Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/337

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CUM CUM Sir Jonah os Elizabeth, dais, of William Browne, Fog. of Willinn Gordon, Start, of Gordonstown, assumed, in obedience Browno’o Hill, en. Cartow, and had bout, to tho teotamootary tnjnnotion of that gentleman, the name and arms of (ioaDoN of Ge,”i,,sssl’,wa, and was oroatoil a llar,snot, Tm. CnAas.Es, protent baronet. 21 Stay, 1804. He ii. in 1773, helm, dais, of Sir t.nsloviek sit. Oxwnv, I. in 1836, capt. royal marine artillery; rn 14 Grant, tart, of Grant, by ins wifo Slaryaret, shin, of .la,nrn, Sept. 5805, Lonisa.Fran005-FlOr0000, only dan. of the Rev. Earl of Ftmedtator and Soabetd, ansi loft, Lnko Fowler, prebrnslary of Agliorn. s Coome 0’ t CS it in 1500 ri anoms Lotmtma, so 0 Ang 1816 C ‘IV Till 0l Esq Vito VILLmA I 1130 1 aCetic 1 1 11)1 sIt rsented in the mali lint 7th fsseilsers. , 1 . as chief of tim natoo the anotent f:smilv sf (‘ansotng anti js. Eleanor, so. to Dcc. 1840, to Sir ate Richard ‘Vstieelei, lolseritod, throngh female element, time estates of the Req. of The Rooks, Kelkenny. , knightly hoots of Grsanorc s.f f7,,t’il,..iofi, 5055, lir0000r lsaronets its. Rosetta, isO Jan. 1o33, Admiral Sir T. Coebrano, O.C.R. of Ne;a Scotia. Ito was ‘also hrir geneeml of the very iv. Annetto.ClsarlOttt, 8. 10 Got. 1055. ancient fanitly of l’eainoon of l’sii,’ooe, iii Cornwall, whirl, He d. 9 Stay, 1053. faintly was settled there aeteordrntly ta the (‘enitoesl. Sir William satin parlietnont for the l’orooghs of Elgin, Cool!, Oroef toss—i Oct. 1799. . ote., at the period of the ltrfonn Bill. A rsao—Arg., on a bendindented,sn., three fletses-do-iss, of else Clmnrles.1,ennox Comming-ttruco, SIP., of Roseisto and field, betsr000 two oetieet, at., tank elearged with three bozants. ltinnaird, 5.20 Ccli. 1790; elected moensher for else tnrernem Ceool—An armed nsan, emubowed, az. holding a baton, lsistris’t of P.urglis in 1031. and oontiooesl to represent thorn Jletfo—Animnus tamen idena. in the tsro foltoseing 1sarlianiooto. in loW lie was chosen Joaf—Leyratli, en. Eilkenny. moemlirr for else sailed eoesnties of Etgin inst Eaten, or Ittaraysisire, which he now represents for stir fitch tinse, lie si. Stary, only dan. of James ltrnoe of Kinnaird, in Stir— CUMBERLAND, DUkE OF, oee miff, ROTAL IAJHLY, lingilure, and granddnn. of the Ahrmtaino traveller, in whme right he assumed else name nod arms of 110cm. Ity GEORGE V., .ING GO AISGVER. her lit had issae, one dan., Mary-Elizahetis, Countess ef Elgin anil Kinoardine, svhso 4. leaving issee, sine elao., Lady Elina Iti’uoe. C ‘U’ ]VJ iI I N C. iv. Alexaniler. v. Janees. vi. Jelso. vet. Edward: nail ii. young. s. Otargaret, ci. to Major tRodden, of else 15th rcgt. of foot, a. a g .‘ dereased : fl’nloe aol 1 id’dar leo7 VH5. So;sliia, if. 20 Feb. 1811. O ‘Lm’ Sir Alexander, who had been SIP, for the invcrnrss District of iiorghs, ii. 10 Fehi. 0804. Early in life me entered the 12th reuiioent was snlssrqssontly hone-cob, of the Stralhspoy GORDON - GUMMING, SIR WJLLTAaI-GGRDGN, Bart. Feneibles, and received else thanks of else ooinnsandcr-in-clsiof of Altyro and Gordoiootown, on. Ligmu, Imout. Soote forsoppressino amntiny at Dansfrbes, in 1794. Ilisasnand heir, fusilior guarda; 8. 20 July, 1848; a. his father ao 4th 11. Ste wms4.sxas-Gonnex-Gennoa Ccnmtwn, 5.20 Jssty, 1787; hart. 2 Sopt. 1866. os. lit, 1] SopL 1510, Elioa-Maria, oldest dais, of John Campbell, ILtllcagc. Esq., younger, of Shawfield and islisy, by the Lady Charlotte- Maria Campbell, liii wife, dan. of John, Duke of Argyll, anti by The family of Cusnmeng oprings from thr auesesst house of her (whe 4. in 1042) lead iotue, Cosnsnes in France. Ronnex on Cnamxa, Earl of Northnmborland eee lSnATseN’a ALwxAwona-Pnaaose, 3rd baronet. Roualeyn-George 0. tO Slarels, t0_0, Madras cavalry, Foist teal Jss,f ox), a nobleman of the dmt rank in the reign of and afrerw’erds of tile Cape Mounted RiSes, known at an Itiog l01, Cnawasnna, felt at the battle ef Aluwiole, in etiteprisin traveRse title the interior of Africa, and as time 1093, and feom Into, through a long line of distinguished author of an ioerreottog work en Lion hooting, lie 8. ancestors, doseended else Cnaxvos, Lords of Radonoohi, and the March, 1000. - Cuemteswas efAltyre of wlsom woe, Henry, lId Nor. 1022; s,s.14 Feb. 1003, Etioaheets-lsesvlon, Runner Cuasamson, Esq. of Aleyee, ohio so. Lucy, dan. of Sir dan. of Stajer Ladoviok Stewart, nfpmetyvaiohs,tO.3t. 42nd rogt. Joho-tiandolph, of Ceylon, 0,21 June. twh, ansI 7,6 et, Net. Ludovsok Gordon, Bare, of Gerdnnatown, hneatty descended Williamo-Gerdoo. ma)or Bombay staff corps, 0.2 Jane, tots; from Wmhliam Earl ef Ssitberlaed and bbs wife the Prtueeea o. 10 Slay 1e07. ;tlcxa-Angehealtarvey, 0th dan. of the Margaret. dau. of itimig t4oBztsT ran Bauto, and frem late James’Bm’and, Esq. of Brdford 11gb, ttallmm, Serrey. Cenree Earl od Huotty and his wife the Princess Jest,, dams. Feaneis.Idastings-Tosoe, heel. Bombay staff corps, 0. 0 fatraf 1. Rebort Cummimsg wes great-great-gmnd- MaeehisiL seas=:it: I Am,xAonEa-Pneiaosn CuamammNn, Rig.5 eldest son ef Alex- Amonr-Cnow’ay, cii. I Atmg. 1043, Oswtn-A.-R. Cressauslee Ceasouug°, Rag. of Altyre, iii Etgin, by Grace Pearce, retb, Eoq., son of A-It. Cresssretl, Ru1., SIP., of Cresswell, nieeo and sole heir of John Penr050,t Rag. of Penrose, to. Northumhssrlamid, and si. Imis wiihlesv 3 June ]S58. Cornwall who, being heir and representative of the last Sir Adelaide-Eliza, i.4 Jane, loeI, to Capt. H mltiamroG. Ceeso____________________________________________________________ well of the ellis hussars (‘2nd sen of Cresowell, Ksq. of Cm’essseeth) ohio 4. of etcetera sit the Alma, Seist. 1524. This gentleman (the son of Alexander Camming, Esq., by Al’ -It ‘ott. os.]7 Nor. 1072, to Jeho-tteney ,lenkimisoo, Anne, his aeifs, dan. of Johu ‘II ertloy, Esq. ef Shresesbary, and ice eon est n of else late Bistasip sf St. Dasid’s ; amelgrandson of Abrxammdor Cumening, Esq. by Elizabeth, his wife, ha’ aim over dsso of ehstoeofonn, aisd sO. daa. of Janses bredse ksq., of Creche), entered the army catty, ‘ ‘- , was in the expedition to Cartimagena, and received preototien cc. ‘‘0 Got 1005 to time Ron. George Grant, yemmgtst foe his gallantry in the attempt to storm the Boea Chmea Fort ranims S’Iillrsmt bils SarI of Seateld By Graoe, him, wife, he had issue, Censtanor-Feederiea. AtzxANone-Peannsk, his heir. John-Penrose, feiesr of Winchester College. Edward, capt. to the E.t.Co’s naval service. George, member in several parliaments for the loveemsess Slaobiiitosh, Rag. of Gcddos and lliltsso, Nit., amud hsmd, district of Bsmrghs t ci, in 1034. Witttam, 4. in the E.I.Co,’s civil service. James, felloss of Nese College, Oxford, who ii. in oarly life, Ensilia, sss. 0 Jan. 1807, to Capt. Warden Sargison, 411, having highly distingsmished himself as the author of else Latin prize poem Ga 5’,p;’icsg published in the Oxfessf Prize field Park, Sussex, and nephsese oiahernally sf Jacob, bird r005iai Jane, oo. to the Rev, Jonathan Eaehlsigh, of Silvortsn. Story,cc. to William Veole, Esq. of Trevelian, Cornwall, and Ill. Sssm Am,exaonsme-Pzaeesn, lieut.-rcsl. of the Elgbssslsire was mothor of a son, William t and three laos., Georgiana, volunteers, aimsh at one tiose capt. 4tlm highmt—dragsnims, ammsl blot in. to the Rev. Ste. Poleen; Story; and Emily, scm. to Sir light imilanl.ry, who was 5. 17 Aog. 0010, and c,i. to Nor. 1540, William Fitzgerald, Ears. Emily, to. to Jehn Qmmtek, Rig. of Newtowo, Devon. t Whose ancestor, John Penrose, compiled lie ,Slaooary Law of t.irerposl, and had issao, of t’orsewoll, wlstoh regulate the working of the mines. 287 lIe ‘s. Iedly, 19 Sloe. 040, Jaoe-Eliza, 2nd dait. of lS’iuiam rrederiehs_Clsaelcs_hlenrihlr, 0. 10 Nov. 1s50. Jamse-Ehizo. hscosars, eiily sen of W’arslrn—Gooi’ge Sergisnn, Cog. of Luck— llastings. Sir William it. 1854, and was e. by 1mb eldest son, Aone_Piteoirns nmdy slaml. of ihe Rev. Aimgoilns Campbell, reetsr WL’minmAom.GneDnN, pmosent baronet.