Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/27

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THE ROYAL FAMILY. xxv QUEEN ANNE, styled at first the same as JAMES I., but after the Uuion with Scotland styled “Queen of Great Britain, Fiance, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith;” bat St. James’s, 6 Feb. 1665; crowned 23 April, 1702. 11cr Majesty ste. 28 July, 1683, GEoaoE, Prince of Denmark, but by him (who ef. 28 Oct. 1708) left no issue at her death, at Kensington, 1 Aug. 1714; she was buried at Westminster. The crown passed, by Act of Settlement, to the great-grandson of King JAMES I., Gaounr, Elector of Hanover, who ascended the throne under the title of GEORGE THE FIllS’!’,” styled “King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Duke of Brunswick, Lunenhusgh, &c., Defender of the Faith ;‘ b. at Oanabruck, 28 May, 1660; crowned 20 Oct. 1714. His Majesty m. 21 Nov. 1682, Sophia-Dorothy, only dan. and heiress of George-William, Duke of Zelle, and by that lady (from whom he was divorced 28 Dec. 1694, and who, b. 3 Feb. 1666, ct. 13 Nov. 1726, without ever coming to England) he had, Oxeaez-Aueus’res, Prince ef Wales. Sophin-Doroihy, so. in 1706, ie FssEnEasca-WILLrsr,s III., Electer of Brandenburgh, afterwards King of Prussia, and 3. 1757 The ICing d. at Osnabnrgh, 11 June, 1727, and was buried at Hanover; he was s. by the Prince of Wales, as GEORGE THE SECOND, atyled the same as GEOROE I.; Hanover, 30 Oct. 1683; crowned 11 Oct 1727. This monarch at. 2 Sept. 1705, Wi.lholmina-Caroline, dan, of William-Frederick, Margrave of Brandenbnrgb-Anspach, and by her (who ct. 1 Dec. 1737) had issue, Facosaicx-Lxw,s, Prince ef Wales, Is. at Hanover, 20 Jan. 1707, who ci. at Leicester house, 31 March, 1751, and was interred in hess-c Vii’s Chapel, Westminster: he left issue, by Augusta his wife, youngest dan. of Frederick lhe Second, Duke of Saxe Getha (whom he sa. 8 Slay, 1736, nod wise cl 8 I’eh. 1772), Gsoecs-Wieuaur-Faeoeescg, who ascended the throne as 3rd of that nanse. Edward-Angustns, rear-admiral, K.G.; created, 1 April, 1760, Earl of Ulster, and Duke of York asiA Albany; si ss’issi. 07 Sept. 1767, when all his hononrs became extinct, William-Henry, is. 14 Nov. 1743; created, 19 Nov. 1764, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh, and Earl of Connaught; s,s.6 Sept. 1366, Slaria, Countess-Dowager Waldegrs’ve, iliegithnate dau. of the lien. Sir Edward Waiptie; by whoul Ise left, at his decease, in 1000, William-Frederick, 2nd Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh, and Eas-1 of Connaught, is. at Bonoc, 15 Jan. 1776; K.G., G.C.D., field-marshal in the army, &c.; who us. 22 Jaiy, 1616, his first-cousin, the Princess Mary, dan. of Goosor ill., and ci. a p. 30 Nov. 1834 when isis honour, became extinct Sophia-Olotilda, mnger of Greenwich Park, is. Ic May, 1773; sl. 29 Nov. 1844. henry-Frederick, bin Oct. 1745; created, 52 Oct. 0766, Duke of Cnmberiand and Strsthern, and Earl of Dublin; sic. in Oct. 0771, Lady Anne Lnttren, dan. of Sinson, Earl of Cas-hampton, and widow ot Christopher Horton, Esq. of Cation hail, in the co of Derby; but cI. issneiess, 18 Sept. 1790, whrn his honours became extinct. Tue dnche’so si in 1802. Augusta, us. in 1761, to William-Frederick, Duke of lirnnswick-Woifenhnttel, and had issee, Charles-Augustus, Hereditary Prince, its. Frederica, dan. of Wiiuians, Prince of Omnge, but sl. s. is. Faxuoasca-W’se.saaas, Duke of Brunswick, so. Mary-Eltraheth, dan. of Charles-Louis, hereditary Prince of Padsss, and fell at Quatre-Bras, 16 June, 1815, leaving two sons, Charles-Frederick, Dnkr of Brunswick and Lnnenburgh; is. 20 Oct. 1804. Auot’svus-Loms-Wis.nss&, Dolce of bnsoswick and Lomonhsrgh, since his brother’s expulsion; is. 25 April, 1806. Chas-lottr, os.27 Oct. 1780, to Frederick-Clsarles-William, Duke aodafterwards King of Wirtemhnrg, and cl 27 Sept. h78S. CAa0L5NE, is. 17 Slay, 1168; so. in 1795, to Goossec, Prices of Wales, afterwards Geeeoc IV.; and 3. 7 Aug. 1821. Caroiioe-Slatilda, us. 8 Nov. 1766, to Cnaissasc VII., King of Denmark, by whom she had Farnearca VI., King of Den- snack; shed. 10 Stay, 1775. lviliissm-Augssstns, is. is AprO, 1721; created 27 July, 1726, Duke of Cumberland, Marquess of Derkhampalead, Earl of Kenningion, Viscount Trematon, and Baron of Aiderney, K.G.; a field-marshal and commander-in-chief of the forces, His Royal highness coonnauded the English army at Culloden and Fontenoy. lie ci. sisssss. 31 Oct. 1765, when his honeurs became extinct. ANNE (Princess Royal), sss. in 1734, to William, Prince of Orange, and ,l. 12 Jan. 1710 Amelia, ci. unso. 31 Oct. 1786. Eheabeth, ci. ssssse. 29 Dec. 1758. Nary, so. 8 Slay, 1740, to Frederick, Landgrave of Hesse Cassel; and cl. in 1771, leaving issue. Louisa, us. 30 Oct. 1743, to Fasiuxa,csc V., King of Denmark; and ci. in 1751, leaving issue. His Majesty rl. at Kensington, 25 Oct. 1760, and was buried at Westminster; he waa a. by his grandaou, GEORGE THE THIRD, styled the same as GEOROE I., until the lot Jan. 1801, when the title of King of France was dropped, and the regal title apportrdning to the imperial crown of Great Britain and Ireland was, by royal proclamation, declared to be, in latin, “ Dei Grati! Britanniarnm Rex, Fidei Defensor,” nnd in Essglish, “ By the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Dotender of the Faith.t” GE0ROE III. was b. at Norfolk House, St James’a Square, 4 June, 1738; crowned 22 Sept. 1761; and vi. 8 Sept. in the same year, Sophia-Charlotte, dan. of Chrsrlea-Fredorick, Prince of Islecklenhurgh-Strelitz by whom (who, b. 19 May, 1744, el. 17 Nov. 1818) he bad issue, Gxoacx-Auonspcs-Fecoxarcg, Prince ef Wales. Frederick, Duke of York and Aibany, in Great Britain, end Earl of Ulster, in Ireland, K.G., G.C.B., so created 21 Nov. 1784; commander-in-chief of his Shajesty’s forces, Ac.; is. 16 Aug. 1763. Hts Royal Highness sit. 21 Sept. i791, FrederimCharlotte-Uirica-Catharioa, Princess Royal of Prussia, by whom (srho 3. 6 Assg. 1821) lie had no issue. The duke ci. 5 Jan. 1827, when isis honours became extinct. Wias.sssi-hicsav (afterwards W1LLsASI IV.), created Duke of Clarence and St. Andrews, and Earl of Slunster, 20 May, 1789. which honour, merged in the crown on his accession, 26 June, 1830. Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathens, in Great Britain, and Earl of Dublin, in Ireland, KG., sr created 24 April, 1759; a field-marshal in the army, and eol. of the lit rege. of Ibots is. 2 Nov. 1767. His Royal Rigimess ca. 29 Slay, 1818, her Serene Highness Victoria-IsIary-Lossisa, dan. of his Serene highness Francis, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeid, and widow of his Serene Highness Charles-Louis, Prince of Leiniogen, and by her (who ci. 16 March, 1861) left at his decease, 25 Jan. 1820 (when his hooenrs became extinct), an only dan., * Pint of the Nousa or t Tue royal proclamation of 1801 ordered Ilcat the arms of the Uuitod Kingdom should be: quarterly, 1st and 4th England 2nd, Scotland, 3rd, ireland; over which, on an escutcheon of pretence, the arms of the king’s domiuions in Germany (vie., Hanover, Ac.), ensigned with the slectoml bonnet. In biG, the electorate of hiano-cer was clevsted to the rassic of a kingdom, and consequently Use hTanoverian regal cross-n was substituted for Use electoral bonnet. On the accessisn of her present Slajesty, the kingdom sf Hanover passed from the sovereign of this country and therefore the Hanorcrian escurcheen of preicnce ceased to form part ef the royal arms.