Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/342

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GUN ADA5I CUNTNOHAII, who RI. a dasi f Sir Dunruni Wallace, the heiress of h’aprinntoii and dying in 1471, WAs o. by il. Augusta-Thsodvsia-Iilary, si. 11 Sept. 1566, to H.fl. his son, SIR Anaw Lu-cianilaM, if t’oj’riuglou, who o. Isabella, dcii. sf is t’raw 1, rI in’ I h—in; iii I lull, was a. by lie ci. 2ntlly, April 1860, Louisa-Mary, dan. of the his son, Jon N Cuaia nia ai,of S a]Ilan,.,t, ‘n ; who ois.Asiuahclla, late William Baker, Eoq. Sir Daviti a. his father, as ilau. of tic,ot. I asi1d,eIl, , f I,,,u in, and w idsw If Tb’ ‘mao 6th baronet, 19 May, 1851. bows11, of d flollildol k, and woe 5 ii Wll.r.l SM S VOl 11’il.Sat, ( S (‘111(1 ulgtsli and 11isslilhilb wit’, Tue Hon. Sin WILT lAli CunnlnonAsa, 2nd son ofAlexander, s. a dan f air Willians llautiit’ui , of Sonciuhar ; and 1?. in let Earl of Glencaim, had with ether issue, an eldest eon, iS’s), ilLs ii roll, ,lt,iist S L’si.’reiiaaI. r,f Jirlololull, i,. Llramo’r, dan. if SVmtsiaai CuxalnanAn, of Craigeuds, ancestor of Audi-. w II 1t lani .f Waled ‘t I, tail was s by his Ciii, ii ILLIAM Cr ai N tn on, of fire, ,nddll, ss lie i, Ist, Janet, liluneraig. by marrying the don, and coheir of William ilan , S Pati-li It LI 051 , I owl I ,in’lorte, 1 ‘y w hem be hal L’atheart, of Corbiesteun (a junior member of the noble fificen eluld,s n in lane years 1111’ im’—t sbigle, four limos faintly of Catbcart), and was great-grandfather of twins, an,l twi,’e (lute at each birth), 01115 three ,laus, 1. DAViD CUOYNGI1AME, Req. of Ihilneraig, en. Ar, and li ,wever, survived. lIe m. inlh - Elirabotb. dan. , ,f Williani of Licingstons, so. Linlithgesv, who was created a Barsmf Sinclair, of 1l,d Dr I/real gr-a]IlfLthrr ‘f Williani, 111th Earl s.f .Seeo ProDs, 3 Feb, 1752, This Sir David was a person of 1,1 tiairhnc’ss), ami I .‘tli in ‘leecen t Lain King Rosesrr eminent Lslents, a distinguished laws-er, an eloquent member llnrei . Tills William t’mnilgls.lla n-as (‘us of the comiciest’ of Fletcher of Saltoun. lie at, 1st, Isabella, youngest the. ‘ners fr the Urveneiters in I 671. lIe was s. at his decease lw Ins son, I Sin J 11 a’ t a a’swunan, nf Lasribrughton and Caprington, Sir Robert Baird Mart, of Saughten Hall, Sir David was ssls was crested a Ba esw,t of Nsra Scotia, iii Sept. a. at his decease by his eldest son, 15155. This gentleman - a very enuneul, lawyer, wao ap— II. Sin JAMES, who a. 111(15, in t747, and was a. by his pi intel to 11001 a;—duet ll,e Duke of LauderdlLle, bcf,,re brother, Ill. Sin DAVID, a lisut.-genet-al in the army, colonel of tn seLrs ii in council an’ I 01w relIed ill comb .isbing the the 17th rcgimcnt of infantry (in 3717), who si, Lady Mary Diii s7arern mel t ,,f that u. ddeutaii He c Margaret, dau. III’ntgomwery, only dan. of Alexander, 9th Earl of Eglinton, If Willi,sus II nrriiy, (If I ‘,,hmais lull T,’ushailaiw, ro Stirling, ha’ wbom he b,rl iwo 51 ‘us, WiLLiaM, ins heir, mid John, by whom he had, with other children, WlLLlAsi-Auousvra, a ilislinguirlit.d law y r, and ole clan. He 1. iii 16s4, and and Margaret, at. to the lAin, James Stnart-Wertlay Maekensie. sras o t’y lie older si’u, Ii. Sill SI li.Li SM, si hoot. Tsisei, ‘ally dan. and heir of 15 oct. 1767, and was s, by his sin, Sir James Dick, Dart. (If PresS ‘uhield, siol had six aisle and IV, Sin WILLIAM At’uuorus, who si. 1st in 1766, Frances, four daur. ) The title cull estate ef Prrstl ‘nfsjd dts’olvs, I dan. and heir of Sir Robert llyrtsn, Dart, of Cogar, MidLethinn, ups is the tllir’l .541, .ki,r’xaans 0, 05 in thy silisa a paigree of the licks, I Sir William 1. 1741), and was o. by his OilIest eon, III. Sin Juno. Tloirgonlleiuan, who (var sotoymsll (ale mm. Ihsberl, S April, 1012, Maria, don of Dundas ci Pandas, r f the used he intel an,l polialloll llersoil’biiS of the Ileriorl in winch he livsll, spat eliot sf Ins linac in litseary rrtire— mont at ins castle f t a Irililiton (a seat whiell is sac] to has o bolougo I to the great Sir William W,sllarc, aini w-as es—eli then 0011011 tired anus-ui I. lie to reported to have rva,l over, ‘nec every yslsr, fir the last tldrly years sf Ins hfe, I loner 5511 irsoto lie ii, .111 Nov, 1177, in the SAid year (If his ago. Sir .1 1(11 .0. in l74, L’c]y Elizabeth Rent— g Intery, el,lest dan. sf Alexauller, hltli l’,arl If Egliuton, and zmm. Francis, is. Sties Jane Wiulefard. l,ad tws ssi s, W’iLLuaol, lns sliccrsssr. Alosandrr, sn shiver is lbs army; <5. wssl, lie was s. Lv his ol,lvr ssn, IV. Sun Wa tmat, I. II Iloc. 1712; is, 19 Nov. 3791, Mi’s. fic.rgc-Angilolns-Frsdorick, t. in 1710; if. 6 llarch, 1613. Grusmr.,aisd 5. sailhont issue, svbsn the baronetcy devolved JliIaesSOiart-SVerIles’ (deceased). upon his c,ism, the late Sin Llirut, of liar,’, 1. ,IlIsI. 12 l1cc. I 15i6. Pi’oslonhelll, the Ilomendailt of Alvxau,ler Cunningham, ITs d. 57 Jan. 3515, and was a. by his eon, Ird sIn of Sir William, tile dud baronet, who aoonnsed the V. Sun DAVID, colonel in the army, who ci. hat, in ISO], surilanue ci Dica upon inheriting Ihie title aul estate of Maria, dan, of Edward, Lord Thurlow, lord-chanceior of Prostonflelli. Crsatioo—l’J Sept. 1669. C UN Y N G HA M E, Cuyyotciiiasis:, Siii lisa- lD-Tnus LOW, of Itilneraig, so. Ayr; 0. lii Sept. Isod si. 1st, 1.5 .luly, 1,633, AIlnie, dan. of tile hIts Urn, the lion, Robert Reads, oh of John, 1st Earl of tllauwilliaus, and hr her (sa-hs> 4, at Spa, Belgium, 10 June, 1804) has, 1, EDWAI1D-AL’CusTuo, Isle capt. 72nd foot, 0. Jan. 3125. m. Mary Prenccs-Tlmnrbsw, ci, the Hen. Col. Auguslas—Eblis, I. Mary-Louise, is. 21 Aug. 1535, to Theresa-Henry Evans 292 GUN Esq., second surviving son sf Thsmas-]lrowne Evens, Esq. of Dean house, Oxen, and Tuddemuham, Norfolk. Prince Edsvard de Ligne. IL IIIVII CIJNvNOHAME uS Pslqnhaine, who obtained the estate of of the Scottish parliament, and the friend and coadjutor ef James, 1st Viseo,tnt Stair; and Indly, Elizabeth, thu. of Sir David if, suddenly of the gent in his stomach, by whom he bad 1. lkovie, his hoir. end lefl issue, 1 Caroline-Slirling, ei. 9 11cc 1633, Ia mpslcr-Johun-Hcm-y DodseIr’, Esq., capt. 49th regiment, sen of Ihe Iota CsI Ilolkeics-, l’y htathl’riae Frilding, his wife, sisterof the Orsi I ally Ililihiesdalc. 2 l’ransre Jane-lOtion, In. 15 lob’, 154-4, Is Adelphc Ic Croix, 1mg, 11.11.11. censal at 20cc. 3 llary—llenlgomurris, m, in Jaly, 1546, te Alsxandcr SI osdfsrd, Esq., led sos of Lisul.-C,clicral Sir Alexander W’osdt,rd. Sir William in. 2ndly, in 1111, Mary, onI dau, and heir a Robert Udny, Deq, of Udny, and had issue, Williom-Angnshns, I. in 1701; d. in 1527. F’rcdoriris—,klsxandcr. England, by whom (who d. 2] Feb. 1816) he had issue. m. Edn’ard-Tharlow-, 6.23 Sepl. lf2; d, in 1621. IT. hiavun-TeroLoss, llrssenl baronet. in. Ilehort S :ruturlssr, 1. 21 llarclu, 1607; d. in 1625. iv. Francis-’l’hnrlew’, lab of I )ahlummaie-sqnare, MeeKest, and of Slan]cy Hall, vs. Dleeceslcr 5. II Aug. 1106; ci. 3 Ang. ha .0, al lloorhead, Canada, Caroline, dan. of WIlliam lIolerlssn, Eyro, 11.1)., yoengyr. Cf Kindrocket. Pertlushire, aiu’l has issue, I Ibavid, if, an infast in 1632) 2 W’Iliain, S. I Jnae, lali; 3 Pmneio, 5,. 15 April, 1131, is. 13 Jan. 1663, Jyssica, eldest San. of the Rev, W.-Il. Blexasmue, recior of Sianton cad Snos’hill, and has issnc 4 Janles, 5. 24 Dcc. IsIS; 1 Aritur, 5. bIb /, 1150 u I Mary, al. 20 July, ISIS, Is Capt. blel,vi’i-Ibresme licker, 3111u foci, Ind has isese 2 Khizabclh, st. 12 Ang. 1611, to Caps. C.-J. Haghues, list rrgt , and has issue I Casoline 4 Augusta, ci. 1 SepI. 1167, Is L,rsrge htsberison, Esq., liD., RN., and has issue; 0 Grsrgins, ii. in 1cM; 7 1,oidsa, 1, in 1560. a’. ,tsthiar—Aagnshius—’I Iuurlosr, inajsr —pen. csunuulasding Ihe I luilIlin dirisien, CIt., sers’cd lhurengh the nIche sf Ihe lIar ia DIe Crinura, 5. 12 Asp. lSh2 io, 13 1641, FrancesEhis.allclh, dao. of hltc late Field-,Slarshiah Viscount Herdiepe, tI.C.hh , and has issue, 1 Ilciiry-hlaivlinge Ssmnsl, 5. 5 July, 1546. 2 Arther-l lardiupo. I <avid, 0. 17 Xcv, 1533. I Emil,’—Careliee—’]’hnshso, 2 31 sry—Saroli-lIasdimugs. 2 S.D iaia—Aegosha-Charlslto. InS asn sf Soul Sts’sf,ird, and 1. 1911. mu. Carulino-Aiuuue-’l’lunrlesc, if. in 1539.