Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/313

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0 0 R Moyle, Esq., 2nd son of Sir Walter Idoyle, l6nt. of llekc, co. TIIOMAS-GEOROE Cunaev, Req. of Filobam, in l.incoluohire. Cornwall, by whom, with other obildron, she had a son, I. JOSEPH Stoves, Esq., who, upon succeeding to the Sm ANnREW Conner, lOnt. of Moreten Corlset, ci. Elizabeth, property of Sir Godfrey Copley, his grandfather, assumed, by act of parliament, the surname of COPLEY only, and was I in 1637, two SODS, ooeoely, created a Baronet, 29 Jnly, 1778. Sir Jasepb so. Mary, dau. I. Viarsar, who ieheribei Storeton Corl,et, aod was errale,l of John Duller, Esq. of Morval, in Cornwall, by whom ho had, of Caruso, re. Liseola, and l,y that lady, svho was created, LIONEL, his successor. JosEPH, the late baronet. Catherine, si. to JoIm-James, let Marquess of Abereern, by whom ohs had James, Viscount liamtltou, lhther of James, present marquess; and d. 33 Sept. 1791. Juliana, to. to Sir Charles Watson, Dart, of Fulmer; and d. 24 May, 3834. Anne, Se. to Lord Manners, lord-chancellor of Irelaud; and d. iu 1834. Sir Joseph d. 31 April, 3753, and was s. by his elder son, The younger son, II, SIR LIONEL; at whose deoease unoi. the title devolved R:ruxi,o CoRSET, Esq., was of Sliawbury, hut Ru’vtviiog upon his brother, Ill. SIR JoeEpn, 8. in 1769; who ic 23 Slay, 1799, La’ly his great-nephew, Sir Vhiooee:tt Corhet, Sot baronet, wbn 0. Cecil Hamilton, youngest dau. of the Hen, and Tier. Geerg in 1689, as stated above, inherited the fatefly estates, Hamilton, canon of Windsor, and granddan. of James, 7th aisol became of 51 oreteio Corl,ot. This gentleintuo ci. Grace, Earl of Abercorn. Her ladyship was previously the wife of dau. of Sir William Noel, sf ltirkby Mallory, cc. Loieeotrr; her esusin, John James, lot Slarquess of Aborrern, hut and dying in 1690, wac s. by his son, had been divorced fmns his lordship in April, 1799. She d. Rienann Cnsocev, Seq. of Slerot,n Ceritet, who so. Joirtith, in 1819, leaving issue by Sir Joseph, Joscru-Wia.eisas, the present baronet. Elizabeth-Mary. Maria, m. 9 Aug. 1832, to the Earl Grey. Sir Joseph d. 21 May, 1938. Crcalicn—25 July, 1778. Arie.c—Quarlorly, lstand4th, or., Elizabeth, ci. to the Rev. Washington Cores, and ,t. in 1790. a cross meine, sa., for COPLEY; 2nd and 3rd, go., a mole paseant, Catherine, so. to the Rev. William Claeke, aed had a dan., arg. for StoacE. Creel—Out of a ducal coronet, or, a Charlotte and Jolla, both d. tuna. double plume of five feathers, erg. Motto—In crure vinco. Seat—Sprotborough, co. York. CO RB E T. CORNET, SIR VINCENT - RowcAl-n, 1711 ; so. Mary, dan. aiod beirees of John Wickoted, Seq. of of Horeton, 00. Salnp, Hem, co. Stdop, an,l bad bone, late licut. royal horse - guards Story, ci. in A,eg. 1793, Storetnn-Aglienhy Slaney, Eaq. of blue; high sheriff of Sloro1’shire John l’akingeen, Bert. in 1862; b. 11 Aug. 1821 ; o. his father, as 3rd hart. 1855 ; sit. 9 SIr. Bieloard-Prynee Cerhet if. 90 Jan. 1779. His non, May, 1854, Caroline-Agnes, 3rd I. Atcnssssv Coacsv, Seq. of Sloretoit Corbot, 9. 17 Dee. dau. of tho late Vies-Admiral 1766, successor to his nude Andrew, wan created a Baronet the Hon. C-U. Bridgomau, of 3 Oct. 1908. Me so. in April, 1790, Slary, ehient dan. of Kuoeken Hall (sec BRADFuIID, Thomas Tayler, Req. ci Lyinnie Ilall, in Chesture, and by H. of), and has, i. WALTER-ORLANOO, 5 31 July, 1856. ii. A son, 1,. 20 Oct. 1868. i. Alice-Nina, iii. Isabsl-Agnco. v Judith-Elizaboth. vii. Constance-Edith. 3Lultagc. Thio family was founded in England by COEBEAO, a isot is Norman, who accompanied the CONqUEROR, and with his two Sons, Robert and Roger, was employed by Roger ‘-is Montgomery, Earl of Shrewsbury and Arun,lel. At the general survey, Roger, the older son, held twenty-four lordohips in Shrepobire, and Robert, the younger, fourteen ui. Roheri, 9. ha 18061 d. in 1829. in the same county. Robort had a son, another Robert, iv. Vincent Roger, 5. 8 Ocr. 1509; at. 2 Stay. 1930, Storm Lord of Aleester, bi Warwirkshirs, and two dane. Sion, dan. of Philip llumherstssn, Esq. of Chester, cad has, from whom the Herberto, Earls of Pembroke, and }‘iuchos, Earls of Wincheloeo, descend; and Alice, from whom the Earls of Huntingdou. (Fer a more detailed account of the Conesrs, see BuEEE’e Loaded Geefry.) Bourn, the elder son of the 1st C000EAU, left a son, WILLIAM us CORSET, of Cans Caotls, and Wattlenborough, i. Judith, 8. in 1882; S. in 1829, siam. so. Salep, who was father of SIR ROBERT NE CORnET, from a younger son of whem aged 83. His eldest son, descended Peter Corhet, of Cans Castle, who was summoned It. Sin Annuew-VINCENT, b. 17 June, 3000; is. 39 Sept. to parliament ao a baron, feop. EowAND 1. (‘5cc Bose’r 1520, Raehcl-Stephous, eldest don, of the late Ccl. Jelsu .Hxtisct Peerage.) His eldest coo, Tuowas CC,EEET, was great-grandfather of RICRAEn CORSET, Eoq., who settle’l at Slercteis. Corhet, ViNeEav-Rewm.ANu. present baronet. and his direct line eontinnss still to reside there. Thirteenth in desrent froni this Richard woo, Sin VINCENT CORSET, Riot, of Sloretcu Corbet, living in tare Ralph otdderley, Esq. of Colon sad llarlasboa lIeu, eo. 1686, who so. Frances, dan. and heir of William lfumfreateu, Reginaid-Jehn. I. 10 Oct. 1821: to. the widen’ of Baron Eoq., and had two sans, ANDREW, his heir, and ROPER; Slsltzin, and base ecn, lieginald, F. 1817. ancestor of the CORSETS of Ysyapmaes’pieyos, and of the Wailer-Ilohert, an eflicer 49th regt., 9. 29 Slarrh, 1012; was COSBET5 ef .D,irahaff oad EfsMeo, now represented by on beard lImo “ Cycleps,” at the naeal bembaritiueut of 263 OOR The elder eon, dan. of William lioothiiy, Req., and left at his decease, a llarooet in 1642. 1km. Sarah, daa. of Sir llol,ert Sloeson, in 1679, VisrousTeso Coasav for life, he left, in 1656, VoaeEar (Sir), lad baronet sf Sloreton Corbel, who d. is 1680, leavnig (with a don., Beatrice, so. to Johoi l(yaaston, Eoq.) an only son, Viaeesv (Sir), 3rd l’aroaot, at whoee deeraic in minorilr, inuto., ,-‘o,, a 1699, the baronetcy expired. (Sec Beio&e’s Extinct Jiarsceta’se.) u. Ilieharol. - dan. of Sir Jebo llridgenian, Bart. of Castle Ereinwielo, an’l was e. ito 1719 by his solo, ANnREW Connnv, Seq. of Slereten Corhet, svhe n. S’raoese, oosly don. a,s,l heir of William t’rynec, Seq. ef Shawbury; and dying in 1717, left issue, AaDEEw, his saeceaser. tuienaan-Pavprr. Catherine. The elder note and heir, ANDREW CORSET, Seq., 8. in 1720; ii, onoot. in 1798. His brother, RienAsen-ParNee Conner, Req. of Ilogh Hatton, 5. in Aaneew. Shilfool, in Salcp, and had a dan., Story, ci. ia 1822, to Sir her (wbe S. S Jan. 1014) ba’l, i. Aanesw-Visescv, his ooccemeor. ii. Richard, nose of Ad’lerley hall, Salop, 1,. 16 Slay, 1904, so. 2 Slarrh, 1950, T5tconor, dato. of rite late Rev. Crexton Johnson, reelor of Wthneiow, Chcahiec, and has, 1 Hrnry-Reginatd, 9. 1 Get. 18321 so. 9 Slay, 1855, AiteaSlary-Etizateth, eldest stan. of Sir Phllip-Grey Egertea, Dart., SIP., of Onltea. 2 Edwin-Andrew, 9. 29 Nov. 1850. 3 Athelstan, in holy ordem, rector ef Adderly, Solap, 8. 10 Dec. 1837 ; a,. Id June, 1800, Jaifa-llelrn, only dan. of Sir Archer-Deninan Croft, Bar)., and tao had a eon, I. 17 June, 1807 and a dau., 1,. 1 May, 1968. 4 ttowlaad-Willians. 9. 24 Judy, 1558. S Riehard-Arlhoor, rapt. 2nd hoot, 9. S Ccl. 18-18. I Shery-Eleaner. 2 Rachel-Frances, ci. to Lieut.-Cel. Ilolscrt Brace. 3 Clara-Anna. 1 Robert-St. john, 5. 25 Slay, heS9. 2 Frederick-Vincent, 5.31) April, 18-Il. 3 Everard-Pbllip, 8. II March, 1841. 4 Arthnr-ttnmville,lt. royal light infaniry, 9.7 Fob. 18-17. 1 Charlotte-Mario. Sir Andrew 5. 6 Joint, 1877. Mit ni,low, 8 Jan. 3532 Mill, of Hardwicke, and sister of lh-owlanol, present and fud Viscount Hill, and had issue, Aadrew-Gearge, lore rapt. 52nd light infantry, 9. 28 July, 182-1’ to. 19 April, lbas, Slaey-Slieahscth, eidrsl doa. of the Stafford. tm. Syboll-Haebcl. iv. Beatrice-Augusta. vi. Mabel-Hermoine.