Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/510

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FOR Northantptonshire, and ltonot’ia, its. let, to Thontos Thornhill, Esq. of FixIry Hall, Yorkshire, and Riddlesworth, Ar:ao—Arg., on a nsossnt, theme oak ti’ees, nert; nsa chief, Norfolk, and 2ndty, to 11. - tl. llnngerford, of Dingley ga., three ears of eye, erts., all n’itbin a Loraburo of the toot. Park, Leteesterelsire, and ci. 1859). a son, henry-William Oval—As oak-tree, lpr. Forester, Esq., svtto 5::. 1 Fob, tOSS, i2eonor-Als’xondnna, etttei’ of Alexander, 17th Lord Salmon, and has a son, h. Sent—Cosniston House, Jhid-Lothlan. 7 Sept. 1060, and a dan. The eldest son, Cresa-Wrun FoersTrn, Esq., inherited the estates of his onelo, and was elevated to the peerage, as flonox FnnrsTrn, of Willey Posdc, eo Si’lsp, 17 Jssty, 1821. Ilislordakip s. 16 June, 1800, Katltarine—Mary, second don. of (‘harles, 411, Dssttn of ltoilaod, hy whooa Cohn iS, 10 Starch, 1828) he Isad issue, Jonx-Groanr-W CU), present peer. 000nnr-CrriL-Ws an (i2ght lion.), 3t.P. for Wenirek, late ennslstreller of the tsnsssehntd, major—gets, in the arnay, C. 10 Slay, loOT; i. 0 Nov. 1062, Story-Anne, widoso of 15.-fl. liver Snosbr7, Esq., and only don, of Edward-Jorvis, 2nd Viseossnt St. Vincent. Charlrs-ttoherr-Wetd, t,. 28 TSee. 1811; major in ttso army assd assistant ,ntlitarv secretary ist lretao,i so. 11 Jssne, 1545. Lady SiartaJoeetyn, youngest stats. of the Earl of iloden; and its, is. 16 Sept. 1552. tlrlaado-Watkin-Wetd, MA., C. 18 April, 1813, in holy orders; s. Tnooaas-Oasnr, lient.-eot. St:snaghan militia, C. 7 June, tretseadary of hiereferst ant reetotr of ttedtisssr, near Not— ttgtsotn, a. 14 July, 1540, Soytsia - Etieabettt, don, of tlielsard Nrnmaa. Esq., by the Lasty Elizabeth Manners, Is. Rqbert, C. 28 April, 1828; as. 9 Aug. 1866, Frances-Mary, isis wife, and has issue, (‘eeil-’l’heodore. 0.3 Ang. 1842;sz. 18 Dee. bOO, Esnma-tieorgina, youngest dan. of Sir W.-W, 1 sixie, ills hart, of ttosssortls blouse, Leieeoterstsire. Etnhtius-Jahn-Wel’t, moor in the artey, C. Eels, totS. )lenry—Tswnslsensl, ts. Ii ,ton.t821 lient.-c’’t. late gren.—gisords. 5. Emily-isabella, ns. to Samuel Roberts, Esq. Anne.tttseabeth, Os. in 1838, to George-Augnslna-Erederieb, as, Catherine-btoreas, s’s. to Capt. Atsgustus Tharetsy, tote bsC 0th Earl of Chesterfield. Eliz.abelh-tOalherine, as. in 1822, Ce tlse lion. P,oberl-Jobn Smith 2,sst Lorsi Carringbsn), and 1. 22 ,fssty, 1822. isabella-Elizaheth-Assnahella. s.20 Nov. 1850, to General the Sir George as. 2odly,2O March, 1855, Charlotte-Jano, Hots. George Anson, ant 1. his wislose, Stl tier, loSS. itenriella-Shsria. so. 0 Jsslv, 1853, to i.crd Albert Conyngtsasn, yonngeot dust, of °sVilliarn-Hoare Humo, Eaq., lato tnt Lord t,ondeshornugls; anet 5. in .kpril. 1841. Selina-Lassisa, i. 30 April, 1o44, to Orlando-George, Earl of lIP., co. Wiekiow. Bradford. The baron ,t. in 1829. aeess;sse—l 7 July, 1 °2l Ave—Quarterly’ 1st and 4th. quarterly, per fesse. indented, 31.11. ro. 3tonaghuo, 1601, stated to iso a younger sen of Sir ang. and so.. in tlse 1st assd 4tls qesarters, a bugle—horn, ci the II sssssplsrey Ferstcr, tlert. of Al’tertssastoss, ro. Berks, ss’eat to last, garnished nr, Fr FonrsTen; 2nd and 3rd, no., a feaso, trnlassd daring the sears of 1641, with Lord Conway and Sir nelsaty, between three crescents, Iwo and one. erm., fey Wrap. Thss,nas Gaw:hs,n : isol oftrr she king’s dealls, ansi ibe arrival C-eat—Of Fesaravan, ,s t;,lbot, passant, org., collared, so., and of COOMWELL in that kingstosss, f’sst. Forsier joioed the ranks of line reflexed, or. Of Wrap, a 5 yrern. 55., gattee, collared, lisa’ sssstrper, and was rewarded by a grant of ttse Tsstloghoh wings elevated, ontO line redexed over the back, or. Sojsporta,’o—On eitlser si,te a tollsol, avg., mOored, sa., tlstee— estate, nbirh grout was rnssfirosed by Canoars 11. in 1666. from pendent a bugle-horn, as in the arms, line reflexed ever the - lie 5. in 1676, and n-os a. hi Isis etdesf son, the Rnv. Joote bark, or. JJo5sa—fiemper eadena. Sesi—OVilley t’a,-k, Shropsisire. Tosea Ilazes—6, Austley Ssioare. , FORREST. —- ______ FOBBEST, SIB JOHN, of Comicton, (arid ; on: 2ndty, in 1767, IteaCer, sridow of CharlesTisdall, Esq. en. Slid-Lothian, 7’. 18 April, ,. John, C. in I 743; us. in 1773, Sophia, doss, of Alexander 1817; o. Isis father, as 2nd inirt., 5 Apsi15 1860. Ltiocagt Jours F000esT, ef Edinburgh, n-riCer to tlse signet; t. in ty. Nicholas, eel, in the orusy, C. in 1758; st. in 1805. 1744 (3rd son of Jolsn b’orresl, of The Grange, merchant, by v. (leorge. in holy orsters, as. tat, Louisa, don. of Theopilus Sarah his wife, 2nsO dan. of Sir Walter Ridlell, Eset. of Riddell, in the shire of Boabesrgh) as. isa 1776, Catlserine, only slots. and heir of ,Ianses Forrest. Esq. of Consiston, ro. Stid-Lothian; vi. I tumphrey, C. in 1768. and 7. in 1820, leaving a dan., Jane, who 5. oss,a. in 1837, and t, Etizolseth, C. in 1739; no to the Rev. Walter Lindsay, of an cnly surviving son and heir, I, JAOtES FsnansT, Esq., who was a Scotlish advocate, and was torsi-provost of use city of Edinhnrgts in 1838: and was ttr. Cisorlotte, so. to Samuel Dick, Esq., and had issue. created a baronet in Chat year. lie was C. in 1780, ant , so. Dorotisea, sss. to — Thssrnlssa, Fsst.,.’sml isad issste. 1810, Charlotte, dots. of Alexander tiorsbragb, Esq. of tlorsbrtagh v. AHce. ci. Co Jolsn lion-se, Esq. of Kilshandrn, eo. W’irklow and Pirn, Peebteshire, and by her (who 5. April, 1832) hail, I. James, C. in 1811 t S. in 1831. is. Alexander, C. is 1813; it. in 1830. us. Thomas, C. in 1814; ‘5. ca.:. 8 Feb. 1943. Iv. Jonas present isaronet. v, WiGiaus. 0. in 1823 late an officer in the 79th regiment; don, of the lice. Geergr house, COD., archdeacon ol Don’s, en. a:. 1852, Stargsret-Anne, da,s. of Wilhiasa llalyetl. Esq.. and widow of C. Delaeossru, Fsq.. and Isas isssso, tomes, 7,. 1813 William-Charles, h. 1857; and John-Anllsnr, C. 1860. i. Violet. u. Catharine. its. Elizabeth-Charlotte, st. 21 Jan. 1858. Sir James st. at Flymonth, 5 April, 1869. 460 F’ORSTER, SIB GEOBOE, Bart. of Coolderry, en. Monaghan, 8. 21 March, 1796; late M.P.; as. lot, 1817, Anna-Maria, nidnat dan. of,. Is[athow Forteaene, Esq. of Staphenatown, co. Lonth, and by her (who if. 2 May, 1818), hoe issue, 182-1; sit. 1862, lIon. Mary-Bhzahells-ABce, 3rd dan. of the late RI. Rev. Thomas, 2nd Les’sl Plonket, H.P., P.C., Bislsop of Tmsato. eldest dea. of the late Ralph Smylls, East. of Newtowo, eo. Loath. Iloyals, 3rd son of tise late John—harry Tlsssrsby, Esq. ef Abiogten Abbey, Nertlsansptensbire, and has issue, HarryFommer, 8. 1 Stay, 1861, and Annt-Slaria—Etnma. 3ifitragc. Joax Foxsvea, Esq., a licui.-eol. in the royal nrmy, and I-’oasTrn, who 5. in 1704, leaving two sons, Jossa’, Isis heir; and Nicholas, bishop of tieishor : ttse etdrr son, Juno Fosa-rra, Essi., si. Elizabeth, finn. of Nicholas Stoutgonscry, oftern-ards Arebdale, Esq., sad dymg 1739, svos a. by Isis son, Nscunras FnosTno, Owl., 8. isa 1710. This gentleman sss. 1st, in 1738, Charlotte, dou. of Jolsn Fester, Esq. of Cotton, eo. Loutis, and aunt of Use RiglsC lIon. John Foster, 1st lord of Chartesfort-, en. Steath. Ste. Forster sI in 1783, leaving issue, W’ynch, Esq., governor of 3todras; and flying in 1793, ]efI a daa., - I Ctsarlotte-Isalsello, as. to the 11ev. Atexonder 3tontgomrty, of Geassliess, ro. Loath: and ,?.. p. 1 July, 0849. is. Anthony, cot. 5111, regl., C. in 1745; it. at Itatifox in 1788. iii. ‘tstoatas, created a baronet, Ctense,sts, Esq. of ilakrssny. co. Canon, by n’lsosn he had no issue; and 2ndly. 3iory, fiats, of ilse Rev. Stannnslukc Grouser, D.D. of ttse ce. Kildssre, by snlsosu lte hod a son, George-Marmaduke. barrister-at-law. Sir. Forster ti. in 1833. Lsughroa, en. Tyrone, and hod issue, is. Mary, st. ss’ses. and hod issue. The tlsirst son, I. Tar Rrv. T000sAs FoesTro, C.9 Sept. 1751, n’os created a Raronet of ireland. 15 Jon. 1794. lIe so. in 1786, Dorcos, only Cork. ansi had issste, s. Grnsr,r, present baronet. s. Lehitia-Anae, s, June, 1010, to Lient.-Cnt. Hanry Situna ansi has issue, Otenry-Forster, and Emsno. it. Sopisia—Storia, St. ssosa. Sir Thostsos st 4 Dee. 1S43. T76fl flies is c—I 938. JfaltoVivesst stosss nire:st. FORSTER. I