Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/304

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0 0 M Rtcnasen CoTToN, Esq. of Combersnere; whom. lot, lIay, This gentleman is. hi 1767, Frances, dan. assd co-heir of dau. of Sir Arthur Slainwanng, of Tghtfleld, by whom lie Ja,ues iiuoool-Siaplctou, Esq., and had issue, had two 04)110 and a duo. Ho e’. twice afterwords, and had Itoliert—Saltistitin-, 6. 11 Sept. 1760; (1.0. 3). other children. Ito was a. by his eldest eon, Oconon COTTON, Esq. This gentleman e. Mary, clan of William, in holy orders; if. 16 June, 1853. Sir George Bniznley, chief-justice of Chester, and was o. by Lynch. co]. in the army; if. lu tile East indies, in 1799. 1 us his son, Titoaiaa COTTON, Esq , who oi. lot, Frances, dan. of Robert, Viscount Itisoorey, by whom he had one son, Ocosior., who predeecrood hina, leaviug no surviving issue. lie vs. 2ndly, Elizabeth, ,lau. and co-heir of Sir George Calvclcy, of Lea, Penelope, 6. Ii Dee. 1770; it. 1786. co. Chcstcr, and was o. by his ocu, I. Sia it,inruT COTTON, “I Cionhernsorc, who received the Sophia, ii. to Sir H-li. Mainsraring,Bari. of Over Peaver, co. hcisour of knightloo,d at the Ilootoration, and was created a Sir Robert ‘t hi 1007, and was a. by his eldest surviving son, Baronet, tti March, 1,i77. Sir fbi cit represented the ci,. VI. SIR STAPLETON, snhoeqtsootty Viseoutot and Baron Chester in parliamcnt for ucorly forty years. lie is. Hooter, Combormero, O.C.R., 0CM., O.T.S., liSP., K 5.1. clan, and heir cf Sir Thoioao Saluchury, Raid, of Liewenny, (Knight of the Star of India), a Field hlarslial in the arnsy, ci. Deuhigli, and had, with other issue, 5. Tiugh-Calveley, who on Mary, only don. and heiress of Sir lord-Bent, of the Tower hamlets ; 6, 14 Nov. 1772. This William lionel, Bad., and dying before his father, left on ihlustrisus officer having h,een actively engaged froua his 01113 don., Cavnes,sr., wiS of Thamas Lewis, Esq. of St. T’ierre, in the first adoption of a milit.ary life, hi 1701, to the termtoation Co. of Slonmooth. Ti. Tuemas, his successor. Med. in l7lt, aisi wasa. hv his only sssrvtvhig son, TI. SIR Tnoaiac, who ‘a. l’hihidelphia, dass. and heir of Sir capiure of Bhui-tpore, to thio dignity of ‘iococ’Nv CosIt:rRswan, Thomas Lynch, Not. of Eoher, co. Surrey, governor if Anna - Maria Pelham-Chintcns, eldest dau. of Thomas, 3rd Jamaica, and wao $ hy Ins eldest oon, ill. SIR ii,,ncoe-SAL4’ssuay, liP, for Cheshire. This gentleman Duke of Newcastle, by whom (who 4. ill Slay, 1807) ho ii,. Elizabeth, eldest dais. of Lionel, tot Earl of had no snrviving issue. He m. indly, 10 Juno, 1014, Caroline, Dysart; hut 4. withont issue, when the title devolved upon her (who 5. 23 Jan. 1S37), his brother, IV. SIR Lvxcn-S iruoni:nv, M.P. ; who in. Elizabeth, dan. i. Camilue, ,o.23 Aug. 1037, to Arihitr, pessont Marquess of of Rswlaisd C,’tton, Eoq. of Etsvall, co. Derby, and had, RoncnT-SALusnsnY, Ins successor. Boo-land, a,tiairal RN., si. Elioahetli, don. of Sir Willooghby Aston, Ilait., an’l had a son, ilrxcoat,,Sm WILLOc’OTTnY Csvvos, i.t.C.B.,lC.C.lI., col. of ihe 32nd foot, a distisgoiohed Lord Combermere o. lrdly’, I Oct. lt3S, hisry-Woolley, only nulitary officer, lobs scas 8. 17S3, and wloo si. hi ISiS, child of Robert Oihhings, Fog. of Oihhings Grove, cc. Cork, Augusta-Maria. el,lest dan. of George-William, 7th Earl of of an ancient falnily (of English lineage) seated in the Coventry, and by lirr (otis 1. 1 Nov. 1805) had with a dan., connties of Cork and Limerick since the time of ELIzABr.Tn. Angosta-Ilary. scbloo’ ol Cot. henry-Vaughan Brooke, C-B.) His lordship, alter his glorious career iu the Peninsula, too seas, Willi’aghhy, call. 44th regt., it. in 1841 ; and was apponitod, in 1017, governor of ilarbadoes, and commander Corbel, Isajor-gea. late atth root., oil. ii iday, 1017, Chrtslisa-Aogasts, doa. of Sir Charles lIes Vwox, hart. Gen Sir Willoughby Cotton 4. 4 May, loft. George, to holy ot-c cr5, dean of Chester; 40. lOss Totohiossa, in 1822, commander-in-chief in India. In that important anil it. 10 Dcc. I Stl, Icaviag booN Thonias. ‘s.3lary, dan. oad co-.icir of Willians Atto-ick, Esq. Feb. 1803, and n-as o. by his only son, WELLINOTON-HENRv, of Porlinaa-squarc, and had issue. William hoist. col. in the arnsy. Tienry-Calvely, oi. Matilda, dan. of ,tshn Lockwood, Esq. Ci-estic,’s—Barsaet, 29 Ilareh, 1077. Tharsa, 17 Slay, 1014, of Ashotcd, Snn’ey, and it. in 1837, leaving issue, I lienry-Calvely, in holy orders, 6. 23 March, 1789; iii. 24 Mar, 1013, Eloisa, dsu. of Willisss-3lostyn Owen, Esq. of W’os’lhonse, Shrolisinre, and ,1. 1010, leosiog isstii’, Salanianea, for COTToN; qliltlerrng, arg., a hioa, rampaut, 55., lIenry-Calsely, b. li Ain’il. 1827, nnd 3lotilila-Eloisa, lii. Ii) for STAPLETON. the ltev. Charles-Orlando Kenyon, son of the iioo. Tlsoinai f’rso(—A falcon, ppr., n-logs expanded, belied, or, holding in lgcnyoo. 2 Sydney-John (Sir), E.C.P., a major-grucral in the army, the dexter duo’ a belt, az., latoliled, of Ihe second. - col. of iie 19th foot; 6.2 lice. I it2i Oi. 1820, hiss Ilacket, Crest of A ‘,e,ooilutioiittpnn a irocsst, sort, a soldier of the mid has issue. 3 Titohard-Lyneli, T).D., Provost of Worcester College, Oxford, charging the enemy; and over this crest, in an escrol, so., the b. 14 Aug. 1794; ii. 1039, Charlotte, dao. of the iton. ,Sojsporte,-o—Two falcons, wings expanded and endorsed, ppr., P. hlonverie f’mey, anil has a dati., Aiuelia-Lncy. 4 ltowlanil-Edss’ard, an officer in the anny, 6.31 Oct. 1795; Jlotto—hn utraque fortona psraiuo. if. 1923. 5 Cliarles-liobei’t, of Kootton hail, Fhntstiirc, 6. 22 Nov. 1796; so 1041 llory-Aone, dan. of Sir Philip-Grey Egerten, COMPTON, EAItL, 050 NOBTHAMPTON, MARQUESS. ltnrt, and has tseo sons. 6 llugh-Colvoly, cot. K. 1. service, 6. 13 Feb. 1096; is. 1923, Louisa, ilan. of W. Brodic, Esq. of Broclie, and has four scsi soil foor daos, of ivhom the 2nd son, Williani-Gordoulynch Cotton, PH,, CE., in. 27 Jan. 1806, at Calcutta, Leimo, 2nd dan of the late John Clengh, Esq. of Clifton I louse, York. 7 h’ranois-Vrre, rear-adnsiral RN., 8. 16 J050, 1799. 9 Ilobert-Salashinry, an officer L.A., Sit Sept. 1809; 4.1924. 2 Arthur-Thoinns Sir), K.C.S.J., tieut.-gotieml in the army, 6.15 Slay, 1083; 4,4. 1040, Klieaboth,dan. of Johu Learsisnlh, iisq., and has awn and a daa. 10 George-lletbert, in holy oriters. 6.27 April, 1900; 4. 1544. 11 Fredrric’-Coeyers, amajor-genenil in the amsy, b. 30 July, 1007; rn 1049. Siary, dan. of Brooke-Canliffe, Esq. I Slathtda-llcsler-Mary. 2 ylaria-Fnsneos, ii. to the 11ev. Jioeph llordern, rector of Buctou-Agncs, Yorhshire, and has tin-ce tons an,1 three dana Elizabeth, si is Cot. l’t’Accnant. Mary, vi. to the hler.Sto. tOni-h. Philadelphia, ci. to Heary Shelley, Fig. itester-Salnshary, ci. to Sir Cortict Csrbei, Gart. of Adderley CONGLETOy, BARON (Sir Johaa-Vcsey Parnoll), of hat], co. Satop. Sir Lynch if. in 1775, asid wan s. by his eldest son, V. Sin ReuraT-SALUeEURY, hIP. for the eo. of Cheoter. Kingdom, anti a Bar-aunt of Ireland; b. 16 June1 254 CON STAPLETON, ttts baronet, elevated to the peerage as Viscount and liaron Csntbennere. svidssr, Laitisa-Margaret,io. in 1007, Licut.-Oes. Sir William loimley, 1i.C.hi., who if. IS Dee. 10001 she it. It Sept. 1959. Frances, b. 1 Dec. 1769; ii. It Jan. 1792, to Robert, 11th Viscount Kilmorey; and 4.26 Nov. 1818. Jtester-Maria, ((.20 March, 1045. Chester; and 4. 24 May, 1838. cal. 1st life guards, constable of the Tower of London, and of the wat in 1014, was elevated to the poes’age, in esnoiderati,in of his brilliant services dtiring the peninscilar war, 17 Slay, 1814, as Buwss cboitccoere, and a’ivanced, for the 0 Feb. 1037. his lordship is. 1st, 1 Jass. 1801, Lady 2nd dan. of William - Fulko Greville, Esq., and had by i. WcLLSNOT0N-HENET, preseni peer. Boscushiro. Ii. Melisra-Einily-toua-tbioria, ci. IS tone, 1030, to JohnCharles-Feederiek hunter, Esq. of Strsidarran, es Loudooderry. of the forces in the West Indies ; aud subsequently, position, he achieved the capture e’f Bhiortpore. ITs d. 2T 2nd and present VIOCOONT Coaincs’alcnn. Viscount, 2 Dcc. 1026. Ai-,,is—Ae., a chevron betsveen three hauks of cotton, palen’ays, org.; in chief, peadent from a ribbon, go., a representation of tim me’lal presoaled to his Iordslnp after the battle ef 3rd regt. of light dragoons, mounted, all ppr., in the attitude of word Saeaitaxca, to letters of gold. beilcd, or, fesoed, go., morally gorged, of the last. SeiC—Combenuere Abbey, Nautwich, Chtshire. CO NOtE TON. Congleton, eo. Cheotor, iii the peoi-ago of the United