Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/306

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CON C,-ewisa—7 Dee. 1812. Auto—Sn., a chevron, between three battle-axes, org. Cent—A falcon, wings expanded, ppr., over it the motto Cn.oureo Cossnv, Req., is. in 1637, had a re-grant of land in “Persevere.” Molts—N en niorilor eojss fama visit. ItincEgr. This is one ‘1 the ancient 31 ilesian families cf Ireland, C’ssccstv,ce.t.’s army, ohtstuet large grants e,f eonfieeatod deducing its descent ft-ens Maine, son of NtaI—Naoigtalerk, lscs,l); acid it. 11 Sept. 1737, leaving tosuc five sotsa and one or Nial, of tIn 9 Jteotageo, ]dsnareh of ireland, a.n.400—the dan. common ancestor ef the O’Noills and O’Donetls of the North. i. Joint, his heir, the 1st baronet. Tlse sept aoicuned its tribe isanse frs,na ‘‘ Conairo,” a ci. George, Is. 1780; a coidshtpsoan in Use P,.N.; it. tc,cec. at famens cuseester in the 11th centnry, according to Irish custom, which ties adding the prefixes 0, and Maol, the itt. Llewetlyn, t. 1790; a cna)er in Ilse lIon. RI. Co.’s service, naeso hecar c ‘‘ OIls deonaire,’’ Angtieh ‘ O’Mitlconry, ‘ ‘ and was as writt, n until the I flits eer.tnry, when the 01 ‘otter Don, O’Cscsor Roe, and O’Coner bilge, the dominant Lords of Corns nght, lsss—icsg ‘‘ ante in and snhmitted to Queen Etce.snceu, .s.n. 1 000, ositored into the ‘indentures of Cocapa-ition’” with Sir John Perrott, lord deputy of Ireland, wtlereh3- thea’ eovetsanted for themselves, acsd cub-chieftalus, to give up their native ccc.stsnss, their tanistic rule, the ns.t000 of their lirehecs law, and in some eases the natiossot prefixes to their enrnsnneo, and instead to adopt English tow, and to held their estates ly English tenures. The name of this faintly was hencefcic’th written ‘Crnry.” iv. ivillicas, hi. 1794; 1. ynung. The Sept enjoyed for many generations, i’y hereditary v. tsrssne-Jesiss, 1’. 1198; a nsojer le lime nancy; drowned by right, the privilege of supplying the Ollamhe of Cr’csnanght, snsd Seanaehies to time kings of that province, in virtue of i. Lictittse, 8. 17Sf; it. yonsg. which office, “It was the privilege of the O’Mnieonry (saith the old The oldest sets, ehrontcleo) ti stand al,,ne, with the new letng, npsu the Stn Jsnx Cosenov, Bait., an officer in the royal artillery, sacred mount ,,f Core Fraoieh, and there to deliver into hio 8. 21 Oct. t788, was ereaie,I a baronet l’y flee Mojeoty Queen hands, the white wand or sceptre, the eushlern of ooverrigutv, Vtcaoat5t on her a000seion to the thrscse, for his Iossp and ti adsstnnter the usual ,satls or admonition to preserve fcsithf,deocvieeo, 0cc ‘08 Jacse,1t17. Sb- John, who was eqneca-y the euototns of the eoc-.atrg, and finally to record the tic the Dcslse of Kent, was created a kcsight eonsmatsder of isroceedicstos.” Tue eulypart of the pe’ligree of the chiefs of this fasnily fencianse it’. ; amid a insight grand eis,os of the royal cssttitary (of whoiss Ihe per sent baronet is the lineal descendent) is Portciguose Ot’den e’f St. Rents dAvis, atarI a kcsight cernmatsder to he focmd in the re4etrv entitled Foao rot E,t nec of ft, and Sword, l’y Her Majesty Dosex.e llama, Qsieecs of Fr7c’ Eetititp a’ ‘ Gcstop sf Jrelo,oi lice tte i/roe ]6i;S, one of the t’cgcd, do. Ito si. 28 Doe. 1809, Elieaheths, only child and he’r books of rrc rd in Uloter’s Office, Dimtdiu Castle, frotac which it of Ilsjor-Cecs. Fisher, larother ti, the Right Rev. ,Johcs Fisher, appeasos th,ct the feeneral, and lineage of 21 eyhn O’hluleonrv, Is.D , Lord Riehap of Salisbury, and if. 2 Reach, 1914, at chief ccf l.iv name, wore duty regiotered. reeordhsg him, is Arhorfield Ifall, Berke, leavhsg isocce 1.cyher (who 5. 9Apr11, 4:trcl icc ‘s comet .f thio ancient faintly, and received the 1584), warrantvdate’t 0 July, 1008, of Thomas Preeton, tlcecc s. Esseasn, preseel baronet. u. Arthur, 8.1813; g, 1117, Ulster tttccg of Arms of all Irelassd. From this ‘‘ Myths O’Iluleoary,’’ of Toilets, cc. Roe— on. Stephes-Itowley, S. in 1919; a capt. in the Cotdstreamguards, coccsmsn, [The 0’ Mnlcsnryj svhe, Iw Isis wife Catherine, clan. of Teique O’Ftanagan c-f Ceanelotn, hicsel tsscce, five sons steel cv. llenc’y-Gcorge, 1. 1917, a eel, late grenadter-gaards; to. feeir dana, and it. 1 Jan. 1 507, ttsere descended Tnnnsa 031 utcownv, or (Jose-nv, eldest cots and hots-, who Esq. she ii. o. p. in 1843. lee scm. Isdly, 30 Jane, 1999, sic. a dais, of Fec-elaragh Ilae Brcn.ccs, of Clenteaaa-an, Gent. i. iilteabeth-Jane, tin I(nhhis, IslI ;,1. 1813. and dying in Ic] 17, was e. by his (icily ccitt, Jone O’3lurcoxnv, or Ccsisev, whcc, having token past ii .Itanie — Louise - °ieteire, s.c. 1011. he Major Wyndicam — in the civil war, as a cvyaliot, suffered ficcia the coufiocations inflicted upon tlce native fcsocihes 1)3’ Cnoatwxor, octet (‘cenfhssc—If June, 1117. A ecccs—Aeure, on sneiest book, fled to France, where finally dropping the prefixes to his alien, indexed, edged, or, a chief ecmstcattled, of the last. This natne, ho em. tn I 151, Fle’reuee, dan. stitch heir e’f 0. Fttegerald hook n,’hateo to the hsensurathe ssd Icens-ditary efflee of Leaasehie (of the groat fancily cf Deonsond), Icy a French tasty, Ilsiat ssd Ilecald to the O’Ceeers, Kings of Cenaeught. fey— aesd was killed in the service of Louis Xli, at the passage 3ceotti’e—Tcnn ancient lnisb bonds, habited in iosg white gsr— 256 CON of the Rhhse, hi Jtccsc, sftd, leaving sue dau. and ttvo sons, ‘f lie older, cc. Rose. immon front Khsg CnAatce II., doted If Ang. 1678. By the adherence of tlcis gent lesasan to tho ecsnse of King ,tAcuce Ii., he was totsmlly ruined, said fell nt the battle of the h’oyne, I July, 1890. lie wao a. by his brother as heir male, Coxnv, Eoq.,of Elphin, is itt 1061, who becanto the first protestant of this fancily, to avcctd the penalties i,,fltetcd upon the Irish eath,,ltco icy the penal laws of King Wtttt.vac III. He so. Elizabeth Aylsner, acid dying itt 1746, was s. 1)3- hts only son, Jccicx Cicnuv, Eoq., of Dettifleld, en. ltoscominon, t bs ]701, cc. Etisaheth, only dcoc, of htobert Feulks, Req. of Cnrc-ah, cc. Cork (decceencteci front the ancient English fasatly of ForLxr of Guest’s, in Staffordshtro, and dying its 1709, left issue two dane. acsd one sou, Jenx-Poasoaey, Isis Iceir, t. 1719. Eltealceth, s.c. 1776, l.r. Itebert Lengfirid, of Cork, rensita to the Visronnt t.engtcevtthc (see /Ots, hg of Lexorieto, in ttrsec’s L,uots,l flees-c). enil it. in ISIS Catherine, sc. 1781, WaIter hone, Esq. of Seafleld, en. Wexford, C’rcycuy, Sin EDW’.CRD, of Llnnbeytsmah’, eec. Montgout 3rd sea of Walter llorr, of I tarpnrston-n, co. W’oxford, and nephew to the lad Earl of Courloarn (see .Facstly of host of Ii’s eperstoe-co, t. Itreset’s .Leccoicd Gcalry, cmii Fife sf ttexnvets, tO, pool) t she 9. 1024. The otsly son, Alicia Parsons. eLect, of Lawrenco5 2cmd Earl of Recaoo, Jc’ccss -Pnaooxnv (Jose-nv, Ese1., barrister-at-law, fit. oerte’l the 0 ha the fiisal syllable of his name; I. hi 170t1 he is. icc 1781, 31 argarct, d,su. of t’isuscie-X’enson Wilson, Eoc1. ecf Tally, co. Longfrrd, (descended from an English cadet, who, eemitcg tnt’s lrol,’,csd as a captaica of horse ha sea, in 1063. commandant of the nstlttto at Calentla, neil sido-do-cenap to lIce Ilarqueoo of llasltttgs, gencroor—gesieral of Itadia ,e. Claudtcte. dan. of J. Painter, hanker, of Calcutta, and dying of cholera, 1927, left tsscce, tire sons, I Actgnsttis, t. 1022; is. Mary. rldest den of lice Rev. Tltsttsas-hlyde itipley, vicar of W’ootten Bassett and reetecof Tokonhass, Wilts, by isis dcsl wife, Caroline Heneysvoed, dan. of Wihiain hloneyss’eod, gcesdson of Sir John Honey- wood, led tart., and cf. 18 duty, 1007, leaving issne, Assgnslns-Ayslsferd, t. 15.32 ; Yore-Valentine, hi. 1835 1 llascctcc ; ned Mary. 2 Oeerge, t. 1823. the npecttisg of Isis boat on a Ishe, iecar Ilandoron, lc’elsnd, the royal tlacs,,veeissn Gnelpbic Oniler hy hIts Itajesty King of the roycd iailitara- Thcetccgccesc Order of the ‘l’osm r aide-the-camp to hoed Nermanhy, lord-lieutenant of Ireland; tl. 19-11. Jnly, 1942, Charlotte, da,i. of the lace Dilon llsenamsca, Fraeees, fan, of the late William Macahall, Esq. Edceard Ilasiscre, late ef the neysI Itoese-guards, brother to Sic Jehe ttannscc Dart., .and ci. 9 Feb. isfif. C 0 N It 0 V. cry. 1 CL. for the ecsn. af Mumstgomory atcd Berks; Ic. ice Dublin, 6 Dee. 1809 ; s. his fatlsoe, as 2nd hart., 2 March, 1851; it. 30 May, 1837, tlao Lady nuel hae a eli ;scad heir, Joux, t. 18 Aug. 1843.