Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/481

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PAL dan., who os. Lioutonant-Gonoral Comte do Rotho, oolonol r. BvsLva’-EnwsRu-Tnnasas, liont. Csldstrram guards, t. of tho Irish rogisneist of Roths, in tho sorvico of the King of Franco and sO. 7 Fob. 1104. Of is lordship d. iu 1730, and ci. Itugh-Ls Dcsprnccr, t. 20 Feb. 1049. wao s. by his oldest son, Lcesus-CnARLEs, 0th viscount. This nobleman sa. lot, l’s 5. Slary-Flizabeth-F’rances-Cathdrisse. 17:14, Jane) dan. and heir of Ilichard Butler, Req. of London, and widow of James, Viscount Villioro, by wlaosss he had, a Lncsus-F’ennsaAssn, eommassdrr-m-rhiof of the Esilish His loo’dslsip s. as GUs viscount, at the ;lecease of his foroos in Toh:sgo, ss. dons, dan. of Col. Charles Loith, consin, 29 Aug. 1852. nnd, dysog hofore his fsther (1790), loft two oona, sneers- sive viseo;mes, md too daus 1 Charlotte-Maria, ss. to Samuel Cbaeters, Esq., and is This is a very ancient family, deriving its surname from doceasod. 2 Lucia, is. to Major John Grattan, late of the 100th the lordship acid nsanrcr of llsocawess-lfsse, os. CsrnsvsLll, regt., ssdjt.-goneral to his majesty’s forces in India, and of wtsich it h:ss been is; psssessisn since the reign of King is deceased. 3 Lavinia-Matilda. 4 Almeria-Angsssta, no. to the Rev. William Dighy, and ns. Jeha,s, dan. and heir of John de Tregetlsnan, of Tregothnan, sO. 24 June, 1011. 0 Esselia-Sophis, raised in 1014, to Ito rash sod pn’ecdescy 1257, was s. t’y his elder son, sf;s visconsf,’s dan-, ss. 1790, Otsjsr Clsarlrs-TliOmas Is;;, te no: flnscaws:a, whs so. Jslsass, dan. ansi Iseir of Otho (1 rant, of Grant; they 5. having had issue, Cary—Frascis, rho .halanslu ; frsm this John ‘vs pass tss his liassal do— t. 1790, 4. 1017; Essclia-Soplna, cc. to she tale lien. seen class Frederick-Louis Tssvcfs,s, sod Alcneeia-Lsnisa, 5;. 50 CIsc hfunss Bnsc.swrao, of Tregslhnan, who paid a Our of fsnr tale Major Joseph Wotlserall, 1(11. s. Jane, 4. in laOS. as. Mary, 5. to John Law, D.D., archdeaeonof Rochester. 1 Oct. 1512. Ole n I’hflippa, dare. assd co-heir sf Nicholas sIr. Frances. iv. Mary. v. Charlotte, sss. l.s Anthosy Chapmasa, Esq. The viscount oss. SudS7, Sarah, Countess Dowager of Suffolk, gesstlernan si. Alice, dan. assd cs-heir of Jshsa Trevanissn, widow of Henry Howard, bib earl, and dan. of Thomas Req. of ‘t’rcvaasisn ; and dying in 1050, was a. by hds only Isswen, SOsq. sf Ssuthwark. Viscount Falkhsnd d. los 1705, son, and was a. by his elder grandson, flsssv-Tus;Mes, 7th viscount, who €1. na;a. in i7l;0, when Cornwall, who Os. Margaret, dass. of Eshert ISsue, Esq. of the dignity devolved upon his brotisar, COAnLE&Jssss, 0th viscount, capt. 11.N , ii. in Nov. 1760 darss., sO whom the eldest son, wlss Os. 95 .kssg. 1002, Miss Christiassa Anton, by wIs005 (who a. Nrc,sssvss Boscswsrs, Esq., a. Isis tctlser. This genslesnan ci. 25 July, 1015) he had issue, s. Lucsua-Ibes-viarx, the present viaonnnt. ri. Plssnhsgonct-Piecrspsint. vire—adnairal K. N., Is. 0 Sept. 1006; as. 27 April, 1042, Olary-Anue, only child cf J.-F. Macabort, Esq. of Nnrwsod, Surroy: site ci. 2 Jan. laoS. its. Byrsn-Clscsrics-Ferdinand-Flantagosct, rapt. RN., t. 0 Get. 1000; (a. 10 Feb. 1044, Selina-Olary, dan of the late Rev. Francis Fox, sf Fox H:sbl, cc. Lsngford, sad by her )wlao 0. 10 Aug. 1000), has lance, tiyrsn.Flantagenet, 6. 5 April, 1045 ; Charles-Lucius, is 2 Juno, 1047; Emma- [he male line ci ttse elder sons drawing thus to a clssc, we Amelia; .Selina ; and Aanie-Clcristiasa. s. Emma-Christians, of. susie. ii Jan. 12-27. The viscs;snt was noortally wounded in a duel by A. Powell, Enwcssn Bnscswrw, Esq., mcssshor of tise Restoration Esq., 20 Feb. 1000, and 1. in two days afterwards. PAL 24 July, 1947. mis. Jelaaa-Jtiehard-Do l2lcns, 6. If; Dee. 1000. is. Edith-Maria. iii. Mahel-Enassaa. 3L (to cac. Jnna. Jnssa nrc DneeAwsa, who a. to that inheritance in 1714, with wlsem be acqssired that estate ; assd dying in marks for ssnt altending She rssrsssation of Queen Mccv, Carmi,sosv, Keg. of Carmninow, ssnst had a large family, the 3rd ssn sd ;vhichs, N;rens,.ss liass’swca, rvrsatnally osntinncd the line. This lInen BnsrswrsN, Idsq. of Tregof.hnan, SIP. fer the cc. tisaoten-Satchville, I levos, and had eight sons and three joirscsl lise pasliasocnhssriass arsssy wish a rcgisscsst of lss,rse rsisod frcsn ansesgsb his owe senass,5-. lie of. a. 55., crIses the eslalss ;Ievolocsb s;pssss Isis sscxt lsrollsor, is. lIce;; Ihuscawea, Esq., cohe as. Slargaret, slass. and ru— - lseir of Thcoplsilsss Cli sIrs, Earl of f,i,scels, by whom he lsad sigist sees, wise all ci. isssselsss, assd two dans., lice ysarigor ef wissan, Ea,osr’r, as. to hugh Fertescuc. Esq. isO Filleigh, in Devonshire, berates eventually ssle heir. prseeed with the 5th ssss (csntissnator of tlso fanaily), parliament. This gentlcsnan or. Jael, dan. sf Sir Francis Gs;dolphin, K. B., assd had issue, Cceshio;cs—Vlaesnnt, 10 Nov. 1020. Barns, 15 Stay, 1522. lInen, his Iseir. Arscss—Qnartasly: lot amid 4th, aeg., on a bond, sat., three diane, os. to Sir Jehn Evelyn, hart. rossn of the Odd, barbed assd seeded, spr.. fee Cccnv; 2nd, Dorothy, ss. to Sir Ylsilip Medows, knight-marshal. an., two bars, oebsdce, es-rn., for Sreacr.n or Srcacsseosans; led, O’rancs amid England, qn:srtcrly, within a bordure, esmpercy, Mn-. Boscawen dying in 1095, was o. by his eldest sen, if uon Drsscswea, Tbsq., warden of the Staasnarics, who was made comptroller sf tha hs,ssahsshd, assd swssrn of the Suppes’lcs-s—Doxtor, an osnicorms, arg., armed, maned, privy-censacil iii 1714, upon the accessien of (leoRns 1. tufted, smd heofod, or; sinister, a lion, gnardant, ppr., and elevated to the peerage, 0 June, 1720, as Bares of Bssrsseca-Esse asad VssrnuNr FA5,nnssuru. Otis lordship vs. 22 April, 1700, Charlotte, elder dan. and ea-hsir of Charles Gsdfrey, Esq., and ssicoe, m:stosnally, of the celebrated Duke of Slarihorsugh, hy whom he had, with three other sans and four other dans., who ci. us si. a. Hums, his successor. is. Eon-san, adsairal of the Blue, RN., a gee. of ssaasineo, asad lord of sire Adssirally. This distissgsislaesl cosn,saassler receivesl. on the iths 15cc. 1710, lIce usassinsssss tlaanks of tics hlenss of Csnasnens fsr his essinent services in North America. lIe ci. 10 Jars. 1761, leavisg issue by his wife (whom he n. in 1749, and who ci. in 1005), Lbs lalented Sirs. Doscswen, Frances, due. of William-Evelyn GlunviUs, Esq. sOOt. Clair, cs. Kent, 5 Gssaur-EvrLvN, who a. as 3rd viscount. 1 Frasces, os;. 6 July, 1773, to Admirsi Jshs-Lsvsssn Gewer, hrslher ef Grassville, lat Oiarquess of Stafford. 2 Elizabetls, as;. to Slcnry, 0th BaSte of Beanfect. George, a geiseral is the army; t. I tbcc. 1712; s,s. in July, 1749, Anne. dan. of Jshn-Slsrlry Tm-coos; Esq. of Tryvallyn, Ce. Deebigh; and ci. S Slay, 1771, leaving issue, I George, t. i Sept. 1741; s,; Asnabells, lad dan. of ths late 11ev. Sir William Banbery, Bart. 2 Withass, 1712; ss. in 1700, Cisarlstle, 2nd dan. of the Rev. James lbtcetesn, DII.; and dying in 1011, hell by her (s-ho sf. in 1504), Grace-Trevor-Charlstle, as. 1st, in 1922, to Wiilamn Fleming, Es;1. of Rssysigg hall, co. t.ancasler; and lsdly, is 1810, So Cisc 11ev. Janses-Sydery Darvcll. Assne-Arabella, r,s.t0 the Rev. C. Parities; and ci. is 1921. smrg. and an. GrosS—A swan, wings elevafed, ppr. dncahly crowned, and gorged with a plain collar, or. Shfalls—In ntrssqns Odehis. Scaf—Scnttcrskelfe, Yorkshire. l’snessHusmso—4, Prince’s Gate, tlyde Pack. PALMOUTH. FALMOUTH, ViscooNT (Evelyn Bosoawoas), and Baron Boooawen-Rose, so. Cornwall; is. 18 March, 1819 ; on. 29 July, 1846, Mary-Frances-Elizabeth Stapleton, in her own right Baroness ho Desponcer (see thnf fifle), and has isene, 431