Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/341

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C UN Mr. Dick, was elected lord-prevoet of Edinburgh in 1639 cease of his brother, 14 Bee. 1015; and e. to the Baronetcy and 1639; and after receiving the honour of knighthood in of Caprmgton, as 6th baronet, on the demise of his cousingernoan, 1648, wae created a Baronet of Shea Scotia. Sir WiHiani wae fined by tho parbamentariana, as a malignant, in lie Ia. 11 Stay, 1507, itarriet, 3rd dan. of,Thomas SUnnier, Req. lees a sum than £64,934; and afterwards coming to London of Stapleton, ca. Glonccster, by whom (who ii. 27 Jan. 1817) to demand payment of moneys he bad previ’nely advanced ho had issue, upon government escurity, he was thrown lute prieon by Wmm.uoae-JI,saeaiiin, presrnt hart. the usurper Cnntttvet,L, and ii. at Westminster, 19 Doe. Alexandsr.Thomas, ti. 2 July, 1010; in the Hon. East 1655, when the baronetcy passed to his grandson, but was India Company’s civil sercics at itengal ; 5. 24 ttcc. 1048. not, we believe, aesumed by that gentleman. The 4th eon Iloscy-Lindsay, ft. 17 Sept. 18 Il; 10 tIme I-los, East ledia of Sir William, ALeXANDra Dica, had already received frons his father, Itch dan. of the lale ,hamos Stack, Esq. ot Kingstlale, co. F’ife. in patrim.tny, the lands of Hong, near North Berwick, anti flohert-Keith, t. 16 Nov. 16111 it. ua,,t. it ftct. 1813. was e. at his decease by his only son, I. Janes Dton, a merchant of great eminence and wealth itlargarot Prieglo, it. un’s. at Badee-Baden, 16 Dec. 10:14. in Edinburgh, who, having pnrchaeed the lands of Priest- Ktioaltotli-Eniily field, si Prontenfield, woe created a Baroncl of Nova Scotia, Sir St,hsrt d. in Dec. 1649, and was a. by his son, tho 2 Slave’), 1677, under the title of Sir James Pick, of present bart,net. Prestonfield. Sic James came from London, in 1645, with f’reatiens—First patent, 2 March, 1077; patent of entail, 22 the Duke of York, and was with his royal highness in the Ihareli, 1707. “Gloucester” man-of-war, when that vessel struck upon a zlccts—Qsar;crly let and 4th, arc., a sheaf-font, oa., within sand-bank. He was one of the few who took to the long- a hortlnre, erm., fir Cm’axaonasi; Intl antI 3rd., erne., a fctso, boat, (the prince and ICr. Churchill, afterwards the Great az., betwixt to’s tonlleis, in chiel aod a hoyt’s head, craied, in Poke of Marlborengh, olfectiug their escape in another t’ate, attired with ten tynce, go.. wit Ins a htordure, or, for Dine. boat,) and so saved bin life, whilst several poisons of the ft-rots——On the dcxtrr tide, a dexter hand holdieg a plomb first rank who remained in the ship perished. In the ride, tc. ; on the niiieler tide, a ship in distress, ppr. same year that ho had this miracnlons escape, Sir James - Mottoes—Above the dexter crest, “Ad aninislin.” Above the was elected lord-provost of Edinburgh, and again in 1643. Stppes-ters—Oe a compartment bolow use ilneld, whereon timo ISo m. Anne, dan. of William Paterson Esq. if Drnnanre, cords “Via tnta nirtas” are placed, for noppertem, two horses 00. Fife, by whom he bad several children, but none at lilterty, sa. to attain maturity, save one, Janet. who to. Sir William Seat—Prestosfiehd, Slid-Lothian. Cnoingham, Mart, of Caprington. Sir James being thus deprived of male issue, mdc an entail of his sstates of Jaiiiitp of ChllulingljzlBi of CdprinWoht. Prostonfiold and Corstorpinne, to 1699, ‘ta himself anti the This fantily is of vsry great antiquity in North Britain. heirs male of his body ; which failing, to the second and Aceor’ihuig to Camden, the Cnnnytighaines eanas originally yonngsr sons successively, of his dan. Janet, by the said iiito Scotland from England, with King StALcr,00i Coasmosin Sir William Cnninghana,” Ste. Us also got a Nova Scotia anti he is probably rtmeet, for we find them settled in Baronetcy, from Qneen ANNE, 22 Starch, 1107, settling the the slnre of Ayr very soon after the tinie of that mittiareb. dignity to go according to the entail of his estate. Sir Frederirk Van Bnsssn, a lean ted Norwegian, who wrt,te Jasnss d. in 1756, and was o. in his cot tea by his aforesaid an aeeottnt of sercrai Scottish fantilioo, says, that tine dan. to whom s-and to the baronstcy, her son, II. Sin ALEXANOER finn, (paternally Cnningham,) of Seotl,tnd (afterc-ardn King SlALons.nt CANNOnS), to tnake Prestonfisld. This gentleman, provionsly to the doceate of his eeeapo from ilso tyranny of Slacoevim, who had innrdoted his brother, had stndied medirins, and practised with great ook shelter in a barn, whom Malcolni concealed the princo, vspnts in the county of Pembroke, as Doctor Alexander by forking straw tiver helm. The pidnt’e eventnally niado Cnningham. In the year 1756, he was nnanimrnaly chosen his eoeape into linglanri, still attended by Ins faidtfnl presidont of ths royal cdlego of Edinburgh; and for seven Maleolns. Prince Slom.eonoe was nit sooner in pttassaninn of years afterwards snecssaively had the same high honour Inn kittgdom, after his victory over Slarnnvn, than he conferred npon him at his retirement, ‘the follows, as a rewartled his presom’vcs’ by tue tliaitodt,nt t,f tnnnynghame, testimony of the sense which the3 had entertained of his from c-hirh his posterity aosnneed their numnanies, anti eminent services, hnng up a portrait of the ca-president in took a sheaf-fork for their arnis, with “ Over fork over their hail, a mark of disinction never previously bestowed for their motto. on any momberw’hatsoevev. Sir Alexander ni. 1st, in 1736, Roennv no Cnainneioata, of Ki]tnaurs (eldest son of his cousin, Janet, dan. of Alexander Dick, Esq. hy whom Wirneha1d do Cntnnugiiame, do Kllmanrs, co. Ayr), ot. in he bad three dane. ; and 2ndly, in 1762, Story, eldest dan. of 116:1, Ilichsnda, only dan. of Sir Hninphrey de llomkeley, David Butler, Req. of co. Pembroke, by whom he had of Gaimntnlly, in Scotland, and was s. by his son, three snna and three dons. viz., WiLt,tAal, liii snece550r. Joiito, who e. his nsphow. RoBEttT-KEITE, late baronet. Elizabeth, Ia. in 1700, to the Ron. Bobert Lindsay, and Sin WiLLIAM CuNtann.eaee, of Kihnanro’, who 4. in 1265, had issno. Mary, sit, in 1709, to Alexander Pringle, Esq. of Whytbank, Enc’onn CUNiNCnAME, of Kilneanre, who 2. in 1461, aed Selkirkohire, and bad issue. Margaret, m. in 1793, to James Stark, Eaq. of Eingsdale, OtLnnnr CnNiaonosio, of Kilmaurs, who c-ac a. in 1202. co. Fife, and C. his widow, 21 July, 1046, having had by his eon, three dans. Sir Alexander C. 10 Nov. 1769, and was e. by his eldest son, to Enwawn I. ; but ileelanisg aftora’amale for Roeenv Bnt’ec. III. Sin WILLeAM, who ta. Sties Johannah Douglas, heir hatl a chatter from that monarch of this enperiority of this of Garwaldfoot, co. Pesblsa, by whom he left one son and lantin of Lambraehtouti atid Grngere, in Cnmnsinghanee, four dans.: 1 Mary, ne. to the Rev. David Wancbop, 2nd to be hc,ldon of the king, an Alan Ia Snehe atid Wilhians Se son of John Wanchop, Esq. of Edmondotene; 2 Anne, Ia. Fereroe held thee earns. lie ii. ns 1730, tend was a. lay his to John Smith, Req. W.S. (who took the name of Cnninghams,) ehthOi’ soil, and had (with two dans.), TnoaeAs-St,ssTn CtueiNonoosE, Sin WILLIAM CnamnnMAMc, of KGtnanre, who had, hy lets Esq. of Caprington Castle, co. Ayr, who rt. tiaoi. first wife, 50 June, 1857; and I’TIs.LiAot-Covnnxnv-Saiivn t’uninoHOME, WILLiaM (Sir), conlieoator of the use of Kihnsanrn. and graedfather now of Caprington Castle, who to. 3 Aug. 1647, Maria, dan. of James Anstrnthor, Req. and has issne ; 1 AgnesJoanna, created EaaL OF utL050amaa, in Slay, 1408, and fell time seat m. to Alex. Pringle, Esq. of Whytbank; 4 Elizabeth, Tnoatoe, of whotit presently. ‘a. Lisnt.-Gen. Sir D’incan MacGregor, 16CM., inspector-general Sir William ma. Indhy, KLn.eNnw Bnt’cc, f7samttee.t sf t’occmck, of police in Ireland, and 5. 9 March, 1612. and was created, in her right. Earl of f’arrbrk; by this lady The baronet 5. 10 Nov. 1790, and was 8. by his son, IV. Sin ALEXANnEK; at whose deceass, monte. 2 Jnne, he appears it, have hatt no katie ; and n1,omt hoe lortlsltmp’s 1800, the titlsd reverted to his uncle, V. Sin Joan, who it. in 1012, and was s. by his brothov, lOts 2nd note, - - VI. Sin Rosnnv-Krvrta, b. 14 April, 1776, who inherited Tnnnoe CuwiannAM, was of Braidhead; amid dying in tbs Baronetcy of Prostonfield, as 6th baronet, at the de291 1164, was s. by his son, u2 CUN Sir William Cnnningham, in Jan. 1029. Sir Robert Company’s rich srrvire at hlrngal ; to. lilt coaeis, Ilacriet, Janars-hiderard, 6. 29 Feb. 1519; d. nat,t. is Oct. 1052. M.try-_Kos. sinister crest, ‘‘At t5’es infracla.’’ Malcolm, non of Preskin, assisted SiaLooLat, prince of his father DL’aCAN ; and being Initly pnrsned, he Sin UnsenT no CuatwnnAase, of Kilinanrt,wheoe grandson, Ilnnvnv no Cuwiaonxne, of Kihnanrs, on Iliddelo, heiress of Glengai’nock ; and dying ins 1 PIt, was a. by his sen, and was a. by hit oldest son, was .t. by his sliest eon, Snt ItonenT CuaiaoonAose, of Kihinanre, wise swore fealty of ArcaaanEn t’mNNiNonAM, of htitmanrs, chit aoae month at llatnioekttntn. decease, the Eanldons of Canriek reverted to Ohs erawmi.