrrrrrrll, 1’. 3 r rrt, 1a04 1 Ire])’, 1878, Mars’, t’el’ nInt,r. cr1 J den Waisree, Eat1, of hlrltrrnt Sari,, Vorhsltir-e, ann hr’ Erlsear’rI-l’ trr’wrlr-, Willisrei_Erlss rcrr], lurtiit,s-Ilarv, red iiliztslrrrli. 1’,rrkslri cc, trrrt(r ‘r in the iStIs ligit t rI rns,3rrrrlno. ml. Lereisa-Csrtharine, 8. ynrrl ttg. Sir WiIli’stn rt. 22 Aug. 1078, tilt,1 svas o, by Iris oldcet srrir, ca. Stuhirrr.l, curl Iran isotee, i. B site, Irresoist lr.arr ‘tiot. ii. Verirey, It. Jan. 102.t. Feb. 18120; nrrrd 10’,, rl.srts. 187. i. liosaotnrud I,onisa.Soldoie, d, 29 Sept. 1847. n. Eliz rbeir-l.entisa Maria, 1. 0 Aug. leOS, nt. hlyaeinthe Ellen. Crenlisn—30 June, 1041. 3rd, az., a cheveen beto ceo three escallops, r,r. nootio ; and, a sterh, ppr., beaked and membered, or. Ecal—Siretton hall, Derlryshire. CAYENDISII, LOCD, arc DEVONSBIEE, B. OF. CAWO OR. -.._SL ‘.rtrrOttr of tire unto. Henry-F. t’ompton-(uvendislo, nod hiss,