Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/482

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F AL Catliorine-Entily, at. 1st, in 1028, to lienry-Griffitba flowlands, of Wallingfard, b. 0 July, 1011, at whose dcccnae’, use,., 09 Log.; and 2ndly, in loFt, to rIte nov. Fletcher Aug. 1050, tho ntsrldosn of Falmautb became exviNeT, while Fleming, of ltsyrigg, en. Westinsilaiirl Elizabeth Mary, as. in 1030, On ‘thomas Gritltth. Erg., the other houtturn devolved on his cousin, EVELYN, present svlto 0. is Oil, and h;;s a snis, liesc,swen-Treeor, 5. in viscount. 1335, ,o. 1557, lielen-Sophia, eldest dan. of Vice-Admiral Crealiasss—Viseaeusl and Baron, 9 June, 1720, Earl, 14 Johy, Norwich half, RN. Jnlia, 1. oar, in 18:12. I Anne. maid of henoar to Qaeen CssxnLorrE; 0. io3i. 2 Charlotte, ‘1. in 1029. is’. John, a major—gao. in his arm%’ I,. in Jan. 17111 a. in Sojtjtanlers—Ts’o sea-lions, erect, su their tails, arg., guhife lace. 1740, ‘fhomasinr, dais, of Iloherl Sarssiin, of Valentine ds—hsrnses. II nose, cc. Essex, and ,t. in 1767, leaving issue. 1 W’illia,n-Assgaslas-Speneer, Ml’., lheat.-eol. in the font Se,, te—Tregothssiasm, near Tram, Csrns’aIl ; Otcresve,s’ll, Castle, gnards; 0. 7 Jan. 17501 who 1. is 1020, leaving isaac, George, capt. royal engineers; 5. is 1002; 0. in 1032. Evelyn—Spencer, capt. in lise army: 5. in 1803; it. 26 Tsscn Jlsoee—2, St. Janser’s Sgaare. Starch. 1515, Olary, at. lot, in 1827, to William-Ileary Soy, Erg., capt. ll.E.i.C.S., srl,o 1. in 1a30; and 2adly, is, 1040, ta Wit- titan Ne snisam, Erg. Eitzabeih-Spencer, a. in 1529, to Jolts F’ay, tog. 2 lIngO, knight-marshal of Gin household, 0. in 1793, ;-. Nicholas, 0. 16 itag. 1720, in Itely orders, P.M., dean of St. Itaryan, in Cornn’all t a,. llrs. Jane ITalian, Oats, of J,,hn W’aodward, Nag. ef Elan, and at hurler’s Slerrean, Is arwickahire; and 0. 1 Jaly, 1753. having lty tier (svlto <I. Jan. 1797) had isene, Slichrias, a usilitary officer; 0. in 1750; wha to’ in 1704, Slise Mary Brawn. i. l.ncy, at. Is Sir Charles Frederick, Nil.; anti iT. in 1754. is. Charlotte, sit, to henry Oleora, diii Earl of 1)raglscda. us. Anna, sa. to Sir Cecil flisshopp, hart, of l’arhana, en. Snssox ; anti it. in Slay, 1747. iv. Slary, at. ho Sir Jolts Evelyn, Ban, of W’attna Place. Olin lnrtlahip ii. 05 Oct. 1724, attd was a. hay his eldest son, He no, dud niseessnt, a gestc-.ral-offieer in the tinny, and Jasre.n F.ansss:n, Leg of cc. Cork, claiming descent from captalss of tha yeomen t,f rite guard. His htrdslsip sa. 0 2lay, 5 ysessager son of tbo family of Eeos,ost of Easiest Nestaa, co. 1736, 11.mnah-Cathenine-Slaria, wi,htsw of ilichanl Rsaasoll, N ortbamptttn, was deprived of his estates in 1631, assd Lag., and dan. of Thomas Ssuitlt, Esg. of Warples°ios. ci’. forco,l to sock an asylum in England. Ote in. tbe eldest Surrey; lint ‘lying withoest Lone, 4 Feb. 1702. the honours ‘Ian. of atmitbitssy thimble, Erg., .ttr1 bad, with other issese, reverted ti his nephew, Gec,aoa-Evcevs’, 3rd niacosssst, 8. 0 Slay, 3756 (refer to ll.esseeuvieer. F.aoMcn, of Clobasa, eo. Wrxford (see Denier’s issue of hugh, Sat viscount). This nobleman us, in 1764, Loa,te,t Gsoit’y), and Elizabeth—A into, only tl,sn. and heir c,f habit Crewe, Fag. of Jossa FAstamnn, Lag., in. 1600, Mary Tfayies, a,sd was Baleaworth Castlo, no. Chester, by wham (svha 0. in 0753) fs,ther of ho had isane, s. Eon’ann, los successor, created Earl of Falsnonlh. n. John-Evelyn, eanon of Canlai’bnry, rector of Welles, Gnosne floasra, N.N., who, while commastding H.O1. Sarrey, and vicar of I’ieetsarst. Sussex; 5. II April, 1790; ship “Quebec,” oG’ Usbant, in 1779, came up with, aud sa. 4 Slay, loll, Calhsrise—Blizabclh, eldest daa. of Arthns closely ertgnged, “ La Surveihlante,” a Fresseb frigate of Annesley, Nag. of Blelchiagdaa l’iarh, Oxford, and sister of greatly superior force; the cantrst on both sides was denpes’ate, Viscount Valestia; and ii. 12Apr11, 1051, having had, I Evet.vN, present Vsscnoav FALainrYss. 2 Jolsnre,cnshend,a is holy orders, rector of Lamorran, intrepidity, tb;tt be cantituned the essgtsgemcnt ,antil his own Cornwall, 5. 30 OtI. 1020; a;. 13 Felt, laSt, Olary, dan. of ship, accidentally taking fire, was I,lon’n into the air, toge’ cite late helm Ilearle Tresnayna, Esg. of 11 eligan, Cons— thcr with tier brave etspttdn and most of the cs’ew. Ohs wall, and has had, .Tslsss-llngls. 5. ‘2 Dec. 1851; George— as. Rebecca, dan. of Capt Wm. Fleming, RN., of Wootton, II enry, 0. 11 J;;n. I a59 Arilsstr—Tosvnsbend, 1,. 9 Only, 15621 cc, Nt,rfolk, and had issue, Gnowoc-W’sLnsaas ; Johu-htessry, Tnsvnsliend-Fvelyn, t,. 10 11cc. 18,141 Slary t CatherineEliaaltcth; 5. 4 Jan. 3763; Charlotte, is. Count Emanuel do La liartbo; Ethel: Caroline; Hand, sf 17 Starch, 1061; Alphra, in. Geos’ge Tbonaar, Esg. Anne, as. James de Ia Jll,snt’lse; aud Margaret. O Edwartl-James, 5. 14 April, 1829. 1 Chsarlalte, to. 6 Aug. 1038, to Iha Rev. 0.-B. Moore, lIlA., Dr. Garrett P,,wer. The older son, rector of Tanslall, Keni, and ‘1.25 Aug. 1551. 2 Frances,ta. 12 Feb. 1050, to her cousin, Anthan-Nd,rard is, remnostenati’’n for the meritorious services of lila father, Somerset, Esg., who ‘1. 9 Sept. 1053. (See Itn,sornsnr.) 211 Oct. 1779. TIn a;. 17 Oct. 1706, Saphi.s, 3m’d dais, of 3 Catherine, sic. 13 Jane, 1040, in the Rev. Lessis-Fraaeis Richard Igenniek, Rag. of Nasstclo’yd, cc. Desshigb, and had, Bagel, MA., rector of Leigh, cc. Stafford. d Flsrence. O Anise, so. in 1954. to the 11ev. Levesen liandelph, MA., F ‘5ia—A picas. vicar of East Garsion, Berks. 6 Gertrade.Elieaheth. 7 Lacy, as. 36 Jnly, 1064, En Olajar Bonar- Billett Deane, hhnily, th atom. tsthi fart. m. Elieah,ctli, as. In Lord Artlser-Jehn-l tansy Sauterne;, who Sir George if. 26 Slay, 1014, and was c-by his so’s, it. in 1516, leaving issue. as. Anne-Evelyn, is. in 1010, Is the Bight lien. Sir Gesrge trene, dat,. of George-Sermon Ellis, Erg of Shill Lodge, near Warrendcr, hlarl. The viaeotsnt ,t 9 Feb. 1506. OTis successor, Ensvasn, 4th viscount, 8. 10 Slay, 1757; In. 27 Aug. 3610, I. Gronow, the present baronet. A,,,se-Frastces, eldest days. of the late henry llastkes, Esg. mm,. Robert-hIatt, 5. 14 Olarcls, 844. of Kingston Mouse, cc. Dorset, SIP. (eec hissscn’o Loads,; s. Irene, so. line. 1846, to George Beydcll, Esg. of Cheater. Geafry), and by hor (n-ho 0. 1 Slay, 1064) had an only situ, mm. Sst,hia. Gsainnr.-llnaitv. tOts lordship was created Earle! F,sh,oessll,, i4 July, 1001. JOe it 20 Dec. 1041, and was e by his only cnn, Gsooosc-Hmenv, 5th visconnt nssd 2nd earl, high steward Oeeatists—ZO Oct. 1779. * Tins gentleman and his sisters were raised to the rank of C’,’esl—A lcspesvt, passanl-gnardant, ppm. a younger son and dauglstes’s of a viscount. 432 F A II 1021. Aeats—Ers,., arose, go., barbed and seeded, ppr. Cresi—A falcos, rinse, ppr., belied, or. a”f,’hlo—Palienee passe science. near Htsdlow, Ifesse; astd Wooihmamptsu I loose, near Newbary, Berks. F A R ill E B. FARMER, Sta GEBEBE, of Mount Pleasant, on. Sussex, is. 3 Juno, 1829; a. his father, na 3rd baronet, 1 June, 1855; its.. 7 May, 1863, Elizabeth-Aneelia, only surviving dan. of Thomas IVatsun, Eaq. uf S u’anaoa, Glamorgan, Tasmania, nsscl has a son, HUGR-I’EtlCsE, 6. in South Anetralia, 8 Juno, 1868. }tfllc2ir. Rse,sass,, amseertor of the preseist llrv. He’ou-OTovrLL— Jossa FAntarn, Eag., who rattled at Youghall. He in. in 1719, Alphro Classic, stud dying in 1740, left a sass, assd Cts1’taiss Ftu’naer rliepittyed assch gallantry tuid Jharthe ; tswsse, m. George-Farmer Ellis, Erg. ; Emily, in. t. Gmtune-Wsm.s.maam Fanasess, Erg., was created a Damomset tleoassi.Rsrsa san, 2nd baronet. Looisa, ii, in la23, Is time Rem, Bolted Middleton, ci Gavaynestag, en, Deabigli, amid has isstme. 11. Sin Gnowne-Emcnaon, 0. 16 Dec. 1709; os.3 Hay, 1903, Yangbah, anti i’y ben (wise it. 8 Sept. 1060) loft at his decease, 1st Jnue, 1835, 55. Jtsouann-hinxnx-Knssnmes. 0. 11 Aug. 1941. mis, hiarnistt. av. Anne. A ,‘tea—Arg., a fesse, sable, beto’een Ihroe lions’ htads, erased, ga. Jheei,ts,;ce—Swanses, Ohasaorgan, Tasmsasia, a