Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/28

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xxvi THE ROYAL FAMILY. ALExAIaEINA-VtevostA, K 21 May, 1819, nOW QUEEN Virvossa. Ernest-Augustus, King of Hanover and Duke of Consherland and Tiviotdale, and Earl of Armagh, KG., Kr., G.C.B., Knight of tho Prussian Orders of the Black an’i Red Eagle, field-marshal in use army, Ac. 5. 5 June, 1771; created Earl of Armagla in Ireland, and Duke of Ctunberinnd and Tivioldale, in Great Britain, 24 April, 1799; so. at Strelilz, 29 Slay, and in London, 29 Aug. 1915, Princess Fretlerica-Caroliae-Sophia-Alexandrina, 3rd dao. of Ihe lisle reigning Duke of Meeklenburgit-Strelito, and widow, lal., of Prince Frederick-Louis-Charles of i’ruasia; and 2ndly, of Prince Froderirk-WilUam, of Saims llranfels. By her, who ,f. 21 June, 1841, lhe King of Hanover loft issaaa at his decease, 18 Nov. 1851, a san, GEOROE V. (EacoEstra-ALExANDm,-CNAI,LEe-ERNEeT-AU0U5TUe), KG. and G.C.St., KiNG or ]{ANOS-ER (which kingdom has recently been annexed to Prussia), 2nd Duke of Cumberland and Tiviotdate, and Earl of Armagis, and Duke of Brtanswiek-Luneborg; I. ai Berlin, 27 May, 1819; us. ii Feb. 1843, Princess I lasy-Alexandrina, eldest datt. of Joseph, reigning Duke of Saxe-Altenborg, and has issue, Prince Einest-Augu,tua-William-Adolplano-Gcorge-Frodorirk, 5. 21 Sept. 5845, Priace lleya.l. Princess Frederica-Sephia-Staria-llenrioila-Anlelia-Theresa, 5. 9 Jan. 1848. Prtncoe, itary-Ernestina-Josephina, K 3 Dee. 1849. Augnatut-Froderick, E.G., Dtake of Sussex, Earl of Inverness, and Baron of Arklow, all in the peerage of the United King- dam; eo rrealed 27 Nov. 1801; 5.27 Jan. 5773; v. at Rome, by a prateelant minister, 4th April, 1793, and at St. George’s, Stanovcr-equasv. London, S Dee. in the same year, Lady Auguala do Ameand, dan. of John (Slurray), 4th Earl of Dun- more, by whom (who 1. 5 Slarrh, 1830) he had issue, Sir Aegustus-Frederirk d’Esle, K.G.SI., a oatonelin ahe army; 5. 13 Jan. 1794; €1. in Jan. 1849. Augasta, ildlle. d’Esle, us. 30 Aug. 1849, to Ihe lair Sir Thomas Wilde, chief justice of ihe Common Pleas (afterwards Lerd Chancellor and llaran Tuna), and a. 21 Slay, 1868. The nuptials of the Duke of Sussex having been deemed a violation of the Royal Slarrago Art (12 GEasoE 151. e. 2), were declarrd by the Prerogative Court null and void, and dissalred accordingly, in Aug. 1794. The Duko of Sussex ef. 21 April, 1843, when his honaurs became extinct, Adalphua-Frederieh, Duke of Cambridge (arc pan, letter C). Charlatte-Aeegosla-Slatllda, Prinroas Royal, 5. 29 Sepi. 5766; m. 18 Slay, 1797, to Frederick-Charles-William, then Duke (but tnabaeqnenlly King) of Wnrtensberg, by wham (who d. ha t816) her Majesty had no issue. The Queen et. 6 Oct. 1828. Auguata-Sophia, 6.8 Nov. 1768; a. van. 22 Sept. 1840. Elizabeth, 5.22 Stay, 1770; ‘a. 7 April, 1815, to his Seiwne Highness Frederick, Landgrave and ‘Prince of Hetae-ilomburg, who d. in 5029. lter Rayal llighneas a. so Jan. 1040. Mary, b.29 April. 1776; as. 22 July, 1816, her rausin, his Royal Ilighnesa the late Duke af Gloucester; and a. 35 April, 1897. Sophia, 5.3 Nay. 1717; 2.27 Slay, 1848. Amelia, 5.7 Aug. 1753; a. visas. 2 Nov. 1810. His Majesty King GEORGE 111. ci. at Windsor, in tho GOtla year of his reign (the longest in the annals of England), 29 Jan. 1820, and was buried in St. Goorgo’s Chapel there, Ho wns a. by tho Princo of Walos, as GEORGE TIlE FOURTH, stylod the same as GEORGE IH. His Majesty had previously exoroisod the royal authority as REGERT. He was S. at St. James’s Palaeo 12 Aug. 1762 ; and we. 8 April, 1795, his cousin, Her Serene Highness Prinness Caroline-Amelia-Elizabeth, 2nd dan. of Charles-”,Villiam-Fertlinand, Onkuof Brnnswiok-Wolfenbuttel,by whom (who, b.atBrnnswink, 17 May, 1768, d.atBrandenbnrghHoute, Hammeramith, 7 Aug. 1821) ho had an only dan., Pxneerss CnARLOTTE-AUuU5TA or War.xs, b. at Canton Honse, 7 Jan. 1796; so. 2 Slay, 1816, to PRaNCE LEaraLn-GEoaoEFREDERIcK (late King of the Belgians, who ci. 10 Nov. tsos), 3rd san of Fvaneis-Anthoay-Froderiok, Duke of SaxeCobnrg; and a. in ohildbed, at Claremeoni, Surrey, fi Nov. 1S17. his Majesty ci. at Windsor, 26 June, 1830, and was buried thoro. Ho was 1. by his brothor, WILLIAM. HENRY, Deke of Cleea’etere, as WILLIAM THE FOURTH, styled the same as GEOnGE IV.; S. at St. James’s Palace, 24 Aug. 1765; orowned at Westminater, with his Royal Consort, 8 Sept. 1831. His Majesty as, 11 Juno, 1818, her Serene Highnoxs Princess AnELAIDE-LOUISA-THERESA-CAROLtNE-AMELtA, eldeat dan. of GEORGE, lato Duko of Saxo Me’anengsn, and by her (who ci. 2 Dec. 1849) had two daus., the Princoosos CHARLOTTE and ELtZABETH, who both died, the former immediately after its birth, the latter within a few months. Thie monarch, when a youth, entered the Royal Navy, and attained tho rank of Post Captain in 1786. He was then Prince IVILLIAS;.HENRY; but in 1789 (20 May), ho was created DPEE OF CLARENCE AND ST. ANDREWS, in the Peerage of Great Britain, and EARL ov MURSTER, in that of Ireland. Having passed through the gradea of Rear-Admiral and Admiral, his Royal Highness succeodod Sir Peter Parker, as Admiral of the Fleot, in 1811, and at one time was Lord High Admiral of England. Ho ci. at Windsor, 20 Juno, 1837, and was bnriod there. The crown devolved upon his niece, the PRINCESs ALEXANDRtNAVICTORIA, who ascended tho throne as QL’ERN VICTORIA. JlsFef Pe,leceo—Sl. Janaoa’e Palace: Buokingham House; Kensington Palace; Windaur Castle; Hampton Court; Osborne, isle of Wight; lialyruod House, Eeinburgh; Bal,narsl, Aberdeenshire. THE FOLLOWING IS AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THOSE PEERS WHO ARE ENTITLED TO QUARTER THE ROYAL ARMS OF PLANTAGENET. ABtE000N, EARL OF EFFINOnAW, EARL OF Pans, BARON ARUNUELL OF WARUOUR, BARON ELt.EaMERE, KARL OF RICHMOND, DUKE OF ATHOLE, DUKE OF FALKLANU, VISCOUNT RUTLAND, DUKE OF BERKELEy, EARL PassERs, EARL SOAR5nALE, BARON EERNFRS, BARON 5tasvinus, SoalERa, EARL BERWIUK, BARON HATHERTON, BARON STAEEORD ANO WARR5NOTON, EARL Or BRADFORD, KARL OF ltasarosn, VISCOUNT STOURTON, DAROE BUUK1NOHAM, DUKE OF howARD er WALDEN, BARON SUFFLELD, BARON CANTERRURT, VISCOUNT 5towTu, EARL OF SUFFOLK AND BFRRSHITE, EARL or CARLISLE, KARL OF IIUNTINOUON, EARL OF SUTHERLAND, DUKE OF CLIFFoRD, BARON JERsEy, EARL OF TANKERvILLR, KARL OF Me Boa, BARON MANCRRSTER, DUKE OF TOwNSHEND, MARQUEss DEVON, EAR!. OF NORFOLK, DUKF OF VAUT, BARON DORCHESTER. SeAsON NORTHUaaRERLAND, DUKE OF WATFRFORD, MARQUESS OF DUNMORE, EARL OF