Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/516

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F Ii A I Cucns,zs-llcsiirr, 4th baronet. 2 Tnoascs, 5th baronet. HI. Frederick, barrister-at-law, a commissioner of the revenues in Iretanit, and afterwards of the excise in England; so. lot, Elieatieth, relict of A,tani Carilomsel. Esq., teerceisry In John, 1st Unlse of Slarlliorougts ; ant 2nilly. Aiiii Esinstry sl;su. of the 1st Earl if Scarborough. ity his lot wife tie left tsssse al Ins drcrsso, silaroli, I tOo, no onto stau. and heir, Anne, sr]so was iii. to ‘ftsoissas, 1st Earl of (‘hiotsoetor. iv. Esborl, if. vs ii. - I. Story, oi. to Ttsosssas Worsieg, Esq. of tins sligisam, m loilsstnro. is. Frances, ;o. to Es:cr TalOns, Esq. Sir Ttsoissos if. to 1726, aisil was s. by Isis son, 111. Sit Tssiisi as, Ml’. This gentlooisIs s;. I s Dissats, ihasi. assd heir of Francis ‘l’n1itsasss, Ess1, of Agolthssrpo. no. loots, by Egassie, Sn VILI,1A3i-AuGUSTuS, of Ledeelune wtsons lie acqssi rod a ronsiitcs’alile fort asic, and tsel tsvo and Morar, Co. Inverness, MA. Cbriotnhureh, Oxford, dams, Dotty, ii,. is .Jotsn-Slorley ‘frovor, Esi1., of titywili’, Sussex, lilt.; sod tsiaals, ii. to tli’osgo—ltrss ry Leo, Earl of 1.irtifield. Sir Tlsonsiss is - Issitly, Sarah, st;sss. of Mr. Mostly, of 1821 o. his fsstluor as 4th baronet, 5 June, 1834. Sir thin on. of Worcester, lust by lit r tnsd us sssreis tog issue. Ho William swiss elected, in 1852 and 1857, 31.P. for it. in t747, ;snit scot 0. t iy Ins sso1ilscw, IV Sic Cssces.cs - lirsay. This genileosan was noosnlgoeorah Psarmiotaple, stud, in 1863, MI°. for Lntllow, but to the court of i’srtugah, asd soas at t,isl en during the retired in 1565. Ho is one uf bbs Queen’s bodyguard onlobratod rarlhqaake of 1723, whew iso l;uy toiriril for ssjos ardo of an hour asides’ seine of tim mint. lb’s. Miss Agnes Brown, but dying issssotoss, in 1761, was 0. by Ills brother, V. Sic ‘I’, a oas’;sl dIRer of bigls rep;st;stico, ansi Otsvous Fnosrn, 17th Thano of M;ssi, m. Elizabeth, dan. adasiral of she White. He si. iso Stay, 1741, Sar;ils Limit, of Money, Thaise of Chloulgius ; be liveul abnut till. granutdau. of the clsirf—juahioo of ttso provtssco of Sooth Carolina, Sin Sissuuw Fssatnn mis. Kisug llonrnv Bisect’s tinter Jose. by abosa too had a uuasos’ous faintly; of w’hsosss, i. Eu uses, s. Isis fattier. is. W’ilhans, SiP., was a lord of tOn Admiralty unit it. 1510. Fraser amuti Wiltians Frssoer, arolsluishop of St. Androwo, and in. linger, rector of Yarliogtou, Somnorsomolurn, ci. in 1742, lisril ehosseolbuir uuf Scsutlassd , ;sssulttort of the nonspetitioss for Calluorino. slats, of ,toti n, 7th Losol Colvitlo, nod loft at hut the crown hntso’nnn Hs’noo and Habtol. docoase, 23 March, 1a26, ten ohildiwn, viz. I Fatonnss’a-Wsi.tsAos, successor to his cewsin, and prooesst deocendod AenxasuuIn Fesoson, of Farmaihoe, fathom of Itroin tinrisnot. 2 Estwas’sh-Assgssotuo, soar—aiim. EN. 3 CharIot-Colt ills. rear-subs. RN. 4 ilcorgo, heat, fOlIo reel.. -to. 15 July, 1622, Anne, 3rd .Fnssemi, em. Elizahotli, if the family sf Keith Startsotsall, thaw, of Elisions ilasen, Es;1.; antI if. 30 Doe. lOSS, Soaring anti mit issose, ,lsssse, ci. 1767. (‘oh. Items. Arolsihahil Canopluot t issne, Sophuta-Cathorirn, S. 22 Jane, 1623; -so. jot,, 25 Sept. 1840, Stoaois, 12th Lorul t.ovsst, lsohoa,lesl nii Towor Hill, 2717, and ftorc-Eohuuh .Stus;hcc. Eoq.. rapt. Loiasbay Engineers nod Swlly, 3 July, 1002, to Ctsorlcs-b’ayne, suo of the Now: tStf. lie ns. Elir,at:nth, on4y child of Janoes Farquharosuss, lobe Wilijoos Lariat, Esq. of i’Ise Lcsuo, co. iusirtiomn. Gcorgina-.tossc, b. 22 Juno, 1r24; iii. 12 501st. 1817, i. WiLLIAM, Isis successor. Johss-i’. Fmociu, Euq., tI.E.1.C.S. Angnstus-Chartu:s, Sod cegt. liombay Europoao light n. J.eaiss-Jens, tuoneetor to his brother. infantry, 5.21 Sept. 1026; is. 22 Sept. 285, Chamo, don. in. Knitlm. ass officer iii the Isossitkilihng dragnono ; 8. 28 of 01. Williams, Esq., who d. i7 1500. 1051. He was killed at the battle of Koorlasb, I Fob. 1817. 5 Arthur. 2 Enmosua. 2 Matilda. 3 Cathas’ine-Houriotta. 4 Octavia. 5 Lonito. i. Mary, is. to Sir Doyle Itooho, M.P. ii. Anne, 1st, to J . Lewis, Req.; and Orally, to ttssRnv. mc. Jescn-Iiotoss, ii. 17 Josh hilt, to Joisn Grevo, Log. of R, liars, of Hnrstnioncossux, Susex ;‘aud ii. in 1842. iii. ilinati, iii. to Willhosss lion-leo, Foq. iv. Cathoarine, so. to Tics uuas Whuis-ateo, Eoq. v. Charlotte, is. hi Robert Nicluulan, Esq. of Asbtosi— Romeo. Wilts, SIP. ThoSe elliot sits is tim protcsut vu. Musria OctavIa, st. 7 Jssly, 1825, to the Rev. H. Cookeman, Major Griffin Nicluoboo, of £tshtois-Royues; said their dan. Francsa, if. smgoil 72, 11 April. 1160. vi. Grace, so. to bit. Gooset, Log. Sir Thonsao 8. 20 Nov. 1781, and was s by his eldest ourvivisig Sir Wthhtssns ulyisug 10 Fob. 111$, wat.t, toy hit oldest son, son, VI. Sin Twnos.ot, 5. in 1710 ; ma. in 2771, Dus’olhy, itsm. of huy bus usd3’ ssus’vivhssg brother, Wiltians Smelt, Esq., tsy sob ‘no (who d. its May, boo) he bib. Sin J.ocirs-JonN, linsst. -eel. 7th loussamo, who served oft at lots dcce.soo, 0 Jan. ISIs, ni i oit3’ toss, Vt]. Sin lboas:ssv, t. 16 July, 1781; wilt Nov. 1011, Watcrli ti. lie sit. Clsarlotto-.tnne, issoby child of Daniel C’msus— Louisa-Anne, led shuts, of the late Right Hiss. sssoit flight foul, Esq. (non of Sir Aloxssndnm Craisfurd, Duet, of Rib Rev. I,ord liesrgc Misrs’ay, bishop of St. Tiaviii’s, and hail, homey), and niece of the gallant Ilajsum-general Robert Augusta Louisa, oi. 6 Aug. 1042, Thcmao, Lard Walsiugham; (‘s’asotisrd, ‘n-ho nomooastdesh ttuo tight division us the Pen— and 8. 18 .pri], 1841. Cai’oline-Agneo, if, 18 May, 1846. Ensily-Asine. si. iii 1147, to Sir W.-Paymue Gatlwny, Dart. Iloword, Hart., and uS. 7 May, ISu;7), Sir Jamot had issue, Julia-Roberta, iii. 18 Sept. 1815. to H Nevtlhs, Req., M.D. RonalindAlicia, is. 1154, Francis L’Eotrangs Astlcy, Req. WiLLsAni-AUnUnTuo, pmsnesst baronet. (lie ttasrs.’sct, B.) The baronet asssnssed, by tigss-suannat, the surname of diutissguinlsed us tndta. ihrosstt, in addition to, and after that, of Fss.aaat,toin. Jansos-itoithu, capt. lit lifn—guordt, A D.C. to the ianpootomgets, He 8. 11 March, 1840. Creuehinss—24 Dee. 1660. ,drois—At.,adnlphsiss. nat.snt, Sir James d. 1 June 1174. nmbowod, ilr; on a chief of the second, two saltiers, go., quarterly whtls Rutseto. Crest—A dolphin, arg., Isanrisnut, said entwined rssasid an anchor, erect, ppr, Jfofls—I.ihema .strisss—Qusirterly; jot and 4th, az,, a bessd, esigraHed, org., terca, hibemqns cosmos. Seat—Great Tlsirkelby ItoH, North for Fesuvns; between three ninquofoiho (or frazim) of the Rtdiisg, Yorkshire. FRA F R A S E 11. fly N.S.A., late captain lit lifs-gssards ; 8. in for Scutland. ifiitcagc. In the reign of _tLwx.oN000 111., 5mw Stsstuse, toss of Sin tls;uso.sun Ese,tsrmn, ‘st-so appulisted, together with Sir Francis I’rosn .tlexsussdnr, 2nd sun of hugh, Lord Fraoer of Lovat, Fn.oseu, of Lodeohumso (Husosion More), l’ssthor of bun Fssosnuu (Jlusistaw Oge), wliti d. 1717. His hmul 55,51, Wsessats Fs’aoo,’, Master of t.uivat, chief u’0 the Erasers, semi of 1. Wsresoao Fuss-en, Etq., F. H. S., created a Hamuunnt 17th lImp, assit hash isosse, Stay, 1826. i. Ehiza-Annn-Psnbnrta, it. 10 Nov. 1561. n. Jomima-Msurius, ii;. in 1810, to time lhev. Joteph-Messs-y Tssylnu’, of Hrigtuton. in. Anna, ua. 17 Jasu. 1620, to Major H.-R. Knaue, brother of John, 1f Lord Keane. Forms, in Wihtohire. v. Henrietta-Sophist, mss. Ii Aug. 1010, o J.-M. Standon, Req. vs. Eleanor-Caroline of Beekesshasn, Rent. visi ElizahothAmelisi. 8. in 1133. ix Hmmus. x. Lounoo. xi. Geergiana. It. Sin Wsttiots, svhsi sO. usosus. 11 Doe. 1027, and woo s. svitls his mngisnosst in Sp:utic, astd ‘n-os on the staff at insisia, and wan killed ovhiho leadisug it to the storm nf Ciudad Eodm’igo. My this lady (who in. tudly, Sir Ralph Charles- Craufsu’d, Cii., colossI, 11th iousnnrs, V.C., and fnrmes’hy A.D.C. ti the LerdLieiat. of ireland; highly of esealmy, os it Jusse, 1561, Amnolio-Alioe-Johin, eldrst thus of the lion, ltisostshm’-Dsdboy ‘S’ard, ond hint a ton, Ckarlcs-Dtsdhny, 5. 30 Sept. 1866. t’meotiow—27 Nov. 1806. I lost, for Faaorn, a doctor cantos, gyronny of eight, or and so. (to ohow the detesnt of tho family of S’Anoaetns, by I marrhago with the eisly dau. of GonTn000, who woe dosnendod from the family of sttsn YLe); 2nd cud 3rd, erg., 466