Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/26

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xxiv THE ROYAL FAMILY. 30 Nov. 1553; so. 25 Jnly, 1554, PulLs?, Prince of Spain, hot ci. a. p. io London, 17 Nov. 1558, and was buried at Westminster. Tue crown slevolved upon her half-sister, QUEEN ELIZABETH, styled “Queen of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith,” Pc., b. at Greenwich, 7 Sept. 1533; crowned 15 Jan. 1553; ci. at Richmond, zone., 24 March, 1003, and was buried at WestminHer ; she was a. by her kinsman, Jcaists VI. of Scotland (see HENRY VII.), who ascended tho English throne ,snder the title of rFfJAMES THE FI1lST,” styled “King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of tho Faith, Pc.,’’ ft. at Edinburgh, 19 Jnne, 1566 ; crowned King of Eng land 25 July, 1(503. This monarch ns. 20 Aug. 1590, Anne, dan. of FREDERIcK II. ,7 King of Denmarh, and by hor (who 6’. 2 March, 1619) had, — JiasaY-FREIsrasca, E.G., l’riacc of Wales, li 19 Feb. 1501; ci. ross. in the lifetime of his father, C Nov. 1612, in his lath year. CI,AaLrs, Prince of Wales, succes,or to the crown. Elizabeth, 8. 10 Aug. 1596 mis. 14 Feb. 1 elI-lI, Facneaica V., Poke ef Bavaria, Elector Palatine sf the Rhine, and King of Bohemia, and had, Cusam.ra-Lmr,a, successor to tlse Daicedom of Bavaria, whose dao. and heir, Charlotte, ma. Philippe, Duke of Orleaas, anti was direct ancestress of Loums-Pn,nrer, late King of the Francis. Roped, as gallantly distinguished dari’sg the civil wars as Prince Raperl, 7. s’aia. 15 Nov. 1662. Maurice (Isnewn in English history as Prince Maurice). it. noes. frhipwreckcd) in 1654. Ecla’ard, llnke of Bavaria, Count Palatisse of the Rhiae, E.G., is. Anne de Ganaaga, ef Mantoa, and sI. 10 Starch, 1663, leaving lhraa dan,., ANNE, is, to henry-Johns, Prissce of Cossd2. Bvrenscva, is. to Jelsn-Frederiek, lanka of lls-mmnswicls-J.ssnenbszrgh. I.ausaa-Slaau, ma. to Clsarles-Tiseadore, Prince of Salma. Pisilip, slain in battle, ti. enses. in 1610. Elizabeth, Abbe,, of Iiervsrden, ii. in 1660. Lessisa, Abbcs, of Slasslsissen, si. in 1700. lianricila, to. to Sigismssnd, Prince of Traosylcania, 7. op. in 1651. Soen,a, b. 13 Oct. 1630; sic. 1656, to Emcst-Auguslna, lanka of llnsnswick-Lsmsnbssrgls, Elector of Ilanaver, by wham alma had Gaoaov-Lewse, srha ascasidad lisa Iirisisls Tlsrnne, onler lisa Act of Scttlcsssanl, by the title of King Gaoaoe T51E Fnsav; 6vs other sans, who 5. sian.; a,sd one clan., Seplsia-Clsarlalte, its, to Far.naa,czc-Wie.tssam, King of Pnsssta. KING JAalwa ci. at Theobalda, Herte, 27 March, 1625, and was bnriad at Westminster. He was a. by the Prince of Wales, as CHARLES TIlE FIRST, styled the same aa Jxaiisa I., 6. at Dnmfermline, 19 Nov. 1600; crowned 2 Feb. 1625; ass. 1 May following, HKNRIETS’A-MAOIA, dan. of HENRY IV. of France, and by liar (who ci. 10 Sept. 1669, aged 60) had issue, Cnsaovs, I’rince of Wales. Jsasrs, Ilnkc of York, srha aecceedad isis brother as and af liszt name. I lenry, Duke of Oloaeesler, 8. isa Jnly, 1646; si. is, 1660, rats. Mary, s,c. 2 May, 1618, to Wiemar, It., Prince of Orassgc’, lsy whasss slse had an only son, Wsrmaas-llraav, i’rinca of Orange, iriso asccadcsl usa British throne as W,m.maaz TimE Ynman. Elizabeth, ci. af grief, 5 Sept. 1650, age 15. Henrietta-Maria, as. 31 March,, 1661, Plsilip, Duke of Orleans, and il in 1670, leaving issue, Plsilsip-Charles, Dec de Valois, it. in 1666. aged 2. Olaria-Alaisia, 1662; its. in 1675, to CnaaLr, II., King of Spain. but ci. a. p. in 1685. Anna-Maria, b. in 1665; mis. in 1684, to Vseroa Aasaocr, II., Dn.ce at Savoy and King of Sarihinia’, of liii, marriage Faaac,,-PeanINANn V., ax DUKE OF Sloacas; Slary-Tlseresa, Duchess of Parma Anne, Esnprccs of Anstria; and Francis Ii., exiling of Naplea, are tlsa heirs of line. After the decapitation of the King at Whitehall, 30 Jan. 1648-9, who was buried at Wiudaor, an intercegnumt of several years virtually (thongh not logalhy) occurred, which ternminatod, at length, in the restoratson of the King elejscs’e to tIme throne of Isis as,cestore, 29 May, 1660, ,,i,der the title of CHARLES THE SECOND, styled the aanse as JAMES I., ft. at St. James’s, 29 May, 1630; crowned 23 Aprsl, 1661. Hia Majeaty 3)1. 21 May, 1662, Katherine, Iofanta of Portugal, dan. of JoHN TV. ; bet ci. at rh1tehall withont legitimate ieaue, 6 Feb. 1635, and was interred at Westminster; he was s. by his brother, JAMES THE SECOND, atylod the aame as Jaassa r., ft. at St. James’s, 15 Oct. 1633; crowned 23 April, 1685; ua. 1st, 3 Dec. 1660, Lady Anne Hyde, dao. of the Lord Chancellor Clarendou, atsd had surviving ieaume by that lady (who ci. 31 March, 1671), Slaav, whe, b. at St. Jaaass’s, 30 April, 1662, mss.4 Nov. 1677. W,LmAaa, rri,sce ef Orims,gc, and ascended the lhrena jointly witlm her husband, ANNE, who ascended use hisrene at the decease of Iser bruther-in-lasv, Ring WJLLIASI TuE Tnmar. His Majesty me. 2ndly, 21 Nov. 1673, Mary-Ecatrix-Eleanara D’Este, dan. of Alphnneo, Dnke of Modena, by whom (who ci. 8 May, 1718) he left at hie death, 16 Sept. 1701, at St. Germaine, where he svaa buried, Jassrc-FaaNr,a-Enwaap, so wall lsjaasrn as the lsavalicr St. George, b. 10 Jsme, 1688; as. in 1715, Slary-Classssntina, clan, of Prince Jasnes Sabirskh, and granddaa. of JeaN, King of Poland, by ,s’ham he left at ish decease, 1 Jan. 1766, CnARLE5-EDwARD, the young Chsavalier, b. 31 Dee. 1720; m,s. Lassisa, Princess Stohlbcrg, and sI. a.3,. 31 Jan. 1788. Ilanry-Banedica, 8. in 1725, irisa was elevated lathe purple in 1747, and subsequently bore the designation ef Ctsrclissnt Yen-; ci. in 1807, when time whole issue of Icing Jaamr, T5IE SEcOND became extinct. Lossisa—Slarha, ct. asses, in 1712. Kiain JAMES wae declared, on the 2nd Fob. 1689, to have abdicated the government, and, on the 13th of the same month and yeas’, his danghter, M.s.,tv, and her husband, the PRINCE OF ORANGE, is. at the Hagne, 14 Nov. 1650, were proclaimed Icing and Qssecn, as WILLIAM THE THIRD AND MARY THE SECOND, styled “King and Qnoea of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith ;“ bet their Majea’ tics having no ieene, the crown, at the decease at Kensington, of Kiog WTLLIA2I, 8 Mar. 1702 (he waa buried at IVeatminster, as was the Queen, who ci. at Kensington, before him, 28 Dec. 1691), devolved upon the deceaead Queen’s sister, as * The fsret of the STUAETe. Under lime pretecleralca of Omvra CssoasnrtL, and ef B,cmmaen, isis son, cad the rule of others who held tise reinc a! power is.ntO Lisa Basteratica.