Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/378

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D E U t. domes, Loe,t ,Steoo1,e, who so. 17 March, 177, loiry, Pot eueht or, amid locally collared, ositli line s’eflwoed over the hook, Ian. and ro—heir of Itogit Smith, Eoq. ci Weatrt Itoh, so. -so j2loflo—Sans changer. Seols—Knon’sleY halt, Pseseof, Essex, of lion ancient fontity of Stimuli or tterriz, of Ldtnon— tlsoelme, cc. Leteesher. oo,h asstmismed, iii ons”qtsettee, rIme uLe,’asttirel Stanley Lodge, flail) Nisteen, no. ‘tIpperary. Town arlditiotat soroaoie of SOHt’55. Ills lordship P. sit done, 1, 1, having had hone, I EDWOOD, who 5. his grandfather. 2 Tlosmooo, a major his the snap ; 5. in 1753; 1, ho 1779 1 Eli eahells, ot, 70 July, l77o. lit the Gte. Sir Thomas It. .rc ‘it, Gaul .1 Situ i’. Il April, lttd, tracing a Pta., I harriet—So ,,tmtnahm—Atttte, o . iii I boa, to 4 .eOrge t’ollard, ci ttahibma. 2 1,oer, si. 25 April. 1770, Ic the 11ev. Geoffrey ltorob3 reel, i of lfitt n id,, and 4. Isis o idow in 123, teas i;mg a snstt;om’,oms fatoity. )‘e’ tirom.o’o L s, tO 6,,’ to.) 3 I trerietta, a, It ,hioe. 177’, ho I lie 9mb Sir Watts I lortots, haG.; sod 1. in 1’’9. trill limO ito ‘ills’ saud. I tai’nel—Smmoaooalm I tortotm, ... . 20 dimly, loll, to Co1rt t’hsarteo PImps, tIN.. of ILtIs. t. t7Iiralii’tls. s.. ho Sir Icier W’arl,rsrloo, Part, of Army hall ; mu 1.2 Set 1. 1 703. it. Otare, ‘t. Its. is, I 7.42. iii. ls,,l,ella, ii. 15 ,ItGr. )707, iv. 3lareoeet. 1. 9 Porch. 17741. v. Jane, fat t’Iamstoford. DEPINO, Stu EDwuhiD-CIt0LOIELET, of Surrecrleii’ a I. (‘bar1’ It,’, o. 10 Lirist.-Gea. John Iluegoyne ; and 4. a p. 7 June, 177t’. ltis lordship 1. 21 Pet,, 1776, ;ursd was s. by his grandson, Enss’ cnn, I Ollt stilt, l,,r,l —liii tool etmolit’ r’ ,ttmlr,rotsi of tho a. blot grandfahuter, as 8th baronet, 30 Juno, 1811 ; sio. en. of 1,ansaolt’r; 6 12 Sept. 1792; a. lot, 23 dccc, 1124, 10 A1ut-il, 1833, the Rosa. Jane Etlo’ardos, 3rd dan. of Etio,il,etlm, on!)’ dims. of Jomos’s, (lit flake of Ihammifllost and William, 2nd Lord Keno(tigton, atsd line bad iecne, Era;mdos, anti 1’) that lily (ss Ito ‘I. 11 Maceta, 5707) had bode, Ft’s sen—Saiit’ts, Lo,ot P5,1cc. 1 7th earl. Chorlotte. mo. 22 Aug. 1796, to lice rs.issin. Edmsusd llortsbv, 5!sq. of I toilets flail, him Weslmorlsnd, ‘rho 1. 19 Nor. 1957, leasing Ita her (olin .1. 29 Nov. 19115) a wit. Eilsnund—Ooorge fdorntty, 1:oq. of Dalton I t,ull, trite to . Sarah, doss. of Tlmntnao Totes, I ‘°‘l’ of I rsrell htoose, and 1. 26 bib. 1039, having sortie. F,liuol ,eJIi—l leorielta, ot. 15 Jati. 1792, to Stephen—’fhosnao its. Ftcatcbs-Ltcory, hi. 10 June, 1637; 5. in Stay, 1838. Cole, Esq. of ‘fwiehoeohissms, assd 1)3’ hsii,s (ss Ito ,t. in 1925) hsrl iv. Henry-NevlUo, it. St. 3rd Secretary of Legation at hsstto. Site it. Nor. 1057. )Ou thL’RitL’o 3 ‘so,le,f 12w leo.) Ibis lordoithit a. Otsdhy, I 3toy, 1797, SIlos Ehioa Farren, the celebrated actress, dou. ,tf 31 r (150030 l’arren, of Cork, by V. George-I! Owardoo, 6. 12 Jan. 1811. srls,ttmt (ss Ito 1. 271 April, 1029) Ise hatl, Janseo-°nsiIIt. 6, 0 3tareh, 1000 4. 3 April, 1917. Lmtry—Ilhuabetli, 1. 22 April, 1 sf9. Imlary.Marg.’ret, . Et Nor. I 031, to Tlsomas, 2n tI Earl of iVilloit, aisd ‘1. 16 14cr. I 039. The earl ‘I. 21 0,1. 1031, an,l was a. Ity his sot;, Enoosno-Saim rn, I itO ‘an, 1(51., F. L.S., lrttt’tieut. attd roWe, of nndetsl’ted Saxon otdgitt ‘am, osdghn confirmed not otsiy rolrilorssns of Ike eo. of Lancaster, col. tuf the 1.ancatlthro smilitia, tsy tradition, but by asttlmeutic family dotuments. Our of iee-arhssirol of tIme coast s,t Iomneoohiire’, and president of rIte its resn,,te atiecotoro, Lhis;sa’ati ;und Zoological Si tides; 6. 21 .tpeil, 1779 ; a. 30 dsnte, Ptrntae. (from the S,oxou word Deeiusp, signifying 1700, Iii, eommsisi, Cttorlotte—7las’gai’et, 2nd lami. s,f tIme 11ev. 2” rs’oe), appnato as witness to a deed, by which Khssg Oeo;Orey htornl’y, and by her (trlso uJ. 16 Jimitu’, 1917) bad hostue, E’rneeerr gs’amit-d rert-sin latida in Crsoolnstono to thu 5. Enwxttn-Onoeestnx, preserst earl. is. ttrnrv—l’hoinao, 6. 0 SIsrrh, 1063; o. I Sept. 1935, Anne, deneewded in a dim-cot 11mw frnni Lrocxwor.c, Rung of Theta. don. of flue late Ili chord JVsiollmttrtse, Eoui., and has, I E,l,oard I tenry, 5. 5 las. I 020. 2 Charlrs-lieoltery, Cold. 32nd regl., 6.5 Sept. 1831, u. II Cisetbe in the reigi, of I2tenAnn It. IIio g-rasidoou, April. 1 ‘01, Agn,’,—Ntsma, a’otmngest dali. of thto late Itosso— Rionoan t2nason, Eoq. of Surrctidcn, 5. in 1481, and woo rates-Leigh flighy. Foq.. and his soife, 3tary-Jone flighy s, by his non, ho , pat ‘l’r’tasuoss, II.), ottO Isas, Clrasleo henry, Ii. ‘aS Jonno Dneiisu, Slog, of Snrreoden-Dening. The 5th Oh-cot flameS, ‘012 ; ;,ssd Ibesry—Edsstottd, hi. S ltdj. I ‘mOO. 3 1 h’nra —Filmautsd. e-,1,t. 23rd regt., 6. 27 lire. 1030; r;. 12 descendant from thrho gesitlem’osi, Not. 1067, itt .lnIttuhteo’e, frossi a fall front his hot se, I Cttarlottn—iftarg,n’et—Siutney—Asitse. sit. (‘htst’Irs..I a,nes—I°oa, late hir,tt.—rnl. gs-ems.—gos., asmd nets’ ool. lietstettasmt of Pont’ Caotle, was a es,iit of talents and It), Lanete’lsire o,ilitio, 6. 29 April, 101)0; ou. loaf, h’raeeeo— learsung but he adopted, upon om,c occaoiou, a s-et-y eceesstrio Angmisia, lan. ci Sir II eney’—l”. Campbell, 96.0G., will has, I (‘Ito,-les-Erl,earul. 5. 20 April. 1032. 2 fs-istgta’.-.h.osnes (teorgo, 5.6 llareh, 1647. 3 Albert—I I,smsiitt,,n, 6. 1919. 4 Ildsi.ind— 1113,03, 5. 10 Out. 1925. I t,s ,‘lrn—b’soiau. 2 31.srgtsret— Slice. 3 Union. 4 b’onstamre,’—l”snihy. s.,ells, i. If, Pee. t 923, to Ihie late Eslss ard 1sroeeedittt. l’,tts’ha ii, l.oq.; aitO 4. 19 b’,,h,, 1052. so toinisa Foul3 , ,o, to .Slo’il, 1920, lo 1,ieot.-Col. Sossorsel He so. tot, Eiatibeth, daot, of Sir Nicholau Tnftou, afterwards Lotte; tstmd 4. 11 lie,’. bOO. itt. t’le,tmmor-Mot’s , ,. . II ,J omse, I 033, to lJio tier. Frank-C eot’go Itoi0000ib, re’-wr If lVimtsoielc, I, ,mrr;ioltiro. Tloo oael, who ss ,.. cretuti I, by litters patent, 32 Oct. 1832, busruboln,, Rut., and by that lady (who 4. in 1028) ho had, Boeoo Slushy, 141 lliele.’stofri, a. :;o Jumio, 1871. U’e’stiono—Farl ,,flt,’rl y, 27 ltd. I toO. IPron Slanley, of Pickem’ Ebiotst,etts, to. lo Sir Johsn Ttar,’lI, Emit. of Caleblill, iii leent 0taite, 72 t 1,1. 1 ‘i’d. li,irommet, 292 alt. 1627. A no s—Arg., on a Hens. 3i’dly, Umiton, dan. of Sir Ralph Ghbboo, fint., and had, t,eo’t. at., tbrrt’ rtog’-’ tit’ado, u’at,e,slted, or. C,’ett—tln a etmapeots, ihenra’. of Pes’ington, es. Keni, art),) heft lastie. F’’’’ taroe,t mill r’m’l,m,, Ct rige, sviim,ro t’ah,,nde,l, m’, to’e3’isig on tin ttml;ttst5 itt its ,‘e.,,lle, ptr_, tot’tmmldiv,l, gis., thur cs’a,tte tare,t, gPO. S ojopst’tees—l teases’, a ni’islin, soitmgo rheroted ; sisthafer’, a stag; Sir Edward oh. 22 J,ssmo, I f44, and was s. by his eldest non, o 3 lie s-itt is I ‘rio el ft’oio 11w fat,tilt’ of 1,isihom If I.athasi;, PonP 11:us-vey, Esq. ot Combo, by whom (who d. in 1704) in I ,usiroohm is’,’, riesm’ i’el’rt-st’mtu-.i 1,7’ the 9t;tnlc’t’s. lim ‘us ‘‘11 s’ioito’ir a of l,asm aohiu’e, itt 11mm’ (‘rsltege of .ks-isss, it is ,.tt,tr,l. Ilmat a “hi Id Ira., l’s mist il a,, ca_dc’s lest o1ott the it. I trn’t,-o, a,,st’,tor st the t(aehiegiter in Ireland so. 1 Oct. e, asi,t adopt ‘ui 1,a’ oime ci Ito’ Labhia,ti, ottO thmis, it is osowtse’h, se,uo lit’ srigiim ol thu e crest. 332 D E It Jdosuee—’23, St. James’s S,5nare. VEiliNG. aSs Dnr(tag.oo.Knttt; lIP. for NoeS Kent; 8. 19 Nmav. 7807; i. Eusvoau-Ctstmeosevnv, tate 80th atid 44th regto., 5. 27 Joby, 1831 ,‘o. 39 Oct. 1091, the Tiocoun(esn Forth, etclent dan. otf the lIon. Adotphtmn Capet, aaad sticre of the Iarl of Essex.,,tm(h by her (c-ho a. at Limo, 30 April, 1608), hao boone. it. lSihliatu-tdw;u-des, 6. in 1832; 5. 3 Sept. 1839. Etorosaro, 5. Sept. 16:10; a’. 20 Oct. 1563, Rosa, dan. of Joseph Underwood, Esq., and has a son, b..’st Borne, 11 May, Isfe; ats,3 a eon, 5. ot Florence, 13 Moe. 1867. vs. Artlsttr’lIobem’t, 5, 7 Oct. 1807, I. Adsha.IJos-othy-Jat;c. ititwitgc. Ttsio is one of tire very fear houses still e.xtstttog itt England chom’eh of I;oPm, Wee in .500, toid thho llieriog ho tail to be To I’ see, however, to nsot-e reretit progesutors, we 0usd Otis fit, twos lOnasnn, SUit, of fleyden, lieut. of Dover I. Ma Fuse cnn Dentao, Rut, of Surreriden-Dering. was es’eoted ;u llat-osmet, 1 I’ob. 1626. This geimticmois, who wao mode of evitsehtig lilt o r,sditioia, that of prooeutimig tt bitt ft-out tlse gallery of the House of Consmono, ‘‘for thu extisuatiors of bislso1ts, deaus, and chapters,” assd prefachssg hur motion with two vorseo of Ovid, time classical application of ss-hneh was s’sid to have been lAo solo motive for thu Oosieta oils tenlaolla ; se’l irretmse,tieabile swhnn, Limo reeidesolest, esl, ne i-at’s Oitteet’tl trotiatns’.” Flail of TIe n- t, bitt by lice (c-lie 1. iso 1620) had no ostro is log iosrme Sully, Susie, 3rd dan. of Sir J ohis Anh— IThsvaeo, lilt smsee( osor. Por’dbmy, ‘o. to ‘t’htoimtas Eimghiots, Esq. of Bnehuland, Kent. fT. Sin finw.aon, 31.P. for Kent, who so. Sbas’y, dan. of he had iossse, 5. Losvaan, hun so, erstot’. 1 sot, 31 srg;aet, u-eliot ol 11 enry, Ills Lord Illayney, and Imad losmie