Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/458

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E L .L E N Ii 0 R 0 U 011. ELLENBOROUGH, Esao OF (Sir Edward Law), 5. Mary, si. to the Roe. James-Stephen Lnshington, proS Viscount Sontham, of Sonthato, co. (fli,nrester, and ,i. Johanna, so. I,’ Sir T. Rumhold, Bart.; sad d in 1121 Earon Ellenborongh,of Ellenborongh,co. Cinni ‘orland, Rio lordship if. in his 85th year, 14 Ang. 1780. His 3rd son, P.C., G.C.B. it. to the barony, at the decease ‘f iris EnsrAnn Law, 6, in 1780, being brought up to the profession father, 13 Dec. ISiS, and was raised to the visconnty and earldosn, on his return fn on India (of which he Having obtained a silk gewn, Mr. Law was raised to the had been Governor-General) in loll. His lordship, attorney-generalship in 1001, when he received the acenstomary is. S Sept. 1790 rn. 1st, in lice. 1513, Octavia-Catherine, youngest dat,. of Rol,ert, 1st Marquess of succeeded Lord Ifonyon as lord-chief justice of the Court Londonderry, an,l niece’ of Johu-Jefferys, let Marquess of ICing’s Bench ; shea (April 19, 1003) hr was elevated to Camden, by whom (who ci. 5 March, 1 SiP) Iso the peerage, so Bare,, Bllesteroogh, of Blksbsrsugh, co. had no issue. His lordship is. 2ndly, 15 Sept. 1321, t’asibsrls,,d, a title derived from the ancient patrimony of Jane-Elizabeth, only dan. of the late Admiral Dighy his gnsndmsther’s family. His lordship so. in 1700, Anue, (which marriage was dissolved by art of parliament dan. of the laSs Oeorge-P. Tosory, Esq., capt. R.N., by in 1330), and had by her an only child, Arthur-Dodllsy, 0. hi Is2o, anti it. in jgj, 3iiiicazr. Tao Rsnnp flee. EOMONO LAw, 5. in 1703, Lard Bishep Edward Nighting’sle. Dart. of K,ienosvorth,ce. Cambridge, of Carlisle, (so csnoecratcd in 3700,) the anth,,r sf naay rsligisos and ssisntiils works, was descends,! from a faintly which had long l,een seated at ,Sskh,c,i, es. Wrotm, a-lane! and which was a iwri,ch of the aiieisnt Scettish Laws, to wham helenged the fame’i Snansier, John Law, situ his great-nephew, Jamos-Ileruard Law, 3larshal ,,f France, anti Harqness of Laurioton, a beta grantlaw, 1° the prcsent Mon 1neoo of Laoorise,,n. The l3iolo,l, of t’srlisle, ‘a. Mary, dan. of joI,n t’hriotian , Es,1. ‘f llncrigg, c,,. t’nin},erlaed, Sty Bridget, dau. ef lluiiiphrcy Senb,,uoe, Es,1. at Ellu borough (ccc Buoao’j ta,ale 1 &‘eotrp), and had, with sthcr issue, 455 E L L x. Jona, 5. In 1740; in holy orders; consecrated Bishop of Ci’eoilsn—3 Sept. 1888. A nsa—The arias, crests, and tsp- Clenfert in 1732, translated to lCiUais in 1787, sod to E]phin in 1735; m. Anne, relict of John Thomlineen, Esq. of Carlisle, and of Bloneogo Hall, Cumberlaud- and it. in 1210, leaving no issue. ii. Ewe,,, so. in ;7S4, Henrietta Sarah, eldest dan. of his Sir WiBi,m,e—l ‘n,tiris Pli,itt, sI 51,5, nod Wells. t,,,Oli is his grace, Willia,n ,Harkham), archbishop of York. He d. 24 April, 1829, loavingisone, 1 Fdward, in holy orders. 2 William Julia, t’.orriotcr-at-law; si. Charlotte, dan. of Robc,t Simisen, Seq., and has boos. 3 Ceorgc-Eo an. 0. 28 Oct. 3706; su. 22 June, 1815. Charlette-t’r,ce, &,lest dan. of Commodere Sir John Hayes; end d. 0 Nov. 1020. leaving ty her cobb d. I Iloy, looT) two sans and roe dan, 1 Harrictte, 2 H arts, is. 11 Aug. 1010, to the Bight ITon. Sir George Clerk, fart, of Penaycnik. and d. 7 Sept. 3060. 1 Elizahsth-Frcderics, ,s. 30 April, 1818, to the Rev. 1.-C. Crofts. 4 Cecilia-Anne, so. 1 Oct. 1824, to the Rev. John llarlow. iii. Enwoan, of whom presently. IV. Joseph. v. Edmund, beth d. oem. vi. Thomas, 6. in 1718; ot. Miss Anne Cnrtio, of Sonth placeil a loelsirt befitting too drgi’se, ovitl, s mantling gcileo, etoul,ted, srgeitl neat ore sot the hut’s folIos-is ii’ crests, viz., tit050h Careltna; and 0. in July, 1824, withoutsurviviag issue. cite devtcr side, on a wo’rath, or. and gnles, a loati,t coot cii at the serial, in st-mimi-, lsd’ltttg a rtoll;ooo to h,enih, tell, ]trcprr, vu. George-Hean’, PD., 6. in 1761; eoooocrstod Bishop antI in to carroll over the same tics molt,,, Fort;’, r rt st ne; of Chester in 1812, and trsnslated to Bath and Wells ito 1024; so. Jane, eldest dan. of (ion. Adeaae, M.P. for cc. Cambridge, by whim (who d. 27 Sept. 1826) ho had issne, nail npots his sliotsoer, on to ovrsatli its thin fiti iner,anrpes 3 James Thomas, in holy orders, chaneollorof the diocese of Lichfield ,‘‘o.16 Dcc. 1820, Lady IIcariotto-Charlorte, eldest dan. of George-harry, 6th Earl of Stamford slid Warriagtsn, and byloer (who d. 3larch, 1868) has bad, George-Henry, 31.A., vicar of Locking, Weston super31.Lrc, Scmereci, 5. in 1021. Jsmes-Adeans, capt. Bengal NI., 0. 1814; no. 4 Juno, 1a17. Hornet ElIrn-Blacloley, 3rd dan. of the Rev. Willi,’m-Ilamilton Turner, vicar of Bann’ell, cc. Somerset, only st’n and heir af the 10ev. Dr. Turner, dean of N,,rwish, and tet,,r to William Pitt, and has a o,,n, Jo-ceo-Henry Adoaioe, t.Aog. 1863. Edncon,l-Chriotieu, of the Inner Temple, barrister at- law, 0. in 1020. Henrietta-Maria, so. in 1043, to tho Rev. Horace 1”. (Orsy, end d. 0. p. in 1844. Chsi’lotto-Jsne. 2 George, 0. 24 Aug. 1704; 0. 30 Bee. 1811. 3 Moore, in holy orders, nrlideaosn of Wells. 4 Rebert-S’anl,urgh, rector f Cli,’istia,, — 3lalford and preteodary of Wells; 0. 20 Sept. 1780; ci. 8 Nov. 1060, Sydney-Dorothiee, dan. of Cal. Davison, and baa issue; his son C. V. I, iw, Esg., is ;,0 Sept. 1062, harrietOctavia, 0th il-no, of Hiehard Sirachey, Eoq. (see post Srr,acnrv, Hoot’r.). I Anne. 2 Johenna, so. in July, 1007, to Alexander Powell, Esq. of Itnrdce,tt Ilonso, en. V,’ilts. 3 Anguots. to. 28, 1813, to tho Rev. Jsmes Slade; and d. 8 hlay, 1022. 4 Jane, to. in 1822, to the Rev. Robert Harkneas. 5 Margaret. The Biahop sf Bath and Wells if. 22 Sept. 1345. hendary of Carlisle; and 0. in, 1001. of the lass’, aeon attained eminence and celebrity. hsoonr of knighthood; and in the following year whom (who 0. 18 Aug. 1843) he had issue, i. EnwaD, present peer. 10. Charles-Ewan, Q.C., recorder of the city of Lond’,n, and H.P. for university of Cambridge, 5.14 Jnne 1702; ci. 22 May, 1811, Elizobeth.So1ihia, don, of Sir and 1. 11 Ang. 3810, having by her (who 1. 25 June, 1564) had issue, 1 Edward, 6. in 1810, 0. 1 July, 1831. 2 CnAOLEO-EDMUNB, of the Hawtheries, Twyferd, Berkshire, heir presumptive to the barony, 6. 17 Nov. 1020; colonel in the army; so. lot. Nov. 1840, Elean,w Cecil, eldest dsn. of Willism,lrd Earl of Wicklow, which lady d. op. 18 June, 1832; loidly, 28 June, 1855, Anna-Elizabeth, dan. of the Rev. John FitzgeraldBay, of Beaufort Ilonee, Riliarney, and by her (who of. 10 Fob. 1880) had toots, Charhes-Tewry-Hamilten, 5. 21 April, 1120; bee. lrdly, 28 Aug. 1802, Isabella, only child of Alexander Ogilby, Eoq. of Pelhpsr, co. London- ELL porters in angnsentartsn of tior tsniilo aries, which ,ocrc granleil by hoe Cmorn to herd heath Odd alit Hi deocroidanho, wesld appear to be essee,lcd to the tosaly grnrr.dly, aiv’r’iieg Ic tin’ following ,ioatricolstton from the Less 010’’, F;,linhargli county ef Eoxtat-gh, Itarosel, the rIdes; sic, st the ha ;r Sir William I;li,in, at Slob. lbun’ieo-t, test tin si’oli itt ,l,’.—econ freet Ins g;’eat—gro’,ot—-t’r’.iu—gi ‘tot gras’it,mtlie i’. Sir nitI,i’t-t l’thctt, ,tf Slots, stile tao neal, 1 a I to-toot of Nio a SuIt, in lbs car 1888, is shown 03- Ilir ltnhigro’e situ treeD P1 elticed, cool is nato’ the mate rrltn’sent inee nail hira,l if hi, fuiothy ; titus, gobs, ito a bend ingnittnit - si. a I ‘shin, sonic teitig the amos t,oati’tciotate,l to tins l’at,lh’ liegistsr fi’i- the nail Si,’ Oitl,ert Bible, liaronrt, in ‘ur at,ocol lbs 3-rae 18 3) 14 on no ninef ef hit last, to caslie oeittgcd ocillo tarmots telio ceo itro pillars, n’griit, matenr,l s,00le, tin gatr if the rasthe of the lint charged a-tilt a Sea- of the second, not teleic the voice lion oronl i tnuiot’i-etm as an ang-tsen;ahioa )esioinetair.stivo ci thor defence sf tlt.ot fortress by the galtatit etinitLiet of t,hs nettle ttnaoiaoi and greac grand— undo, fiouisrrel Ceergit..togustns Ftim,lt, lltn’en blealloiclth of Gibraltar, ‘t hose otoly sea F’rani’is—.tugesttn, serstsd I laroto lleatlifleld, dir,h ill I 513, withieae rotor). , Itooo Sloe Shield is clsxlsr bland, tialeoc.o-o, coapeil at the 0 risc, rharged with an eye, lout ltrster, aail in tmtt rocroll star the a line tint eh,itt,c, (‘,‘,,isi-,t qi’oit oil it. h.lisn ,t esnipartoitcito Idiots tile Sleeld, ento inr,t sill, ton eserotli macmItsuI with tlto overdo, Out,’ a are lilarrd for sLoppontrrs, sit tite druter a root, anti tilt the sinister a gOat, buIlt tirslieo’, each tortrd inch a I ‘turd Itnatichi, vert, ani ireatling sot a niural irons, or, ‘I tic Sidi Id is ca circle,! osilb ton u’aiigc v.oornv ribbon, uonih tienilsol hln’i’rfi’, tel the badge tif it I isrcnet of Nsrtt Sn,;i,i ; sit ,-arf ‘tnt Is tnd in terms of a ‘igneol in trnl’o-alsr by lltc I_ion h)rptmtr, uqion his prtilton of lime soul Sir W’illiatn—F’ra,,cbo Utah, llart,nrl, ‘‘0 d;ote Site fimurhrcnlh day of Jantt.mro-. I eNd ntol rrolatrd sIte lurealy— olgiaths dtmy of Jalinar)-, 1s3J. Signed) beers I.,intiiei, jan., Inlnriat I_i-oh, Ccitt. .lllsilseo—Sovoe sage. Fsrhtlrr dl merle. t’rrd ant ilosil stitch. Scote—Stobo Caoule, Wells t mid I lailrois, t;oxbnrghiahmim’s.