Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/312

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cop next year. lie to. Sane, dan. of Matthew Crews, of Pynnc, II. Sin WtLLtAsu, hIP. for lianbury, and for the co of Devon, and had4svitli a dan., Anno, tots Kencini Dsgby, Esq. Oxfocd iii several parliaments, svhs sit. Elizabeth, dais, and of lirystake, tie. Rntlan,t, an onl son, his snecessor, in 1751 heir of Sir George Cl,asvsrth, Knt. of Wiverton, and had, Enwano Corn, Esq. of tianwell, who . lllizat,eth, dan. i. Joint, his seeccossec. and heiress of Waiter Mohnis, Eoq. of Wollaston, ha Northamlitonohiro, so Jonathan, of Bastion Abbey, in Shaffordshirc, aaeostor anti tool, hocidos dane., ANTtO,NY, of solisot pros’ otly Walter (Sir;, of Keasincti’s, master of the court of svnrds, i. Fraaoes, Os. to llobert Lee, Esq. of Billesley. temp. .1 o,tcs i., anti ste of the cleamliortaica ef tie, lie ii. in 1637, and wae a. by his elder eon, Eaclseqacr. Sir Walter erected I lollami it,,use. at Ken III. Sea J’sesa’, who vs. 1st, Mary, dan. of Sir John sisgosi, anti left that anti his larce 1ire1,crly to henry Etch, Earl sf llollaa,t, sslse, lead espoased his only daa , Isabel. Sir. Cope svao o. by his shIer scot, I. Anvtc ax ‘‘‘cc, if I Ia,,iv,’Il, who is as knighted by Icoeseho, in (ibincestccshh’e) he left isoeue, Qneen Eeezu’’ en, eel created .e Baronet, l8.Jnsee, loll. Sir Anile ceo so to high shortlY of the ci’. of Oxford, in the Aavsuoas’ anel Jousa, successively barosuets. 2 Ilk ant .4r,l vi ars of that queen’s reign ; represented Eliaahelh, os. to Thoneas Eetoonvt, Beq., son and heic of llanlstrv ii, seven 1,arlias,,oiits luring her reigis anti the Ife svao o, at his decease, in 1618, by his oldor ton, 00. eif Oxford in tb-il ‘f hr s5eceeOscr, lie itt. lot, Frances, 15’. Sin Aavn,iac’, lIP, for Bantsury, anil afterevards for dais, of Et evland L tton, Eoq. ‘ f IC,eehsvorth, and had I. W’LLLtass )Si c), his saceessar, who received the honoar of thso co. of Oxford ; svho a’. Mary, dan. of Dsettsus, 3rd Lord ksichhhsod fr, so lotus I. is. Anlhosc . sobs settled in ireland; so. EHeabeth, tutu. of io0iee, ha 1675, svtss a. liy his hi-other, — Sheffield, Big., sail had issue, (besides daughters and a V. Sin Jona, SIP. for the co, of Oxf,,rd in several pal— younger son,) I llenr3 Cot’s, of Loesgh.sll, co. Ansagh, who left, wills a hfassuents, and for Tlanlen’y. tIe held high cank its tho son, Henry, svhe ‘t. es i., a ‘lao., Elizabeth, wIse eist. her .eruus, amid it. Anne, dais, of l’beihip Boe’th, Bog., and had, kinsman, Anthony Cope, dean of Eli’lein. 2 Asthsny, svteo left issue, a son, William Cope, coke is. tumor, dan. and cv heir of Charles Gales, first an officer to the anny, boat aftersoards in holy Sampy, of Ilosomo) to, oo. Sligo, Bag., and d3 lag in 1715, ocdors, and rector of Evecslcy, Plants; sit. Anne, dan. of heft issue, henry Cops- of Casllegal, 00. Sliga. vs. 1718. Alice. elas. of l’hosoas Jones, of ttessinglen, eo..’ileath, Esq., and ci. 1775, leasing, blonry Cope, of Castlegal, lIP., acconalant-gon. of the court of Chaocery, in tretanit, so Margaret, dan. of — Knott, SEq., bnt 1. o. p. loll; Wihlism, Sir .Jobue ct. his 1721, and seas o. by his eldest son, in the army, ii. its si. in America, I 780 t Charles, in S’i. Sin Jt’siy, lcnlghted by King WioLtoat lit, in the holy orders, el. ‘,O,O. 1829. Elhzabelh, it, her enasia, William Cope, Esq. Katherine-Alice, to. John Os city, Bsq. Josopls, of Datum, svtsa os. 1720, Setsausna, da;t. of — Ml’. for ilants. He m. Alice, dan. of Sir Jlscmpha’oy Mennossx, Idandroch, Esq., and left at his decease, in 1704, (with a dan., Sosanna, is. to lienry-Sleevons Belly, Esq.) thlsaaoox, his successor. one son, W’illinm Cope, of DohIhi. who ‘s. 1st, 1764, Johea, gentleneacs—asher to King Gzsnnn If.; ii. isissis. Charlotte, dait. of San,acl llantenville, Esq., acid had Anne, itt to SViltiaoi Botlsctl, Beg. of itise, Veekalulee. issue by her (seha ii. 1774), Edmand-tdeily, of o’ho,,s presonl ly. Sasanna, at to William Cooper, of Cooper If ill, VII. Suit Moaaoux, SIP. f or Rtsntisiry; m. Penelope, Queen’s County, Esq. Charlotte, it. no to. 1847 Teresa, a. tease. 1900. of Charles, Karl of Pcteu’hsu-ough, KG., atad svas o. in 1763, Mary, oi. to John-Paine Garnett, of Arch hull, co. by his ‘oily suvvfs’ing son, Death, Big lie ss. 2ndli’, 1775, his eonshut, Elizabeth, dsn. of Henry March, 1770, the title vcveu-toet t” his kinsman, Cope, of Castlogal, Big., and Icy hem (seho ii. 6 Apu’it, IX. Ton Boy. Sin Rn’ss.anD, M.D., pcebendary of Westmhtotcr 1006), had issao, Alice, so. to henry Garneti, nf Green Park, co. ,lan, of Thomas Wyueuthaitu, Eoq. of Yatety, Hauls ; and Death, Esq. Mc. Williant Cope if. 7 Noc. 1820; his son, Eitunnnd—tleils Cope, a hient.-gen. in the au-my, sa. Botlserhatn, Y,irksh ire, relict of John Enrlnut, Esq. of Maria, clan, of ,tas,tes burley, Bag., stsil by hor (who Ocvlcrtsuu, Yi’rkohire, beet it. o. p. 6 Nov. 1508, whets tho ci. 27 Nov. 1849), had issue, WiLatosu-hinasy, trIte, snncceding his kinsman, Sir X. Sin Di—azie, (refer to 5th b.sconet,) who is. EhizalsethD,iyotheut, J,,hn, is the prescnl baronet. Charlotte, ,o. 8 June, 1041, to the Boy. Mency Boq., antI it. 18 Fob. 1840,) but it. o. p. 30 Doe. 1812, and btcotlsu. Liont.-Gen. Cops ci. 18 Ang. 1830. sit. Richard, v-ho settled in Ireland. lie ‘at. Anne. sister of Xl. Suit Jeitua, at whose decease, e p. 18 Nov. 1831, tho Sir Wiltians Walter, of SVinst,Iedon, Saeccy, and had issue, sottls oIlier children, I SVallec, of Dianuilly, cc. Acsnagls, whose male line failed C,’oiitioii—ZI June, 1611. Aetas—Arg., on a chevron, an, in his great-grandson, tsr. 55’alter Cope, bishop of Ferns, betsseeu them-ce yeses, go., slipped, ppr., as many flenri-de-his, or. who ii, op. in 1787. Plot the estates devolved on Isis niece, Ceeat—A deny-dc-ha, or, a dragaa’s head issuing fro,n the top Sai’ah-Arabella, dais, of Aocluiteacouu Sa,soel Meade, (by thereof, gn. Jlotfo—Atquo adeste animo. Sealo—Bremohihl the lasluop’s 5551cc,) sobs it. Nicholas Archdall, Esq., site assu,ncd the name of Corn. 2 William, of Iconabo, in Gl,istceslcrshis-e, so. Lady Bliesbelh Cope, vsitow of his kinsosan, Sic ,tnhn Cope, Ihe lcd baronet, and n’as ancestor of lice Cores of Jc”s,Oe. 3 Anthony. svhose only son, Anthony Cope, dean of El1 hin, to. Elizabeth, dan. and heir of henry Cope, of Lnughall, Co. Acnsach, and was anceslay of the family settled there, schuclu became extinct, in tt,o stale lint, at the death of Arthur Cope, Esq. of t_oaghall, in 1844. iv. Jolts. i. Anno, so. to Sir John Leigh, necottor of the Lords Leigh, of Slsnetcigh. it. Ehaabeth, ,, Sir Richard Cecil, Knt. iii. Mary, a. to hleocy Canupeonosvnc, Boy of Dertinglon, Devon. Sir Anthony sit. Pettily, Anne, dan. of Sir William Paston, But. of Paston, in Norfolk, (widow, 1st, of Sir George Cbasvortle, Knt, of Wivcrton, Noits;’.snd lssdly, of Sir Coxnr.ustan Coreev, nitty dais. and iscir of Sir Godfrey Nicholas Lestratege, But. of Ihousatanton, in Norfolk), and Cofloy, ltau-t. of Sprothorongh, cc. York, (oeeond and last ‘lying in 1814, was .i, by his eldest son, 262 co Ste .Ios,o’rst sa Corn, ef Bresverne, created a Baronet in 1711, schick dignity expired in 1821. (See Been’s E,cliacf Jdis’tou top.) Walter, lord-chief tuare,ua of the Exeheqeser ; atsd Sndb’, Ltoiy Bhn,Ltieth Pane, dan. of Frauds, hot Earl of Westmiurlanci, hiy whom (wIse sc-tie. 55’illiane Cope, Esq. of Thoieeaa Esteseert, Bog. of Shipton—Bsicoiurl. Gerraril, of tlerrau’ol’o ttronticy butt dying withent surviving with five other ouino ;tnd a daughter, Java (Sir), his successor. itichard Onelosc, Bog. of Drnugwich, in Sussex, aad left live sons, I hlicsi.enD, he holy orders, vito a as 91h baronet. 2 SViltiam, oh Rriulgen Place, Kent; is. Anne, dan. and heir of Benjamin Greeascood, Esg. of Si. Mary’s Cray, and had, Bs,aeis., 10th baronet. Jonet, late bacenet. hifotitsas of his ftathcc; served in four successive parliaments in the migie of Queen .t’ra v, and in that of Gconon hi. as liart. of Wotton, Eedfordohice, and had, Ste if. in 1740, and was a. by his older son, daeu. of Lsont.-Goit. the Eon. Ileitcy llordaunt, ausd niece VIII. Sun Jony Sionuauar, at whose dooeaoc, nasa. 7 (ri,fer In Sir bun, the 5th liaroteet) ; itt. lot, Anise, Indly, t’tttharisic, dasu. and heir of Johis Law, Esq. of title devolved ‘spon his nephew, elase. of — - Francis, (she it, In’ily, Ilessu’y Enab, wuto 0. by his Isrotlecy, title i’svcs’ted In hin kinoman, Stn WtLLtAio-ItnaRv, preaetst hterouuet. Park, blants, • 3LLhICBt. baronet of the first creation, of the 17 Jeene, 1661,) sit. Joseph COPLBY, Stse JOSBPE - WILLIAM, -of Sprotborough, co. York; 8. in 1804 ; a. his father, as 4tla barb., 21 May, 1838; us. 19 Nov. 1831, Charlotte, dan. of Charles, 1st Earl of Yarborougla, and extra bed- chamber woiaaala to H.M. the Queen.