Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/336

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CR0 C U 0 S B I E. Caosmc, Sm WntssM-llIdusnn, a Baronet 23 Jan. 1803. of Maryborough, Queen’s County; Arnss—Gn., a rluev., indented, ermine, belsoeen two crosscrosslcts it. 30 Sept. 1820; a his cousin as Creel—A deioi-lnnd, erased. ppr., charged with two bars, atnl 7th hart. 3 Oct 18t30; to. 11 April, holiling tietn’een clue feet a oroo,-cro,slei, or. 1851, Catherine, only dan. of ths late 11ev. Saini ccl lladde-n, of the Scafs—Dehle View, Ilalifax Somerleyton, Lowoatoft, Sngolk co. Kilkenny, and niece of the late Sir William Gordon Comming, CROWIIIJI3SI’, Ytecoua-y, ccc COTTENRAM, EARL OF. Dart. and has issue, WLLL,.tsl.Enwar.n-l)000LAs, 8. 13 Oct. 1815. ii. Jooeph-Aii,tnstiis, 8. 7 Sept. 3837. in. E lwird, 8. 21 July, 18 5. 1. Ada-Catherine. 1Lil1fiIc. Jons Cr.otelr, Tush,’1, of Ardfcrt, isa dan. of O’Lalsr, of the Qiccoci’s to., ae,l loft, with fine claus. two son,, Wat— ace; and Ii care, astcest,’r of the Earls of Olan,i,,re. (Sec Dunce’s D”reteaf es,l Ext lest Pecrape.) The elder sen 3. Warren, of Maryhun’scgh, Queen’s Co., was c,’eated a Macsect of Hera Scotia in 11130. TIe si. Mabel, 4th dan. of Sir 2lich’ ‘las Ilrswn, Knt., and was e. by his eldest snrdams son, II. Sin Jons, of Iiallyfntn. Queen’s Co., who, espousing the royal cause, forfeited lsis estates. Ho oi. acid had issue, ithmri,’e, attainted in I 158, who is. llsralirea, dat,. of John Ancestry, of Itallysonan, €5. Ilihlaro, and hail hone, I Wanees, heir of his grandfather. 2 George. I Sarah. Sir John was s. at his decease hy his grandssn, III. Sin Wassoon, of Croshie l’ark, Wicklow. This gentieman Eltaaheth. so. to Randolph Barlow, archbishop of Tnam. loft bone hy his wife (a lady of the ctneal family ef Fences, ‘i. to EiIs’ard Walsh, Itt). howard: she was drowned in 1741, its passing the ford Orient, a. Is Ronjamin Cullom, PD. dean of St. Patrick. over the Circe Sianny, near Cas’lsw) a son and successor, IV. Sir. PauL, who ni. Miss Daniel, of Pifeficld, mcd had Olartha, ml. oust. Mary, so. to Lient. Patrick Wemyss. issue, i. Eosraen-W’Ittiaas. ii. lnrnsan, s,’he oil, in 1780, Charlotte, only dao. of Archibald 5. by his only non, Armstrong, Esq. of’fs,’iekenham, ltliddJesex, and itssina, Osiven Wnaoeon, Esq. of Ceenane, Qneen’s Co., who m, Kiug’s to, and bad (with a dan. Mary, 000i.) an only son, Eliaabeth, itan. of Walter Weldon, Esq. of Athy, oo. Kildare, Eewsno. who o. in lIar, 1818, Jane, yonngest dan. ef James and bad iosno, Henry, Esq. es. Kildarc, and d. 21 done, 1834, having I’ad (with a Can. Charlotte) au only’ sea, SV,eetaas—It,casxn, the ,. JowAn, of Orenane, who tm. Dorcas, dan. of Sir Philip present baronet. 1. Mary, so. to Archibald Douglas, of Daenock. cansin of Charles. 3rd Poke of 1ocensbcrry: their 3rd dan. Emily was svifo 1st, sif Joseph Lecsan, Esq.. and by him mother of Joseph, 4th Earl if .3liiltess’n, and ss’ifa 2nsUy, of Valentine llrowne, 2nd Itavon Cloncnrry. Ii. 1 )oroll,ea—Ilewatd (31 ro. btoissier). LI,. Ilcerietta, ci. to John W’alsh, Log. lIe was o. by Isis eldest eon, V. Sin Enwaon-WlLriaa,, who ra. in 1790, C.ssSltana, elder dat,, of Warner Westenra, Esq., M.P. for Maryb ironth, by his wife lIcKer, 2nd dao. of Ilichard, 4th The 2nd sous, Earl f Cavan ; nod dying in 1798, left (wiili a dos,., MeeterDoi’ethea, Fnaiecis Wnneuen, Esq., ste in 1170, Mary, dan. of who ci. snot.) a son and nneecss,’r, VI. Sits WussIosi, wI,owao 8. IS Slay, 1704, and m. 70 Macole, Richard Tigbe, Req. of Dublin, by whom he Isad ass only son, 1830, ttorothea-illtoia, dan. of John Walsh, Esq. of Dnl’tin, Ricn.snn Wneus:eee, Eeq. of Leyrath, co. Kilkenny. This and grandda”. of Sir l’anl Croobie, Dart, ITo ,l. a. p. 3 Oct. gentleman ste R,mee, don, of George Rrabaesn, Esq., and I 8(0, at Ins eeist, liray, Os. Wiekiow, and was.’, by his had, JoNan, his successor ; Oliver, in holy ordeu’s. who csn.,in, hut Wi eesAai-fttcilautn Coitssmo, the prosont barenet. ti. a. p. Mary-_Dmne, si. to Tioiuemao I.e-vet, Rsq. of Dnblium CreoSs,i—lflO. Avtas—Arg., a lion rampant. no,, armed soil longned, go. in cI,ief, two dealer hoods, conped, and orect, otto go. cr,os—’rl,ree sword,, toss h, soinre, lime points in base, the of William, the restored lord. He was a. by his eldest soul, other in pale, lice Iannt upwards, enveloped with a snake, all ppr. JONAH W,aenenn, Esq., who ste 23 Dec. 1743, Ehaabeth, JIotI’i—l adignanlo Invidia, i1seebit jnslns. Tos,eo Hense—f, Chalcot ‘h’erraee, Primrose Hill. C it 0 S S L E Y. CROISLEY, Stit FRANCIs, Dart., Robeeos, oldest dan. of Ebanil liessons, Etq. of Eiaoad, co. M.P., is. 26 Ott. 1877; no. 31 Oct. ttilkenny, by whom be had issue, 18-15, Martha - Eliza, dau. of I. Jooan, createti a baronet. henry Brinton, Eeq. of Kidderminster, u,. iVillianu, so. his coemin, Mary, dan. of John Heisham, and has a son, S.eviee-L’nnevoa, 8. 34 Jcnse, 1807. Sir Francis, the son of John 1 hannah, is. R. Cooke. Esq. Ililtinaae Castle, co. Tipperary. Croesley, Esq., by his wife, Miss n. Eilaabotb, ia J. Forks O’Flalsrrtie, Esq. Castlefetd, lIP. Martha Turner çwltom ho sit. Lv. Rosotia, so. J.-Edm. Scott, Leg. Anne Grove, Qoecn’, Co. 1800), was M.P. for Halifax The oldest son, from 1852 to 1859, and has I. S,n Joa,sn-Dntenv Wanru,nn-Cnrrn, of Leyrath, ce. since 1859 been SIP. for the Kilke,uny, wa.o ereoled a Earonot of Ireland, 1 Oct. 1700. C U F North-West Riding of Yorkshire. He was created in chief, auth a tallies in base, or. jJolto—t ta,ne liennm alt alto. C U FEE. WHEOILER-CUFFE, SIR CudaLts. FttAycte-Dgeocy, Bart. of Leyrath, Kilkenny; is. in 1832; major in the army; .n. his father, as 2nd hart., 9 Slay, 1853; to. 2 July, 1861, Pauline, dat,. of Henry, pro. sent Lord Stuart de Decies. Jose-es Wnrceno, PD., Lord Diohop of Ossory (consecrated in 1813), Ia. Martha Tncker, eo. Kent, and had issne, Oeio’en, his Iseir. Saralu, to. 1st, to Matthew Tyrecit, lerd-nsayor of ttnblin; and 2adly, to Sir James tlenonan, List., justice of tho Common l’lcos. The bishop si. in, the 07t1s year of his age, hu If 40, and was Percival, Kal and lund, 1 Pn,e,ur, of Orenanc, who it. 5. p. 2 Oe,nen, heir Is his brother, wlsose only dat,. and heir, the wife of time lily. Eds’ard Manriee, bishepof Ostory,st. op. I Eliaabeth, to. to Willian, Sergeant, Esg. 2 Itereas, it,. be Jolts Itarringlon. Esq. of Cnllinagh. 3 Mary, mt. Itt, to William Greatrakes, Esq. of Affane, co. Waterford; anti 2ndly, to Dr. William Palliser, archbishop etCashet. 4 Catherine. 0 Judith, who d.numsn. n. Fnanois. Judith, em. to Richard Heloham, Keg. of Legget’e Rath, Kilkenny; Rose; Sarah; Iirabaaon, it. to Lt. -CoL Noime, grand5015 of the tmttaissted Lord Nairsme, by wisons sIte w’as mother ,lou. and co-heir of Penny C,sffe, Log. of Saisdhhll, co. Car- low (brother of John, 1st Lord Deesn’t), by whom he had tseo eons, Richard and William. He ii. 20 Jan. I77d, and was s. by tlse etiler, Sun Rucnano Wnreuon, Rut., whe assumed the snnsamo of Cone ocs inheriting the Cnfl’o estates. Sir Richard ste Leg. et Legget’s Rath, mmd has, I Richard. 2 Edward. S Arthur. 4 henry. 0 John. uuc. Rebecca, d. young. 280