Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/285

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OLE I. 1724; m. 1747, Sueannah-Elizabeth, dan. of Thomas- Henry Ashhm’st, Req. of Waterstock, in Oxlhrdohirs, and that of the United Kingdom; ft 9 March, 1815 left issue, 1 FRANcIS-Can, 2 WILLIAM-HENRY, 7th and Ia. 26 Sept. 1840, Lady Loniaa-Oroco WandoofordeButler, 8th baronsta; 1 Diana-Snsanna, m to the 11ev. Fl. Willes, of Newbold, Warwickshire; and 2 Suaannati, so. to Sir His lordship, who folmel-ly cot us l5arlsonaent for Robert Peel, ilart. of Drayton, Staffordehire (his 2nd wife). the en. Louth, woe olovato,l to the of Ireland Sir John dying 7 Oct. 1667, woe s. by Ins eldest son, II. Sm WILLIAOI, of Shabbingon, oo. Bucks; who os. the hoira-mole of isis body. He was 111060 0 116cr Elizabeth, dau. of William Musrhamp, Esq. of Row-Barnes, of the United Kingdom, as Boron (llorusont, of and had, with other issue, WILLIAM, his ssscresoor. John, Ia. Catherine, dan. of Henry Jennings, Esq. of Devonshire; and dying in 1722, left a son, Fnacis, who S. R5 8th baronet. Sir William S. in 1678, ond was e. by his eldest son, III. SIR WILLIAM. This gentleman III. Catherine, 2nd that of the Earls Forteecuc. dan. of Sir Arthur Onslow, Dart., and sietor of Riohard, Siis FAITNCUL FONTEOCUC, iou of Js,hn F,,rteoene, Faq. Lord Onslow, by whom he had two sons and four dane. of Buckland Fillcigis, ill the eo. of I levaul, by Snsoana, lsia He S. in 1609, and was e. by his eldest son, IV. SIR JOUN, at whose decease s. p. 24 Fob, 1726-7, the second wife, dase, of Sir J,,hn Chiclseotor, Kest, of Raleigh, titlo devolved npon his brother, V. SIR WILLIAM, who ci. also without issue when the hts uncle, the lord-deplity, Sir Ae’thssr Chiolseator, by whoise baronetcy passed to his cousin (reosrt to 2nd son of the he was knighted, and alspomtoll, 14 Nov. 1606, jointly witb 2nd baronet), VI. Sin F1LANCIs, This gentleman rlyhlg OIROI. 12 Feb. gnu-ed also eoussi,lorssblo lon,le,i p ,ea055is,no, inelsllliumg 1760, the title descended to his kinsman, (rofor to issue of jlromiskcn Castle, lying tous miles fr,siss liroghedo, with Richard, son of the 1st baronet), VII. Sin Faon’ele-CAr.n, t. 24 Oct. 1742. This geistleman, assd Aotrins. Dnnng the on] ‘oeqnent civil eousfficta sf tlso a military officer, lost his life hs action, at Saratoga, 12 Oct. reign of CuAeLra I., Sir Faithful F,’rteoeno ree,slered essen 1772, and wss s. by his brother, VIII. SIR WILLIAM-HeNOY, in holy orders, rector of Duly, bottle of Worcester, where, with his regissuolut, he pronsisiently in Lancashire; 1. in 1711; as. in 1702, Byzasstia, eldest dau. of Thomas Csrtwright, Faq. of Aynlioe, co. Nortllaenpton, CnANLE5 II. After lhc Feotorati’ as he uosj,yed in an cmioat by whom (who 5, 20 April, 1911) he had, WILLIAM, 9th bamnet. Francis, in holy sr,lers, rector of Eydon, ro. Northampton, Anne Moore, socond don. if ll,o’ret, let Vioc, ‘not Drogisoda, I. 10 Sept. 1707; 5. lien. Jan. 1821. Charlea’Uorr, srchdescon of Oxford, and canos of Christ the eldest ol whons, Cl,srhostcr, left aes alSo’ lion. 011(1 heir, Church; I. 30 Dcc. 1790; 10. 12 April, 1047, Caroline, daie. Elizabeth, s,s. to bit Richard Graham, Dart, of Norton Con- of William-Dsnry Aeburat, Faq. of Woteretoek, Oxen. Ilyzantia, S. amos. Dec. 1021. lie ,i. 10 April, 1018, and was c. by his eldest aon, IX. SIR WII.LIAM-IIENRY, who woo 8. II Sept. 1793 and lent-eel, of Prince Cosone.aa’o hoe’segnarls. 01111 govcn:or ¶If mis. 2 May, 1020, Mary-Flicabeth, only dan. ofOeorge-Wotkin the castle of Csrrirkfcrguo, who m. two wives, and by flue Kenriek, Faq., of Ilartyn, co. Flint (by his 1st wife, hiss second, Sy’hsey, don, of Cal. Kingsunll, loud two sons, Foulkes, of Ilortyn), and hod, I. WILLIAM-HORNY, present haronot. II. Frsneis-Csrr, t. lIJnno, 1924. III. Richard-Woflaston, major 26th reg., 1.12 Oct.1926; 1i. brother, Jaioos), WILT.i.oaI-CnAnLas, I hscossat Clerssoef, at 2 April, 1864. IV. Charlea-Lougusville, 8. 1829. I. hiary-Dors, as. 26 Hey, 1261, to the 11ev. Thomas Bealo, Ius’ily, to Ooorge-11’rosscis Barlow, Eoq., Charlotte, ma. in rector of Hopton Cselle, Salop, 2nd son of the late 1706, to Sir llarry Goodricke, Dart, of ltibst, a Hall, Yorkshire, Thomas lioslo, Faq. of The Heath, Shropshiro. Sir William, who served with the 22nd rcgt. ill the peninsula, whose sleistlu its 18:11 they paaocd to the present lord Clornsosst and at Waterloo, and was a lirnt.-eol. in the army, RN., of Ketton, co Ilsslland, and S. hi! widow 17 PcI,. 5. 16 Feb. 1801. - Creation—lI July, 1060. Arloc—Arg., on a bend, go., between three pellets, as hy his elder son, many swans, of the field; on a sinister eaten, az., a dcnslram, Cnsour.srous Foaveecuc, Faq. (If Dromioken, colonel of a salient, of the first, and in chief, two ficors-de-lis, or; regiment of foot, who raioc,1 a tI’l’ap f ilrsgona at his own over all, a baton, tronked. Urcst—A ram’a hoad, eonpcd, ppr. Scots—blsrtyn Hall, Fliutahire; Heath House, Shropahire. Ho ‘so. in 1621, Frisleewood, d,sn. of Francis Hail, Faq., ansi Team Home—Il, Eaton Place, South. OLE B MONT. OLE 3rd dau. of Jonsea, lot Marqueec of Ornsondo. in 1852, wIth i’ensoindor to isis brother and Clermont Park, 2 Moy, 1866. iiiitiigc. This noble femily derives from a consmon ancestor with went ovor to Ireland iii the beginning of the I’Oigls of JAslee 1., and commanded a I-cgie,sent of foot there nuder Roger Langford, Faq., i’overnsr of Cso’riekfergoo. lb see— broad aisd fertile houSe ill tl,c ronsstieo of L,,oth, Down, cml service to hie il-fated n,aoter ,‘an,l aftrr the dioootrona dtatingniolsod himself, rotiresi to tile oantinent with degree the royal favonr, and woo IlIada a gontlonlan of the privy elsamber t’s his ne:ejcaty. Sir Faithful as. the hb,es. and by her, who 7. 2 Sept. 1014, had (witls ,,thor risillirols, vera) a third $141, Sn, Tnoasaa FonTcscua, Knt. of Dronsisken, co. LewIs, CnICNE5TER, his heir, and William, ,,f Newrath, co. LonOs, grandfather of WILLIAM-HENRY, Earl of Clerasoal, who 5. s. p. ill 1064, an,l was s. by his Isellhew (the 5015 of isis o’lsose Sooth 11111,1. the title becsun.o oxlinct. ‘His lordolnp’a eistere were, Maria, ma. hat, iei 1701, to Capt. Roper, and who s. to the estates of ll,o I,orda t lormoni, and at ; 01101 Esnily, so in 1011, to Capt. Cimarka Gnustham, 1804. Sir Tlsonsaa Fou’toseno 5, in 1710, agod 16, and waco expense, and marched with them into time city of Londonilerry dasrimsg tho oosufiiet betwocu I AMOO 1111,1 WILLI.OM, had (witis foor dano.) ass only aIsle, Tn0MAS FoRTescrE, Eeq of Dromiekon, wIse as. at Otis’ bseescson, :6 Aug. 1716, dIsuse, cl,lrot ‘lao. of J,’lsn Coroths, Eoq. of Iiroggsnetowa, co. L,astls (see CAIISTIN of Les’op2 Castle, hs Deaao’e Loo”oi Giatrp), and 5. 19 Moy’, i7g7, leaving by hor, who died boforo him, Cnlcncevrr, hio heir; John, 1. 9 Jnnc, 1719 ; and an oisly dan., Amine, I. It Juno, i7t, ci. moe. in Dsc. 1721. The elsior son, Cniene-sven Foaawsar., Eoq. of Drooliaken, 9. 2 June, i7io, aervod as high sheriff of Down 111 1744, and was H.P. f,sr Trios from 1747 till his death Ho as 9 April, 1741, lls,s Han. Elissbcth Wcllraloy, ol,leot don. sf Ricliarsl, let Lord Mormsingtoms, and ansst of Arthnr, linko 5sf Welling-ton, by whom (who ii. 10 Oct. 1722, aged 32) he hod, I. TNONAa, his heir, II. Richard, I. 7 May, 1749; el in l77i. — en. CNlonesren (Sir], Kot., t. 7 June, 1,10; rear-admiral, It.N. - a. his brother, Cerald, as Ulster king-of-arme, 31 Jan. list, and thoreupols received the hon,,nr of knighthood. Sir Chieheoler ,,. in 1791, Frances-Ammo, 3rd dan. of David Jonca, Eoq. of Dcnafort, in 3leath, and by her, who 5. 3 Jan. 1003, left issue, 1 Riehaivl, 9. 11 Dcc. 1791 ‘stat Arm.igh, 1861. 2 Chicheoter, 0. 29 Nov. 1704. 1 Sidesey, deceased. 2 Elizabeth, decersed, CLERHOET, BARON (Thomas Forleseno), of Dromisken, an. Lonth, in the peerage of Irelonol; Boron Clormont, of Ciormont Pork, in tiso Co. Lonth, in 235