Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/280

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C L A Jonw-Cwanteo, 3rd earl, 0. 14 Nov. 1757; mo to. 5 Jan. NATHANIEL-WILLIAM, 2nd baron; 5. 21 Slay, 1772. This 1791, Maria-Eleanor, dan. and co-heir of Admiral the Hon. nobleman was also a military officer, and attained the ran John Forhos, and had an only dan., Mary-Harriet, who of niajor-gcn. in the army; his lordship Ia. in 1796, Penelope, d. sines. 26 Jan. 1831. ho lordship d. 22 Doe. 1835, and 2nd dan. of Ilichscl-Reberts Westropp, Req., and by her wao o. by his nophow, the preocat poor. The countess it. (who 4. 26 Nov. 1841), had issue, 18 March, 1844. Creolionc—Baron. 31 May, 1716. Earl, 8 Jnne, 1771. Anns—Arg., on a cross, pu. itvo eoeallole shells, or. C,’ccl—,t lion, rampant, arg., docally crowned, or. Sapyorlers—Two eagles, wings endorsed, sa., dncally George-Lionel, 5. 31 Aug. 1451; se. 17 Nov. 1612, Rebecca- crowned, or, charged on tho l,rcaot with a plain cross, or. MoIlo—Fidoi cotirula crux. Seal—The Or’ os, Watford. lIens. Town Jfeuae—1, Grosvenor Crescent, Boigrave Square. C LA J7 I N A. CLARINA, BARoN (Eyro itlasooy), of Elm Park, no. Limerick, in the peerage of Ireland, one of the Irish representative pot-re, 6. 6 May, 1798 o. aa 3rd baron, on the sienais’ cf his father, in Jan. 1810 ; so. 9 Sept. 1°22, ,Snoan.Elizaheth, youngest dan. of Hngh Barton, Eeq. of StratBsn, en. Kildare, and has hone, I. EYEE-CHALLONEO-HENRY, nil. in the army, ma). Y,rh foot, knight of the Legion of ttoncnr, 8. 29 April, 1830. It. 1Ingh-Nathaniel-Gctrge, 8.8 Jan. 1836. us. Lionel-Edward, licnt.-eol. Scale fusiiier-gnardo, 6. JenN-FoaBEo, 5. 1 July, 1621; to. 16 July, 1451, Charlotte, 20 April, 1837. iv. Adolphuo-Ilcnry-Tsithill, in holy orders, 6. in Fob. This gentleman, n-ho is first physician in ordinary 1844. V. Wilhane-Fredcriek-Bartcn, 6. 25 May, 1845. I. Anne-Emily, in. 18 April, 1615, to Hngh-Lyudcch to the Queen. was created a baronet 11 Nov. 1817. Ilarten, Esq. of Stralflm, en. Kildarc. Is. Isabolla-Ss,sannah-Adclaide, its. 24 Oct. 1067, to Sir Bane CLARK, ofFhs’llatsr, co. BonE, son of James Clank, B-V. Roche, tlsrt. lLtllragc. From the Mssscyo, llarono of Dnnham-Slassey,co. Chester, 1612) had two sono and a dan., viz., descended Huosi Massey, who had a military command in Ireland David, 5. 11 April, 1793; ma. Mary Fordyce, and has issue. daring the rebellion of 1641, and settled there upon the Helen, to. to Alexander Gordon, Req.; and it. in 152-2. restoration of tranquillity. TIns successful soldier married Arms—On,, a fesoe, chcqny, tog. and az., betwecn twa no loss than five wives, but had issue by his lot (Margaret crescents, its chief, arid a lion, passani-guardant, in base, or. Percy) only. He was s. by hio son, Huon Maoezr, h’s’3. of Dnntryleape, en. Limerick; who t’resl—A rock, therefrom nioing a fssleon, ppr., belied, or, cc. Mios lienoon, and had, with two daus., four eons, vie., Muon, hio onceessor. John, of Enockauosven. William, of SI. ‘neville. Charles, of Boonsss, ese. Glare; in holy orders, dean of Limerick ; ci. Grace, dan. of Sir John Dillon, and had, HUGH-DILLON, eroatcd a Baronet, (See 51KM. Masoa’d Mr. Maosey was e. by his eldest osn, iluon Mason’, Esq. of Isuntryloagno, who se. Elizabeth, 4th dams, of the Rt. Hon. George Evans, and had, th other issue, Heosi, created Lonn Masoy see I/sal itignilp), and Evnr Massey, Req., 1. 14 May, i7as who wao elevatedto the peerage of Ireland, 27 Per. lttt, ao BanoN CLAnINA, of Else Pork, cc. Limerick. His lordship was a general officer, marshal of the army in Irelaeed, colonel of the 27th foot, governor of Limerick, and of the royal hospital of Kilmainham. He had been at the battle of Cnlloden,in 1746, and was subeeqnently commanding-officer of the grenadiers at This fancily, o,’iginally Woc,r’nnur.nse, took its sunesanse the Havanetab, Niagara, fic. lie see. Catherine, sirter to fs’ona tise lanshe sf W.’o,lehureh, co. Kent, which it held at chart Clemcnte, let Earl of Leitrim, and had issue, George-Ciements, 6. in 1771 ; and it. in 1766. NATnANIEI.-WILLIAaI, successor to lAo father. Man nab-Emily., in. I Sept. 1602, to John Stack, Req. of Simon, whose only don, and heir, Isabel, as. Adrian Ballyconry, 00. Kerry; and it. iii Jnne, 1643. His lordship 4. 17 May, 1804, and was s. by his 2nd and GLenn’ Wounenucnu, Esq., who inherited bis mother’s only surviving son, 2111 C L A Evar, present peer. Natleaniel-llenry’Charles, colonel in the army; 5. 5 Sept. 1803; os. S May, ISIS, Emiiy, yonngeot dau. of the late I/avid Lyon, Eoq. of Portland Place. Anne, widow of John Cann, Req., and ,l. 5 Nov. 1616, boring (mills a clan. Pencl,,pe) a eou, Nathaniel—William, late capt. 84th rsgt., 5. 1817; wise cc. 1st, 21 June, 1560, Jliso Corol,no -Sorals Turner, by whom he bad issue, and woo rh v,reed from her, on her petition, in 1803; he so. 2udly, 11 Oct. le6I, Georgiana, dan. of the late J. G. 11’Tavish, Req. of Montreal. Cathsriae-Jane, to. 1 March, 1821. to Gel. Sesuprenius Strettsn, C.B.,of Leuton Priory; and d. 1 Jnly, 1521. Wilhcltnina-Frederica, cc. in 1818, to Robert-H. Gdlespie, Req.; and it. in 1519. he lordohip ‘I. at Barbadoeo, in Jan. 1510. Crcalisn—27 Usc. 1460. Aroso—Arg., on a chevron, between three lozenges, sa., a lion, paosanl, or, Crtcl—Out of a decal coronot, or, a bull’s head, gu., armed, oa. Seepperiers—Two grenadier soldiers in the uuifs’rm of the 27th foot, ppn, each holding in his exterior hand a sword, also ppr. JIolfe—l’rri libertate patrix. Seol—Elm Park, cc. Limerick. Toirnflsuse—7, Great Cumberlrnd Street, Hyde Park. CLARK. CLARK, SIR JAMES, M.D., K.C.B., P.11.5.; 6.14 Den. 1788; ei. 12 Sept. 1820, Barbara, only dan. of the Rev, John Stephen, IJL.D., and by her (who ef. 27 Den. 1862) haa had a son, only dan. of the late SIr. Justice Coltnsan, 3Lllltsigc. ofRosskene, no. Rob, by Isabella Fraaer his wise, se. Isabella, daa. of J”4in Scott, efGlaseangh, aedbyher (who it. lOSopt. JAMes, created a Baronet in 1837. t’re,’Iio,,—I 617. and restieeg lho dexter claw on a crown, of the last. .4Lfeo—.tmat victoria cnram. Seels—Bapsbot I’ark, Surrey; Bh’k Hall, Baliater, SnotImid. CLARKE, Sia PmLIP-HouollTON, of Shinland, no. Notting. ham; 6. 11 April, 1819; K his Brother, as 11th hart., 28 April, 1849. iLIllfagC. the titus of the Cosqssest. Sm SIMON Woonenunen, Eat., at. Susan, dan. and heh’ of Henry Clark, Req., ,aisd leash two sons, vie., Fonleecue; and eoh;tss, and adepted the anmamc of ClarKe. lIe as. CLARKE.