Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/305

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CON 1805; a. his father, as 2nd baron, 8 June, 1842; at. lIce ladyship “7. 2ndly, in 1010, Edward-li. Cole, Esq. ci let, in 1831, Mica Cronin; 2ndly, in 1833, an Armenian T,vickenlsnm, Mislsllcsex, and Lync, Oxos. lady of Sheeras, Persia, the widow of M. Lanar, ass. Emma-Jane, is. 26 July, 1821, to Edsvard, Oils Earl of an Armenian merchant, which ladyel. 30 May, 1865; Sir henry was created BORON CeaoLrv’sN in 1141, and 7. and 3rdly, 21 Feb. 1867, Margaret-Catherine, only S Jsssse ins the followissg year, wIse;, he woo a. by his el’Ie’t dan. of the late Charles Ormerod, Esq., and has a son, the pswaent pees’. dan. 5. 5 Aug. 1868. ILIlItflt, THoMAs PANNELJ., Keg., of a family lang resident at Congleten, org.: a 5,sr500t’e hand. as. Chester, purchased an estate in lrela,sd, toep. each charged snitts tero ctievrssneha, nrg. CHARLEa II., and fixed his shade in that king,lem. Mr. Sspp’o’I’ re—Dexter, on angel, vested, arg., wings, geld, ansi Psrnell was s. by his eldest sen, Tan Rnvfnssiso PARNELL, archdeacon of Clogher in flea, his cxsrrisr hand, and an escallop, or, in Isis hot. prebendary ef Dublin hs 1713, and vicar of Pinglas in 1716. .IIolls—’fe digna seqaere. This was the celebrated pset, the friend of l’sps, Swift, J’nscss fI,seac—47, Cnmterland Strcrt, Portman Sqssare. Addisen, Cengreve, Steele, &c. After the death ef Archdeseen Parneli, Pope made a seleetien of Isis e’mpeeitions, and published them in ens vsl,,me, ectavo, i’s 1721. Mr. Parnell ci. Aims, dan. of Themao Mi,schin, Req. but left no issue at his decease, 1717, (two acne and a dan. having liredeseased him), when the estates devolved upsu his brether, Joax PARN5LL, Req barrister-at-law, and M.P., wbs was csnstituted sue ef the judges of the Cosut of King’s Bench, in Ireland, hi 1722. his lordship s; Mary, sister of the Lord Chief-Justice Wbitohed, and was a in 1727, by his essly onrviviug sos’, I. JOHN PARNSLL, Rsq, NP. for llsryborongh in 17e1, whe was created a BARONET OF IRELANO, 3 Nov. 1766. Sir John is. in 1744.1, Anne, 2nd dan. of the Hon. Michael Ward, of Castle Ward, eo. Bewn, ens of the judges ci the court of King’s Bench in Ireland ; and dying in 1782, was s. by his JOHN CoitoReva, Req. sf Stretton md Congrevs, so only san, II. Sm Jossv, knight of the shire for the Queen’s Conisty dramatist, and lineally descended from Gatfrid de Cengreve, from 1781 until his decease. This gentleman was appeissfed who acquired, hemp. Enwann II., the manor of Slrsttsn in; a cemmissioner of the revenue ins Ireland in 1780, inside marriage with Catherine, heircas of William lt Schossspion); chancellor of the Exchequer and sworn of the privy resuscil as. Mary, dan. of Thomas Nicholls, Req. of ]loycstt, co. in 1787, and appointed a lerd of the Treasury iu 1701. Sir Sielop, snd by her (evhs ii. 21 Jnsoe, 170d) had, with other issno, John se. ins 1774, Letitia-Charlotte, 2nd dais, and co-heir of s. Jona, of Congress and Stretteu, ancestor of the CsauanvEo the Bight hlsu. Sir Arthm- Droeke, Mart. of Colobrooke, ce. Fermanagh, by whem he had issue, Jonw-Anocorcs, Ish surcesser. HENRY, created norsn Congletsu. Wiliiam, of Avsudsle, ce. Wicklew, who assumed the addiusual surnanse ef liavcs. He es in 1010, Frances, eldest dan. sf the late lion. Hugh Howard; and ii. in 1021, leaving a dsu., Catherine, srife of G.-V. Wigrasn, Rsq.; and a son, she present Jossrs-BENsrr FARNELL, Esq. ef Avoodale. Themas. Arthur. Sophia. ,s. in lOel, to Gcerge-Bampden Evans, Req. of v. Francis, (1. in the East Indies. Psrtrane, hit’. for the Co. Dublin. Sir John was a strenuous opponent of the legislative muon Witr.saae Connesevn, Enq. of Iligbgate, Is. in 1670: sol. ha betwecn Great Britain’and Irelassd. lIe 6. ins 1001, assd was the army ; is. Miss H ary Nicholls, and was father of a. by his eldest son, III. SiR JonN-AunuoTt’s. This gentleman was unhappily Anne-Catherine, dan. sf Clifford 1{andaeyd, 1i.ll., and was bern a cripple, and never had the use of speech. He 6.18 July, father of 1012, when the title devolved uposs his next brother, IV. Sm HcNnv-MaooKe, who e. to the estates, by virtue of situation of comptroller sf the royal laboratory, smut eupecin. n special set of parlisment passed is, 1701, upess the demise teudont of mdiinry machisses, was created a hlssronet, of his father, the Ht. Hon. Sir John Parnell, 1 Dec. 1101 . 7 Dec. 1112. He is. let, Rebecca, dan. of l”lcet Ebsietono, 17 Feb. 1001, Caroline-Elizsbeth, eldest dao. of Jobs;, lot Req., RN., and had issssc, Earl of Portarlington, and granddau., snntsrnally, of John, WsLLsAss, his successor. Earl of Mute, by whem (who ci. at Pas’io, 16 Fob. 1161) he Thomas-Ralph, lieut.-col. in the army ml. in 1437. had issno I. JonN-Veer-a present peer. as. Hsoeasv-WsLs.s.sss, I. 23 Iiarcb, 1009; so. lit, 21 lIsy, 1835, Charletto, ci. to Gee. Itaclcan, of the royal artillery. Ssphis, snly don. ef she lion. Col. William Dligls, and by her He ns. Sndly, Jolla-Elizabeth, widow of Gen. Rp’o, and don. (who ml. 1046) had issue, I William-l{essry, capt. grcn.-gds. 0’. 1017; 2 loenry, capt. 3rd foss, I. in 1811; 3 Arthur, capt. RE., I. in 1041s es. 11 Oct. 1060, Mary-Anne, 3rd dais. of loft no child, Sir Wllllsm it 30 April, 1414, and was e. by Alfred-Rouse Dunn, Req.; 4 Gesrge, Is. in 1044, 6. 10 Dec. his elder son, 1061; 1 Alfred-high, 0. II lIar. 1040, 6. 2lIler. 1061; ansi I II. Ssas Wretrass, as well is; his official enspleymncnls as is, Enimo-Sophia, mis. 17 May, 1860, to the hey. Gesrge-Dooth the barossetey. This gentleman was the iuvcssinr of tho Ferry. Me ra. ludly, 10 lisrch, 1811, the Hon. CacsliaeMargaret recket system which bears hie name, assd which, susder his nswson, maid of houonr to the Queen, dan. of the snperisste;sdencs, has been isscos’porated tis the military and late lion. h-C. Dawsou, and has by her Vici,sr-AlexanderLisnel-nawson, naval tactics si the censstry. For the important services 0. 21 Aug. 1011; Lionel-Charles-Nugent, rcsidercd by those rsscketo at the nscmorahlc bottle of 0’. in 1064; Evelyn-Caroline, d. 23 Dec. 1061; Iladeline Leipsic, the ba,’osset was presented b3- the Rmpsror Arr.xANnea Catharine; Louisa-Anna-Mario; Rhicabetls-llary-Emi]y; and Mabel-Fcancea-Letina. mae. George-Damer, Is. in ills; in holy srdere, incumbent of in Doe. 1124, isabella-Charlotte, relict ol llessry-Niebcit has Long Croas, Chertsey; s-s. in loll, Catherine, dau. sf the Erey, Eoq., by whom (who so. ls’dly, Charles-Fenton late Sir John St. Autyn, Dart. a. Caroline-Ssphis, is. 11 Dec.lOll, to the Msothev. Chorles-T. Whiting, Req.) be had issue, Longley, D.D.,Arcishishsp of Canterbury; and ci 9 Mar. 1010. WsLLsAsz-Arecsvus, present barsnet. ii. Msry-Letitia, is. 1st, 27 Sept. 1824, to lord HesirySeymsur William-Frederick, Is. 1020. Moore, hrsthec of Charles, llsrqueas of Drsgheda, lssbclla-Christine, ‘ii. 20 Jan. 1861, to Wslhsna-Comer by whem (who d. in 1021) abe has an enly son, lIENaY FRaNcis, Itarqueea of Dreghads. 255 CON Dsrnley. C ON C H E ‘V E. Stafford, Is. II June, 1620 (uncle of Congreve, the pest a,id sf t’osgmvre sod A l,le,’i,sostose. (Are llceen’o Losrltsl Crs It’.) si Charles, Is. 2 Dee. 1667; is. and had issue. us. ulaIph, eel. in lise army, and lisast. -gon. of Cibr&tar ; Is. s Feb. 1660; s. in 1717, Anne, sister of Csl. William liaumor, and had issue, I llalph, IL?., who so. Charlotle, only child of William Lord Stswell, by his o’ife, Elizabeth, heiress of Iho l”sseoTeiss nfAf,fernsesfsn, but d. a.p. 1 Anne, 6. esoso. Iv. WSLLsAH, sf whom preeently. The fourth sssrviving so;;, Tuoasao CoNonevE, Raq., Is. I Nov. 1714 ;‘ss. 6 May, 1740, t. Lsnnr.-GeN. W5LLTAM CONOREvE, ss’bo having fihlcd the Anue-Cstherine-Fenelspe, em. to John Schneider, Req. of Ssntlsgoto. and co-heir of Daniel Oliver, Rsq. of Dlackhoatb, but usy bar svith the It,ssnion ardor of St. Amino. Sb’ William ;,s. Pethoram, Eiq. of Pinhee, Devon. Me rl. at Toulouse, 10 May, 1121. t’reoflsss—Boconot, 1 Nov. 1766. Baron, is 1041. A rsse—tio., tmeo chsevs’oncle, sad in chief three eseall,ipe, (‘scsI—A boar’s head, erased, or, betsrcen tscs svings, go.; radioh’,h of tIse some; sinister, a hermit, s’rsted, pp;., a staff’ in Seisl—llathleague, Qssecn’s County. CONCLaVE, SiB WILLtAII-Au. OU0YL’l, of Waltoss, co. Stafford; S. in 1827; a. as 3rd bart., at the dsceaeo of isis father, 10 May,