Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/459

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ELL derry, and great - pauddau. maternally of JohnChnstiaa4 Curwen, Lsq. of Unoriok and Workingtun Sso Tseoacos EI1ERT0N, 6. in 1540 (the illegitimate eon, Hall, Cnmberland, and Belislo, Woslinoreland. 3 Henry-Towry, 5. 06 Aug. 1830; d. 7 Nov. 1805. 1 Anne, 0. nasa. 17 Feb. 1531, 2 Mary, sa. 3 Sept. 1039, to Jshn-Cavendish, 3rd Lrsd and heir, Riehant Egerton, Koq.) having been brought Kilnsaine. 1 Elizabeth-Sophia, a nnn Superior of the Franciscan profession, and filled, dnrirg the reign of Es.szsssnn, successively, Order, of Gorcv, Woxfonl. 4 Selsna, 0. aLma. 12 July, l6:ls. 5 Frederica, m. 17 May, 1840, to her cousin Edmund seal. Upon the secession of Jaoss I., Sir Thomas was appointed Law, Faq. 6 Emily-Octavia, if. 19 Sept. 1845. 7 Gertrnde-Catberinc, if. 22 June, 1848. mu John, 6. 17 March, 1798; d. 9 May, 1834. iv. Henry-Spenccr, 1’. 10 May, 1802; so. 16 Slay, 1039, c/lucy,’ and further advanced, 7 Nov. 1616, to the dignity Dorothea-Anne, eldestdan.nfCel. RoehfordofClogreuanc, co. Carlow, and niece of Lord Mownee, and baa had bone, I Edsvard-Downco, lient. lt.N., 8. 9 May, 1841. 2 ltsraceJabo, 8. 12 Oct. 1843; ii. 2 July, 1801. a Cecil-henry, 6. 20 Nov. 1649. I Alice-Henrietta. 2 t6ary-Augosta-Jlilda, it. 15 Nnv, 1664. S Frederica-Ijora. 4 Loniaa-lsabclla. I Ethel-Beatrice. v. WilliamTowry, in holy orders ; 8. 10 June, 1800 ; so. president of Wales, and the marches thereof, 12 May, 1011 lot, 10 Ilaich, 1031, lIon. Angnsta-Oraves, 4th dan. of a,id te this appointment the world is indebeed for Milton’s Tboo.-Nerth, 2nd Lord Graves; and by her (who d. it) hinsiorts) isasque of Comas. The sarI 0. in 1649, and was e. Oct. 1844) has isaue, I. Angnstns-Henry, 8. 21 Oct. 1031. 2 Franeis-Towa’y-Adeane, capt. royal art., 8. 8 Jan, 1835. 3 Thomas-Graves, 8. 4 Dcc. 1836, in holy orders of the Church of home. 4 Frederick-Chance, limit. RN., 6. in 1841. 5 Vietor.Edward, capt. lladras light infantry, 5. in 1842, oi. 14 May, 1667, Mary-Elizabeth, 5th dan. of Hcary wife, dan, and co-heir of Sir William Mainwaring, ltnt, Mowden, Esq. I Helen-Anne, 2 Matilda-Isabella. 3 Angnsta-Csroline-Lonisa, ci. 15 Sept. 1862, to Captain Winda.r-Charlcs-Cary Elwes, Seats fnsilier-gnardo. Hem, Sndly, 21 Jan. 1846, Ilatilda, 2nd dan. of the late Sir Henry Slontgomcry, Mart., and by her has had iseno, 1 Alfred-William-Seahaus, t. 18 Dec. 1846, 0. 2 Feb. 1651. 2 Bertram-Lscpold-Angnstius-Wellesley, 5.12 Nov. 1852, 0. 27 April, 1660. 3 Erneat-Philip-Aiphonso, 6. 26 Aug. 1834. 4 Villiatn-Algernon-Cajetan, 6. 7 Aug. 1856. 1 Geraldine-Isabolla-Cccilia. 2 Agncs-Rmily-Frederica. i. Mary - Frederica, m, 1627, to Lient. - Gen. Thomas Dyneley, R.A., C.M., a distinguished officer of the Peninsnia and Waterloo, who ci. 2i June, 1860. She 0. 16 Sept. 1051. is. Elizabeth-Susan, as. to Charles, 2nd Lord Colchester. us. Anne, rn 1811, to Lord Colville; and ,f. 1852. iv. Frederica-Selina, ci. 8 Aug. 1829, to Captain Eameden, lIe. Egerton 0.29 Oct. 1685, was buried at Little Gaddes - 3rd eon of Sir John Ramsden, Ba.,and has issue (sic den, in Meets, ands, by his eldest son, ia/va, RAabonrR, MART.) v. Frances-Hem’ietta, is. 1st, 6 March, 1832, to Charles Des Vmnx, eldest son of the late Sir Charles Des Va’ux, Mart. ; and lndly. in 1541, to Sir 11.-C. Dallas, Mart,, and baa issue (o,c in,fi-o, DALLAa, DART.) His lordship 0. 13 Dee. 1618. Cresliene—Maron, 19 April, 1801; Viscount and Earl, 22 Oct. 1844. .Areis—Erm., on a bend, sngrailed, between tn-a oocks, gn., three mullets, pierced, or. Crest—A rock, gu., chained round the neck, and charged on the breast with a mitre, or. Sspperlero—Two eagles, wings elevated, sa , the dexter chained round the neck, and pendent therefrom, on the breast, a mitre, or; the sinister with a like chain, and pendent therefrom a covorcd cup of the second. Molts— Cempositnmjns fasque animi, Sesio—Sonlham House, near Cheltenham; and Tborley Hall, Herts. E I. L 3tiitcsc. by Alice Spnlro, of Sir Haiph Egertsn, of Rilley’s en op to the bar, arrived at the highest h’,oonse of his the inipertiat sHoes of attorney sod solicitorgeneral, Isi aster of the rolls, and lord hs.per of the great lord high chancellor of England, and elevated to the peerage (21 July, 1001), as Be eon of Rileessere, in the esonl of Vlceesnl Besckley. His lordship ss. thrice, but bad issue by the first marrtsge only. He ef. 15 March, 1616—17, in tho 77th year of his ‘age, having received so intimation, homediately before his decease, tbst it was his niajesty’s intention to confer open him the dignity of an earl, and an secoenpanying pension. This learned and distinguished nobleman was s. by ins son, daRN, 2nd viscount, K.B. ; who was crested, 27 May, 1617, Ess’l of Bridgesester. isis lordship was appointed lard by his only surviving son, JouR, 2nd earl; who ci. 26 Oct. 1666, leaving numerous issue, of whom 5. Jonee, the sldest, succeeded. ii, Thomas, in holy orders, of Tatton Park, eo. Chestss 6. 16 March, 1651; si. lfesthsr, only dan, of Sir John Busby, Knt. of Addiugtoo, in Bucks, by Judith, his mt of West Chestes-, and by her (who 0. in 1724 bad four eons and one dan., viz,, Jooee, bis heir. 2 Thomas, 6. in 1680; it. siam. 3 WCliam, LL.D., ebaneeior and prebendsry of hereford, prebendary of Caoterbnry, rector of Penohisest, See.; 5. 6 July, 1682 ; si. Anne, dan. of Sir Francis Head, Mart. of ltoebester, and d. 26 Feb. 1737, leaving, Cbanlette, eo-heirssa,who si, Wm.Mammond, Faq. ofSt. Aihan’s Court, in Kent, and d. in 1770, leaving issue. Jeinima, eo-heireos, who si. in 1747, Edward Brydgee, Eoq. of Voatton Court, in Kent, and hsd, with other iaene, the late Sin SASe0EL-Eoonvoee MRs-onEs, Bart. of Dentou Court. 4 Mainwaring, 5. in 1692;d. in 1656. 1 Elizabeth, so. to the Rev. Peter Leigh, of the West Hall, in thigh Leigh. Jonas EoesuvoN. Esq. of Tatton Pare ; 6.12 Feb. 1679, who us, Elizabeth, dan. of Samuel liarhoor, Esq., sister and heiress of Samuel hill, Esq. of Shenstsne Park, co. of Stafford, assd by her, who d. 1741, had, I Jonne, Isis heir. 2 SAMUEL, soceessor to Ins hrothes - 1 ROsTER, sveutnally sole heiress. 2 Elizabeth, ci. Ram. in 1763. Mr. Egerton d. in 1724, was interred at Hosthoene, and a. by his elder eon, Jonee Eornrow, Esq. of Tatton Psi-k-, 8. 14 Oct. 1719, who as. in April, 1731, Christian, uan, of John Ward, Esq. of Capesthorne, hut d. in 1718, withont male tasos, when the estates and representation of this branch of the family devolved cii his brother, Ssaeuoe. Forssvnn, Eoq. of Tattoo Park (see erie title of Loan Eornvow), devised his estates, to his only sisier, HESTER hforavose, who hsd as. in Slay, 1747, WiLosAss TAvvos’s, Faq. of Withenshaw, but who, upon isiheriting lace brother’s possessions, resumed, by signmannal, 8 May, 1780, her maiden name. She d. the 9th of the fsllowiog July. leaving a dan., Elizabeth Tatton, the wife of Sir Christopher Sykes, Mart. ol Sledmere, H.P., and s soil and sneeesaor WILLIAM - TAasroae EOERTOR, Faq. of Tattoo and Witkenshaw, 8. 9 Msy, 1749, grandtsther of WILLIAR-TATTON ECERTON, now BARON Eooavose, of Tatton. (See that title, isale.) The eldest son, Joaee, 3rd carl, KB. This nobleman m. twice, and left, by his 2nd eenntcss, Jane, dan. of Charles, Duke of Molten, two eons, Seroepe and Ilenry, and ot,or children, ISis lordship ci. 19 March, 1701, and was e. by his eldest son, SCR00PE, 4th earl; 8. 11 Ang. 1661 ; master sf the horse to Prince George of Denmark; created .3foeqaess of Iroeflsy and DUKE OF MainnowATra, 18 Juno, 1729. Ilis grace si. twice; 1st, Eliesboth, 3rd dan. and es-lioirsse of Jshn, 2nd ELLESMERE, EARL OE (Francis-Charles-Granvillo Duke of Manlbornngb, by whom (who if. 02 March, 1714) Egsrtou), of Eflesmero, no. Salop, Viscount Brankloy, of Braokley, co Northampton, 6. 5 April, 1847; a. he had two eons, who died young, and one dan., Anne, who ci, Wniothesley, 3rd Duke of Medford, a,ed snhsequently, the Easi of Jersey- The Duke of Mridgewater is. 2ndly, EL L E S M E H K his father as 3rd Earl, 19 Sept. 1862. 409