Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/48

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xlvi BARONETCIES IN ORDER OF PRECEDENCE Con it Itoblionse Punks JeyLson Graham Bruce Bercoford (lie Sitw II lironton Isomsillo Ei lltodlyu It Blanc tirey Rroscnrigg Perrtn Lister-Kare Wylie Ogle Pig’ser Leeds ltlackwood Floyd On. itnighton Utinbar Elyhins one lIe I Ionic 11 ste Came ron Band Nagle Cnylor M’Mah xi Stein ur Owen l)alrymple illaitiand hO ire’ Shaw hamilton Johnson Irria Jackson 3131 hon Farrin ;lon Boise ie I snrkwortli II r1eburn (nose linohan—lIep— Cairert Shale ]tioley burn) Gordon Rlcnnerhaosm.t hiroke Mnrjoribanks Bathurot-hlervey Smith loire ton Clifford (110w Constable’ Fnlmir-Aelnnd (new Fuller— Coeke nell now Iluohoul) Itaclotiffo Simnean Palmer-Aeland) llalforil lteekett Campbell Lneon Tyrrell hienniker Poeklington-Donmsil- Hare F’loner Iii welt Jackson Stracey Aloxanler leorongit Steoart Sltiffner Stainer Doff (now Duff-Gordon Griffies-Williani Crslt Congreve Clnrk-Jerroise Dnndas Rntronn Payne (now Payne-Onliwey) St. Paul Leigh Hannitsu Russell Ilenys Antrobne Mahon Fletcher Ponng WaIler Railtie hunter 3t:eslonald Preston Rsbineon Wraxall Price KING GEORGE IV. Scolt Csrmiehnel-Smilh Ersotte Tayir r Causphell Erokine James Pnsee Kernison Young ArLoshnet Phillips Fremanele Cooper East Vnvasonr Asiley Phillips Forbes Riekrtts Roswcll Paul Reid Doyle Shaw Trotter Robinson Wnkemsn Potoek Scott Eaillie Phili1 Fsrgnhar (now Tswushend. Blackman (now htsumnge Ochlerlsny Chasskerlain Farquhar) Chicheoser Loss then Forbes-Drammond Psller-Eliot.Drake King Monro Freelieg Esrdley-Wilzuot Piizgerslel Elpkinatone Macgregor Dundns KING WILLIAM IV, Key Birds Meux Carnan Slade Lawson Clarke Fnirfex Anson Ilumble Rassell Mackenzie Mackenzie (nose Douglas) Lloyd Rayley Mill Olway Gibson-Craig Rnwkins-Whitshod Newman Campbell Barrington hlammick Paulcit Fester Rrsadhead (ussr Rninckmnn) Rrodie Rowley M’Gnigsr Itasbleigh Walker Sawle Marty Campbell Barrow Power Jones Nugene llolyoake.Gosdricks 3lncnaghten Chaylor Walsham Retinue Kennedy Reviser Iteygate Campbell Houatonn Campbell QUEEN VICTORIA. Coneny Clifford Buxton Lewis Clark Jephesn-Ncrreyo Pelly Paleiugton Weed Forrest Stuart Gladstone head Rache Arthur Jtogg OLeghlen hicywood Cooper Peilden Itersehel Woraley Trafford vcrncr Smith liteuteth Lawson Montrlloro Cronspton Guest Armstrong Smith Edwards Bellew Clay Rothschild Roilean Hall Rairon Carrie M’Pherson-Grant Claytnu-East Larpont Paste Howard Crefton Le Marehant Wheatley Shakerley Pettinger Goldsmid O’Brien Scale Speanissan Pesrer Duke Marweod-Ellon Stoekenctrbnm Magnay Abdy Adair Wilhhire Parker Kay-SLu tIes orlh Foster Chichoster Davies Gilbert