Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/279

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C LA its. John, lieot.-gcn., CR., so. 1816, Urania-Caroline, dan. of His lordship, who was formerly envoy-extraordinary the Hon. E. Ward; and ii. 1515, leaving issue; John rapt.) 0. 1824; Richard-Raphael, capt. 8th foot, 0. 1926; Henry, and ministnr-plenipotentia;-y at the court of Madrid. cleric to the British Lcgatien at Monte Video, 1. there held office, as lord privy seal, from 1831) to 1841; llJoly, 1864; and Edward, 8.1830. iv. Pierre, archdeacon of Dromore, 0. in 1376; so. in 1801, u’as chancellor of the elnclsy of Langaster from 1840 Elizabeth, dan. of the late Thomas Percy, Bishop of Dromore, to 1841 ; and lord-lient. of Ireland from 1847 to 1852. and by her (who 8. in 1823) had, 1 John-Pierce, 0.1802, capt. 36th regt.; il. 17 Set,t. 1827. state for foreign affairs, .nil rctainu;l that office until 2 Thomas-Percy, fcllose of All Souls’; 8.4 Jane, 1831. S Edward-Richard, 0.30 Nov. 1000; is. 9 April, 1010, 1858. He wao reappointed chancollnr of the duchy Eleanor-Shea, cldesl dan. of Win. Besanqnet, Esq., and of Lancaster in 1864, anti in 1865, secrotary of state has, Mary-Prances, Constance-Isabel, helen-Adelaide. 4 ldcnry-Hngh, 0. in 1807; 8. in 1831. 1 Theodosia-Barbara, iii. in 1833, to the Rev. John Whalley, of Betas. en. Northampton, and has issne. Archdeacon Meade 8. 22 Nov. 1814. v. Edward, killed in Egypt, in 1801. i. Anne, so. in 1788, to John Whalcy, Esq. of Whalcy Abbey, William, 3rd Earl s’f Essex, a,sd his co,sntcss, Ja,se, eldest and 8. in 1826. is. Catherine, in. Itichard, 4th Viscount Powerscsurt; st. 1790. ai;d htochaotcr of that hue; and was created, 31 May, 1756, sit. Thieodosia-Sarah-Prances. iii. to Lord 1-lowden, G.C.P. iv- ltcto;ina-Adelaide, a;. to John, 10th Earl of heath, and 8. Boron Hy,le, of JJin’isn, cs. Wilts, with linsitation to the 26 llareh, 1866. v. Resc-Otaria-Arabella-Ssrah. Sir John Itlsade was elevated to the peerage of Ireland, slop, and the dignity of baron to the heirs male of ber bedy. 17 Nov. 1766, in the digsnties of Barsn Gil/ord and VLscoaal His lordslstp filled, sisbsaqnanthy, the office of joint-post Clanscillioss; and created, 20 July, 1776, EIaL of CLANwsLtsass. mastci--gensral, and cliaiseellor of the Duehsy ef Lancaster Us 2. tO Oct. 1800, and was a by los eldest son, and was advanced to the Eans.uoss or CLARERn0N,* S June, RienAsin, 2nd earl, 9. 10 May, 1766 ; iO. 0 Oct. 1790, 1776. He 8. 11 Dec. 1706, leaving issue, Caroline, Countess of Thnnn, by whom (who il 1004) he left, a. Tuoseas, Laiil Jlyile. Ricasan, present earl. Caroline, n; in 1811, ta Count Pan] Szerheny, chamberlain of only dan. of John, 1st Lerd loeringdsn, and by her (who the Enspsror of Aostria; and d. in 1830. Sclina, sa. in 1821, to the late Gcn. Count Olartinitc,A.fh,C, general to the Emperor of Anstria. His lordship as. 2ndly, in July, 1800, Margaret-Irene, dan. of John Sarney, Eaq., and widow of John Harcsnrt, Esq. of Ankerwycks, and of Molyneux, Les-d Shnldam, and 8. in two months afterwards, 1 Sept. 1803. Urenhieao—Baronet, 28 May, 1703; Baron and Viscount, 17 Nov. 1766; Earl, 00 July, 1776—all in Ireland. Baron of the United Kingdom, 17 Jan. 1828. .Arass—Az., a chevron, es-ni., between three ts-etoils, slipped, arg.,.-s baronet’s hand. Crest—An eagle, displayed, with tn’s heads, sa., armed, or. Snpporl;ro—Dexter, an eagle, close, sa.; sinister, a falcon, close, ppr., beaked and lcgped, or, each collared and chained, geld. .hldelts—Tonjonrs prSt. seats—Gill Hall, Drosnore, Down- shire; Deal Castle, Kent. Tssrn Ifessoc—02, Belgrave Square. C L A R E N U 0 N. CLARENDON, EARL OP (Sir George-William-Frederick 1 Maria-Theresa, a lady ef high literary note, m. lot, in Villiors), and Baron Hyde, of Hindon, en. Wilts, KG., G.C.B., P.C., DCL.; 6. 12 Jan. 1800; o. as 4th earl, npon the decease of los nude, 22 Dec. Lsrd Clarendon having been ambassador at thc court of 1838; so. 4 Juuo, 1839, Lady Katharine, dass. of Berlin in 1782, was crested a Baron of the kingdom of ‘Walter-James, 1st Earl of Veru lam, and widow of Pcussia by his Prussian Ihajesty, an honour n’hich his lordship John Barham, Eeq. of Soekbridge, Hants, and has had issue, s. Edward-Hyde, Zsrd Hyde, 9. OOJaos. 1040; if. 26 Pci. 1046. 3noscas, 2nd carl, 0. 26 Dee. 1710; at whose ,lccoass, cans. ss. EDwARD-HYDe, Lsrd Hyde, 9. 11 Feb. 1848. iii. Georgs-Patriclc-Hydc, Ilaut. gran.-guards, 9. 27 Sept. a ‘rule title, fls 55 enjoyed by Sir Edward hyde, was derived 1847 iv. Prancts-Hyde, 9. 13 Aug. 1832. s. Constance, ,a. 31 May, 1864, to the Hen. P.-A. Stanley. royal palace, bnt more noted as the ptsee where Ilsace II. H.P., younger son of Edward, 14th and present Earl of whirh emanated tIme cehehssted regolatioss, so is-elI known in Derby. ii. Alice, m. 16 Aug., 1860, to Lord Skclineradale. iii. Emily-Theresa, ci. 0 May, 1868, to Odo-W’.-L. Russell, coolest between that mssnsrch ansi Thnnsss 0 Ibecket. Req. (See Banronn, P. or.) iv. Florence-Margaret, it. an hifant, 21 Aug. 1030. 229 C L A ln the following year he was constituted secretary of for foreign affairo, which office he resigned in 1866. 0llt2lt, Tue lIon. TOOMAS ViLLiens, 2nd son of Wliliain, foil East ef Jsrsey, as .00 March, 1712, Charlotte, eldest dan. of surviving do,,. of Itenry hyde, the last Earl of Claicrsden heirs male of his b;’dy, by his said wife, and in dsf:sult thercef, the title of Bareness Hy’ie to devolve upsn lice lady- us. Jona-Cnaaios, 3rd earl. us. George, 0. 23 Nov. 1759; m. 17 April, 1798, Theresa, 8. 1505) left at his decease, in 1827. I Gsoaon-W,LLiAss-Faancaicx, E.G., O.C.R., snccsssar to his uncle, and iresant earl. 2 Thomas-Hyde, 8. in 1833. 1 Charhes-Priham, Right Hen., MA., P.C., barrister-at- law, SIP. fsr Wolverhampton, lote jsdgs- advocate pen., and snbseqnsntly President of the Poor Law Hoard, 9 19 Jan, 1802_f 4 Edward-Ernest, 0. 21 March, 1106; m. 3 Aug. 383-0, lion. Elizabeth-Charlotte Liddsll, bth dan. of Thomashenry, 1t Lord ltavensworth; sad d. 30 Oct. 3843, leaving issue, viz., Ernest, lient, 43rd foot, A.D.C., 9. in 1808; so. 10 April, 1066, Elizabeth, eldest don. ef C. Alexander Wood, Esq,, which lady 8. 16 l’eh, 1867. Maria-Theresa, ia. 14 April, 3064, to Capt. Charles- Williams Earle, late rifle brigade. Edith, so. 4 Oct. 1864, to Edward-Hobart, only son of Edward, Lord Lytlon of Knebworth. Elizaheth. tivin with ‘her sister Edith ; so. 7 Olay, 385?, to Henry-Brsngham Loch, Req., CII. 5 Hcnry-Montagu, PD., Bssuop or DuanAze; 0. 4 Jan. 1813; m. 30 Jan. 1837, Amelia-Maria, eldest dau. of William Hisiton, Req. of Hulten Park, Lancashire, and dying 0 Asig. 1861, left issue, Hessry-Montagu, in holy orders, rector of Adloham, Kent, 0.13 Nov. 3837; is. 16Apr11, 156t,Victeria, 2nd dan. of Earl Russell, and has Hcssry-Meutagn, 0. 30 March, 1803; aeon, 9. 15 Jan. 1866; Pn;nceo-Adelaids; Owendolen; and another dan., 0. Ii Aug. 1863. Frederick-Ernest, 0.16 16ev. 1840. Amy-Maria so. 11 April, 1860, to the Rev. Edward Cheese, 0l.A,,rector of }langhtou-lc-Skcrus, Durham, and chaplain to the Bishop of Durham. Gsrtrndc-Panny,,si. 22 Aug. 1885, to lisrkely Pagst, Esq )Sre Aeeotcsev, 51. or.) Mary-Agneta. Evelyn-Theresa. 6 Angnstos-Algsruou, lient. RN. ; 0. 14 April, 1817; 5. in July, 08-13. 3830, to Thomas -Henry Lister, Eoq. of Armytags Park, Staffordshire, who 8. 8Jnno, 3813; and 2ndhy, 23 Oct.3844, to the Right Hon.Sir Georgo-Cornswalh Lewis, Dart., H.P., who 8. 13 April,086l. the 8.0 Hey. 3865. was permitted, nuder the sign-manual of lisa own sovereign, to enjoy. The earl was o. by his eldest sen, in 3524, the honsnrs devolved upon his next bristlier, from a spantsns park near Sahishnry, formerly t e sue of a snismsned, in 1164, the great ceusseil of peers and prrlates, fresa history as The C’sa;thsseioiss sf f’loressbss. lip hhsoso Ihin clergy were declared amenahsle to the civil power, ansi hence arose use The Queen granted in Feb. 5539, to this gentleman, and Ins yrauger brothers and sister, the title and preeedsocy of an cash’s sons and don.