Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/460

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ELL 4 Aug. 1729, Rachel, sister to his son-iu-law, the Duke of 0. 10 May, 1059; Cecil-Martin, 5. 4 Dec. 1800; Claude- Bedford, by whom he had to survive childhood, two eons, JOaN cud FRANCIS, awl three dons., Louisa, Caroline, cud v. Grsnville, RN., 9. 1054; killed at sea, 27 Jan. 1051. Diana. The eldest dew, Louisa, was o,. to Granvilie Leveeon, s. Alice-fiarriet-Frederica. sic. 25 July, 1054, to GeorgeHenry- let Marquess of Stafford. His grace ci. 11 Jan. 1745, n. Itlanche, s,. 57 lice. 1065, to John-William, 7th and and was s. by his son, Jouw, 2nd duke, 0.29 April, 1727, at whose decease, nina. TIss earl, who was KG, and DCL., d. 10 Feb. 1057, snd 0 Mar. 1745, the family honours devolred upon his brother, Fuaweis, 3rd duke, b. 21 May, 17:16. This nobleman was e. hr his eldest son, Juotly acquired the reputation of being the great founder of 000teer-GRANv1LLe-FnANnls, 2nd coal, who was 0. 15 inland navigation in tine country, by his enterprising Juice, 1923 ; he ‘cc. 29 April, 1040, Lady Mary-Louisa Campbell, speculation in the ccl.brated canal which bears his name, and whioh bee reakeed a princely revenue forhis ouoccssors. s. FNaNess-CnonLi-s-GaANvsLs.r.. present earl. The mighty and proopcrouo oohcmo originated thus : 1110 ci. ALrnsn-J0HN-FasNeIs, 5. 6 Feb. 1054. duke’s father, Sereopo, the first duke, had ohtaincd, tile lordship ‘1. 19 Sept. 1002. in 1732, an act uf parlcainont, siUtlssrlzilg him to dig C,-eatiess—1046. .-lrms—Arg., aliss,rampsnt, gu.,bctween a canal from Woroloy, one of his estates, oontaining very threcpbsone, so. Ceest—Oi, a chapean, gu., tnrued up,erm. valoai,lo coal wines, to lilansheotor, hut the diultoultiro alien, rampant. gu., supporting a pheoms, arg. Scippsriere— in the way of rxeOlltlng it detorreil hins from the attempt. Dexter, a hsrse, arg., ducally gorged, or; sinister, a his son, Fr,sncis, by the death of his older hrothor, Jolui, griffin, or, dsieahly, gorged, as. Jfsfis—Sic donee. Seats— the second duke, coming juts pcio0000i’05 of the family Wos’sley Hall, Lancashire ; and hlatchfard, near Chobham, eshatos. resolved to complete the plssn of his fathor, and Surrey. Teceen Hsosc—•Driclgswater house, St. Jamee’e. succeeded, hy tile help of tiriudloy, a self-taught man of remarkable genfuo, to effect his olijoot. Ho, tiso duke, to hotter carry ont isis pan, limited his poroi’nai exiicsoeo to £400 a-year, aisd devoted 1111 tile rs’st of his large hscomc to the undertaking. Tho canal wsso oonsplctcd in five years, after the expenditure of immncuso sums, said the duke wao tisus enahied to supply Msnsoheotcr and the nrigisi curing towns with coal ; he afterwards extended the canal to the Morsoy, so as to brismg Liverpool into the line of his uavi— gation. ‘l’hc success of his insdcrtssking woe so vast that canals were now projected iii every diroctt,ln, and hirindloy formed the grand idea of eetahlishing a water osmms.nication hctwccms Lend, cr liriotlil, Liverpool, amsd huh. This canal was finished ha 1777. The Duke of L’ridgcwater was too ailsorhed so his gigantic enterprise to take any active part in politics, but he was a friend to tlse Pitt administratioic, and largely contributed to the Lccyahty Joan. ‘Tile duke, when in Lllndlln, wsso tee oecupiccl to evcms kerp house, scud he paid an annuity to a friend, Mr. t’arnill, that his piece, whcncvcr not otherwise engaged, and his intiraale fricisds, moight have their nacals sit Mr. t’arvill’o table. Pie grace S. nsa. 0 March, 1803, when the dukedom and marqiieeeate expired, but the earidem and minor titles reverted to his cousin, Gr.NErSAL JOHN-WILI.sAsi EnravoN, 7th Earl, eon of the ELgHIN0TONFI, liAteON (William-hlcdler-FclllOrtOu Right Reverend John, I,ord Bishop of Durham, grandson El1jhinctone), of Elphinstone, co. Stirling, in the of Dr. usury Egerton, Lord Bishop of Jfereforct, anit grandnephew peerage of Scotland; a repi-corutative lord, a commander of the let duke. lOis lordship’s mother was AnnaSophta, dan. and co-heiress of Henry Grey, Duke of Kent, Nov. 1828; o. lois cousin, as 15th harou,,13 Jan. which dukedom expired with his grace, in 1750. This 1861 ; us. 16 June, 1864, C’onstance-Eupheusia Worouzoas’, nobleman (Leech Bridgewater), a person of singular ecermctricity, was b. 13 April, 17113, and entering into the army, of Duuueore, and lace, rose to the rank of major-general, 115 Feb. 1795 ; and of e. J.csmxe-Denissorso, Master ef Biphisesfeec, 0. 13 April, lieutenant-general, 1 Jan. 1091. His lordship si. 11 Jan. 17f3, Charlotte-Catherine-Aune, only dali. and heiress of Samuel hlaynes, Esq. ; but dying 0. p. 31 Oct. 1823, the family bsuours devolved upon his ossly brother, Faaacss-Hrwna’, 0th earl, with wisem the condom expired. The first of this f.amOy is said to have been a German, It was tllis 0th Earl who left £0,eOO for the writing and who, in the reign of Itonrax 1., marrying hhargarct, dau. publishiug of the selebmted essays, known as tile Briigeteeter of Sir Christopher Seton, ancestor of thsc Earl of Winton, by Teisf lees. The lest and celebrated Dukeof Bridgewater, wbaamaesed Lady Chrietiaem, his svife, sister to the said King HeeEav, immense wealth, devised meet of his houses and pictures bad the haodo sit Lothian with the lady, to which, after his (the latter valued at £159,000) ts his nephew, George Gransills, owas name, he gave the designation of Bteisfscs, Marquees of Stafford, 1st Duke of Sutherland (see that Sum .ttcxrssmcrn EtrcemNevosess, Kict., was raised to the title), with reversion to his grace’s 2nd san, Rosin FRANcie EnssnoN, 5. 1 Jan. 1000, lord-limit, of Lancashire, heirs male. He fell at Flodden Field, in four years afterwards, who assumed, 1083, the surname and armsof Eger ton, and was raised to the peerage as EARL OF ELLEeMERE, Dam-low, maid of honour to MAnaoneT, Queen of JAMes IV.), &c. in 1040. Ho m. 10 June, 1112, Harriet-Catherine, eldest ALcxennra, 2nd boron, who was amongst the slain at dan. of Charles Greville, Esq.,hyChas-lotte, his wife, dan. of tho bscttie of Pinkie, in 1547. His lordship sc. Catherine, William-Henry, 3rd Puke of Portland, and by her (who ci eldest don. of Robert, 11th Lord Erekine, and was e. by his 17 Aprfl, 1960), had issue, i. Geonor-Oaasevsi.s.s-Faaszcis, 2nd earl. ii. Francis, capt. ER, a naval A.O.C. to the Queen, 5. John Drunansond, sumd had three eons and a dan. James, 15 Sept. 1924; iii. dO Sept. 1005, Lsniss, only dan. of the dud son, was created Local .Ba(iccci-iee, cud the baren William, 7th and present Duke of Devonshire; and has a was s. at his denea’e icy the eldest, son, 0. 1 STarch, 1009. sic. Algernsu-Fnlkis, of Worsley Old Hsll, Ii. 31 hsee. 1025, AL5.-xANseR, 4th barcn. This nobleman filled the high M.P. den Sslstls Lancashire; cc. 23 Tan. 106:1, Alice-Louisa, office of lord-treasurer of ScciUand. Ho cc. Jean, eldest clan. eldest dan- of Lord George Caveisdieli, scud isas MargarctLouisa, of Wihliasu, oth Lsrcl Livingetonc, and dying in 1159, was 0.1001; hilanclme-Sasan, 0.1005; sod another dan., s. by his eldest cams, 5. 24 July, 1007. cv, Arthur-Frederick. It-cot, 5. 6 Feb. 1019; is. 2 June, 1051, helen, youngest dan. of Slartin-Tuckcr Smith, Eaq., the ELe’nssserewEs of Catclerflatiss,l Hattea, now represented M.D., and if. 25 Foh. 1066, harhag had Granvihlc-Gesrgc, by DumenAs, of Blair C’oatte, in Pcrthshirs. 410 ELF Francis-Arthur, 0. 23 Jan. 1004; a son, 5. 15 Jan. 1066; and Leuisa-lulanche. Charles Byng, Viseaunt Enfold. present Essrl sf Salidwiels. dais. csf the Earl of Cawrlor, and had issue, ELMLEY, VISCOUNT, see P,F.AUCHAMP, EARL. ELMLYN, VISCOUNT, 0CC CawDon, EARL. ELF H INST ONE. RN., aud a Knight of the Modjidic ; 5. 18 2msd dais. ef Alexander-Edward, 6th Earl 1005. r. Lilian. iLitsciigr. peerage of Scotland, in 1509, by the title of DARON ELpaisscrone, s,f’ EtjshiccaTecse, cc. Stietiag, with limitatien to his and was e. by his only ems (isy his avife, Elizabeth eldest5 son, Rorcav, 3rd haron. His lordship cc. Margaret, dan, of Sir Hi, yosmgcot son, William Elphiic stone, was ancestor of