Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/49

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Mathesoo Lococic Tofton Jejeebboy Mosgrovo Wilson of Delhi Fauncefort-Duncombe Fergosson Williams Bayley Havelock Alison Hay icr Holland Griffith Robinson Lawrence La Fontaine Lawrence Moon Conard Burgoyne Niciselson Walker Miles Williams of Ears Neeld earlier Mills harvey (ltatosoo) Knox-hose Child I larvey (Ilarvey) Rich Watson Emeroon-Tennoni Walker hiisnsplsery Buckley Moss Larcosn BARONETCIES- OF SCOTLAND Ia order of Preeeelessce asoossg lheaiseleea (I/sep however take precedence o’oossg to their respective dates of Creation)Baronels of Earfloncl need Ireland according BARONETCIES IN ORDER OF PRECEDENCE. xlvii Grogan Manningham-Ilohlcr Pollock Smyth Mssrdhieeo Edwards Duke Simpson Goods Lloyd Corrigan Laospsoo. Crossley Maejeribanks Napier Brown Isegilby Ragge Cooper Ennis Gssiooess Baxter Fryso Lawrence Western Tempest Gabriel Lyell St. Aobyn I Jennor Coote Aylmor Gore BARONETCIES OF IRELAND Its order of rrccesLece newsy shrsoeelvee (they however else lake Precedence awossg the .Baroswls of Rogland, &sllastst, astd Qreesl .i3rleeiss, etecsrs/issg to lleeir s-eepeeliee dales of aeolion). KING JAMES L Barnewail Thite Lynch (now Blosso Blaleo KING CHARLES I. Stewart I Burke Osborne EssssnndO Bailer Fitzgerald Staples Borrowee KING GEGRGE I. Eclslin Burdeit (now Woldon) KING GEORGE II, Molyneux Barton Bradsireet Wulseley Ribton Gore Coliharat Piers Morodyth ICING CHARLES II- Dancer Cothin ICING JAMES II. Carden QUEEN ANNE. Lovinge I Moore Chapman Cox Cotter St. Georgo Blnndese Steele Featherstone Langrisho Palmer Walsh Falknor hill Wailer ODonnell Massey Denny KING GEORGE III. Rntelslnson Mnsgrave Warren Hoare Rant (nowBoVere Moredyih Godfrey Do Bargho Iiodaon Richardson Bee Veoax Bateson Ihayes Leighton Poalor Paul Shoe G’Reilly (now Nngenl) Jervie Barke Brown (now Do Boanvoir) MacaNnoy Smith Chinnery CoRe Gordon Leslie Colgahoun Crosbio Gordon Dangles Home Forbes Joinstone Monoraiff Ogilvie Carnogy Ray Morray Sinclair Pence (now Campbell) Shaw-Stowari Stewart Pringle Maxwell Solon Stewart Dauber Ansiruther Csuininghem Grant-Sutton Mackenzie athcart KING CHARLES I. Campbell Vnrdlaw Campbell Gordon Ilope Maclean Ridddll lnnee Murray Balfosar Bmro Munro Agnew Fossils Nicholson Filkington Forbes Hay - Richardson Sllngsby KING CHARLES II. Don (Waochcpe) Home Barclay Scott Wallace Cnnningham Niolsot Roos MaIlceit Jardine Cockbum Murray Cnnninghame KING JAMES II. Moneroiff Nicolson Brasses Gordon Mime Caldor Kinlorh Stuart WILLIAM AND MARY. Unmet Ogilvie Mnrray Ogilvy Maxwell Cockburn Napior Carmichael Campbell Innos lilenales Stirling Wood Eliot Ramsay G rierson Kilpatrick Lawrie Dalvoll Anstnstbcr Cumming Forgusson Ibid May Murray Abercromby Sinclair Dick Pollock Cooper Muogravo Tnrin Hamilton Scion Mackenzie llemsilton Clerk Baird Maxwell Maxwell Bannerman halt Thriepland Dick-Lauder Grant Dunhar Dalryseple Dalrymple Mndttenrie - Forbes Jabstolene Dtsnbar QUEEN ANNE. Womysa Sinclair Weddorbum Grant Hulbourno Gordon Naosmylh Dick Stewart