Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/377

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PER dying in 1671, left, with a dan., Harbara, wife of the nieces their claimt en the Itle of SIan, tIm lordship oi.26 June the 11ev. Zachary Taylor, an only tan, SIR TneMAs STANLEY, 4th baeonet. Tine gentleman Ga. let, 1594, Elizabeth, eldett dau. of Edn’ard Vcre, 17th Earl of 16 Aug. 1688, Elizabeth, only don. and heir ci Thomat Oxford, and bad, with four dane., two tens, .lAuEt. hit heir; Patlen, Eaq. of Ps-eaton, 11.1’., by whom lee had ieaue, and Itobert (Sir), Knt., who ci. Eliealirth, dan. ef Sir Arlitar Enwaen, hit eueeeaaer, at 5th haraaet, who e. at 11th tlorges, Ent., and hatl, with a (last., three smss, CnattLs.n (Sir), Earl of Derby. John, in holy orders, D.D., rector of Liverpool. Bury, of Cleeltra, whom leone hecanec extinct; .laneet, wbiite soot and Winwiek; wha si. let, Alice, dan. of Edward beth it. yoneeg ; etnd l”erdinand, who if. in infancy. ‘i’lee earl Warrrn, Req.; and 2ndty, Slits Sarah Earle, of Liverpool, dying in 1042, Ivat o. by hit son, hot 1. a. p_in 1781. Sir Themaa Go. ‘icIly, Margaret, dan. of ‘i’hemaa ienpreasion that tiscis a barony scat enjoyed tiy bit fatlecr ; Gust, Holeroft. Eaq. of iloicraft, ea. Laacaetcr, and relict ot however, ecet being the cane, tile titsonsene ttuett,senlrih It the Sir Richard Standiab, Itart., hot had no other iaaoe. lie creation of a new pee rage, whicle evenlaally tlevolvrd 011015 the ef. 7 Slay, 1714. is. Edward (Sir), of llernby Cattle, Lancashire. Thia gallant thtiral hoesne of Atlsetll. lilt lordship teas ‘lislingaitlted by his pereen commanded the rear of the Englith army at FlajIdro devoted and heroic ottaclesnent to royalty during the civil Field, 9 Sept. 1513; and foreiag the Scott, by the power of n’ar. lie, in his endeavour to rnlly the khng’t eau-.e after lice hit archera, to detrend the hill, that broke Iheir line, and battle of Woreetter, fell into the tandt of the esseuty, aced inanred the triumph of the Engliele ante, for which eood nufferctl deeaphtotien, at Balteee, lb lict. 1651. lie ,o. Cbsr— service, HENRY VIII., keeping hit Whiteuntide at Eltham lotte, dan. of Claude de Ia Trdtnoaflc, lanke of Thenart (tills the next enaoiog year, til4, eoinmaeded that Sir Edward high—bern aced leighs-neioded laity heeaeese faneont for law t’allaeet Stanley. for thote valiant aeta againet the Scott, where lie won tite Itill, and vanquitheed all that oppotcd hhe, at alto defence of Lathaoe I Ioeear, in 1644, when it seas besieged ; ‘y that hit onceatora bore tise eagle in their crett, theuld he 2lfO ttarlianecotariarss, aceil for her eneroetie preleetlein of the there proclaimed Lout of Jfaoleagle, and itt bad eabte— lab of Stan, in host see leer j,ettigs-,-i to/cia’) and left iesnc, qieently comment to parliament in that dignity. lIe n’at CnABLrS, 6th earl. Charletlc, ‘1. in infancy. alto elected akniglit of the Garter. Hit lordthip’t grandton, llenrsetta-S1erea, to. let, to iticleard, Vievoaest Holy sioux; and WsLLtao STAN-LEe, 3rd Lord of Ittonteagle, if. in 1581. leaving by Ellen, hit wife, dan. of Sir Thomat Preeton, of Prteton Catherine, to. ta William Pierrepoiut, Slavqetcat of Dorclteatcr, Patrick and Lereat. in Wettmorland, an only dan., ELIZABETH, who became hit heir, aitd marrying Edward Parker, Amelea-Auno-Sophho,m. ta John Murray, Slarqneea of Athell. Lord Morley, conveyed the Barony of iltenteagle into that family. The dignity it now in ABEYANCE. (See BORnE’S The earl waco. by hit only son, Retioel Peerage.) iii. Jamea, in holy ordert, bishop of Ely. Lord Stanley ci. 2ndhy, Margaret. dan, and heir of John, Duke mold of honour Ca the Queen of Eeheneia; it. in 1672, and was of Someroet, n’idow of Edntimd Tudor, Earl of Richmond, and e. by his son, ntether of Slenry, Earl of Richmond. Hew far hit lerdthip WmLLsaaa-OE0ROE-EsenAen, 9th earl, t. 18 March, 1656; svha contributed to the victory of Heswerth it rtearded in hittary; us. in July, 1673, Lady Elizabeth Bailer, date, of Theten:m, Earl and hit placing the crown of open the head of the of Ossory, and if. without wale iasne, in 1712, when the hianourn victorieat itiehmond to the field, it alto a niatter of historic devolved nptn hit brother, record. In eensitieretiote of titose eminent tervieet, the new JAMES, 10th eae-l; v’ho io. Mary, dan. and sale heir of Sir monarch advanced Lord Stanley, 27 Oct. 1465, to the dignity of William Morley, KR , of ttalnaker, bitt if. without Gene, in RAnt or DEBBY. and conetitated hint one of the eontmittioners 1735-6, whsen the Isle of Man, with the Iianoxv or S’rsANnx, for executing the office of lorit-high-ttcward of Ecigland on the created in 1627, devolved upon Ihe Iteske ol Atholl, (all tlse day of hit coronation. Slit lerdthip, in the March following, ether barenica fell into abeyance between the co-heist of had a grant of the great office of CONSTABLE or ENOLANO for Ferdinando, the 5th earl,) andtheEarldoso of Dr-rhy reverteil to life. Ite had no children by hit tecond marriagt and dying Sen EnwAan STABLEr, Eart., as 11th earl (refer to George, in 1504, teat o. by lilt grnndton, Tnentao, 2nd earl; who In. Anne, dan. of Edward, Lord Lord Strange, eon of Thoeeaa, let Earl of Derby). TIns nettlemnn, Itantings of Htsngerford, and scat o. at hit deeeate, in 1522 of Hobert Hesketh, Eaq. cif Itcefford, co. Lanoastrr, by Ehaabetls, (when it appeam he bore the titlet of Earl of Derby, Viteonnt hit wife, dan. of the lion. William Spencer, and had, Kyntnn, Lord Stanley and Strange, Lord of Knokyn, Helsnn, Battet, Burnal, and Lacy, Lord of Man and the Itlet, by hit ten, * Through thia ntarrioge, the Dukea of Athale claim clcaeectt EnwAnn, 3rd cart, 16.0., lord-high-steward at Gte coronation fram the Greek eoeperera, at alson’se ice tlte following pedigree: of Queen MAEv, and eltantherlain of Chetter in the reign of ALnxsus-CeseNzrce I., Esnperctr of Conebanlhnepte, 11100, ‘1. ELIeABETB; to celebrated for magnificence anit liberality, that 1118, wt. 70; ci. Irene Dacas, ef the Imperial f.atsily, an’l hat Camden taye, “that with Edward, Earl of Derby’t death, the Theodora-Camnena, wlso ii. Cenalonthcse-Angeltsa of t’htiladcl— glory of hetpitality teenttd to fall atleep.” Hit lerdnhip tl. phia, and hod Andrcniene-Angeteit, wino oi. Eophroeyne, tin- 24 Get. 1872, and wat z. by hit eldett* ton (by hit itt wife, known, and had Ahexine 111., Ecsiperer of Conthantinitldhr, 1195, Dorothy, dan. of Thomas, dnd Dtslee of Norfolk), HENRY, 4th earl, E.G.; one of the peers svlto tat upon the 2ndly,Theedore-Lasraria 1., Eunteror afAdrinnople, 1204, it, 1222, trial of SlAseY, Queen of Scott. Hit lerdthip ci. Margaret, only and had by her second contort Iwo dane., of wlsonl the yeleatgcr, child of Henry Clifford, Earl of Cumberlond (by his Itt wife, Mary, ci. Bela IV., Eing of Hungary, 1236, if. 1271, and wnt Alionort, dan. and co-heir of Charlea Hmnden, Duke of ntothcr of Stephen V., King; ond the elder, Helena, io. JohnS Su.lTolk, and Slary, Dowager Queen of Fmnee, the titter of itneis-Vatace, Ecoperer, 1222, it, 1255. sit. 62, and bsnd (wills tan HENRY Vltt.), and dying in 1593, wat o. by hit eldett ten, FEBOINANnO, 5th earl. TItle nobleman having been tampered Lord of Vareeonrt) on elder don., Etedoxa, who is. 1263, W’illiattt— with by one Hetketh, tail to be an agent of thee Jetuitt, to Peter I., Count of Vinticaille, acid had by him (who it. 1265) attume the title of king in right of hit grandmother, and Joisn-Loecaris,Count of Vintineille acid l’eude, I 256,n-lto iii.—, acsd rejecting the prepotition indignantly, it tnppoted to have been hatl William-Fetcr-Latcarit II., Cotcsot of Viatiectihle and Senile, poitoned in tontequence by the centpiratert. Itia lerdthip ot. 1307, who cit. —, and had ,tehnLttearit 11., Count sit Tendc, Alice, daa. of Sir John Spencer, of Altherp, and had three Teutde, 1369, who ii. —, and leach Anthony-Laocarie, Ci’tsnt of dons., bit ce-heirt, via., ANNE, Ga. Itt, to Grey, 5th Lord Chandet; and 2ndly, to iii Carrettouiecal, anil hail Johen—Antony—Laneotria, Coitset of Stervyn, Earl of Cattleltoven. gaANcEn, nt to John, Earl of Dridgewater. ELtZABETB, 9w. to Henry, 5th Earl of Ifuntingdon. lilt death occurred 36 April, 3894, when the EanoNtEn or it. a. p.; and 2ndly, Itenl, Count ef Villars. lt.Sr. Ml. 1a2 I, frgiIimathsed STANLEY AlOE SYBANOE fell into atcyicnre amongtt hit dane., Eoneagnona, aesit Itad by this 2nd ntarriage a dais .,thladi,hine, and the earldom devolved upon hit brother, WitLsAaI, 6th earl, 16.0. Thit nobtgman liought from hit n-leo if. 1506, having ot. Anne, Clac dci ttloinlncerenei, Eli., E. Hit lordeitip’t 2nd ton, by his itt wife, SiETnonsae STANLEY, ssf Theonam, if. 1577, and hail Chaecde, Duke ot Thoetart, b. 1566, Knt. of Winwick. at. Margaret, daa. and ce-heir of Sir George svhe it. 1604, leaving Ic. 1585, Clela. Itraittoutlicea of Nassau, hats. Vernon, of the Peak; and if in 1576, leaving a tea, Sue EnwABn STANLEY, KR. of Tong CatIle, Sa;ep; who m. (true tt. 3021) a daic., Citarlotle de Ia Yrisecsitsill,’, soheiu if. 21 51 ar. Lady Lucy Percy, dan. and ce-heir of Thomas, 7th Earl of 3663-4, having ii. Jaccscs, 7th Earl of leerluy, E.G., amid had luy Northumberland. and had two daot., hit co-licira, FRANCES, nt. to Sir John Fortetcue, EnI. and Bart. of Salden. John, Set Slorqtcras ofAhitole, lOT., and had by teisn (svho if. VENET5A, no. to Sir Eenelm Digby, of Getlntret, lOut. 327 PER JAnice, 7th earl, E.G., 5. 31 Jan. 1680; who had ticen tonemend to parliament, in 1627, at B’,r’i,o Ehv’agc, nuder an 2ndly. to William, 2ucd Earl of Stralfiod, bitt 1. e. t. bat it. a. p. C5L&BLES, 8th earl, h. 19 Jan. 10271 who to. Daretheabtchena, dan. of John Eirkhoven, Itaran de ltispa, in holland, b. 11 Sept. 1689, ci. in 1714, Ehimhicth, enly dan. and heir dethsrencd 1202, whti 0. Eophroeyne, onknewn, and hail Anna Angela. enrnostted Ceniseesea, wha ii, lot laaoe—Coistsecststa, ascii only son, Jolen-Lnacaria, Emperor, 1250, ageil 6, bustled acid ihetleronesh, 1262, and a vctsngcr data,, Thei,dtoia, tti. to Statlucsc, 1350, who to. —.,and had Villiosn-Peler-l,soearis ill., Cosscet of Tcscle, 1419, who o. Froneet de Itooliern, and had ll’cns’tiicaLanearit, Count of Tende, 1455, n-let it. 1474. having ci. Stargaret Tende soil Victtiestille, ithti ci. Isabel d’Angltsre, tan, of Salaclics, Lord of Ettoyes, aced had Annc-Iasoearit, Conuteoa of Teaile, n-leo no. I ah, Lottie de Clerseeetst—Lodeve, t,orsl ef Nct,oiseaa, wIno ton of Pun. Duke if Savoy, 5.1436, if. 1197, by Dons di Sr. tIll., Constable’ aesil tttarshal of Fs’tsnce, nod had by hsisea (wlto if. 1567, wt. 00) Jaleacena do .2toesttcsercceeh, nbc ,,,. Loeia, I cake of ‘cVillhane I., Prince of Grange, 3544, if. 1581, ased lead by leer him (who it, 1674) a ilata.. Lady Acne;i:o.tolihsia Smnley, ss’hii is. 1703) a eon, JOnN, 1sT Dcnn or ATnOLE.