Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/509

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FOR only dau. of Gordon Stewart, Esq. of Ineerourie, by whom, Anthony lladgsou, h1.E.l:C.S., of Sheraton, co Durhaus, S1.A. with several other children, he had, I. Ssa Cucacas, 8. April, 1773; so 28 Feb. 1800 Elizabeth, Ttenry’-Anooa, b. U Fob. 1028; ci. 12 Dee. 1804. sian. of John Cotgrave, Ito0., a major in the F. i.e. S., by wham St. Cloir, rapt. II. H. Bombay stall corps, f. 8 Jan. 1830; ,a. (who d. 14 April, 1861) he had issue, i. John, t. 10 Iseo. 1801; rn 8 15cc. 1828, Mary-Jane, eldes dan. of lIeory-Lanooy Iloater, Esq. of leads lull, Berks, Slary, as.28 Jan. 1840, to Willians-Lionel (now the 11ev. Sir and ,d. 20 Dee. 1640, leaving, with other issue (his youngest don, lttary-Graot, 1. at Sladei;’a, 0 Sept. 15514), a son, Cssaeras, the 2nd baronet. 11., the present baronet. Sn. George, of lsereleigl;, hauls, J.F.,and t).L., b. 13 Sept, 1805; ;,s. 10 March, 1543, Joliaisaa-Agoos, ;l:;,s. of John Hopton Forbes, Esq. of Westwood, Soothasupten : he ci. Anna-Maria, ne. 13 Aug. 1801, to Capt. D.-S.Dodgsou, brigademajom’, 22 Jan. 1860. iv. James-Stewart, b. 16 Jams. 1813. m. Itatharuse-Slewart. Sir Francis ci. 13 April, 1839, and was o. by his son, This gentlensan, for;nerly a merchant at tionshay, was created Ill. Sia Faa,eese-Jouo’, 8. 14 Aug. 1818, who ccc. 31 Get. 1846, a Baronet, 4 Nov. 1823. in 1833, he was served nearest heir Coruclia-Slario, eldest dan. of Gcu. .Sir Ralph Marling, aud had snale in general to Alexander, 3rd Lord Pitsligo, by a jury at issue, Francis-Henry, 8.10 April, 1849; sill July following. Aberdeen, and the same year the Pitsligo arnis and supporters Faamsms-Coz,vsrz,r. present Isaroscet. were granted to him by the Lyon Office in Edinburgh. lie ci. Coruelia-Caroliue, ci. 15 Sept. 1851. 20 Nov. t849, and was o. by his grandson, H. Ma Cssaacae, 8. 15 July, 1832; at whose decease, ussoc., 23 Sir Francis ‘1.26 Nov. 1850, at Malta. May, 1802, the title devolved on his uncle, the present baronet. Ceeotisu—4 Nov. 1823. Arooo—Qoartertyc 1st and 4th, 00., Ac-moo—Per pale, gu. and or, two bends, vair; ena canton three bears’ heads, eo;oped org., muozled, gms., for Fonacs; 2nd the second, a greylooand, eouraut, so. and 3rd, ao., three cinque-foils, org., for Focoro. Greet—A falcon t’vesf—A greyhound’s heod, ‘mm., erased, go., muzzled, or. rising, proper. Sapporle’o—Two bears, org., muzzled, gules, Seal—Ember Court, Sarrey. JOorro—Altius ibunt,qni ad sunsnsa nitnntur.iieolo—Codoroig, Castle Newe, Aberdeenshire; and Broomwood, Claphans, Surrzy. FORD. FORD, SIB FRANCIS-COLVILLE, of Ember Court, 00. Surrey; 8. 11 June, 1850 ; a. ho father, 00 4th hart., 20 Nov. fnllowhtg. 1LIiteitc, TeosoAs Foan, Esq. of The Ridge, in Barhadoes, the descendant of o respectable fancily of that name in Devonslsire, Isad a son, Faaoeso Foon, Esq., member at the assembly of Barbodoes, who as. Mamiha, dan. of Mr. Barrow, and had issue, Foaveso Foon, Esq. of the Leors, in Itarbadoes, also a FOBESTBB, BARON (Johu-George-Wolmi Forester), member of the assembly. This geulleusau so. Elioabetls, dan. of Willey Park, no. Salop, P.C., is. 9 Aug. 1801; a. as of John Hothersall, Eoq., and relict of Sansuel Osborne, Esq., 2nd haron, at the decease sf his father, 23 May, 1828; both of Itarbadoes, and had issue, Facoeso. Martha, as. to W. ileeber, Esq. of Ilowbssry, eo. Redford. Anne, as. to John Swinfen, Esq. of .Swinfeo Hall, Staffordshire. Elioabeth, ccc. to John, 10th Lord CoD-iDe. Mr. Ford ,t. in 1772, and ‘a-os o. by hio eldest son, 0. Fnscso Foan, hog, of Ember Court, co. Surrey, ts. 15 Nov. Thie ancient Shropshirc fancily springs from Esrucan 1758. This gentleman, who was a member of council in Foacsrsamos, who lived in the reign of ltrsaa 111. Rorbodoes, and a memtser of the British partiasssent in 1790, Jours F0005Taa, of Watliug Street, co. Saiop, held from woo created a Baronet, 22 Feb. 1793. Sir Fmneis cc. 22 Jan. Iinaay VIII. a grant of the privilege of weariog his hat in 1785, Mary, eldest don. of George Adam,, Esq. and sister of the royal presence, tho original of which grant is nosy in - Thomas, lot Viscount Anson, by whom (who ti. 20 Jon. 1807) he possession of Lord Forester. Frous hins lineally descended had issue, 0. Fasucess, Isis heir. ii. George. is,. Charles, OLA., oss. 0 Slay, 1830, Catherine, eldest doss, of James, 3rd Earl of Saliobury, and was a. by his son, Henry Stuart, Fog., and niece of Viscount Anson, and ha, WiLLiAM Fnarsroa, Esci., who cs. in 1714, Catharlue, dau. of had issue. s. lIars’, sic. lot, to Peter Tonehet, Esq.; and ludly, to Capt. William Brooks, Foci., and had issue, Henry Elton, B.N., son of Sir Abraham Elton, Dart. is. Georgiaua, as. to 1.-W.-F. Welch, Esg. of Ebworth Ports, and heir of George Weld, Esq. of Willey Fork, eo. Salop, by eo. Gloucester. us. Sophia-Cotloerine, as. to Col. Cloiebester, of Arlington, devised his fortune to his nephew, the late peer); and Devonshire. iv. Caroline, ccc. to John Hyde. Fog. of Ardwiels, Laumohire. her sister, Elizabeth, as. to ‘l’lcomos Iuee, Esq.) of Robert v. Anne, ,ss. 20 July, 1844, to Bertram Suitford, Esq., 2nd son Townsend, Esq., by whom (who a. at an advanced age, 24 Slay, of the lato Robert Mitfard, Esq. of Slitfos’d Castle Northumberland. 1825) he had (with other sons, oud two dons., Catlserine, Sir Francis sO. at Barbadoes, 7 June, 1801, and was a by Isis son, so. to Stajor Stesvart, and Auabella, ccc. to Lieot.-Geu. George II. Sso Facoese, b. 10 Feb. 1787; who ns.4 Sept. 1817, Flies, Kiuuoird Dana, son of lIme Rev. Edm;md Dana, of a distinguished only dau. of the late llenry Brady, Fog. of Limerick, and had, Faarmess-Joao, his heir. WiLLIAM, b. 29 Nov. 182t, Bengal civil service, Companion b’raneis, a major in tIme ar’ny, wise ,ss. 20 July, 5813, LoumsaCatherine-Barlsaro, of the Star of India. He received a bar and ,nedol for geed service at DelIct during the Indian mutiny, lie as. 27 Get. 1840, Catherine-Margaret, eldest dan. of Major-General John- ci. 8 Jan. 1821) bad (snub tsvo daus., Julia, widow of CapL 459 F 0 It oh University College, Ourisanc. 27 Nov. 1862, Elba-June, eldest dau. of the late ‘thomas- Smalley Petter, Esri. of East Court, Chorlton Kings, Glonecsterslsis’e. Williamsm-Lienel Darell, Bart.), 2nd eon of Sir tt.-V. DareD, Hart.; and ti, in March, 1842. Eliza-Coroline, as. 1st, 28 Sept. 1849, to Lient —Cal. Cliristopher-Simsscpson itlaling, 68th regt., who ,I. Starch, 1860; assd 2ndly, 12 Feb. 1088, to Lieut.-Col. William-Charles New- house, late Ott, fnsiliers. Bengal army. Cc’eolian—22 Feb. 1703. Jloils—Omnium rerum vfeissitudo. FOI8DWICH, VISCOUNT, are CowpEB, EABL. F 0 it E S T E B. sst. 10 June, 1850, Aloxascdriua-Julia-Theroea-Wilbel. umiua-Sophia, count of tOo last Vieeouut Molbourue, aud dau. of the late Count Maltzau. Iiiitragt. FaAscss Foaooreo, of Dothill, en Sulop, who ccc. Mary, dan. of itirisard, Lord Newport, of Ereall. His ,on, Sm Wsz.LsAnz Foarvroa, Knh. of Dothill, cm. Cecil, dau. of Bauoxr Nor,Esvra, Esci., ,vlse scm. irs 1784, Elizabeth, only dao. svhom he bad tsvu sons, Genm’go (u’ho ci. s,nmcs. in 1811, and Coese. Foaaevcs, Esq., svho so. Anne, dan. and en-heir (with Amcricau fatuity of thot nonme), CeciL-Waco. eldest class, of Willimmm-Itens’y, Duke of Gleveland, KG., ansI ci. 21 GeL 1861, having by her (who Flower, and now Sirs. Greene do Frevillo, ef liinekly,