Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/457

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ELI ills lordship dying thus witisout male iasuo, in 1755, the in tlto 93rd Isighlandors ; n. Ins father, as StIs baronet honour, devolved upon his nephew, ALEXANDER, 7th baron (refer to Br. Oidcsn Mnrmy, 3rd 3 Sept. 18(14 ; sot. lIce. lrt.lG, C’lsarlsstto.Marj,, elan. son of the 4th baron), 6. 24 April, 1717 ; who sw 1st, 20 of the late os,iliort Wooti, Eoq., of Quoheg Cassasla April, 1776, llary-Clara-3lostolicss, dan. of Lewis-Charles, Baron do St. Ilypolite, by svhosn (svh’’,t. ] 3 Jan. 1000) Iselrol, ALEXARDEE, his successor. Gidron, 3. 23 Feb. 1781. George, 3. 10 Oct. 1707; auditor of the Exchequer in Sootland; it. 22 Sep. 1002. Elszabett, so. in 1003, to William Buchanan, Esq. of Ardoch OsLnnn’e EL5’r, of Stubs, c”snusonly calbo,1 ‘‘ Gildoy xi’ tho and 1. 17 May, 1040. Mary, so. 12 July, 1830, to Angustos-Froderiek Liodloy, Esq.; of tiardssss, called ‘‘lhcggy Handy,” by wh,,no he lsa,t cix sans, and sI. 23 Oct. 1354. Lord Elibank so. 2ndly, Catherine, dass. of James Stewart, i. W’iiaaxni, Isis heir. ii. Gavin, of Orange. Esq. by whom ho loft bone, James, 3. 4 May, 1810; an adoocate at the Scottish bar, lie was n. at his dcccaso by bin eldest sm, ci. 1832, Isabella, only child of James Erskine, Esq. of Alier. W1LUAa, Htsov, Bog., to so hs,ra s. Ins eldest son, dona, son of lames, Lord Aba; and ,t. 17 Feb. 1814 (hetog 1. Gstns;nv ELIOT, Esq. of St,’hs, wIss, sv,,s male a killed at Barnes), leaving Alcxaodor-Erskine Erskinellnrray, knight-’oan,,eret sn the field if I ‘attIc, at Scone, At’. 1613, Esq. of Aberdona, 6.0 Boo. 1832, so. 20 April, IsfO, by the lciisg in tessoss, for his elistisssrni-hse,l bravery be Helen, dan. of Retort Pringle, bog.; Jansos-Sf. llyo’IiteErskine, was afterwar,ls sreated a Bssesaet of A’), c’s lest in, 3 Sept. 6. 10 Jnly, 1633, sI. 14 Aug. 1833; Jane-IsabellaErstino, 166d. Sir Gilbert 555. lot, Isabella, diet dim. ,f las ,cs, 1. 20 Oct. 1264, teens inquiries received accidentally frous burns and Edith-Catheriae-Ernkine, es. 17 April, 1 to Josoph Bell, Esq., 31.61. Charben.llcnry, S. in 1512; ,t. in 1833. Esbert-Bundos, S. SIan. 1617; rt. 8 Sept. 1036. Catherine, it. in 3tay. 1828. helen-Anne, d. in Dee. 1824. of Sir Thomas Niclsolss,ss, ltaet. of 1.ane,a,Ie, I ‘y celsosss be llarriet-ttueelcogh, d. in 1837. Clara-llrlvilbe, st. 13 June, 1525. Ills lordship was an offleor in the 3rd regt. of foot-gnards 121. Sin OsLnEssv. This gentlosnu, a,. EIc,os,,r, el,,ss. of asad lord-liont. of the co. of Poehles. lIe sI. 21 Sept. 1600, Wilhians Elts,t, Esq. of Wells, by whosm, he h,,,l sight sosss and was o. by his eldest son, ALeXANDER, 8th baron ; 6. 96 Fob. 1700; who ci. S OeoRnn-AennoTs,n, It It., the eelehorote,t Conceal Elioll, S. at March, 1803, Janet, dan. and heir of John Oliphant, of Stsihhs, in Scotland, 1118, and educated at La Fere, in Dachilton, en. Perth, styled Lord Oliphant, by when, (wiso Fra,,ce, seas a eisnsnsas,,lor of hisferie nob, ssnd seas el. 9 Juno, 1036) ho had issue, ALEXANnER-OLIrnANT, present peer. Jshn-Oliphant, 3. 3 July, 1008; chamberlain to ILM. Ihe King of Bavaria, and Knight Orand Cross of the Order of Aiss-la—Clsspetl’s, 6 Jssly, 1700, loft (seitis a dass. Anoo, wifo of St. ltiebsel of Merit, it. at Dresdon, 11 LIce. 1863. Thomas-3losstsliesi, S. 6Apr11, 1811 t (1.37 Dec. 1652. George, 5. 18 hareS, 1018; 0. 0 Juoe, Jell. Patnck-Oliph,sut, 5. 3 Nor. 1819, retired cept. llsdras Id. 5. Sir OilI’est sI. in 1764, ai,d was.s. by his eldest son, sss.28 Oct. 1852, harriet-Phillips, dan. of J. Colons, Es,;. of IV. Ssa JouN, whs, d. iii 17t7, and was n. by his son, ltele Bridge Villa, Cornwall, and Isas isssie, AleteanslerlVilliaus-Oliphaut, V. Ssss FnAwUsn. This gcsstlcsnan 5,5. Miss ilixos, ; atsd 5. 18 Oct 1653, and Janet-Oliplsant. Henry-Augustus, 6.3 Sept. 1822; d. 20 Dee. 1821 Janet-Oliphant, so. 1899, to John Stenart, Esq. of Dalguise, VI. Sins Wss.i,sAoi, mIs. in 1710, 11 ny, las,. cf .1. ltsssss II, Porihishirs, usastcr of the supreme court of lImo Cape of Bog, of 1-loosboses,, by whs,m (who ,s. I Issue, lEss), he had, Good Hope. Clara-Slary, d. io Jane, 1023. Maria, slOG Dee. 1623. Charlotis, so.9 Oct. 1849, to William-henry Oliphaul, Bog. helen, 7. 11 Mnrels, 1637. Jaoc-Fergeaoa, so. 3 Feb. 1039, to Lt.-Col. Jshn-lloney Carter, iv. Itusiel (Sir), lC.C.S.l., late E.I.S.; ta. a dan. of Gen. late lot Royals. 3tary, ci. in 1842. llarianne-Oliplsant, so. 11 April, 1010, to Peter-Hay Paterson, v. Ge,o’ge-Assguslno, c’ico-adss., Is. 1700; os. Abscia, dass. of Ksq. of Carpow, co. Perlh. ills lordslsi1s d. 9 Apr11, 1830. Creoldens—Ilaronet, 16 May, 1620. Baron, 10 March, 1643. vii. ilossell, vi,’e.adns. RN., S. in 1501; em. lot, 2 PcI,. 1810, Arsas—Qnarterly, lot and 4th, or, a fetteriselc, an. ; on a clncf Ilethia, shas. of Sir W. Russell, Ilarl., and by her (sehn ci. nf else last three stars, arg., for MURRAY cc BLscsneasNv; 2, gu., a chevron between three crescents, arg., for OLirnasT; 1, an., thrro stass within a double tressnro, eaoosrr-flosoered, arg., and in the centre a noarilet, or, being lets lordslsip’s paternal arms. Crest—A lion, ranspans, gn.. Isoldiug l’etweon the paws a battle-ammo, ppr. Sapjssetn’s—Two horses, vu,. Alexander, S. in 1007. arg., bridled, gin Jlofts—Virtute fidoqns. Scals—Ballenerieff, Cs. Haddiugtou; Darnhall, eo. Pcebles; and Pitheavles, en. si. Euptsemia-Elizabeth-Anne, os. 7 Oct. blOt’s tho Very Rev. Perth. ELIOT, Lonn, nec ST. GERMANS, EARL. ELI atssl Lao a clan., — Omee.-’I’lsoresa-Llanelse. itiblcBgc. gondon gartins,’’,,s. Marg.,ret, ‘las,. sit Walter Scott, 2nd Ilarois in. Gilt,ert, of Cratgend. iv..isdsn, of Oodostree. v. Archibald, of 3tiddlestead. vi. Janses, of liedhcugh. rss:sster of Gr,osst, sm, an,l çran’l,lau. (siiatcrssafly) of Pnos,cis Stewssrt, lot (it lhat asss’nssnie) Earl sf Ii,sthwell, by sob, ‘is, he had ass ossly’ sen ‘iVilltsns;asad _n’IIy, )laod.slt,,e, it,.,,. had two sono and a ‘lass. Sir Gillscet see> s. 1(3- Isle s lslcot cuss, Ii. Sins WiLLiAM, who it. 1691, and cr3 s e. by Ins eldest on, the youngest of sohomn, ereate,l, 0 July, 1757, I.sRo ItnaTurins,n, fsr his nallasst an,I ever nsemorat,le defence of flibralbar, in I 7o2. tic Vs. 10 Jane, 1718, Anne, dau. of Sir F. Drake, hart., and dying at TI,ssuas h’rayssu Fuller, Eng.), a son, Fn,sscis-ArssrsTrs, lnsl Lorsl hteattitel,l, a liesit.—gois., solio b. s.p. 26 Jass. 1811 when hss Peerage becas,se exviser. tying in 1761, was,’. Joy his eldest sos,, 5. hIs baronet. ii. JoIsts, smsj5’s’ OtIs l,s,ssars, rt. u’ss i. 1073. ni. lltIl,eel, slueaki r of bIte leniel.lie e lss,noe of assensl,ly, Itrisl’asse, i)sseessolasssl so. lstsl,olla, sl,su. s,t the llev. Robert Elioll, asssl ls,o ssssse. Rsssoell, asssl Isas issue. the iticlst (Ion. ‘f. Jeffrey, of I latitox, Nova Scotia, and boo, Gesr’e-Aogastu,, 5. 1818, amid FraneioJ Jeffrey, 5. 1844 vi. Clsarleo, ,t. sos,s . in 1517. 22 Aug. 1841), (mao oarris’iug issue, Ct,arlen_teraoeio, 5. in 1810; Ghlbert-tteory-Jolso, 5. in 1142; Oeorgiana; and llesbsia-Ituooe0. Vice-Adm. Eliott so. Godly, 21 Feb. 1812, Henrietba, widow of J,,hn Ward, EOsI., and dan. of tho late Sir Jols,s ltaye, Bert., of thenhy Orasige, es. York. s. Itethsits-Mare. thaniel Begot, dean of Dronsore, ehear-gen. of Neoery and .Msrno. Sir WHIt.un it. in 1812, and was a. by Isis oldest son, VII. SIR WILL,Ans-FRANUiO, who irsss 5. 1792, and m. 29 lta,’eh, 182f, lliss Doowoll, only Sass, of the late Sir Alexander idoswcll, Dart., and by her (who it. in 1536) bad, i. W,Ls.iAai-FRANeiS-AU0000UO, present hart. ii Alcxander Bossecll, 5. July, 1810, served for some time in else ltoyal Navy, and is nsarried. su. Oharles.Jaosos-Jshn, 5. 10 Dee. 1812, 1.21 Jan. 1049. iv. Gesrge—Assguotsss Leslie, 5. Dee. I oIl, sss. ansI 0. 1814, levying ti son, George-Augustus Cnnssng. t. Geaee-’fhses’esa-Enimeliue, r. in 1810. s,. janor-,taosc’-Ann-Aisgsiita, ‘I. in 111,’. iii. Jesse-Rlasicho-Adelaide. iv. Fanny-Etizalielh, s. I Asig. ISIS, to Itdniund Forrest, Enq. of Forrest Ls,tge, Reeks. In 1515 Sir William, who eras elsisf of tiss ancient family of ELSOTO’) o. his cousin, tlss Right 11’ n. William Ehiotl, h1.P. in the sobste of Wells, &e., lit tt,,xhsirghshsrc, the dud Lied lle:sthflelsl, nit whom the estates e’cro mspssle.h, harsisg dsod erionoly. Sir Willi,si,s d. 8 Sept. lsi’l, an’l seas a. Joy bin sun, Sin WILLIAM FnANCio-AUnt’oTUs EL5O5T, the 8th and ELIOTT, Stit VtLLLtid4’ll.LNCIS’j I’OInTI ‘S. of Stnbs, present baronet. co. Roxbsargh, F.R.S.; 8. 1827 ser;ed several years E LI 0 T T. r 407