Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/29

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ROYAL LINE OF COTLAND. xxvii KINGS OF SCOTLAND. TUE remote Hj,,torv of Scotland, like that of other countriee boasting antiquity, is enveloped in darkness. Whatever light msy be thrown upon its early transactions, from the absence of anything like familiar or interesting detail, affords but little information to the general reader, and is only of value to the microscopic eye of the laborious antiquary. ‘Ne shall therefore commence our sketch of its royal hue with the accession of KENNETH IL, from whose reign Scottish history first assumes an intelligible form. KENNETH THE SECOND, surnamed Mac Alpine, having united the Scots and Picts under one sceptre, became FeasT K1NO OF ALL SCOTLAND. lie d. in 858, and was s. by his brother, - DONALD, who was succeeded, after an inglorious reign of four years, by his nephew, CONSTANTINE THE SECOND, (son of KENNETH Moe Alpine.) In this monarch’s reign the Danes invaded Seotlsmd, and the King, giving the barbarians battle, fell into their hands, and was beheaded in 878, leaving no issue. He was a by his brother, ETHUS, surnamed Flee SsvefL-fssted. The rule of this Prince was brief and turbulent. A party, headed hy GRIO, or Oaaounv, rendering an appeal to the sword indispensable, Ethos was wounded in battle, and dying soon afterwards, the crown was usurped by his rival, GREGORY, surnamed Flee Greot. This monarch, who was contemporary with ALFREn, King of England, upon ascending the throne, selected for his colleague, Emais, King of Stratbclyde, grandson of KENNETH Mae Alpine, but both were compelled to abdicate within thsee years, when DONALD THE FOURTH assumed the roin of government; and after a prosperous ails of eleven years, was a. by the son of Ernus, CONSTANTINE TIlE TIllED, who reigned forty years, and then retiring to a monastery, resigned the sceptre to the son of DONALu IV., MALCOLM THE FIRST, who was succeeded by KENNETH THE THIRD, who was killed in 994, when the throne was usurped by CONSTANTINE THE FOURTH (great-grandson of ETRUa (lee Swift-footed,) who died the following year, and was succeeded by his son,