Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/284

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OLE nor, the Earl of Huntly, was obliged to leave that part of Crcussiea—24 March, 1679. the coenstry in 1568. He left one eon, IVILLEAM, a neerchant-burgees in MentrOse, who, dying creacsssts, in chief, gui., ends boss’s heed, conped, in base, is. in the year 1620, loft a eon, 301115 Ctsaw, S. in 16] 1, a prrs”n of great ability, and sf ,ssjspsrsero—Dsxter, a naked mass, wreathed chant the an enterprising ramnsoroiai spirit, settled in Paris, in 1634. middle with an ss,sk lss’aneh, in the dexter band a how, with and, in a lew ye n-e, acquiring a considerable fortune those, beast hanging behind his beck, all ppr. ; sinisler, a Druid rstnrnod to Scotland; and, in 1646, pnreliaar’l the lands and priest, with a flowing beard, phsr., vested and bssaded, erg., barony of Ponirnik, cc. Edinburgh, which have ever since holding in the dexter band an oak branch, acs,r,aed, vert, continued the residence and tiDe of tine fassi ly. Sic s”. ..ilstloco—(Ovsr the crest.) Free fsr a blast; (under the Mary, diii. of Sir William Gray, of l’ittendrnm, by wh’ rn arms) Amat victoria enrasn. he had five Sons an,l five d;ssis., and was a. at his decease, in 1t7I, hy his eldest son, I. Sia JOHN tIttER, of Pcnionik, wise was, by King Cie.sctes 11., cru’aled a Bos’se,cl s.f 2S’soa dccli,,, 24 March, 1679. Sir John served in the parliament of Scotland, and in 1700, acquired the lands and barony of i.asswade. lie ss.twice; lot, Elizabeth, dan of henry henderson, Req. of Elrington, by whom ho had three sons ansi three dans. and fndhy, Christian, dan. sf the Rev. Janice Kirkpatrick, and had font other sans and four dane. Sir John 2. in 1722, ainl was s. by his eldest son, Ii. SiR Jossso CLERK. This gentleman, who was distinguished by groat learning, was appointed, in i7s7, one of the barons of the Exchequer in Scotland, which judicial FRANCIS, is. Jan, 1856; Charles-John, 6. 8 Sept. oEcs lie enjoyed luring the rensainder ci his life. Tic was 1857; Hens-y-Carr, ci. an infant, 28 Aug. 1861, and aloe one of the cosncssissi,’nere for the Union. He iii. lot, d[sery-Gcorgina. Liiicagc. in 1700, Lady Mardasx-t Stewart, dan. of Alexander, 3rd Earl of Galloway, bnt by bet had no surviving issue. He en. 2ndly, Janet, dan. of Sir John Inglis, Dart, of Cramond, “In the time of EowAnn I., (we qnote from an old by whom he bad seven sans and six dane. He d, in 1751, pedigree of tlse Cteaaes in the Heralds’ College,) there and was a. by his eldest surviving son, 111. Sin jxasrs CLERK, n-ha is. Elloabeth, dan. of the Rev. lived at Willoughby, in the county of Warwick, one Hammond, J. Cleghern, but dying a, p. in 1702, was s. by his brother, TV. SIR Gr.onne CreEK, one of the commissioners of the Willoughby being ,swners of considerable estates there and Customs, lord-treasurer’s remembs-aneer in the Rxchetner, elsewhere; lisa t ehsangesi their name of lIaw,nnd into Clerks, ond a Irnetse for the improvement of the fisheries and as by second writings of theirs aisiscars, wherein they have ,osnufactnros of Scotland. He ss. Barothea, dan. of his wi-itt themselves Hamnnd ella. Clerke, one Hicisard, of that uncle, William C1’rk-Maxvvsll, Esq., and of his wife, Agnes fanuly, in a lease made to him by the afsrcsaisl College, in Maxwell, by whom he had five eons snd fonr dans., I. Jc’nsc, his heir. is. George, S. sines. III. Jasnss, whe m. 1706, Janet, dan. of Gee-ge Irving, Esq.of Newton, and d. 1791, having bad issue, 1 Garner., 6th baronet. 2 John Clerk- SIaxwell, of Mi-Idielsy, co. Bnmfrios, is. at Willoughby aforesaid, and likewise in the Memorials of 1750, as. Frances, dau. of liobert Cay, of Chariten, and the s,sid College, as farmers of those Tyihes.” hail sue san, James. 1 Isabella, 55. to the late James Wsdderbnrn, Req., of Richard Hamnnd, olin, Clerks, by C- sliett bis wife, sslicitor-gesieral for Scotland, iv. William. v. Robert, Sir Gessrged. in 1704, and was o.hy his eldest son, V. SIR JnnN Cs.rnse, who ‘ss. Mary, dan. of— Deere, Req. sons, I. Recisxnn, whose dan. ansi heir, Cnhlett. so. Richard of Kirleingten, in Cumberland, and dying Sn 1750, withenl isene, wave, by his nephew, Vi. Tim Tlsonv lioN. Sin tcoenr,, PC’., F.R S., who was Ii. Rsobes-t, who ‘a, Ellzabeth Clerks, and was father of is. 1757, an’! so 1:] . g. 1610, Maria, lied dais. ssf F.wan lisa—, thrcs sons, I Henry, anceotsr of the CtsnKcs 5) King,hlssrpc, Es-i. sf lioroled l’lace, Snssox, -‘end first consisss sO the Earl of Ellanbor’sngh, isy whssm (who 2, 7 Sept. 1566) he hail Watford, Herto, who sa. Barbara, dais, of Roger Palmer, irnc, Sir George Clerk, whss was M.D. successively fur Eslinh’nrghsinre, Barenst, 11 July, 1660. Sir John rn. Fhilsdel1,hia, eldest Stamford, and Dover, filled various sninivtsvisil suffices, sian. and ca-bob’ of Sir Edward Cam, Rat, of Hihhingden, ansi was Slavter of the Jlisst and Viee-t’svsi,lent sf the ll,vis’,l by whssns he had six suns and tlsrec dana.., of whicb famlly, of Trade in 1645, when he was made a 1’.C. He ci. 23 Dcc. WilLIAM. the eldest eon, s. his father. 1067, and n-as o. isy his eldest son, Sue JAasre CLERK, the Riebao-sl, the youngest son, se, Miss Day, stud was a. by his 71h ansi prsusesst lsaronct. OLE R K E. CLEREE, SIR WTLLL%M-}TENRT, Bart. nf llitohatn, on. Bucking. ham; fs. 17 Nov. 1822 ; a. his father aa 10th baronet, 16 Feb. 1861; an, Nov. 1849, Genrgina, eldest dan. of Robert Gosling, Esq. of Botleyo Park, Surrey and has had isene, WILLIAM. sense of whose posterity (having been good benefactors to llagdalen College, Oxford) do continue still at the 23rd of ltrrsnv VI., of the Manor and Tithes of Wi!longbby being written Richard Clerks, Esq. the descendants I’s’om which Richard, from some generatieno downwards, dos appear us a beck kept by one of the family stilt Wstti.eai CLarKE, Req. of Willoughby, es. Warwick, eon was father, by Alice his wife, of WILLIAM CLEEKE, Esq., also r’f Willoughby. whose son, by Elizabeth his wife, was WILLIAM CLcaKr, Req., who bad, by Agnes his wife, three lieanmssst, Esq. ssf Cole Orion. to. Nartbamptnn, and Uscombe, Kent; 2 William; and I Clement, father of Sir Gearge Clerke, Knt. of Req., and bad issesc, Gecarge, of Watferd, H.P.; Robert, of Long Buckley; and Clement (Sin), Dart, of Lannde Abbey, ce Leicealer. III, JOHN (Sir), of whom we treat. is. Geos-pe- Edsanl, is. 10 March, 1013; or. in Oct. h045, The third son, Sissrir.-I,ossieo I ‘equals, assd less hectic s I C eosgo—Relsearsl, is. Sin JonN CLarKE, Knt. of Weston, a mllitary man ef 1 aSS 1 ‘4 Clsarlsse—Fs-orsçsis, t. I sill 1 llenry—.isussjsls, Is. heiR; great valour, had the fssrtsssse to make 1,onis dOs-leans, iii. .Tsulse, b,arristcr-aI-lasr. is. 16 April, 1016 ; so. S Pro. 1049, Duke ef Lengneville, prisoner at Rerny, near Torenenno, Rese-.tdre-t’loslss’iuie, 1,54 dais, of ‘fhosoas hiss-so. Es,1., lass 14 Aug., in the ttb year of HENRI’ VIII,, and was, for that hId’., 0usd Isas iessi,’ s 1 ti eecge—’fisssesas, is. 1946; 3 F’rede— rick-S-tin, is. isiS; 3 Malrsiss-hienry, is. 1331; 1 Alice— signal service, rewarded by the kicg with an honorary addition to his arms. He so. Miss Asleby, and 2. in 1319, and n-Sea, by his eon, Nics,s,tse CLE0KE, ef North Weston, who os. Elizabeth, vii. E,l,vard, isis,) ‘r, la,se SIss miss ravsslry, 6. 14 Jessie, 1014; dan. of Tbenesss Ranssay, Req. of Hitcham, by whom (who os, 2 Apcsl, 1561, Alire, y’’ssnssrst ‘taco sf ‘f. -W. Iirasssuls,s, Req., laIr, 51.1’., of Sheeiss. Essex (s-s hbrasar’s Ls,ss’/osl sss. 2ndly, Roger Alfssrd. Req.) be hsid an only eon, Sin WILLIAM Cs,EisKr, Knt., who -u Mary, dan. of Sir Joins Drown, Knt. of lt5It Castle, cs. Warwick, secretary sf vsss . Alovands-r, is, 21 Dcc. IslO; u. 1 Dec. 1637, Edilh, sian. state, and bsid five sons and three dens. lie si in 1614, and was a. by his osily surviving scsi, ii. Maria, 1, 31 March, 1061. I is. Isabella. Sin Fis,suacss CLraKc, of Ilitcham, who n,. Griscl, dan. iv. Elizeisrsls—l I sn’riritr, sir. 3 Slay, 1039, Ia lhr lien, h-Dslers,rsl— of David Weodr,sffo, Req. of Doyle, to. Sni-rey; and dying Clsssrles-1,shlcr El1 hissstosse, Sail sais of use Ia Ic Cot. Rssllsr in 1631. wars, by his son, Fllslsinulssac, of Cas’lsery Tourer, E.G., and bretlaer of Lord 1. JssnN CLanKE, Esq. of Hitcham, who wee created a ss,ss, Faxacss-Cxon, ss. Catlsonise, dan, of the Hen-Henry Berhie, aisd was s. by his eon, Fnxscis, of North Wsetms, 0 L E Ars,u—Or, a farce, ciseqoy, as. and arg., between two Credo—A dcmi-huutsman, esuisding a horn, ppr, a quiver of arrows over his shoulder, and the ekin of s wild Scab—PenicUik Hones, blidluthian. i. J sexes, press’ns baronet. I Harir—Lassis,- ; 4 Eioily—Siaric. 11 ess lie 5 Ia, Lv. SVihliasus, is. II S°pt. 1615 ii. 0 Assg. Is-hi. v, Frosierick, is, So thor. 104s’1 1. II i’cb. 1631. a’i - Ilsnry, Csl. rssyal sirlihlory, is. 37 1500. IsSI, a is’s). of hr. A. hiushanous, ansi has issue. i. Ilarricuts, ,5. liss lvii, Rlplsinstane, and lsaa limo.