Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/255

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CAY ix. Dighy, 5. 7 June, 1834 a. 15 Nov. 1&,9, Charlotte- Philadelphia, youngest dan. of Robert Bower, Rsq. of do Cailli of flnekcnhtoo, anti S. op. (-8cc lirsxcs Jtsr(‘tot] Welbam hall, Yorkshire, mci has Idighy-LeonardArthur, ii. Mono (Sir), of whose lice we treat. 5. 25 Sept. 1864; a son, 5. 10 Aug. lOOt]; a son, The 2nd son, 5. 11 Jan. 1808; and four dane., viz., helen-flora, SIR lluoo no CavL’r, Hnt. of Owby, us. Agnes, ‘lau. and Julia-Philadelphia, Boatrieo-llary-Eugonia, and AliceEriea. heir of Hasno de II rsstpstode. In tho 53rd Iloanv Ill., ho, in. Reginald-Arthur, HA., in holy orders, rector of wtth Agnes, lsio wife, conveyed to Alan, prior cf Waisingham, Seainpten, cc. Lincoln, h. 1831 ; to. 3 May, 0804, Mary, year after his death, Agnes was found to have view of 5th dan. of the Rev. N. -B. htsteourt, and has, CceilReginald, fi-ankpledgs and asetoc of broad and beer here [Waleingham] 1. 5 Feb. 1061; another son, 5.15 STarch, lsO7; and in Gs;stweyk. Sir Hugh de Coyly held, in the reign and a daa., to. 13 Ootebeq 1068. 1. Sarah, d. young. IT. Dora. ILlllCAC. Sleet of thr names which hare keen of note and nobility Williana do Ornoesby, and his wife Agnes, tenants of land iu in this country, saye Camden, are derived from localities Snflield Gnuton, Antringliam ,anti Palmoingbam, co. Norfolk, situate in Normandy; as instances of which he mentions granted to John de Coyly, for the life of the said Agnes, D’Arcy, Devereux, Gournay, Caylcy, D’Aubigny, he. The late wife of Sir Hugh de Coyly. Sir lIngli’s son, place, Cailly (Cailleiutn), from which this family takes ito JOHN CAYT,Y, Esq. of Owby, wass, by his son, name, is in the arrendissement of Ronen, a few miles to Srro WILLIAM CAOLOY, Hut. of Owby. Is, tue 10th the north-esst of that town, and in the “Eallivinso Caleti,” Enwann III. (1316). he conveyed the manor of Itcoliam to or bailiwick of Caux. Here there was a fortress called Sinaou Ronymag, of Konynghasca. This manor of lhocham was “Caotellnm Cailleii,” which was hold by a baronial tenure, in the possession of John de Cayly, about the year 1150. as the “Honour [or barony] de Cailly.” By the flefs it held at that epoch in Normandy, the i. William (Sir), lOut, of Owlty. ‘a Alice, dan. of Sir John family of Dr Cailli mnst have keen of baronial rank in that eoontry for some generations before the; and if Guillassme de Coilli (stated, in Domesday, to ho tenant-in- chief of certain manors in Berkohire) he, as has bern e’spposSd, Ii. Joux, of whose descendants we treat. William FiteOoberne, cousin of the Cooqr cone, and his viceroy in England during his absence in Normandy, The younger son, this family would claim, of eenrse, direct and immediate Jona CAYLEv, Esq. removed lute Yorkshire, and settled descent from RoeLo. It would seem, at all events, clear at Normanton he had three sans, that it was of sufficient importance, while it established one Iluon, A s-p. or two influential branches in England at the titus of the William, of Narouanton, who left an only dan. and heiress, Conquest, at the same time to preserve for itself, as will Jeunet, who CL John Lake, Esq., from which marriage appear, an equally influential position in Ncrsnandy subsequent Jona, of whom we treat. to the Conquest. — Gnilioums do Cailii, above mentioned, appears to have The youngest eon. died without bone, and it is from Ilumphroy de Cablii, his Jonv CAYLEY, Raq., was father of brother, that the Cayleys ef Norfolk and Yorkshire descend. WILLIAM CnLcv, Eaq., who had two eons, John, S. s_r. To humphrey, according to Domesday, were allotted, and Enasuan. The latlor, at the Conquest, the lands of Maesbtghamu, and the EDMUNO CAYT.Ev, Rsq. of Thormanhy, had (besides a hundred of Brodoroross, fl-c. Siwen OR CATLLY, Lord of Massingham, Cranwiob, Bredereross, WILLIAM CAYLEY, Esq. of Thormanby, whose ssu and Hibnrgh, fic., in Nerfolk, sen ef Bnrnphi-sy do successor, Cailly, on Alice, and hsd two sons, Reuco. Jordanna (Sir), who held a knight’s fee in Norfolk under EnwaRn, his hoir; William, in holy orders, parson of Hugh Higod, Earl of Norfolk, and ancthcr fee in Warwickshire, Thornsamsby; and Laws-enco. The eldest son and heir, under Robert Slarmion. The eldest son, Macsn no CAILLY, loop. HENRY 11., was one of the most of Richard Gouidthorp, Esq., aud S. in 1500, having had wealthy and infinontial barons of the time. His name appears, two sons, temp. HeNRy II., as a witness to a deed, along with EDWAnD, his hsir. the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Constablo de I’hnmoz, James, of Thormanby, whom. Mary, dan. of Rsl1oh lieu, and other distinguished nobles of the same date. His son, Esq. of Sowsrby, oo. York, and had a son, Matthew, who JGnN no. CAlLus’, as appears by a trial, was Lord of Cranwieh, The older son, bcssp. RinnARn I. He was also lord of lllassingham, Enwann CAYLOY, Req., pnrohased ths estates of Erempton, Bradcssham, Oxbnrgh, Denver, Hi] lington, Heeham, Ilildeburgh, Lie. His don. Boatrix, ss. William de Hutery. His son, William Waiters, Esq. of Cnndall, cc. York, sod had two Jona no CAILLY, was lord of these manors, 4 JOuN (1203). sons, Ho is. Siargery, who, after hio death, sa. Michael ds Poynings. WI5,I.IAIT (Sir), his heir. His son was, AOAM 00 CAILI.v. In 17 Jona there is a mandate to Arthur (Sir), of Neaviand, Cersntry, Hut. Hervey llelet, “that he dc not receive into the king’s peace, Mr. Cayloy 6. in 1643, and waco. by hie eldest son, Hugh de Plato, Michael do Poyniugs, William de Stnteville, I. Sin WILLIAM CAYLEY, of Eronapton, who was kuighied William do Hortizuor, Adam de Cayly, and Robert do Core, by CHARLES I., in iOlO, aod created a Baronet, in 1663, for until the king otherwise commands. Witness the king at his services in the otvil ware. He to. Dorothy, eldest dan. Stamford, 20 Feb.” Adam de Cailly paid £5 to plead before of Sir Wliham St. Qubutirs, Dart, of Harpham, and had the, king, in the case of waste in Bradouhain forest, during issue, of whom, the dower of Margerie. his mother, who was married to gdward, S. young s. p. Michael de Poyuiugs, she heing to hays enly reaaenobls WILLIAM (Sir), heir to his father. estovero of bonso-bote, hedge-bate, and wood to burn, by Arthur, of The Law hail, lirompten, us. Ehoaboth, dan. of view of the forester of Adam de Rayly. By Habsi, his wife, Thomas Shipten, Esq. of Lybh and Jlulgrave; and his he had, besides other sons, i. Osbert (Sir), whom. Emma°, eldest dan. and co-heiress North Riding of Yorkshire. (Joe Buogo’s LasSeS Geoiry.) of Robert, Laid Tatshall, of flokeoham, asid had by her, Anne, os. to Fraucbo, 2nd eon of Sir Chrlstcphsr Wya’rll, Bnckonbam Castle and its large estates. lIe had (with a dan., Margerbo. wife of Roger ds Clifton and mother of fsard Cliftoa of Bnekenham), (arc BuRRo’s Do-snot ‘sd Sir Williana wae s. by his eldest surviving eon, E.ctiocf Pecra,qt) two sans, Sir Adorn and Sir Thomas; IT. Sin WILLIAM, who sl. Mar’, than, and he,r of flarnaby CAY tlsa latter was snmlnsned to parhansent in 1300, as Baron (10,1 Rebind 1’,., ‘‘se.) 25 acres of ussadow ; and in 14 Enwanu I. (1203), the of hENRY Ill., a quarter of a foe in the hononr of Richmend, Yorkshire; and in the 14th Enwann 1. (1304). a flue was levied between Jchn, sen of Ilugh ‘he Cayly, qncront, Sir William had two sons, Braosc, Kut., by whom Its had twa dons., his ca-heirs, I Agnes, us. to John Ilarsike, of co. Norfolk. 2 Eva, oo. to Rdniund Ciiprby, of Clipoby, cc. Norfolk, who aasnmsd the arms of Cavs.ov. are desoended the Lakes ef Normauten. yonogcr son, John, ii, holy orders, inoumbent of Thormanby) an elder son and heir, JOhN CAYLeY, Esq. of Thormaoby, had three sons, F,DwAr.D CAYLEY, Psq. of Thormanby, was father of WsI.s.TAST CAYT.EY, Req. of Thermanby, who’s. Jean, don. d. in the service of CuAsLes I. Piokering Lythe, es. York, lIe so. Assno, dan. of representative is Edward-Stiillissgfeet, oltlcot son ‘f the late Nd-.vard-Stlihogllort Cayloy, Req. of Wydals House, ce. York, stun-in-law of the 6th baronet, and 11.1’. for ths Bart. Hoiboch, Eoq. of Birohley Hall co. Warwick, and left, with Many of the authorities differ as to whether Adam or ether children, AsYnun, his heir, sod Sheeter, wife of Osbert de Ceilly married the heiress of the Albinie; and on Reginald Hober, Esq. of Morton, cc. York. The sea and this paint wo,Cd depend the claim of the present family cit successor, ths barony of Buokenham. 205