Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/517

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F B E E L I N 0. FRERLINO, SIR HENRY-HILL, of Ford and Hntehingo, en. Sossex; 8. 12 Jan. 1818; a. as 4th baronet, on the decease of his btcsther, 14 Sept. 1845. FEE three antique crewns, gu. (The latter quartering was granted to Sir Simen Fraser, for having thrice saved the life of Rebert Bruce at the battle of ihletheen.) Cre,I—A buck’s head, erased, go. Sappsrlers—Ratified and confirmed to tile let baronet by I. Joore F,cnnrn,eK, Esq. who was created a lharonci, the Lerd Lien king-cf-arms ill Scotland, by patent fran tile 10 June, 1723, with eventual remainder to his brother, Sir Lye’s Office, beariug date 3 Jam 1837. Tivo stage, ppr., Thoroae Frederick. Sir John rn Miss Kinnereley, by when attired and ungicled, or, es.llared ac., peisdent therefrom an he lied two s0ns and dying in 1705, was a. by the elder, escutcheon, gyronny ef eight, or and so., each rooting one II. Sia Jonas, who ci. scorn. in 1707 : his brother, foot en an auelaor of the last. Malts—he outs prese. Jeat—Piltoci House, Barustaple. FEE S Henrietta, Sc, to Luke Speuce, Esq. 3 Hannah, rn to Sir Abraham Hume, L’art. Mr. Frederick ct. in 1720, assd was s. by his elder eon, UI. SIR Tnosias, who ss. Elizabeth, dan. of Peter Bathurst, Eeq. of Clare,,dcn Pask, Wilts, and had issue, Elicobeth, a. to Sir John Morshsad, dart. Scllna, ,a. to Robert Thistlethwaite, Req. of Soot bv,-iek. Sir Thomas ci. 16 Dee. 1770, and wao a. by his kinsman, IV. Sis, Jonas, who Ia. in 1741, Susannah, dau. of Sir Rcger hudson, Rut, of Sunhory, aod one of the co-heirs of FREDRRICR, SIR itcenAscu, of her brother, Vansittart Hudson, Seq., by wisem be had tws sons and three dana. Sir John ci. 9 April, 1783, and Bnrsa’nod House, eo. Sosrroy ; a was a. by Isis only survivhsg son, capt. in the army; 8.30 Doe. 1780; V. Sm JosiN, b. 11 March, 1745; is. Mary, youngest dan and re-heir (with her sisters, Clana, wife of 0.-P. Meyriek g. his father as 6th baronet, 16 Jan. Esq. of ihodorgoac, and Elizabeth, wife of William Lowndea Stone, Esq. of Bs’ightw-sll) of Richard Garth, Esq. o Mordcn, by whom (sc-ho ci. Ia 1704) lie had, John, 8.20 Sept. 1770; ahleot. in tho Coldstrsam regiment Sill Jonas Focncnsesc, Rnt.,a merchant of great opulence, of foot-guards; who died in oanaeqnsneo of a womcd was elected lord-mayor cf the city of London in 1613. Sir rereivcd on the landing at Aboukir Day, in Egypt. John was prosiclesst of Christ’s Hospital, to which establishment RicHARD, lnescnt baro,sot. Ice was a liberal benefactor, lcy rebuilding the ball. Thomas-Nathan, to U July, 1793; a hoot, in the royal navy; is. Charlotte, dais, of Robert Burucy, Rsq. of Anningelcy, eo. Surrey; and ci. in 1818, leaving a dan. who ,i. yosisig. Christspbsr, is. 10 Dee. 1780, in holy orders; d. oass. Sept. Tuosies Fnnnrnsesc, Rsq., who ice. Leocsota, dau. and heir 1461. Edward-Henry, an officer in tboarsny; 8. 6 Aug. 1789; ci. cinsc,. 1846. Roger, an officer in the army; 8. 28 Nov. 1701; ci. unio. 1854. ii. Tbomas (Sb’), governor of Fort St. David, in the East Susan-Elizabeth, rn. to Robert Jenkins, Esq. Indies; who, dying in 1730, left, with other issue, by Charlotte. rn. to the Rev. H-A. St. Legor of Staroroso, in Mary, dau. of — Monerief, Esq, of Scotlas,sd (which lady Devon; ansi ri. 1155. Mary, cm. cc James Chamnosa Fyler, Esq. of Twiekonham; and ci. 2Apr01, 1913. Frances, rn. to Itobcrt, 2nd son of Robert Followes, Req. 2 Charles, KB., surveyos’-gencral of the Ordnance; 8. of Shottisham, co. Norfolk. Sir John Frederick, who represented the 00. of Surrey for Charles, heat-cd., 5. 9 Oct. 1749, who nc. 10 March, several years in pachiament, sO. 16 Jan, 1520. 1773 0.5., Mareha,,dau..of— Rigden, Eiq. of Foyer- f’rcolioa—lO Juno, 1723. Arms—Or, on a ehirf, ac., three sham, and dying in 1711, left ioss,e, 5 Charles, who doves arg. crest—On a ohapeau, ac., turned up, arm., a dove ‘as in the arnie, holding in hio beak an olive branch, ppr. Matlo—Prndons simplicitas bat. Ssst—Burwood House, Walton-cn-Thamss, Surrcy. Fosea llcosc—02, llorkoby Sehissa, dau. of George Grote, Req., which lady rl. a. p., ascd 2ndly, is, 1941, Mary, dau. of Rev. Edward Square. - Ia 4Llltcagc, FaAzceis FssaicLcc:o, Fisq., 8. 25 Aug. 1764; who filled Thousas, 5. 23 April, 1764; who ci. in 1843; licsst.colonel the appointment of secsctary to the gosceral post-office for dan. of the Rev. Jolsn Glasee, rector of Peneomhc, Herofordohire, and had issue, more than thirty years, was created a Baronet, U March, 1520. Hess,. lot, 24 April, 1797, Jane, don. of Mr. Christian Raretadi, of London, and by her (who ii. 5 May, 1796) hsd, i. Gaoaosc-Hcwav, his heir. Arthur, 5. 12 Jsmc, 1809; Sc. in 1823, Sophie-Emily, is. John-Clayton, secretary to the Be awl efteland Revenue, dos,. of the Rev. Thomso Watkins, of Pennoyre, 8. in 1704; rn-in 1515, Mary, 3rd thu. of Edward Coxo, Req. of Hampotoad; and ci. 16 Aug. 1853, loavhag issue, I Franoio-Wihlians-Rdward, 8. 1819; ci. 1842. 3 Ascpaua-Hcscav, col. RN., 8. 1820; ,a. 1848, Charlotte-Augusta, dou. of the late Sir Honry Rivers, dart. 3 James-Robert, in holy orders, b. 1815; so. 1851, Annabolla-Rilcabeth, oldest dan. of Walpolo Eyro, Req. 4 CIcarles-WiBiam, is. in 1817; ci. 1836. S Sanford, raptain royal artillery, 5. 1825; c’s. 36 Fib. 1858, Fredsrioa-Sslheaa-Owen. youngest dan. of the late George-James Penniogton, Esq., and has issue. 6 George-Noel. 5. 1829, in holy orders, fellow of Morton Collage, Oxford. 7 Hugh-Molvil, 5. 1831; so 2 July, 1867, Florence-Mary, dau. of Molvil Wilson, Esq. 1 Georgiana-Mary, 5.1822; ci. 1825. I. -Charlotte, rn. in 1821, to James-H. Markland, Req., and Robert, 8.6 May, 1774; ci. in 1843; Deuc.-eolcsnel; he ci. his widow in 3867. Sir Francis so. 2ndly, Fob. 1800, Mary, dan. of F. Nowhorry, Dover, and bad isssse; and Sndly, Sarah, dan. of Req. of Addiseombe, by wbem (who ci. in 1504) be had an 2u2 F B E P E B I C K. 1825. ItilIcqe. after the fire of London, at the exllecsso of £5000, and greatly prsm,ceiug the lirmation of a ssatlcomatieal school. This wealthy eltisen ci. in 1685, and was s. by his eon, of Charles Mssresco, of London, assd had, s. Jocsas, his successor. as. Sicdly, William Poynts, Rsq.), 1 Jonas, whoa. as 4tb baronet. in 1769; so. Lucy, dan. of Hugh, 1st Lord Falmouth, and had issue, cc,. and left two sosso, both now deceased; 2 Arnold, who was blow,, sip in the “Qucess Charlotte,” at Leghorn; lEowAan,C.B..gen.inthoarmy,wbow.lst, St.John, ascdlsas,Charles-Edward, hient. 10th bosom’s, John-St. John, and Mary-Ashby; 4 Lennox. if. sacs, in India; I Martba, cs. to R. Steuart, Rsq., and left issue ; 2 Augusta, sa. to H. Scott, Eoq., aud left issue; 3 Lucy, ss. to Sb- Wilhians Young, Bcu’t. Thomas-Lennox, k 29 March, 1710; capt. RN. ; who as. Miss Annie Greigoon. Edword-Doscawen, ool. is, the army; 5. is, 1762; cc,. 27 April, 1833, Carohine-Mowbray, 3rd dan. of George Smith, Rsq. Augusta, is. Thomas, son of Sir C. Prescott. Lucy. 3 Marcseo, a general officer in the arnay; soc. Sarah, dau. of Robcrt Ptcksring, Eeq. and loft two sens, in the army; hess. in 1795, Assno-Sueaacccah, Thomas, 5. 12 March, 1796; ci. in 1920. Charles, 8. 7 May, 1797; roar-ad. R.N. John, 5. 20 Jan. 1799; ci. in 1833. Drecon, and ci. 7 Aug. 1866, having had issue, 1 Arthssr-Thomas, cc,. Lydia-Emily, doss. of the Rev. A. Nash, of Det’sworth, Sussex, and has issue; 2 Maresooe-Lloyd; 1 Ehiosbeth. cc. to Chcss’les Ash‘worth, Esq., only son of Sir Frederick Ashwortls, R.C.B., and ci. 1963; 2 Ellen, os. to George AtbsrIcy. Faq. Wiffiam, 5. 12 April, 3801, Augustus, 8. 15 Dee. 1983; is dseeascd. George-Septimus, 5. 22 April, 1800. Henry - Oetaviue, 5. 13 April, 1896 ; col. in the F.. h.Co.’s service; d. sass. 1811. Amelia, so. in 1836, Freeman Thomas, Req. of Rat- ton, Sussex, and hae issue. Susan, it. in 1812. Caroline, so. in 1929, Henry Cory, Req. so. let, Jemima, dsu. ef Robert Thompson, Esq. of WilBam Tisckcr, Esq. of Connook. - Mary, rn to Alexander Hume, Rsq. 401