Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/379

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P E it iii. Daniel, a cal. in Iroland; as, I Is_len, dan. of Sir John is. Chiolmclcy-t’l;arlro-w’ih]iasn, of A)’ot SI. h,osorrssrr, lions Porceval, and had a san, Daniel, who a;. lilary, dan. of Sir Philip Parker, Dart. of Araarlnn. I. Elizabeth, iii. to Robert Southwell. ii. Mary, rn. Ia Sir Thomas Knatchlnill, Dart. In. Anne, sa. is Wortley Whorweod, Bog. iv. Catherine, so. lot, in Feb. 1688, to Sir John Pcrceval, Dart.; and 2ndly, to Col. Butt, v. Jane, d. nasa. Sir Edward 0. in 1604, and wan o. by Isle eldaat son, Ill. Sin EDWARD, M.D. for Kent. Thin gentleman m. Elizabeth, dan. of Sir W. Choimolny, Mart., by whom isa bad three none and one dan. Ho was s. in lOSS, by isis eldoot con, IV, Sm, SiP. for Moist. This gentleman falling in a duel, in 1711. was o. hy his eldest eon (by Mary, dan. and heir of Edward Fisher, Esq), V. SIR EDWARD, SIP, for Kent, who m. lot, l’s 1728, Elizabeth, dan. and no-heir of Edward Hnisobaw, Esq. of Edgar-W’ibhiass;-Wallace, is. 15 Aug. 1840, and Lioisel-Ashioo, F,ltham, by whom (who 0. in 1732) ha had issne. EosrAsn, his ssseeessor. He is. 2ndly, in 1736, Mary, dais, of Cliarics Fatlierhy, Koq. Sir Edward d. 10 Jnsme, 1811, and wan s. by mo grandoosi. of Iiarnham, and widow of Honiy Monpesoon, Esq-, and by her had, s. Charles, as. in 1772, Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Thomas Farnaby, three Inrirosix )in assgas;ralnliois) ; 2nd asul Srsl, or, a saltier, so. hart, si. Thomas. i. Mary, rn Ia Sir Robert Hildyard, Mart.: 0. 3 Nov. 1818. Sir Edward d. 12 April. 1763, ard was s. by his oldeet son, VI. SIR EDWA5D, H.P. This gentleman in. lot, in 1755, Seilna, dan. and co-heir of Sir Robert Fnnieoe, Mart, of Waldoreharo, in Kent, by whom he had, EswARD, Ins snrcessor. Sousa, so. to Dr. Dealtry, and d. 19 April, 1836, aged 86. Me as. 2ndly, Deborah, only dais, of John Winchester, Eoq. of Nethersola, by whom (who d. 20 March, 1818) ho had, s, Cnoo.sins.nv, b. is 1766, col. of a regt. of Iight-dragaosrn, called the Now Ramsey Peneililes; a;. isa 1750, Charlotte- Elizabeth, daa. of Sir Joseph Vales, Not.; and 0. 7 Nov. 1865, leaving a san, Claolmrley-Edward-John. in holy srdrro, prebosidary of St. I’aal’s, reef’;r of Plnrtloy, Kent, and ono of the Qsecn’s chaplatee, 5. in 1750; iii. 27 Slay, 1817, Maria, eldest dais, of llarrhigton Prim, Esq., by the Lady Marts Ins sotfe, and d. 12 Ang. 1848, leaving issnr’, I Cssoi.iass,nv-EawAsn, of Trosley, in Kent, rapt. is the Doi Ros, BARON (W))liam-Lonnox-Lanoollos Fitz. army, IlL,, 5. 30 llarrh, 1818; who so, 14 Jan. 184!, gerald-Do Boo), of Hamlake, 00. Leico. tmr, in the Coeilia-Elizabeth—Loeisa, eldest dais, of she hue Richard pr;’rago of England; P.C.; hiont..gon. in the amnty Chadwick, Esq. of Treleigb, in Cornwall, and has issue, oo;1, 4th hnsoas s; depssty-]iosst. of the Tower of London; soc sssrvivieg dan,, llary-Cholnieloy. 2 Edward-liessoage, late hoot. Coldslream-gnards, ii. 11 Slarrh, 1827, Se. 1 Jnne, 1859, hlenrietta-Georgiana, sic. 7 Jamno, 1824, Georgians, 3rd class, of Charheo, whiose of Sir Wtlltam-Al,s’aham Chatlertsn, Ilart, 1 Maria-Charlotte-Elizaheth-Cliolnarloy, as, 27 Joly, 1848, 4th Duke of Rioltmond, nut] lasts, ho the Rrv. John-Branflll Ilarrisen, vicar of Walmor, m. DroLzv-Cnancs, r;sl, and hiosst.-ool. lot hifo-guarda, Keol. ma. ReSort-Charles, heat. llN., d- hi Slav, 1791. ass. George, so, his coaoin, Elizahetis, esly daa- of Charles Dering, Bog. of Barham Conrl, KenI, and S. in 182f, leaving, I Geo;’ga, as. Louisa, youngest don, of P6.-P. Hanaond, Esq. a. Frances-Charlotte, sl. 21 Fob. 1811. ef Mating Paris, Surrey, and granddao. naatarsally, of Sir ii, Mhanrho-Artlsnr-Goos-ghna,oi. 11 July, 1865, to JamooMannie, Robert Carr, Bait, of Etal, Nerthsnabos’land, 2 Robert, an afficer in the rifle-brigade, as, 4 Jane, 1029, Lrttlia, yoasgost dan, of the lain Sir Goorge Slice, Marl,, and tins, George-Edward, 5. in 1831. I Chiarlotte-Kltoabotli, in. 12 Jane, 1834, to (ho Rev. F.Fitoherhert Itaslowood, rector of Sinanles, Kent. 2 Marciot-Macy, so. to John-Ronllodge llajeadie, Esq., san ‘‘That Prtor, thse asseeotor of this great and nolilo fonaily,” of tIm Bishop of Bangor. 3 Caroline, as 20 Jan. 1857, to Baron Carl von llaseck, of time of ltnaav 1., frona that los’dol:i1 hi Uoldrrneso, cahlod Alton Rnseelo, rhasnherlain and master of tin horse 10 1 lie Boo, whrra lie thrn h,cd his s’roid;a-,oo. nocd’-th not to ho Lnndgrave of Iiosse-Itombnrg. 5. Elizabelli, so, to Ihanicl-Ryam Ilaihew, Keg., tale of Bells Ruonor no Kiss, wIse woos, by his eon, hall, Kssoa, and had issues lies’ dao, nod hcrioos was am. lo W’illissn Thon,as lIne, Esg. of Wtlhdean, Snssoa, and had an KvEuAsun no Has, Th,ia fcod,sl lord am. Hnyvia, daui, of only cisild and heiress, Elica-Sophia-Franecs, am. to Ssr William Tnmvb’it, of W,ss’tro, hi lhobdurmseva, nod at tin Chaloner Ogle, Bas’t. mc. Charlotlc, o,. in 1803, laths Rev. P. Moneypcnny, vicar of dreeaon of lion hi-others w’ithn’st ioosio. oo-hrir to hoe father’s Radlow; and 0. in 1836. Sir Edward 0. 8 Dec. 1798, and was o, by bin eldest non, VII. Sin EnwAnn, 5. in 1717; whn in, in 1782, Anne, dais, no peatomity. Evrr,srd do Roe diod about tho year llyG, of William Halo, Enq, of King’o Walden, Rosin, by whom and woo a. by his son, (who d. 17 Jnly, 1830) ho had icons, a. Kdwacd, 5. in 1783: is. henrietta, eldest dan. and co-heir foroed to pay a coosidonshbe 05mm tsr Ins dehivonuimce. Dust, of Richard Nooilho, Esq. of Fasness, cc. Kildarc; aod dying snodar King Jossn lie regalmsrd tlto as-hole bonny of his in 1808, left, I KowAso-Csanosms.nv, present haroneL 2 Ronrietla-Chiarhoile, ,is in 1829, Ia the Rev. .Jnhoo 1doycd 00 one of thin eonantiosiom,os’s to rasdurt Wurr.seas, Doedes, vicar at 3Isr’hon, Kent, son of the late William King of Oeoth,nud, into England. Robert do Ros’ woo the Dcedoo, Esg. of Sandliog. Sirs. bring a’. 2ndly, the lair Sir William Gras’-, hiarl. 1129 1) E it 8. I May, 1781; ii,. Iss, in 8159, (‘l,arloito—htsrknall, nidost dais, of Williass I lab, blsg. oh King’s Walden, aisd by 15cr wIse ii. 18 Sept. 184)) had issue, I llcneogc-Wilhiam, 5. 14 Nov. 1819; ai.2t Jass. 847, AnnCaer,hior, yosnsgcot dais, sit I lie hue CloDs orfhsy Ch,tois Log., raId. IN,, and lies incise.’lns-Iloneagr, 5. II F’ols. 1050. liogtsiohd sic bilaqsnnrr, ii. 18 (sri. loll. SylaIle-Caroliisr. Ilissihy-Constanco-llarn’. Altce-Lnry-St. Jolmn. 2 Doinosid, 5. 21 Prb. 1826, in Imoly ordrrs, sector of Ldworth, Ilods, ;t. 18 Nov. 1860. I Asisme—Mary, 0. nose, 2 Busily-C hsas’hoi is’. 3 Fs’anrcs, ;,,. 1814, to the Ibm, SVilliarn-Plnlip ulacbesreod, lIe ,,. lndly, II July, 1846, Charlolte-Slory, 2nd dan. of Sir William—Waiter l’ro, hart,, ossd 1,, leaving by lire two sons, 8. 17 Sept. Till. m. Chiaa’latlo, is. us 1898, to hoary hlnare, Esg., only oon sit Sir Ihiehord-Colt Ilaarr, hart,, and d. biswidosr 14 FrIi, 1839. C,enlioa—l Fobs, 1626. A ‘a,s—Qisarboriy : lot and ‘ills, org., a fcsso, an., liii rhihrf, Cerot—Os a dsscal coranos, or, a Inurse, passani, so. Sojijsailers—’I’svo Imorsos, an., snanod, or. Motto — Srmni use oems,i. Seal—Surrrsdon-Doriag, Ashford. Kent. BE ROS. a. Ills brother 29 Maroh, 1839; is. 1 Sept. 1797 and rqssorry to MR. 81. thur late Prinoo Coaaaort, anuw eqisorry to tIm Qisuma, 8. 11 Macrh, 1827; sin, in Oct. 1813, Lady Rliaahoth Kgurtrn, dan. of tho Earl of Wit- ton, amid hoe, Hary-i”s’aisooo. dnd son sd J ohs (‘anupiaohh ,Swlsatan, Esq. of Ktuuamerhanur, eQ. Brrs’iok. (Soc hlcRKr’a Ln,afrui s7esuls’y.) 3L incagr. says Dssgdalo, ‘‘ did originally aos’mr his ssis’ssao,o in the doubted.” Ttin Petsr am. Ads’hino, omm of the miatera au,d onbob-v of the famo,io Waht,’r Bc1,,’,’, and wino, by bin son, rotate; whirls rstato wao ovs;sitssisily t,uhorit,’d by her doocos,dantv, the l,erds line, hs-r vivtoro and co-huois’s leaving Hosvov on lIon, snasinmed Fans-faa. I’lno tosud,,l lord, isa thin time of EicsiAns’ 1.. ivan tmaprioosard ha Nornmnmndy, and great-grandfather, Waltor Kopoc, timid was 000n oftor osms— fo;sndcr of llamhobor C,mothr, hi Vnrkslurc. asmd of Works Caatbo, isa Nortlmssnsb,’rlossd. lhsmsimsg thma ts’ousbboo in King