Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/338

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CUNABB, Sm EDWARD, of Bush for his gallant eoisdoet at the battle of Largs, against the Hill House, Edmonton, Middlesex, Bastes, 1203. lIe iii. the heiress of Riddell of Glengarnoek, b. 1 Jan. 1816; a. hiefather, 28 April, Sic Wms,s,sAas on CuieyNoseaass, of Itflmaurs, who d. in 1865; is. May, 1849, Mary, dan. of Eowaeo no CUNYNOHAS5E of Kitmaus’s, who was a. by Bache MeEvero, Esq. of New York, his eldest somo, merchant, and by her (who ci. at 1252 by Ins son, New York, 26 May, 1866) has issue, Sin ttoennv ng CuNvcon.uME, of Eilmanrs, who swore Ci U N (2 U N ALExAcons-PEcasse, 8.31 Jely, 1653, Walter-Frederick Campbell, 8. 16 July, 1059. Elsaa-ltlarsa. Sir Alexander it. 2 Sept. 1800, and was .,. by his eldest son, Sia Sir Thomas claims the Earldom of GLENCA1ate as 58 ILLTASOGOEDON Gesnes-Coxasso, the 4th and present ban, lineal male descendant of William, 4th earl. 5. Jessie-Aug,ista, rn 22 May, 1866, to the Hen. AugustnsA.-F. Irby. (See note, BosToN, P.) ii. Eleanor. sir. Edith-Jane, 4. 1855. Creatios—21 Slav, 1804. Arao—Quarterlv: let and 4th, az. three garbe, or; 2nd aasd 3rd, arg., th,’ee beads. sa., earls charged eel lii as many roses of Van Bassen, in his History of Ike Hieps of Sretlan’i the field, barbed, or; ever all, oposs an eseatrheon of pretence, the arms of Goenos, of G’onloestosro cia., let, asd 4th grand f F —‘ ‘ qoarterings, quarterly; lot, so., three hears’ Iseasis, cooped, or, o seeksn, who, when Pnmiee MALnoLns fled from Slaoasvn, armed and lasgord, go., for Geenos; Sod, or, theee hoes’ tow,ssds England, after the murder of Ksng Bumeosmi, con- heads, erased, ga., for ltsosas,ess ; 3rd, or, three ereoreols witisin coaled the prisiec from his pnrsners, by forking hay or straw the royal tressore, for SeTomo; 4th, so., three einqnefoils, avg., over him ; and for tins service, King Sloncotas, after his for Fasoca; 2nd asd 3rd, gi’and qoarterings, go., three stars, restoration, conferred tise thsassedsm of Cnniughame nposs er, far SnToeaLAen, all wsllne a boedas’e, of thse last. ,, Moats for Gosnos—Abev’; the ‘rest, “Sans enoete. Sisppós’tere—Dexter. a greyhound, pr., collared, go., charged , S ennrn.os.n, the first of this famsly whese name appears with tlseee hackles, or; sieister, a savage, ppr., wreathed about in anthentse record, wne settled in the west of Scotland She bead and waist wills laurel, vert, bramsdishiog a club, aba about the eommoeneement of the 12th eentnry. His son, l,t. Cost of Gosoon—A cat sejast. . d C,’eot for ClaiMiNG sty Alry,’e—A lion rampant, or; in the domsatioss of the patronage of the kis’k of Kilmaurs, do., to “Courage.” Seppec;ers—Tsvo lmisrses, arg. ,Seoh.s—Altyre, near Ferres; and Gerdonstown, near Elgiss, confirmed the giants made by his father, , ittittiigt. states that this family is descended from coo Sl’il ‘elm 905 his preoes’ver, , RoBeg’r, deeigssated “Rebertus films Vernebaidi,” made a the abbey of Mdcii, aboot 3153. He iii. Riehends, dan. and heiress of Sir ltssmphs-3’ de Barclay, of Gais’ntnlly. Roeserue ffiins Iteberti filh Ves’nebaldi, previous to 1199, ,cia c u N A. U . — HaRvey us Cumovsoouessr,, great gramsdsou of the last Robert, represented the fansily about 3264, in which year he had a charter from ALEXANnER ilL He founded a collegiate church at Kilosauro, and is s’euowsaed in tradition and was s. by his San, 322,3, amsul was a. by Isle eldeet son, (ims.ns:ev mis Ct’NvNGHAMO, of Kilmaurs, who was a. in fealty to Eowar.n 1. ; bust declaring afterwards for ROBERT s. Hcon, 8. Is May, ItsI. it. Edward, 8. 2 Jan. 3555. is;. Gordon, t. 22 May, 3057. of the lands of Lasubraehtoums and Grugere, hi Cunning- 5. Mary. is. Jeasmnelte-Esnnset. iii. Annie. iv. Caroline-Margaret. Bssuce, hail mi chaster from that nsonarch of the superiority hanie, to be hol,len of the khsg, as Alan Is Snehe and Williassi ole Fereres held the same. He it. in 1330, and was a. by his eldest soss, It. IITC1C. . I. Sin Saasoan CuieAitn, ass emissesit merchant, soss of Bavmu 11. esmifem’mvsd the Earldem of Carriek, 1301, as Abraham Cnnard, Seq. of Philadelphia, wise created bnobassd of Eheasior Bruce, dan. of Alexasider Bruce, Earl baronet 0 Msu’eh, 3255. He was 8. Nov. 1, Si, and se, Feb. of Carriek, cuss of Edward Bruce, brother of Roaenr 1.° 5835, Sssoan, dais, of William Buffus, Seq. of halifax, Nova Scotia, and had issue, Sin WiLLiAM on CUNTNOaAME, of Kilmaurs, on whom Fduvard Bs’ssee, Isrother of BASEST I. of Scotland, had a charter of she family earldoun of Carriek to hisooelfse,t heirs EnivAao, the present hiarenet, William, 8. April, 1035; as. lice. 1011, Laura, dan, of the late Ihoss, daoghtcr of lbs Earl sf Itess, he had ths’ee sons, lloo. Thomas-C. ltislliboi’ten, judge of the Supreme Court fbierh, Thsosssas, Akaande,’, generally said to have been ef Nova Scotia. Story, is. Sept. 1037, to the lIon. Jamuses-Borsfield Peters inisenitrul the eas’hiloin, under hue ehsirter sllnded to above, bulge of lbs Suprrnue Caurt of Pu’iisey Eduvard lsleumd. Margaret-Anne, ma. Oct. 1843, ho Lieist,-Col. Wilhbam-Lefoim Scottish law, A, a dispensation from the Poise us osu record Hellish, ef Hodsock t’u’iory, Netls, celia 1, 16 April, 1s04. Sarah-Jane, ii. Sept. 1040, to Cot. Gilberl-Wilhiasn Frenklyn. Canryk, 91 lsatseltw de ness,’: &-e.—notiiittistandiag - the Asses—Elizabeth s,s. Sept. 1814, he Major llalpli—Shotllen-erth parties lieiiig cesIum lime prose-shed drgree itt coooumiipsuaily, Allen, of Bathaniptois, Somereetohsee; ohio d. 13 ttct. IdeS, it is not smusprelnbls these had been a nsam’rsage betsesen the Isabel st. Oct. 1050 to Caph. II eury ttoldcn of ltoveringlsans parents di,solred ten a lime by this ebnreli, as was a eemueomu hbsase, Nstls, ‘ , Elizabeth om .30 April, 1068, to Thonsas Wtlsen Eoq. f dsspensahhsmi of vise Pipe. Shotley Hall, Eentlsunuberlaiid. , Sir Samnel Cuuard ii. 2s April, IOta, and was ,s. by lime Ilnrd used a lunsoosuer mu kmsgland. Omsly one wits nsanm’med ; be elder son, Sic EouvAau Cuuensu, the 2nd amid present uusnooseui Eleausr, sister of the polrnt Earl of Bonglao, and soils’, foiling svlseos, Is s’evert to the eroivn. By Lady Isabel sltegslmssiaue. ‘I lie fact, hiouverer, thaI all these us ssseeeesmess is es’eviaeisig proof that user were legitimmiate seeording to peresitlisig the mnsiru’msge—” Edwards sic Bnius, eomitss de practice him those slisyo, and aflenivards rendered valid by the Of ihsoe three Earls of anm’sch, two fell in battle, and the bash an only child, nonsed Eleanor (who married Sir William baronet. Conyngisams, of h(ilnuanns). ‘lbs heirs male of Edward Ilnoce hmaviag thus foiled, the canidons ef Carnick sught to Aries—Az., on a trio, ivavy, iirg., between tics harnnleto, also have neventeil tO I lie croon, in termus of the charter; list wavy, en, three anchors, out, t’reet—f in a reels, ppr., a falcon, exception eeenss to have hes’e made in favsnr of his grand— icings expanded, org., the dealer elsa’ resting on a riiuu1nsfoih, changhter, hue only eaioling descendant; and, according to iso. JLslfo—tiy penesreranee. S’iib—Westwood, Shaten hol.aod, this cnotouu of this hiosr, lien lnsot’immish hceanse Earl of Carniehi, yewa Heeor—t24, Fittli Avenae, New Vonk. ‘flue chisunlen in his tivonn is omm record, and singalanhy incom— CUN us GHAM, B.titT., ore FAIBLI E B.tBT. plete, as if there hued t,eesm a di,nlst as to the propriety’ of shin grout —‘‘ David B. 0. thea Scottonesm, snaIls nec deolisse st hae preosoth earlS ronfirnmaose dileeto eenoaogoinee msostno Withiehmuso ile Caniiigbamne mihiti totoms,s semi— C U N I N Ci 11 A N E. CUNIEGHAME, SIR TnoalAa.MoyTooaiElhT, of Cars- cviii clearly intended the eam’ldom ohonid revert to the elder hill, co. Ayr; s. his brother, no 8th baronet, 8 June hnmmseh of the from tinily. Indeed, afier Lady Eleanor’s 1846 lie, in 1832 Charlotte, only child of the late death, it was re-assumed by Boaaa’c II., said soon after son. Hugh Hsstcheson, Esq. of isouthfield, ito. Renfs’ew, ferreul ems his eldest sea, JoHN, during Sir Wilhiaan s lifetime, and has had issue, ,. s. WmLs,, melon s’sfie-bnmgode, 5.4... ; 8. 3si4. ii. Arthur-Hugh, RN, it. May, 1050, sir, Walter, ii. 1056 taiosn ole Cirryk.” Wiehoot dale; lime chancre immediately preccding and folheivissg on lbs record are slated at Aberdeen, 12th Sept. 1561. No mnenhion being made of heirs, it t It is a qucstien ivho was mother of Sin Wihhiamo Coeinghanue’s successor, and cuber sons, The fact Ihat the condom slid mmet deeconul in hue fannly seems to have icul to some misapprehension on this point ameogst geneaisgists, who base generally slaled that Ihey were net sans of Lady filesuier Gruce, lint this sitspnhng of a previous emarm’iago 288